A Childhood in Athens

No Sign of Socrates, Though

By Fred Reed

January 18, 2014

It is common for aging men, worn by the long years of drinking and skirt.chasing and strenuous dissolution in the fleshpots of Asia, or any available fleshpots, to remember their youth in roseate hues that never were. But, dammit, we really did go barefoot. And had BB guns. And the dog could go anywhere it damned well pleased, and come back when it chose.

Athens, Alabama in 1957 was a small Southern town like countless others in Dixie with a statue of a Confederate soldier on the town square and little evidence of government of any kind, which was well since it didn’t need any. While the South had not fared well in its ardent resistance to Federal regulation a century earlier, still there was little meddling by Washington in my years there. The South’s martial displeasure with federal intrusion was remembered, though: When I moved down from Virginia, I was to other kids “the damyank on the corner” until I learned to wrap words in a comfortable padding of syllables, as God commanded.

On the square. While Southerners are the most patriotic and martial of Americans, they have the least use for Washington. In which I heartily concur. Photos: FOE Staff.

Although my father was a mathematician at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, and perhaps entitled to social pretensions, he didn’t have any. Consequently I lived as a half-wild disciple of Tom Sawyer. So did most of the town’s boys. Come summer, we at first tentatively abandoned shoes. No one thought this odd, because it wasn’t.  Soon our soles toughened to leather and we walked everywhere, even on gravel, without ill effect.

And nobody cared. Oh sweet age of nobody cared.  Child Protective Services didn’t show up, officious passive-aggressive snots, to carry my parents away. Today they would, droning censoriously of hygiene and worms and crippling cuts from broken glass and parental irresponsibility.

Many of my friends lost feet to these perils. To this day you can see them rolling about in wheel chairs in their dozens.

Foot-nekkid and fancy free, we went to the Limestone Drug Store on the town square, piled our ball mitts and BB guns inside the door, and read comic books for hours. The owner, a frizzzly redhead man in his seventies whom we knew only as Cochie, liked little boys. Today this would be thought evidence of pedophilia and he would be required to undergo therapy and wear an ankle bracelet. Actually, Coochie just liked kids. And since it was his store, nobody at corporate got his panties in a knot because the comic books were read into virtual dust without ever being bought. The federal government had not yet regulated small-town soda fountains to protect us.

Still there, fifty-seven years later. Much changed inside but the current owners, whoever they are, had the decency to preserve the orignial soda fountain.

The devastating plagues that swept the South in those years, mysteriously unrecorded, were doubtless the result of bare feet in Limestone Drug.

BB guns, I said. We all had them. Most were the Red Ryder model, costing I think $4.95 in as-yet uninflated currency. Mine was the Daisy Eagle, a more glorious version with a plastic telescopic sight. Every corner store sold big packs of BBs. We went everywhere with these lethal arms, often with a ball glove hung of the barrel for convenient carrying.

Today children of six years are led from classrooms in handcuffs for merely drawing a rifle (curious in the world’s most militarily aggressive country). I suppose we would have been executed for actually having one. But, as I say, the saving benefits of federal counsel had not yet reached Athens.

What did we do with these weapons? First, we didn’t shoot each other, or anyone else. We weren’t stupid. Stupidity properly comes with adolescence, and then is directed into drink and insane driving, as it should be.

A BB gun provides excellent training in marksmanship because you can see over the sights the little coppery pellet arching into the distance. It produces an eye for elevation and windage that shows up on the rifle ranges of Parris Island.

I remember afternoons of shooting cotton-mouths from the rusting iron bridge over the creek near the Valley Gin Company, no longer e3xistent. (In the South, “gin” means a place that takes seeds out of cotton, instead of vodka made unpalatable by the addition of juniper juice.) Further, we tried to shoot dragon flies that flitted in iridescent blues and greens among the swamp weeds, wings making a papery rustle. Usually we missed. These insects, known in varying locales as the Devil’s darning needles, snake doctors, or ‘skeeter hawks, are elusive.

Today they would be a protected species. Buying a BB gun would require proof of adulthood, capacity would be restricted by federal law to six BBs, the purchase of which would require registration and a waiting period. In 1957 Athens figured that BB guns were none of the government’s goddamed business. The concept has been forgotten.

However, regulation is not without reason. If you walk around the town square today, you will notice that perhaps just over half of the men are blind in at least one eye from BB wounds, as they roll about in wheel chairs because of feet lost to going barefoot.

