“In times of change and danger, when there is a quicksand of fear under men’s reasoning, a sense of continuity with generations gone before can stretch like a lifeline across the scary present.”

John Dos Passos

“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.”

John C. Calhoun, 1836

“The real difficulty is with the vast wealth and power in the hands of the few and the unscrupulous who represent or control capital. Hundreds of laws of Congress and the state legislatures are in the interest of these men and against the interests of workingmen. These need to be exposed and repealed…

This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer. It is a government of corporations, by corporations, and for corporations.”

Rutherford B. Hayes, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes: Nineteenth President of the United States

“The sense of responsibility in the financial community for the community as a whole is not small. It is nearly nil. Perhaps this is inherent. In a community where the primary concern is making money, one of the necessary rules is to live and let live. To speak out against madness may be to ruin those who have succumbed to it. So the wise in Wall Street are nearly always silent. The foolish thus have the field to themselves. None rebukes them.”

John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash of 1929

“As Treasury secretary under Clinton, Rubin was the driving force behind two monstrous deregulatory actions that would be primary causes of last year’s financial crisis: the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.. and the deregulation of the derivatives market.”

Matt Taibbi



As you can see, I’m clearly winning my epic struggle against the evil NSA pawn Google Goliath. It seems my articles about Google struck a nerve and their retribution has been swift. Some people dismissed my contention that Google cut off my ads as a form of censorship because the articles I was writing pissed off the government and corporations that Google works for.

Prior to my run in with Google, the site was averaging approximately 15,000 visitors per day. After my three part expose on Google’s evil, my daily visitor count dropped to 12,000 per day and has stayed in that range. The site did not change. The same websites picked up and republished my main articles. The same volume of posts continue to be made.

I thought that maybe the never ending doom was depressing people and they were drifting away from the site. But a 20% drop seemed a bit much. I figured it out this week.

The Burning Platform does not come up in any Google search unless you enter Burning Platform into the search criteria. The most viewed article I’ve ever written – The Retail Death Rattle – had 30,000 views on my site. It had 77,000 views on Zero Hedge. It went viral and was re-posted on hundreds of sites. It originated on my site. These other sites linked to my site.

If you type the name of the article into the Google search box you receive pages and pages of websites that republished or linked to my article. What you will not find is a search result leading to The Burning Platform where the article was written. Google has completely cut off my site from being accessed through their search engine. Well played you pricks.

So, if someone does a generic search about something I’ve written about, they will never be led to The Burning Platform. This also goes for the other search engines like Startpage, as they clearly are dependent upon Google for their search results.

Anyone who thinks I was just dealing with some computer algorithm that shut down my ads is badly mistaken. There are human beings within Google HQ making decisions to punish those who do not conform.

I don’t give up easily. When I write an article I manually send the link to literally hundreds of people and websites to broaden its viewership. This is where you can help defeat the Evil Google Empire.

  • Send links of articles and posts to all your friends and family through email.
  • Post links to TBP on facebook pages.
  • Post links to TBP within the comment sections of MSM outlets like Marketwatch and the NYT, along with TBP like minded sites.
  • Submit TBP articles to forums like Reddit and the Daily Paul.
  • Think up creative ways to drive traffic to TBP. I can’t do it all.

I consider TBP to be a joint effort. We’re a dysfunctional family of misfits, skeptics, and realists. We can’t let Google and their government co-conspirators silence the truth. Do whatever you can to defeat those evil fucks. And remember our motto:


It seems 24.3% of all black families have no one working. NO ONE.What do they do all day? Are they volunteering? Are they picking up trash in their neighborhoods? Not in West Philly, as the streets are littered with garbage. In West Philly they line up for hours on Thursday mornings to get free food from the city. Then they drive back to their low income housing gated community in their new Chrysler 300.

Only 11.1% of Asian families have no one working. Even Hispanics only have 14.9% of families with no one working.

Based on my observations, the number is at least 50% in West Philly. I’d love to see the figures broken down between the urban Democrat run shitholes and the rest of the country. Or would that be racist?


The Real Unemployment Rate: In 20% Of American Families, Everyone Is Unemployed

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The American Dream blog,

According to shocking new numbers that were just released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20 percent of American families do not have a single person that is working.  So when someone tries to tell you that the unemployment rate in the United States is about 7 percent, you should just laugh.  One-fifth of the families in the entire country do not have a single member with a job.  That is absolutely astonishing.  How can a family survive if nobody is making any money?  Well, the answer to that question is actually quite easy.  There is a reason why government dependence has reached epidemic levels in the United States.  Without enough jobs, tens of millions of additional Americans have been forced to reach out to the government for help.  At this point, if you can believe it, the number of Americans getting money or benefits from the federal government each month exceeds the number of full-time workers in the private sector by more than 60 million.

When I was growing up, it seemed like anyone that was willing to work hard could find a good paying job.  But now that has all changed.  At this point, 20 percent of all the families in the entire country do not have a single member that has a job.  That includes fathers, mothers and children.  The following is how CNSNews.com broke down the numbers…

A family, as defined by the BLS, is a group of two or more people who live together and who are related by birth, adoption or marriage. In 2013, there were 80,445,000 families in the United States and in 16,127,000—or 20 percent–no one had a job.

To be honest, these really are Great Depression-type numbers.  But over the years “unemployment” has been redefined so many times that it doesn’t mean the same thing that it once did.  The government tells us that the official unemployment rate is about 7 percent, but that number is almost meaningless at this point.

A number that I find much more useful is the employment-population ratio.  According to the employment-population ratio, the percentage of working age Americans that actually have a job has been below 59 percent for more than four years in a row…

Employment Population Ratio 2014

That means that more than 41 percent of all working age Americans do not have a job.

When people can’t take care of themselves, it becomes necessary for the government to take care of them.  And what we have seen in recent years is government dependence soar to unprecedented levels.  In fact, welfare spending and entitlement payments now make up 69 percent of the entire federal budget.  For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “18 Stats That Prove That Government Dependence Has Reached Epidemic Levels“.

