“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”Patrick Henry

Hilts in The Great Escape | BAMF Style

“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”Samuel Adams

After observing the reaction of the America people, over the last two months, to a virus that will not kill 99.97% of them, I wondered how could a country created upon the blood and courage of patriot farmers and leaders who knew they would hang if their revolution failed, have degenerated into an infantilized nation of obedient slaves to un-Constitutionalized authoritarianism. It saddens me that a country borne by revolutionary means against an overbearing authoritarian monarchy has turned into a nation of bed-wetters curled up in their basements sucking their thumbs, begging government overlords to protect them from a virus.

I guess it shouldn’t be surprising after decades of government public school indoctrination where U.S. History facts have been usurped by feelings, diversity and gender agendas pushed by less than mediocre teachers. Government controlled education hasn’t taught children to think critically or question authority, but to obey rules and allow emotions to drive their actions. When multiple generations have been programmed to feel, rather than think, using panic and fear to make them do as they are told isn’t a difficult task. This pandemic reaction is a testament to their decades long propaganda and misinformation campaign. Rather than developing herd immunity the country developed a herd mentality.


Fed Chair Powell Just Made this Dangerous “About Face” on U.S. Debt

From Birch Gold Group

federal debt direction

In the latest installment of “Fed Face-Palm Moments,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell appears to have dangerously changed position on U.S. debt.

And it only took a little more than one year to do it.

As recently as January 2019, Powell said he was concerned about U.S. debt:

I’m very worried about it… It’s a long-run issue that we definitely need to face, and ultimately, will have no choice but to face.

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April Fools: In the New Age of Deception, Coronavirus has Hastened the Old Collectivism

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


“…..but the plan insidiously advances.”

ordo ab chao


They are banned from churches and public spaces. They can’t hold hands to pray. LOL!

The Devil


At the very end of last year, I wrote a New Year’s piece entitled “America is Over But You Knew That Already”, whereby various “cracks and water in the nation’s foundation” were explored.  In that article, I said:  “winter is finally here” along with these words:

 Exactly how and when America’s foundational stones will shatter in the coming months is anyone’s guess, but do know this:  When Progressive Democrats, and an activist mainstream media, stage a third-world impeachment trial of a U.S. President while reverently citing the words of the nation’s long-dead founders who were, by their own definition, privileged white males and racist slave owners – the end is nigh.

In a later article, six reasons were explored as to why the COVID-19 virus failed “the sniff test” along with the coincidental timing that marked the rise of the virus:

Continue reading “April Fools: In the New Age of Deception, Coronavirus has Hastened the Old Collectivism”

Central Banking is Socialism

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Last week, the Federal Reserve responded to Wall Street’s coronavirus panic with an “emergency” interest rate cut. This emergency cut failed to revive the stock market, leading to predictions that the Fed will again cut rates later this month.

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Can the Fed Save Us from Climate Change?

Guest Post by Ron Paul

The 1978 Humphrey-Hawkins Act requires the Federal Reserve to “promote” stable prices and full employment. Of course, the Fed’s steady erosion of the dollar’s purchasing power has made prices anything but stable, while the boom-and-bust cycle created by the Fed ensures that periods of low unemployment will not last for long. Despite the difficulties the Fed faces fulfilling its “dual mandate,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently announced a new Fed mandate: to protect the financial system from being destabilized by climate change.

Continue reading “Can the Fed Save Us from Climate Change?”

Fed official: “If there’s a recession, don’t worry”

Guest Post by Simon Black

Earlier this week I sent one of my team members to a banking conference here in Puerto Rico hosted by the Federal Reserve.

It might strike you as strange that the Fed would be holding an event in Puerto Rico, but it’s not that unusual.

Puerto Rico is a US territory and hence part of the US banking system. So just like the rest of the United States, banks in Puerto Rico (including my own) fall under the umbrella of the Federal Reserve.

The whole point of the event was to help showcase large-scale investments in Puerto Rico that local banks can help finance.

This is actually part of the Fed’s responsibility, something that comes from an old law from the 1970s called the Community Reinvestment Act.

Continue reading “Fed official: “If there’s a recession, don’t worry””


“A shocking crime was committed on the unscrupulous initiative of few individuals, with the blessing of more, and amid the passive acquiescence of all.”

Tacitus, Publius Cornelius

Image result for 2020 crisis

The shocking crime being committed during this century under the unscrupulous initiative of a few evil men is ongoing and no longer hidden from those willing to open their eyes and see the truth. As conspiracy theorists have proven to be right through the sacrifice of Snowden, Assange, and other patriots for truth, the Deep State psychopaths have double downed and are blatantly flaunting their power and control over the levers of government, finance and media.

Never in the history of mankind have such devious, unscrupulous, arrogant, narcissistic and downright evil men seized hegemony over global finance, trade and politics. A minority of billionaire oligarchs and their highly compensated apparatchiks, ingrained in government bureaucracies, surveillance agencies and media outlets refuse to relinquish their dominance and would rather burn the world to the ground than lose their ill-gotten riches, un-Constitutional power and unlawful control.

Continue reading “2020 – YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY”

America is Over But You Knew That Already

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And old lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

– Robert Burns


According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “Auld Lang Syne” literally translates to “Old Long Since” which could also be interpreted as “since long ago” or “for old times’ sake”.  Certainly, there is a feeling of melancholy when the song is sung at the end of another year gone by.  Maybe any sadness could be attributed to good times that are now gone or, perhaps, especially, regret at what might have been.