My pooch at the time was Penny, an agreeable gal dog given to occasional promiscuity. This was only human of her.  She was a cross between something and something else, as dogs should be. I do not like snooty purebred dogs who eat only at the finest restaurants and probably have psychiatrists.

At night Penny sometimes slept on the foot of my bed, common in those days. When she wanted to go out, she scratched at the door, and went. I don’t know where she went. She was a grown dog, competent to manage her affairs. When she returned, she scratched, and came in. This did on two occasions result in new little dogs, but no system is perfect

Pretty much identical to our house, now gone, but ours was without the flags.

Today she would require a license, vaccinations, enrolment in Obamacare, and an implanted chip so NSA could protect her from terrorists (always common in Athens). She would have to be constantly on a leash, like all other Americans, and Child Protective Services would carry my parents away for letting her sleep on my bed.

This would be for our own good. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control show that between 1950 and 1960, 1.2 million Southern children died of dog poisoning. Further, unleashed dogs like Penny frequently killed and ate old people rocking on their porches. I didn’t understand that when Penny licked my hand, she was checking for flavor.

Such was America, when it was America.  It was a helluva country, warts and all, and Athens was a helluva childhood. These never will be again, but they were, and for those who knew them, it was enough.


Hardly any men in the West Philly households. That seems to be working out real well.


Is Maureen Dowd Obs0lete?

The Evidence Speaks, Loudly

By Fred Reed

December 22, 2013

“Without men, civilization would last until the oil needed changing”–Federicius Aurelius Superomnem, 345 B.C.

Oh god, oh god. Death, taxes, migraine, sinlus drainage, beriberi, and Maureen Dowd, the resentment columnist at the New York Times. On the web I find her at some feminist bitch-in, called Are Men Obsolete? She has this to say to men:

“So now that women don’t need men to reproduce and refinance, the question is, will we keep you around? And the answer is, ‘You know we need you in the way we need ice cream….you’ll be more ornamental.”

I was delighted to think that I might be ornamental, no one having suggested the concept until now.  I could have used it in high school. Maureen herself is beyond being ornamental, having that injection-molded look that follows the seventh face-lift, probably accomplished by the surgical use of a construction crane.

But I will say this to her:

Listen, Corn Flower. Let’s think over this business of obsolete men. Reflect. You live in New York, in which every building was designed and built by men.  You perhaps use the subway, designed, built, and maintained by men. You travel at in a car, invented, designed, and built by men—a vehicle that you don’t understand (what is a cam lobe?) and couldn’t maintain (have you ever changed a tire? Could you even find the tires?), and you do this on roads designed, built, and maintained by men. You fly in aircraft designed, built, and maintained by men, which you do not understand (what, Moon Pie, is a high-bypass turbofan?)

In short, as you run from convention to convention, peeing on hydrants, you depend utterly on men to keep you fed (via tractors designed by men, guided by GPS invented, designed, and launched by men, on farms run by men), and comfy (air conditioning invented…but need I repeat myself?)

I do not want to be unjust. It is not in my nature. While men may be obsolete (unless you want to eat) I cannot say, Apple Cheeks, that feminists are obsolete. They are not. Obsoleteness implies having passed through a period of usefulness.

I do get tired of your hissing and fizzing about the noble sex to which I belong. Mercy, I cry. It is not my fault that Michael Douglas didn’t marry you. He didn’t marry me either, but I don’t hate men because of it. (In fact I am grateful to him, and doubtless he to me).

Don’t misunderstand me. I have nothing against ill-bred viragos—feminism has its place, though I’m not sure where. But let’ me be clear, Buttercup. I don’t want to seem rude—nothing could be more alien to my character—but I do think that you and your littermates might essay a civility exceeding that of menopausing catamounts. In fact, Sweet Potato, if it were not for my innate courtesy I might say that being at once useless and insupportable is stretching things.

A jot—an iota, a tittle, a scintilla—of gratitude might be in order. Should you look around you, you will note that everything that keeps you and the sisterhood from squatting in caves and picking lice from each other’s hair was provided for you by—the horror—men.

Is it not so, Rose Bud? Can you name one thing, with a moving part, that was invented by a feminist?

It seems to me that you gals are like African bushmen, but without their dignity. A bushman looks at a television (Invented by Men: IBM) in astonishment, and says, “Wah! Bad juju! Spirits inside!” He knows he doesn’t understand it and does not presume. His degree of understanding, I suspect, is exactly yours.