And what is even more frightening is that more families are falling out of the middle class every single day.  As a recent CNN article explained, approximately one-third of all U.S. households are living “hand-to-mouth”.  In other words, they are constantly living on the edge of financial disaster…

About one-third of American households live “hand-to-mouth,” meaning that they spend all their paychecks. But what surprised the study authors is that 66% of these families are middle class, with a median income of $41,000. While they don’t have liquid assets, such as savings accounts or mutual fund holdings, they do have homes and retirement accounts, with a median net worth of $41,000.

“We don’t expect them to be living paycheck to paycheck,” said Greg Kaplan, study co-author and assistant professor of economics at Princeton University.

The American Dream is rapidly becoming an American nightmare.

When I was growing up, I lived in a pretty typical middle class neighborhood.  Everyone had a nice home, a couple of cars and could go on vacation during the summer.  I don’t remember ever hearing of anyone using food stamps or going to a food bank.  In fact, I can’t even remember anyone having a parent that was unemployed.  If someone did leave a job, it was usually quite easy to find another one.

But today, the middle class is being ripped to shreds and according to one new report there are 49 million Americans that are dealing with food insecurity in 2014.

How can anyone not see what is happening to us?  America is in the midst of a long-term economic decline, but the mainstream media and most of our politicians seem to think that things are better than ever.  They continue to try to convince us that “business as usual” is the right path to take.

But one-fifth of the families in the entire nation are already totally unemployed.

At what point will we finally admit that what we are doing right now is simply not working?

30 percent of all families unemployed?

40 percent?

50 percent?

If we stay on the road that we are on now, things are going to continue to get worse.  Millions more jobs will be shipped overseas, millions more jobs will be replaced by technology and crippling government regulations will kill millions more jobs.  The middle class will continue to shrink and government dependence will continue to rise.

Most people just want to work hard, put food on the table, pay their mortgages and provide a nice life for their families.

But the percentage of Americans that are successfully able to do that just keeps getting smaller.

Wake up America.

Your middle class is dying.


Clive Bundy is making his stand against our authoritarian government keepers. If the Feds will do this to a peaceful rancher because of a fucking turtle, what will they do when things get really serious after the next financial collapse. We are all going to have to make a decision at some point to either roll over to these control freak power mongering douchebags or make a stand against their unwarranted imposition of authority by our keepers. Support Clive. There are phone numbers and email addresses below.


Hundreds of Armed Feds and Snipers Surround Nevada Cattle Ranchers Property: Is This the Next Ruby Ridge?

By: Jay Syrmopoulos

UPDATE: Strike teams of 15-20 agents are attempting to take the cattle and often in the process killing and burying the cattle in the desert. A group of roughly 100 peaceful protestors attempted to stop them and got in front of a convoy of agents in an attempt to call in the local sheriff as they perceived this as an illegal action. BLM agents began violently attacking the protestors, throwing women to the ground with a number of men being tazed. Agents ended up retreating after their initial attack. Protestors are awaiting and anticipating a more forceful response and requesting assistance from all freedom fighters/lovers in the SW U.S. and nationwide.

Clark County, Nev., April 9, 2014- Over the past two decades there has been an ongoing standoff between the U.S. federal government and a 67-year-old local Nevada cattle rancher named Cliven Bundy. This past week armed federal agents were deployed in what is a clear escalation in this ongoing feud.

Cliven Bundy, the last of the cattle ranchers in Clark County, refuses to comply with a court order from 2013 that orders him to remove his cattle from public land managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) a division of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

The BLM and the U.S National Park Service claim that they are simply responding to Mr. Bundy’s refusal to comply with the order by calling in federal agents and contract cowboys to confiscate what they call Mr. Bundy’s “trespass cattle.” Thus far, they have impounded roughly 277 of Clive Bundy’s estimated 900 cattle.

The Bureau of Land Management claims on their website that the, “Cattle have been in trespass on public lands in southern Nevada for more than two decades. This is unfair to the thousands of other ranchers who graze livestock in compliance with federal laws and regulations throughout the West. The Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service have made repeated attempts to resolve this matter administratively and judicially. An impoundment of cattle illegally grazing on public lands is now being conducted as a last resort.”

As reported by The Blaze, the ranchers wife Carol Cox says there now appears to be snipers stationed around the family’s 150-acre ranch.

Mr. Bundy, a lifelong rancher, compares the government escalation to actions that the government has taken in Ruby Ridge, ID and Waco, TX. He contends that the Gold Butte area has been used by his family since the late 1800’s and that he has preemptive rights to the land. Bundy claims that the Bureau of Land Management has clearly “overstepped its boundaries by not letting me access my rights, not recognizing state sovereignty, and having over 200 armed officers watching our every move and stealing our cattle.”

Mr. Bundy’s daughter Shiree Bundy Cox in a letter explains the feud from the family’s perspective:

“I have had people ask me to explain my dad’s stance on this BLM fight. Here it is in as simple of terms as I can explain it. There is so much to it, but here it s in a nut shell. My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887 around there. Then he sold them to my grandpa who then turned them over to my dad in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the survival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars. The rights to the land use are called preemptive rights. Some where down the line, to keep the cows from over grazing, came the Bureau of Land Management.

They were supposed to assist the ranchers in the management of their ranges while the ranchers paid a yearly allotment which was to be use to pay the BLM wages and to help with repairs and improvements of the ranches. My dad did pay his grazing fees for years to the BLM until they were no longer using his fees to help him and to improve. Instead they began using these monies against the ranchers. They bought all the rest of the ranchers in the area out with they’re own grazing fees. When they offered to buy my dad out for a penance he said no thanks and then fired them because they weren’t doing their job. He quit paying the BLM and tried giving his grazing fees to the county, which they turned down. So my dad just went on running his ranch and making his own improvements with his own equipment and his own money, not taxes.

In essence the BLM was managing my dad out of business. Well when buying him out didn’t work, they used the endangered species card. You’ve already heard about the desert tortoise. Well that didn’t work either, so then began the threats and the court orders, which my dad has proven to be unlawful for all these years. Now they’re desperate. It’s come down to buying the brand inspector off and threatening the County Sheriff. Everything their doing at this point is illegal and totally against the Constitution of the United States of America. Then there’s the issue of the cattle that are at this moment being stolen. See even if dad hasn’t paid them, those cattle belong to him, regardless of where they are they are my father’s property.