Continue reading “America is Over But You Knew That Already”

Repo Men

Guest Post by The Zman

There used to be a time when the mass media covered the Federal Reserve as if it was Hollywood or a professional sports league. Whenever the Fed acted or the Fed chairman made a statement, it was big news. That has not been the case for a long time, mostly due to the mortgage meltdown. Worshiping the money men was no longer good copy after they came close to blowing up the world. Halfway through the Trump tenure, the media barely mentions the Fed or Fed policy.

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Guest Post by Sven Henrich

The Fed has gone into full intervention mode. Not only into full intervention mode, but accelerated intervention mode. Not just a little “mid cycle adjustment” but full bore daily interventions to the tune of dozens of billions of dollars every single day. What’s the crisis? After all we live in the age of trillion dollar market cap companies, unemployment at 50 year lows and yet the Fed is acting like the doomsday clock has melted as a result of a nuclear attack.

Think I’m in hyperbole mode here? Far from it.

Unless you think the biggest repo efforts ever by far surpassing the 2008 financial crisis actions are hyperbole:

What indeed is the Fed not telling us?

Continue reading “Intervention”

Fed Rate Cut Leaves Confused Experts Wondering “What’s Next?”

From Birch Gold Group

fed rate cut

On Wednesday, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) opted to cut rates by 0.25%. This is typically done to spur economic growth, which may have been necessary thanks to a disconcerting part of the Federal Reserve’s statement.

In their official statement, after conveying a good feeling about economic growth, inflation, and labor, the Fed stated that “uncertainties about this outlook remain.” Looks like there may be some confusion amongst them.

A recent CNBC piece shined a light on some of the confusion (emphasis ours):

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“We all want prosperity, but not at the expense of liberty. Poverty is not as great a danger to liberty as is wealth, with its corrupting, demoralizing influences. Let us never have a Government at Washington owing its retention to the power of the millionaires rather than to the will of millions.”

Joseph Pulitzer

“While everyone enjoys an economic party the long-term costs of a bubble to the economy and society are potentially great. They include a reduction in the long-term saving rate, a seemingly random distribution of wealth, and the diversion of financial human capital into the acquisition of wealth.

As in the United States in the late 1920s and Japan in the late 1980s, the case for a central bank ultimately to burst that bubble becomes overwhelming. I think it is far better that we do so while the bubble still resembles surface froth and before the bubble carries the economy to stratospheric heights. Whenever we do it, it is going to be painful, however.”

Larry Lindsey, Federal Reserve Governor, September 24, 1996 FOMC Minutes

“I recognise that there is a stock market bubble problem at this point, and I agree with Governor Lindsey that this is a problem that we should keep an eye on….We do have the possibility of raising major concerns by increasing margin requirements. I guarantee that if you want to get rid of the bubble, whatever it is, that will do it.”

Alan Greenspan, September 24, 1996 FOMC Minutes

“And in some ways, it creates this false illusion that there are people out there looking out for the interest of taxpayers, the checks and balances that are built into the system are operational, when in fact they’re not. And what you’re going to see and what we are seeing is it’ll be a breakdown of those governmental institutions. And you’ll see governments that continue to have policies that feed the interests of — and I don’t want to get clichéd, but the one percent or the .1 percent — to the detriment of everyone else.”

Neil Barofsky, 2012 interview with Bill Moyers

Wealth, Power and Greed is Obliterating America’s Middle Class: The Weapon is Currency

Guest Post by Ralph L.

Identity politics, partisanship and socialism are false flags. The claim of a fundamental philosophical rupture in America is manufactured. False flags distract the electorate from root cause problems.

The current monetary system, cherished by both political parties, is the root cause for our discord. The destruction of middle-class incomes and exponential rise in income inequality is a rapid, deliberate strategy. Politicians crave the ability to print money. This paper describes the tactics of a currency weapon.

In 1972, the United States and all other countries adopted a “Fiat Monetary” process. Fiat Currency is currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but it is not backed by a physical commodity. The value of Fiat money is derived solely from the relationship between supply and demand of the paper currency, rather than the value of the material from which the money is made: example silver. There are 300 plus recorded instances when governments adopted Fiat currencies in all recorded history. All Fiat currencies have failed. This time is not different.

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Uncertain Future for Monetary Policy as POTUS Publicly Calls for Rate Cut While Fed Holds Steady

From Birch Gold Group

trump and jerome powell

On Tuesday, POTUS took to Twitter and called for the Fed to cut rates by 1%, pointing to 3.2% GDP growth and “wonderfully low inflation.”

However, it’s hard to say if inflation is as “wonderfully low” as POTUS claims.

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The Fed Will Give Banks A $36 Billion Taxpayer-Funded Subsidy This Year

Submitted by Elliott Middleton

Before 2009, the Fed did not pay interest on banks’ excess reserves held at the Fed. This practice was introduced as a taxpayer-funded subsidy to the banks during the crisis (taxpayer-funded because the Fed turns over any profit at the end of the year to the Treasury).

After beginning this practice, the Fed’s chief trader, Simon Potter, realized it could be used to raise interest rates without expelling excess reserves from the Fed, by sucking liquidity out of the short-term markets. In fall 2015, it began raising the interest rate on excess reserves, with the anticipated effect.

At a current rate of about $36 billion a year, this is a cost to the Treasury that is indefensible. This amount is about half the budget for food stamps, for example, which politicians want to cut. There is no provision for these funds ever to be paid back. It is welfare for the bankers.

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