But I suppose the shrewery are so busy honking and blowing about socially-constructed this and gender-roles that and patriarchal the-other-thing that you don’t understand that there is anything to understand. Is it not so? When you sit at your computer spewing bile like a legged gall-bladder, are you aware of 2500 years of mathematics, chemistry, solid-state physics, engineering, information theory—all invented by men, the bastards—that go into the blinking screen?  Your vituperative ingratitude, Sugar Britches, is undignified.

But perhaps, you might say, I am being ungentlemanly—though I would hardly know how.  Perhaps, as we said in Alabama, you ain’t got the sense God give a crabapple.

Maybe, Petunia, you and your frothing friends could profitably come to terms with realty. Women make perfectly good dentists, surgeons, reporters, lawyers, musicians, editors, and all sorts of things. They can do some things better than men can (Dentistry: smaller hands, better fine-muscle control) In Latin countries they do these things civilly (consult your dictionary). And I applaud anyone making headway in this world on his, her, or its merits.

Yet as a matter of observable fact (a category apparently having no place in feminism), we men—patriarchal, capitalistic, macho, immature, savage, testosterone- poisoned, et cetera—seem to come up with everything important that comes up. (I won’t touch that one with a pole.) (Wait, I meant….) For example: The transistor, William Shockley and his group.  Microsoft, Bill Gates. Intel, Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce. Apple, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Dell Computer, Michael Dell. Public-key encryption, James Ellis, Clifford Cookis, and Malcom Williamson at GCHQ in England and later Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman of RSA Security. The World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, a Brit at CERN. Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Yahoo, Jerry Yang and David Filo. Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. The list could go on for another yard or so.

It will stay that way, Lotus Blossom, for the same reason that women will never be offensive linemen in the NFL. They can’t. If they could, they would have. If you disagree, I suggest you apply to the Redskins. They need any talent they can get.

Now, if I were left alone, I would say none of this, having no desire to make women feel bad. But you and yours will not leave me alone, Maureen.  I am perfectly happy in a world of female doctors and techs and what have you. When women act like what used to be called “ladies,” I act like what used to be called “a gentleman.” It used to be that if at the airport I saw a woman struggling with too much suitcase, I would say, “May I give you a hand?,” and put the suitcase where it needed to be. The woman would say, “Thanks,” to which I would respond, “Happy to help.” And that would be that.It sould have nothing to do with machismo, and much to do with a suitcase. Now, I’m not sure I would do it.

OK, I’m bluffing. I would do it. But, Sweet Pea, I hope you have mastered parthenogenesis. It is your only hope.


Interesting that the liberal legacy media is very slow to put out the race of the Washington DC shooter this morning, even though it has been known for awhile. Chris Matthews and the rest of the MSNBC douchebags were praying for a Ron Paul Tea Party shooter. Just like they were praying for one in Tucson, Aurora, and Boston. Maybe next time.

Social Oncology, Race, and the Legacy Media

“It´s Just a Lump. It Will Probably Go Away.”

By Fred Reed

September 14, 2013

I think I will don a loin cloth, stop bathing, and ascend  a moutain where I will gibber, drool, and perhaps cástrate myself and wait to  go to Hale-Bopp. This is a patrioitic plan. I don´t want to distance myself too  much from my fellow Americans.

Though, on thought, I may welsh on the castration part.

Every morning, as I shamble through the heather of the  internet in search of reason (any day now), I find another story of a savage racial attack on whites by feral  blacks. At least, when a black man says, “I´m gonna kill the next white I see,”  and does so, I begin to suspect a racial motive. Perhaps this is unfair.  Perhaps the gentleman really meant to  say, “…find a good book on Keynes and the Austrian school, and compare with  Veblen.” I remain suspicious.

Where is this taking us?

In the past  these attacks were carefully hidden by the Legacy Media, aka Mainstream. An  argument, understandable if not satisfying, can be made for this. Detwaddled,  it amounts to saying that the black underclass is permanent, that stopping the  crime would require something close to martial law, and that ghastly riots  would then ensue with unpredictable consequences. The path of wisdom is then to grin and bear it. This  is a dismal analysis, but  not unreasonable.

However, it  suggests a degree of intelligent design by the media that is contradicted by  other regions of their behavior. Usually they appear to be trying to increase racial hostility. Note the deliberate  distribution of a version of the Rodney King tape edited to make the use of force seem  unjustified. Also note the editing of the Zimmerman audio track by NBC to make him  sound racially biased. Given an underclass that majorly can´t read and entirely  doesn´t, this is dangerous incitement. And of course the media spin every story  to make blacks believe that they are victims when they are not.