His herd has been part of that range for over a hundred years, long before the BLM even existed. Now the Feds think they can just come in and remove them and sell them without a legal brand inspection or without my dad’s signature on it. They think they can take them over two borders, which is illegal, ask any trucker. Then they plan to take them to the Richfield Auction and sell them. All this with our tax money. They have paid off the contract cowboys and the auction owner as well as the Nevada brand inspector with our tax dollars. See how slick they are? Well, this is it in a nut shell. Thanks”

The government position is that Bundy owes them for grazing fees that he stopped paying in 1993, which he argued in court that he had no obligation to pay the agency, as his ancestors worked the land before the existence of the Bureau of Land Management. Subsequently, in 1998, the land was declared completely off limits to cattle as it was declared a designated habitat for the federally protected desert tortoise.

Although Cliven Bundy attempted to pay the county, they refused his payment. BLM spokeswoman Kirsten Cannon, says that “The estimated amount owed by him… totals $1.1 million.” Cost estimates for the cattles removal from the land are approximately $3 million dollars, which the taxpayer will be responsible for paying.

When Cannon was asked about the claim that snipers are on scene, she refused to confirm or deny the allegation saying, “There are law enforcement and other personnel in place as needed to ensure that the BLM and National Park Services employees and contractors are able to conduct the operation safely. Specific operations information regarding this impoundment will not be released.”

In addition to the heavily armed federal presence, the Bundy’s 37-year-old son Dave was arrested, “following failure to comply with multiple requests by BLM law enforcement to leave the temporary closure area on public lands,” stated Cannon. Dave Bundy was held overnight after being arrested for refusing to disperse and resisting issuance of a citation or arrest. He claims he was arrested and roughed up for filming federal agents while outside an area designated for First Amendment activity on the disputed land. Cannon was unable to explain why he was held overnight and refused to comment on the allegations of brutality.

Through it all, Cliven Bundy stands firm stating, “It’s a freedom issue. It’s not about cows. It’s a states rights issue. I really hope that we can learn to defend our liberties here and keep on fighting until the end. I don’t know when the end is going to be, but I believe that America is the greatest land in the world and it needs to be protected. Our rights and liberties need to be protected and we’re going to stand for that.”

Read more: http://benswann.com/hundreds-of-armed-feds-and-snipers-surround-nevada-cattle-ranchers-property-is-this-the-next-ruby-ridge/#ixzz2yUzNbzxr
Follow us: @BenSwann_ on Twitter


For those that cannot travel to stand with them against this brutal regime of federal agents, there is quite a bit that can be done.

SHARE – Every story, every video of the confrontation needs to be shared far and wide, write about it, comment, email those that have not heard, post to Facebook groups, Twitter, and all the other social networking sites.

CALL – The Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval issued a statement of concern over the “free speech” area set up by the fedeal government, Rangers, BLM and other agents, but he hasn’t got off his behind to show up in support of Mr. Bundy….. call his office and express your outrage over what these terrorists in the US government are doing to him.

Call the Senator, the sherriff’s office, every media outlet you can think of that is NOT reporting this situation.

EMAIL: Follow up with emailing all of the above entities, encourage your friends and family to do the same.


Bureau Of Land Management Phone Number: (202) 208-3801 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (202) 208-3801 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Brian Sandoval Email Contact Form- http://gov.nv.gov/Contact/Governor/

Brian Sandoval – Carson City Phone # – (775) 684-5670 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (775) 684-5670 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Brian Sandoval Las Vegas Phone # –(702) 486-2500

Senator Dean Heller Contact Form – http://www.heller.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact-form

Phone #’s For Heller – Reno: 775-686-5770/ Las Vegas: 702-388-6605/ Washington: 202-224-6244 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 202-224-6244 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Sheriff Douglas Gillespi – (702) 828-3231 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (702) 828-3231 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting or (702) – 828 – 3111

Email: [email protected]

Steny Hoyer: Phone – (202)- 225-4131

Steny Hoyer Email Contact Form – https://hoyer.house.gov/email-steny


Now is the time to stand up and be heard because one person can make a difference when one person becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, and so on……..

Now is the time for a Revolution……. now is the moment we say enough…….not through violence, but with sheer numbers.


If you thought my Welcome to Terminus article was depressing and apocalyptic, you ain’t seen nothing yet. While my article was more big picture, Dmitry Orlov fills in the details. His version of collapse is very likely, based upon our current path. It’s a must read on this dreary Tuesday morning. After I was done reading it I couldn’t help but think of Orwell’s quote from 1984.

Guest Post by Dmitry Orlov

Business as usual

Thinking about collapse is very useful because it allows you to prepare for it. And preparing for collapse is very useful too—from the pragmatic perspective of risk management. Consider the possibilities.

If you prepare for collapse and it doesn’t happen, then you look a tiny bit foolish.

If you don’t prepare for collapse and collapse does happen, then you look a tiny bit dead.

Now, which would you prefer to be, foolish or dead?

This type of reasoning is very basic, and is used for such things as calculating the amount of insurance to buy or the amount of cash to keep in reserve in order to avoid being bankrupted should the worst-case scenario unfold. In order to do that, you have to have some idea of what the worst case scenario is. People seem comfortable with this kind of reasoning.

There is, however, a problem: most people don’t seem to be able to wrap their minds around the concept of collapse in the sort of unsentimental, dispassionate way that is required for engaging in practical risk management activities. They can think of a nuclear accident, or a tsunami, or a hurricane, or an earthquake, or a pandemic. They might be able to think of all five at the same time, but that’s a stretch for most. But the scenario that few people can react to adequately is the sort of gritty reality that is quite probable. Let’s try a couple of scenarios, and see how you react.

Scenario #1. You live in a major city. Banks are closed and ATM machines are defunct. There is no electricity. Shops are closed and looted. Gas stations are burned out. There is no pumped water and toilets don’t flush. There is no heat or air conditioning. Garbage isn’t being collected and there are piles of it everywhere. Roads are impassable and neighborhoods are barricaded from each other with concertina wire and piles of burning tires and patrolled by armed gangs. Home invasions occur with gruesome regularity, especially in the wealthier neighborhoods where there is more to take. Police are nowhere to be found, but there are army checkpoints on all the major roads leading out of the city where people are turned back.

