Who’s The Real Threat To America? CIA School Bus Edition

How can the people of this country possibly think we need to give the government more power and control over our lives? It is simply mind boggling to me the ignorant masses could possibly think the millions of incompetent, bumbling, corrupt, power hungry, boobs in government agencies across the land actually do anything beneficial for our lives. Just leave us the fuck alone. Disband these worthless agencies and leave people free to fuck up their own lives.

Tyler Durden's picture

In the wake of the terrorist attacks that left nearly two dozen killed and some 100 people injured, officials in Brussels (not to mention presidential candidates in the US) are wondering whether police in Belgium should have tortured Salah Abdeslam last weekend.

To let Donald Trump and others tell it, torturing Abdeslam would likely have yielded valuable information that may well have prevented the attacks that left some 34 people dead last week.

Meanwhile, “the terrorists” are planning attacks on Belgium’s nulclear facilities – or at least that’s what the mainstream media wants you to believe.

As you can see from the following headline dump however, the real threat to peace in the Western world may emanante from sheer incompetence.

The Central Intelligence Agency said Thursday that it “inadvertently” left “explosive training material” on a Virginia school bus after one of its K-9 units completed a routine training exercise last week.

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