If you work  in the media in Washington, you see that there is no intention to do anything more than bask in narcissisitc appreciation of one´s preternatural rightness. As someone said, never suspect a conspiracy when stupidity is an adequate explanation. Many reporters  know exactly what is going on, but saying so would cost them their jobs, so  they don´t.

Then you have the ideological lefties, who dominate most newsrooms.  They, in my experience at any rate, genuinely don´t know what is happening. There  are several reasons for this. For one thing, reporters run to combativeness  instead of contemplation. For another, they are not thinkers but hurried fact-accountants. For a third, they spend their time with  each other, reinforcing what they all think.

They really  truly believe that blacks are brutalized, beaten, mistreated, that they suffer  discrimination of various sorts, chiefly invisible to others, and that white racists want to impoverish them.  They simply reject as prejudice anything that doesn´t fit this view of the  world.  It makes no sense to the  rational, but they are sincere. The psychology seems to be that if  you deny the existence of something, such as a combination of grotesquely high  crime rates and racial attacks, it will go away.

If you point  out (as I have done on many occasions) that the statistics on crime come from the  Obama administration´s FBI (the Uniform Crime Reports) eyes glaze. It doesn´t  get in. Say that the public schools of Washington are horrible, as documented  by myriad studies and decried by black columnists, and you will be told that it  isn´t true, that the reports are biased, and so on.

If you don´t  recognize the existence of a problem, how can you solve it?

An ominous  development is that the wall of protective silence begins to crack. In the  past, the race of criminals simply wasn´t divulged. Then  some  television stations, though still saying nothing of race,  played the surveillance footage while  talking of “teens,” a word suggesting fun-loving striplings. Many papers now publish photos, and others   often mention in graff fifteen that the assailants were “young black males” (though  often girls are also involved).

But the  internet was the true fly in the ointment. The internet and the cell phone, I  should say. Today web sites, some of them huge, regularly post stories and  video of attacks on whites: the Drudge Report and World Net Daily News, for  example. These have too much circulation to ignore. Further, stories that used  to be covered only by local media that had no choice began to be picked up by the  web, and thus became national. E.g., the Wichita Massacre.

The upshot  was that mention of racial problems became increasingly less taboo. Second-tier  publications like The American Conservative began publishing pieces on black  crime. And there was that curious new world of web-pubs too intelligent and  well-written for the main stream, and utterly independent of the straitjackets  muzzling  the legacy media. The new kids on the block could talk about anything. And  do. There is Taki´s Magazine, the American Spectator, or even, in a very minor  way, Fred on Everything. Their readers were not great in number, but high in  intelligence. This was, as we say in Pentagonese, a force multiplier.

Then came  Ann Coulter´s book, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama,  about race hustlers and black crime (which I  recommend without qualification: highly intelligent, well-researched, and blunt).  The book, methinks, constitutes something of a watershed. So far as I know, it  is the first time a major, respectable writer, not remotely of the fringe, has  written a book saying, “OK, boys and girls, here is what is going on, here´s  the scam, and here´s who is doing it.”

In sum, as the major media incite an already angry black underclass, the internet and, increasingly, the legacy media incite white anger by publicizing attacks. Does no one understand that this can have really, really ugly consequences?

My question  is: What now? Television will continue to control the idiot demographic, but as  more and more of the sentient realize what is happening, and that they can talk  about it, things will change. Just how I don´t know. But we had better do some  thinking. The racial divide is the worst danger this country has faced, or  refused to face. If we don´t think of something to do about it, it´s going to  wreck the joint, and nobody will like it.

I am now going  to climb my mountain and await Hale-Bopp. Without surgery.


Fred should see the roll down gates and barred windows in West Philly to confirm his description of a culture in decay.


Surrender in the Culture Wars

It All Over, Don´t it?

September, 5, 2013

 By Fred Reed

How the hell did it happen?

I lived, 1951 to 1956, aged six to eleven, in the  Arlington suburbs of Washington and, ´56 to´57, in smalltown Athens, Alabama,  and eighth grade through high school in rural King George County, Virginia, graduating in 1964. Another  country. Another world. What happened?

The  Arlington of then was entirely white, peopled largely by men several years back  from World War Two, enjoying the fantastic surge in prosperity following the  war. The dominant culture, the only culture, was that of Reader´s Digest, clean  cut, honest, and confident. We watched the Mousketeers, all soap and good manners.  We joined the Boy Scouts, and were told to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,  courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. We  were, at least sorta, most of those. Pornography meant monitoring the advance  of Annette Funicello´s bustline.