Scenario #2. You live out in the country. There is no electricity, no heating oil or propane deliveries. Gasoline is no longer available, and you can no longer drive 30 miles to the nearest supermarket or Walmart. In any case, these stores are no longer open for business because merchandise is no longer being delivered to them. You used to be on friendly terms with some of the neighbors, but now everybody is afraid of each other. In any case, it’s too far, and too dangerous, to walk anywhere. Your drinking water used to come from a deep drilled well via an electric pump, which no longer works. There also used to be a sump pump and a dehumidifier in your basement, which is now permanently flooded and filling with black mold. Armed gangs are filtering through the landscape, looking for caches of food and other supplies. They are increasingly expert at what they do, and most people either give up their stockpile voluntarily or die trying to defend it.

Presented with such scenarios, most people react in one of three ways: denial, paralysis or panic.

Denial is where you tell yourself that these scenarios are so incredibly unlikely where you live that thinking about them is a complete waste of time. You may be right about that, but who is to say? Subjective judgments of likelihood are not particularly useful in risk mitigation.

Paralysis is where your gut feeling tells you that this could, in fact, happen, but you can’t think of anything constructive that you could do about it—beyond trying to not think about it, to avoid distressing yourself to no purpose.

Panic is where you decide to act—by stockpiling food and weapons, or by developing plans to flee in some direction. Once you’ve done your shopping and planning, and the panic attack is over, you go back to paralysis (nothing more to be done) and then drift back toward denial (since it is mentally the most comfortable).

There is a fourth reaction worth considering, even though it amounts to an ad hominem attack on me as the messenger of doom. It goes like this: “Dmitry, your collapse scenarios are crap. They are depressing, distressing, and none of us can do anything about them except be depressed and distressed, or panic and go shopping for spam, shotgun shells and machetes. Would you please cut it out and stop bothering people with this collapse nonsense?” Sure, got me there, I’ll stop.

Let’s do something else instead: let’s consider that nothing will particularly change, and that things will stay on the same trajectory. Let’s define some scenarios that seem pretty likely to most of us, because it’s the sort of gradual change we’ve been seeing already: the economy will continue “recovering,” meaning that the rich will continue to get richer, the poor—poorer, unemployment will hold steady (as more and more people drop out of the labor force), debt levels will continue to explode, food and energy prices will continue to creep up and so on.

Security theater. We had the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber, so now the TSA makes us take off our shoes and gropes our genitals (or irradiates us with the naked body scanner). We had the wannabe jihadis who got entrapped into trying to smuggle a two-part liquid explosive on board (which, according to chemistry Ph.D.’s, wouldn’t have worked anyway) so we can’t bring liquids through the checkpoint (except for mother’s milk, but even that has to be tested for explosive potential). Next step: somebody tries to smuggle a bomb in their rectum, and the TSA forces everyone to strip naked and subjects them to a body cavity search, prison style. Even if you can still afford to fly somewhere, would you want to?

Note that this security theater insanity only applies to flights originating from or terminating in the US, and that it has nothing to do with stopping terrorists. You stop terrorists by spotting them, and you do that by interviewing just the promising candidates. Testing for exploding breast milk is just plain idiotic.

Debt slavery. In the past year, student loan debt has grown from 1 trillion to 1.2 trillion. More and more students are realizing that they will never be able to pay back their student loans. Instead, the government, which guaranteed the loans, will garnish their wages, and eventually even their social security payments (should these still exist by the time they reach retirement age) for the rest of their lives.

Borders locked. More and more of these students will realize that their only real option is to leave the country forever. Facing a massive outflow of college graduates, the government introduces exit visas, which require a credit check, and refuses to grant them to entire families, so that a hostage is always left behind. The government also refuses to renew passports for expats who are in arrears on their government-guaranteed debt, creating a refugee crisis. Just as this happens, more and more countries, increasingly fed up with US State Dept. meddling in their internal affairs, decide that they’ve had enough Americans for now, and close their borders to US nationals.

Retirement cancelled. The already dire demographics, coupled with the flight of educated people mentioned above, mean that there will only be a couple of working-age unskilled workers supporting each retiree. Desperate measures, such as rolling IRAs and 401k’s into the Social Security Trust Fund, postpone the inevitable somewhat. Eventually the government finds that it has no choice but to raise the retirement age to 100. The vast majority of the baby boomer generation, which did not save for retirement in any case, will find itself destitute.

Medical confiscation. Thanks to ObamaCare, people between 55 and 65 are being forced into the Medicare system. At the same time, Medicare covers fewer and fewer services, with higher and higher deductibles. Since most people lack sufficient cash savings to cover them, they are covered by placing liens on property. Adult children living with their parents (an increasingly common situation) are then forced to sell the house as soon as they inherit it (or walk away from it). The other, increasingly popular option, of course, is to forgo medical care.

Demise of the dollar. So far, because of the US dollar’s reserve status, the US has been able to fleece other countries while taking on debt at an artificially low rate of interest. As more and more countries (China and Russia especially) are moving away from using the dollar for international settlements, especially in buying and selling energy, the status of the dollar continues to erode. As this process runs its course, the US government will be forced to resort to fleecing its own people. Raising taxes is politically difficult, and so instead lots of other measures will be put in place. There will be lots of so-called “bail-ins,” where depositor funds are used to bail out insolvent banks. Those who own precious metals will be forced to sell them for a fraction of their market price, as has happened before. There will be a low limit on daily cash withdrawals, as has recently been the case in Argentina, Cyprus and Ukraine.

Corporatization. The trend is to concentrate more and more wealth and power in the hands of fewer and fewer corporate entities. To this end, the government will clamp down on small businesses (which are already suffering because of, among other things, onerous health care insurance regulations). Eventually the government will outlaw self-employment, herding all owner-operators and freelancers into minimum-wage corporate farms. It will be made illegal to buy and sell products or services except through a major corporation (good bye Craigslist). All property transactions will automatically be taxed: sales tax plus capital gains tax. The limit on gift taxes will be dropped to zero: the giver will pay the gift tax on the value; the receiver will have to pay income tax on all gifts received, plus capital gains if they are ever sold. Together with the low limit on cash withdrawals, this will make it virtually impossible for people to directly give each other money without being taxed, or breaking the law.

