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The economic outlook is just another manipulation

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Dear readers, we have been told so many lies for so long that our rulers are desperate to suppress the First Amendment.  Just consider the trouble that Elon Musk is in for returning free speech to Twitter.  Consider the hell on earth Julian Assange has suffered from the “democratic” US government for more than a decade.  Consider the ongoing persecution of doctors and medical scientists who warned of the dangers of the “vaccine” and who saved lives with HCQ and Ivermectin.  Consider the immunity of the medical officials, politicians, and media who lied consistently about Covid and the “vaccine” while branding the truth “misinformation.”  Consider the falsification of history and daily events.  Consider the indoctrination of kids by critical race theory and transgender theory in public schools. Consider the mounting attacks from within on Western civilization and white ethnicities.

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