At age eight  I walked every morning the perhaps six blocks to Robert E. Lee Elementary  School, alone. Why not? There was nothing to be afraid of. My friends and I  rode to Westover, the shopping center on Washington Boulevard, and left our  bikes on the sidewalk for hours while we read comic books in the drug store.  Why not? Nobody stole bikes.  My family  never locked the doors of the house. Why should we? There weren´t any burglars.

And in  summer evenings thirty kids, girls and boys, played hide-and-seek across  several blocks, and parents didn´t give it a thought. Why should they? It was  safe. We were the dominant culture, the only culture, and we didn´t do  pederasty, engage in gang attacks, or muggings, or drive fast on kid-littered  streets. It wasn´t our way. If we had suffered a natural disaster, no one would  have looted. It wasn´t what we did.

I´m not sure  what would have happened if a gang of high-schoolers had robbed a candy store.  It was impossible, because we didn´t do such things. A child molester? I don´t  know. It would have one way or another been a case of God help him and he never  would have been seen again. The culture didn´t tolerate child molesters.

And now, and  now….

And now I  read daily of armed police patrolling the halls of schools, of parents walking  their kids to school because children aren´t safe by themselves, of metal  detectors at the doors, of flash mobs of, er, teens robbing stores. Instead of  homogeneity we have diversity, which means you have to buy a new bicycle twice  a year. Leave on unattended for ten minutes, and it disappears.

How did we  get here? Why do we put up with it? Bastardy in this white, once civilized  society is now said to be at thirty percent: A middle class with a slum morality.  You have to be crazy to leave your keys in an open car, which we once regularly  did. There was no reason not to.

The answer  of course is that the post-war culture is no longer dominant. When all of a population  agree that certain things are not acceptable, such as assaults, looting, mob  robberies, and thievery, they don´t happen. After those horrendous tidal waves  hit Japan, there was no looting. It isn´t part of Japanese culture. After riots  in America, after Katrina, there was and is massive looting. The culture no  longer enforces it standards of behavior.

A virtue of  a dominant culture is that it doesn’t have to be imposed. It polices itself.  During my five years in rural Virginia, we all had guns. The substantial number  of blacks in the county had guns. Nobody ever shot anybody else, either on  purpose or accidentally. It wasn´t something we did. It wasn´t in the culture. White  or black.

When the  dominant culture doesn´t condone crime, there will be very little crime. This  is why the European-American constitution of Tom Jefferson could specify trial  by jury. A jury trial takes a lot of time and effort, which a society can  afford only when there is little crime. Today we have trial by plea bargain  because jury trials for our rate of crime would have the entire country  empanelled constantly.

In Arlington,  and Athens, and King George, we had close to no policemen. That´s how many  policemen we needed. We behaved well because it never occurred to us that we  might do otherwise. As kids we drank beer illegally, ignored speed limits, and  some of us shot an occasional deer out of season—but that was it. We didn´t  rape, kill, rob, or assault teachers because it wasn´t in the culture. The  dominant whites did not beat the blacks into comas, nor vice versa.

Fear of  punishment had little to do with it. We might get into a fist fight, but we  didn´t pick up a brick or a length of rebar. There were things we just didn´t  do. Had one of us said “Fuck you” to a teacher, the entire moral weight of the  county would have fallen on him.

This is why  as cultures break down, or mix with less civilized cultures, more and more  police become necessary. So do locks, bars, alarms, cameras and, for the  remaining virile, carry permits. Hello.

Here is one  reason why multiculturalism seldom works. Suppose that one culture has a strong  work ethic, fairly strict sexual morality, low illegitimacy, low crime, respect  for study and proper use of the national language. Suppose that another culture  is precisely opposite, or approximately opposite, as for example the Moslems in  France. If the first group is truly dominant, and imposes its standards—you will  do your homework, kid—the second group may successfully assimilate.

But suppose  that the dominant group isn´t really that dominant and can´t, or won´t, impose  its values. How—in a school, say—do you mix the toilet-mouthed with the  well-spoken, girls who expect to marry before giving birth with fifteen year  old single mothers pushing strollers into class? Or if the courts have decided  that “motherfucker· is an entire language to itself, and that eradication of  the word would constitute imperial culture-abuse? The effect will always be to  lower the civilized group to the uncivilized.

Here we are,  and there is no turning back. All that made the old culture what it was is now  held to be elitism, sin most dreadful, and all that we held to be wrong is now  said to be “authentic,” whatever that means, or else the consequence of  ineluctable social forces.

Buy the  ticket, take the ride.