As the cost of living continues to go up and salaries continue to stagnate, corporations will negotiate special corporate discounts with each other in order to make it possible for their employees to continue functioning. People without a corporate job will find their access to products and services severely restricted. But what really makes it possible for more and more corporate employees to survive is the increasing use of food stamps (EBT cards). Now at 50 million, participation in the food stamps program will grow until it becomes virtually universal, while at the same time the nutritional value of the food it makes available will continue trending down, nurturing the trifecta of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Criminalization. With small businesses and private enterprise made illegal, most people will be forced to resort to illegal activities, under the watchful eye of the NSA. But since putting even more people in jail will be prohibitively expensive, a new, streamlined process of dispensing justice will be put into place: the NSA and the Justice Department will link computer systems, and verdicts of fraud and suspended sentences will be issued by a computer program, in absentia. In keeping with current practice, both the charge and the evidence will be kept secret. The newly minted felons will be dropped from voter rolls, their passports cancelled, their bank accounts confiscated, and their employment (if any) terminated. They will receive form letters informing them of their sentence but most of them will be unable to read it because functional illiteracy rates will go from the current 40% to 80-90%.

Paragon of democracy. The effect of dropping much of the population from voter rolls will paradoxically result in much higher voter participation. After a while the only people allowed to vote will be the politicians themselves, their families, government workers and contractors, corporate functionaries and, of course, the ever-richer 1%. Since those barred from voting will not be counted as voters, it will look like voter turn-out is much higher than ever before. Everyone will celebrate the health of American democracy.

Demise of public education. Public schools will become dumping grounds for mental and physical defectives—junior prisons, if you will, where students are endlessly frisked and strip-searched by heavily armed security personnel and train for life under lockdown. The more promising students will be shunted to highly profitable charter schools, many of them virtual, where students get sit in front of computers all day, training to take standardized tests, and a single unaccredited teacher oversees more than a hundred of them. Beyond studying for tests, the students will become increasingly resistant to remembering anything at all—why know things when you can Google for them?

What should our risk management strategy be in light of such probable, predictable, and rather un-apocalyptically boring developments?

Do nothing? Well, you might not die, at least not right away, but then will your life be worth living? Even if you can’t think of anything good to do, you might still consider doing something—like drinking a lot.

Prevent them? You’d have to start with some sort of grass roots political campaign to change the entire system. Suppose you are amazingly successful at it, and manage to change the entire system. And it only takes you 30 years. Oops! Too late.

So, what do you do?

I have an idea, and it’s really, really simple. What’s more, it’s quite cheap, and it totally works… for the time being.

Here it is:

Get the hell out of this country!


When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.  James Dale Davidson

All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.  James Madison

It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.  James Madison

The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.  James Madison


You would think one of the millions of government drones would realize how to save the taxpayers money with a creative idea. Nope. It takes a 14 year old doing a science project to figure out a simple painless way to save taxpayers $400 million per year. Watch the interview at the link. The kid reached out to the Federal government for input when he started his project. Of course they didn’t respond to his request. They’re the government. After he got some publicity, the government drones showed up. Will they implement his easy cost savings technique. Of course not. They’re the government.

In case you were wondering, Suvir doesn’t go to John Bartram High School or West Philly High.


(CNN) — An e. You can write it with one fluid swoop of a pen or one tap of the keyboard. The most commonly used letter in the English dictionary. Simple, right?

Now imagine it printed out millions of times on thousands of forms and documents. Then think of how much ink would be needed.

OK, so that may have been a first for you, but it came naturally to 14-year-old Suvir Mirchandani when he was trying to think of ways to cut waste and save money at his Pittsburgh-area middle school.

It all started as a science fair project. As a neophyte sixth-grader at Dorseyville Middle School, Suvir noticed he was getting a lot more handouts than he did in elementary school.

Interested in applying computer science to promote environmental sustainability, Suvir decided he was going to figure out if there was a better way to minimize the constant flurry of paper and ink.

Reducing paper use through recycling and dual-sided printing had been talked about before as a way to save money and conserve resources, but there was less attention paid to the ink for which the paper served as a canvas for history and algebra handouts.

“Ink is two times more expensive than French perfume by volume,” Suvir says with a chuckle.

He’s right: Chanel No. 5 perfume costs $38 per ounce, while the equivalent amount of Hewlett-Packard printer ink can cost up to $75.

So Suvir decided to focus his project on finding ways to cut down on the costly liquid.

Collecting random samples of teachers’ handouts, Suvir concentrated on the most commonly used characters (e, t, a, o and r).

First, he charted how often each character was used in four different typefaces: Garamond, Times New Roman, Century Gothic and Comic Sans. Then he measured how much ink was used for each letter, using a commercial tool called APFill® Ink Coverage Software.

Next he enlarged the letters, printed them and cut them out on cardstock paper to weigh them to verify his findings. He did three trials for each letter, graphing the ink usage for each font.

From this analysis, Suvir figured out that by using Garamond with its thinner strokes, his school district could reduce its ink consumption by 24%, and in turn save as much as $21,000 annually.

Encouraged by his teacher, Suvir looked to publish his findings and stumbled on the Journal for Emerging Investigators (JEI), a publication founded by a group of Harvard grad students in 2011 that provides a forum for the work of middle school and high school students. It has the same standards as academic journals, and each submission is reviewed by grad students and academics.

14-year-old Suvir Mirchandani began studying fonts as part of a science fair project.
14-year-old Suvir Mirchandani began studying fonts as part of a science fair project.

Sarah Fankhauser, one of JEI’s founders, says that of the nearly 200 submissions they have received since 2011, Suvir’s project was a real standout:

“We were so impressed. We really could really see the real-world application in Suvir’s paper.”

Fankhauser said Suvir’s findings were so clear, simple and well thought-out, it had the peer reviewers at JEI asking, “How much potential savings is really out there?”

For the answer, JEI challenged Suvir to apply his project to a larger scale: the federal government.

With an annual printing expenditure of $1.8 billion, the government was a much more challenging task than his school science project.

Suvir repeated his tests on five sample pages from documents on the Government Printing Office website and got similar results — change the font, save money.

Will government printers embrace a change?

Using the General Services Administration’s estimated annual cost of ink — $467 million — Suvir concluded that if the federal government used Garamond exclusively it could save nearly 30% — or $136 million per year. An additional $234 million could be saved annually if state governments also jumped on board, he reported.

Gary Somerset, media and public relations manager at the Government Printing Office, describes Suvir’s work as “remarkable.” But he was noncommittal on whether the GPO would introduce changes to typeface, saying the GPO’s efforts to become more environmentally sustainable were focused on shifting content to the Web.

“In 1994, we were producing 20,000 copies a day of both the Federal Register and Congressional Record. Twenty years later, we produce roughly 2,500 print copies a day,” he said.

On top of this, the Congressional Register is printed on recycled paper, which GPO has been doing for five or six years, Somerset says.

One federal initiative that focuses on minimizing ink-usage is called “Printwise.” Organized by the General Services Administration, it teaches government offices how to default their computer settings to Times New Roman, Garamond and Century Gothic to minimize printing waste. According to GSA’s press secretary Dan Cruz, they hope this type of initiative could save the federal government up to $30 million annually.

Suvir appreciates the government’s efforts, but he sees his project as a means of making an even bigger impact nationwide.

“Consumers are still printing at home, they can make this change too,” he says.

Holding out hope

At 14, Suvir understands how difficult such a project might be to implement — “I recognize it’s difficult to change someone’s behavior. That’s the most difficult part.”

But he holds out hope: “I definitely would love to see some actual changes and I’d be happy to go as far as possible to make that change possible.”

With decades ahead to lend a hand, Suvir and other young men and women like him may even be able to untangle some of the knotty political and technical issues that beset Washington, corporate suites and the world at large.


 “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”Napoleon Bonaparte

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“A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men … [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.”Woodrow Wilson

When you ponder the implications of allowing a small group of powerful wealthy unaccountable men to control the currency of a nation over the last one hundred years, you understand why our public education system sucks. You understand why the government created Common Core curriculum teaches children that 3 x 4 = 13, as long as you feel good about your answer. George Carlin was right. The owners of this country (bankers, billionaires, corporate titans, politicians) want more for themselves and less for everyone else. They want an educational system that creates ignorant, obedient, vacuous, obese dullards who question nothing, consume mass quantities of corporate processed fast food, gaze at iGadgets, are easily susceptible to media propaganda and compliant to government regulations and directives. They don’t want highly educated, critical thinking, civil minded, well informed, questioning citizens understanding how badly they have been screwed over the last century. I’m sorry to say, your owners are winning in a landslide.

The government controlled public education system has flourished beyond all expectations of your owners. We’ve become a nation of techno-narcissistic, math challenged, reality TV distracted, welfare entitled, materialistic, gluttonous, indebted consumers of Chinese slave labor produced crap. There are more Americans who know the name of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s bastard child (North West) than know the name of our Secretary of State (Ketchup Kerry). Americans can generate a text or tweet with blinding speed but couldn’t give you change from a dollar bill if their life depended upon it. They are whizzes at buying crap on Amazon or Ebay with a credit card, but have never balanced their checkbook or figured out the concept of deferred gratification and saving for the future. While the ignorant masses are worked into a frenzy by the media propaganda machine over gay marriage, diversity, abortion, climate change, and never ending wars on poverty, drugs and terror, our owners use their complete capture of the financial, regulatory, political, judicial and economic systems to pillage the remaining national wealth they haven’t already extracted.

The financial illiteracy of the uneducated lower classes and the willful ignorance of the supposedly highly educated classes has never been more evident than when examining the concept of Federal Reserve created currency debasement – also known as inflation. The insidious central banker created monetary inflation is the cause of all the ills in our warped, deformed, rigged financialized economic system. The outright manipulation and falsity of government reported economic data is designed to obscure the truth and keep the populace unaware of the deception being executed by the owners of this country. They have utilized deceit, falsification, propaganda and outright lies to mislead the public about the true picture of the disastrous financial condition in this country. Since most people are already trapped in the mental state of normalcy bias, it is easy for those in control to reinforce that normalcy bias by manipulating economic data to appear normal and using their media mouthpieces to perpetuate the false storyline of recovery and a return to normalcy.

This is how feckless politicians and government apparatchiks are able to add $2.8 billion per day to the national debt; a central bank owned by Too Big To Trust Wall Street banks has been able to create $3.3 trillion out of thin air and pump it into the veins of its owners; and government controlled agencies report a declining unemployment rate, no inflation and a growing economy, without creating an iota of dissent or skepticism from the public. Americans want to be lied to because it allows them to continue living lives of delusion, where spending more than you make, consuming rather than saving, and believing stock market speculation and home price appreciation will make them rich are viable life strategies. Even though 90% of the population owns virtually no stocks, they are convinced record stock market highs are somehow beneficial to their lives. They actually believe Bernanke/Yellen when they bloviate about the dangers of deflation. Who would want to pay less for gasoline, food, rent, or tuition?

Unless you are beholden to the oligarchs, that sense of stress, discomfort, feeling that all in not well, and disturbing everyday visual observations is part of the cognitive dissonance engulfing the nation. Anyone who opens their eyes and honestly assesses their own financial condition, along with the obvious deterioration of our suburban sprawl retail paradise infrastructure, is confronted with information that is inconsistent with what they hear from their bought off politician leaders, highly compensated Ivy League trained economists, and millionaire talking heads in the corporate legacy media. Most people resolve this inconsistency by ignoring the facts, rejecting the obvious and refusing to use their common sense. To acknowledge the truth would require confronting your own part in this Ponzi debt charade disguised as an economic system. It is easier to believe a big lie than think critically and face up to decades of irrational behavior and reckless conduct.

What’s In Your GDP                          

“The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the broader measures of economic activity and is the most widely followed business indicator reported by the U.S. government. Upward growth biases built into GDP modeling since the early 1980s, however, have rendered this important series nearly worthless as an indicator of economic activity.  The popularly followed number in each release is the seasonally adjusted, annualized quarterly growth rate of real (inflation-adjusted) GDP, where the current-dollar number is deflated by the BEA’s estimates of appropriate price changes. It is important to keep in mind that the lower the inflation rate used in the deflation process, the higher will be the resulting inflation-adjusted GDP growth.”John Williams – Shadowstats

GDP is the economic statistic bankers, politicians and media pundits use to convince the masses the economy is growing and their lives are improving. Therefore, it is the statistic most likely to be manipulated, twisted and engineered in order to portray the storyline required by the oligarchs. Two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth usually marks a recession. Those in power do not like to report recessions, so data “massaging” has been required over the last few decades to generate the required result. Prior to 1991 the government reported the broader GNP, which includes the GDP plus the balance of international flows of interest and dividend payments. Once we became a debtor nation, with massive interest payments to foreigners, reporting GNP became inconvenient. It is not reported because it is approximately $900 billion lower than GDP. The creativity of our keepers knows no bounds. In July of 2013 the government decided they had found a more “accurate” method for measuring GDP and simply retroactively increased GDP by $500 billion out of thin air. It’s amazing how every “more accurate” accounting adjustment improves the reported data. The economic growth didn’t change, but GDP was boosted by 3%. These adjustments pale in comparison to the decades long under-reporting of inflation baked into the GDP calculation.

As John Williams pointed out, GDP is adjusted for inflation. The higher inflation factored into the calculation, the lower reported GDP. The deflator used by the BEA in their GDP calculation is even lower than the already bastardized CPI. According to the BEA, there has only been 32% inflation since the year 2000. They have only found 1.4% inflation in the last year and only 7.1% in the last five years. You’d have to be a zombie from the Walking Dead or an Ivy League economist to believe those lies. Anyone living in the real world knows their cost of living has risen at a far greater rate. According to the government, and unquestioningly reported by the compliant co-conspirators in the the corporate media, GDP has grown from $10 trillion in 2000 to $17 trillion today. Even using the ridiculously low inflation BEA adjustment yields an increase from $12.4 trillion to only $15.9 trillion in real terms. That pitiful 28% growth over the last fourteen years is dramatically overstated, as revealed in the graph below. Using a true rate of inflation exposes the grand fraud being committed by those in power. The country has been in a never ending recession since 2000.   

Your normalcy bias is telling you this is impossible. Your government tells you we have only experienced a recession from the third quarter of 2008 through the third quarter of 2009. So despite experiencing two stock market crashes, the greatest housing crash in history, and a worldwide financial system implosion the authorities insist  we’ve had a growing economy 93% of the time over the last fourteen years. That mental anguish you are feeling is the cognitive dissonance of wanting to believe your government, but knowing they are lying. It is a known fact the government, in conspiracy with Greenspan, Congress and academia, have systematically reduced the reported CPI based upon hedonistic quality adjustments, geometric weighting alterations, substitution modifications, and the creation of incomprehensible owner’s equivalent rent calculations. Since the 1700s consumer inflation had been estimated by measuring price changes in a fixed-weight basket of goods, effectively measuring the cost of maintaining a constant standard of living. This began to change in the early 1980s with the Greenspan Commission to “save” Social Security and came to a head with the Boskin Commission in 1995.

Simply stated, the Greenspan/Boskin Commissions’ task was to reduce future Social Security payments to senior citizens by deceitfully reducing CPI and allowing politicians the easy way out. Politicians would lose votes if they ever had to directly address the unsustainability of Social Security. Therefore, they allowed academics to work their magic by understating the CPI and stealing $700 billion from retirees in the ten years ending in 2006. With 10,000 baby boomers per day turning 65 for the next eighteen years, understating CPI will rob them of trillions in payments. This is a cowardly dishonest method of extending the life of Social Security.

If CPI was calculated exactly as it was computed prior to 1983, it would have averaged between 5% and 10% over the last fourteen years. Even computing it based on the 1990 calculation prior to the Boskin Commission adjustments, would have produced annual inflation of 4% to 7%. A glance at an inflation chart from 1872 through today reveals the complete and utter failure of the Federal Reserve in achieving their stated mandate of price stability. They have managed to reduce the purchasing power of your dollar by 95% over the last 100 years. You may also notice the net deflation from 1872 until 1913, when the American economy was growing rapidly. It is almost as if the Federal Reserve’s true mandate has been to create inflation, finance wars, perpetuate the proliferation of debt, artificially create booms and busts, enrich their Wall Street owners, and impoverish the masses. Happy Birthday Federal Reserve!!!

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When you connect the dots you realize the under-reporting of inflation benefits the corporate fascist surveillance state. If the government was reporting the true rate of inflation, mega-corporations would be forced to pay their workers higher wages, reducing profits, reducing corporate bonuses, and sticking a pin in their stock prices. The toady economists at the Federal Reserve would be unable to sustain their ludicrous ZIRP and absurd QEfinity stock market levitation policies. Reporting a true rate of inflation would force long-term interest rates higher. These higher rates, along with higher COLA increases to government entitlements, would blow a hole in the deficit and force our spineless politicians to address our unsustainable economic system. There would be no stock market or debt bubble. If the clueless dupes watching CNBC bimbos and shills on a daily basis were told the economy has been in fourteen year downturn, they might just wake up and demand accountability from their leaders and an overhaul of this corrupt system.          

Mother Should I Trust the Government?

We know the BEA has deflated GDP by only 32% since 2000. We know the BLS reports the CPI has only risen by 37% since 2000. Should I trust the government or trust the facts and my own eyes? The data is available to see if the government figures pass the smell test. If you are reading this, you can remember your life in 2000. Americans know what it cost for food, energy, shelter, healthcare, transportation and entertainment in 2000, but they unquestioningly accept the falsified inflation figures produced by the propaganda machine known as our government. The chart below is a fairly comprehensive list of items most people might need to live in this world. A critical thinking individual might wonder how the government can proclaim inflation of 32% to 37% over the last fourteen years, when the true cost of living has grown by 50% to 100% for most daily living expenses. The huge increases in property taxes, sales taxes, government fees, tolls and income taxes aren’t even factored in the chart. It seems gold has smelled out the currency debasement and the lies of our leaders. This explains the concerted effort by the powers that be to suppress the price of gold by any means necessary.   

Living Expense



% Increase

Gallon of gas




Barrel of oil




Fuel oil per gallon




Electricity per Kwh




Gas per therm




Dozen eggs




Coffee per lb




Ground Beef per lb.




Postage stamp




Movie ticket




New car




Annual healthcare spending per capita




Average private college tuition




Avg home price (Case Shiller)




Avg monthly rent (Case Shiller)




Ounce of gold




Mother, you should not trust the government. There is no doubt they have systematically under-reported inflation based on any impartial assessment of the facts. The reality that we remain stuck in a fourteen year recession is borne out by the continued decline in vehicle miles driven (at 1995 levels) due to declining commercial activity, the millions of shuttered small businesses, and the proliferation of Space Available signs in strip malls and office parks across the land. The fact there are only 8 million more people employed today than were employed in 2000, despite the working age population growing by 35 million, might be a clue that we remain in recession. If that isn’t enough proof for you, than maybe a glimpse at real median household income, retail sales and housing will put the final nail in the coffin of your cognitive dissonance.

The government and their media mouthpieces expect the ignorant masses to believe they have advanced their standard of living, with median household income growing from $40,800 to $52,500 since 2000. But, even using the badly flawed CPI to adjust these figures into real terms reveals real median household income to be 7.3% below the level of 2000. Using a true inflation figure would cause a CNBC talking head to have an epileptic seizure.        

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The picture is even bleaker when broken down into the age of households, with younger households suffering devastating real declines in household income since 2000. I guess all those retail clerk, cashier, waitress, waiter, food prep, and housekeeper jobs created over the last few years aren’t cutting the mustard. Maybe that explains the 30 million increase (175% increase) in food stamp recipients since 2000, encompassing 19% of all households in the U.S. Luckily the banking oligarchs were able to convince the pliable masses to increase their credit card, auto and student loan debt from $1.5 trillion to $3.1 trillion over the fourteen year descent into delusion.

When you get your head around this unprecedented decline in household income over the last fourteen years, along with the 50% to 100% rise in costs to live in the real world, as opposed to the theoretical world of the Federal Reserve and BLS, you will understand the long term decline in retail sales reflected in the following chart. When you adjust monthly retail sales for gasoline (an additional tax), inflation (understated), and population growth, you understand why retailers are closing thousands of stores and hurdling towards inevitable bankruptcy. Retail sales are 6.9% below the June 2005 peak and 4% below levels reached in 2000. And this is with millions of retail square feet added over this time frame. We know the dramatic surge from the 2009 lows was not prompted by an increase in household income. So how did the 11% proliferation of spending happen?

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The up swell in retail spending began to accelerate in late 2010. Considering credit card debt outstanding is at exactly where it was in October 2010, it seems consumers playing with their own money turned off the spigot of speculation. It has been non-revolving debt that has skyrocketed from $1.63 trillion in February 2010 to $2.26 trillion today. This unprecedented 39% rise in four years has been engineered by the government, using your tax dollars and the tax dollars of unborn generations. The Federal government has complete control of the student loan market and with their 85% ownership of Ally Financial, the largest auto financing company, a dominant position in the auto loan market. The peddling of $400 billion of subprime student loan debt and $200 billion of subprime auto loan debt has created the illusion of a retail recovery. The student loan debt has been utilized by University of Phoenix MBA wannabes  to buy iGadgets, the latest PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto and the latest glazed donut breakfast sandwich on the market. It’s nothing but another debt financed bubble that will end in tears for the American taxpayer, as hundreds of billions will be written off.

The fake retail recovery pales in comparison to the wolves of Wall Street produced housing recovery sham. They deserve an Academy Award for best fantasy production. The Federal Reserve fed Wall Street hedge fund purchase of millions of foreclosed shanties across the nation has produced media proclaimed home price increases of 10% to 30% in cities across the country. Withholding foreclosures from the market and creating artificial demand with free money provided by the Federal Reserve has temporarily added $4 trillion of housing net worth and reduced the number of underwater mortgages on the books of the Too Big To Trust Wall Street banks. The percentage of investor purchases and cash purchases is at all-time highs, while the percentage of first time buyers is at all-time lows. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can look at the long-term chart of mortgage applications and realize we are still in a recession. Applications are 35% below levels at the depths of the 2008/2009 recession. Applications are 65% below levels at the housing market peak in 2005. They are even 35% below 2000 levels. There is no real housing recovery, despite the propaganda peddled by the NAR, CNBC, and Wall Street. It’s a fraud.   

It is the pinnacle of arrogance and hubris that a few Ivy League educated economists sitting in the Marriner Eccles Building in the swamps of Washington D.C., who have never worked a day in their lives at a real job, think they can create wealth and pull the levers of money creation to control the American and global financial systems. All they have done is perfect the art of bubble finance in order to enrich their owners at the expense of the rest of us. Their policies have induced unwarranted hope and speculation on a grand scale. Greenspan and Bernanke have provoked multiple bouts of extreme speculation in stocks and housing over the last 15 years, with the subsequent inevitable collapses. Fed encouraged gambling does not create wealth it just redistributes it from the peasants to the aristocracy. The Fed has again produced an epic bubble in stock and bond valuations which will result in another collapse. Normalcy bias keeps the majority from seeing the cliff straight ahead. Federal Reserve monetary policies have distorted financial markets, created extreme imbalances, encouraged excessive risk taking, and ruined the lives of working class people. Take a long hard look at the chart below and answer one question. Was QE designed to benefit Main Street or Wall Street?  

The average American has experienced a fourteen year recession caused by the monetary policies of the Federal Reserve. Our leaders could have learned the lesson of two Fed induced collapses in the space of eight years and voluntarily abandoned the policies of reckless credit expansion, instead embracing policies encouraging saving, capital investment and balanced budgets. They have chosen the same cure as the disease, which will lead to crisis, catastrophe and collapse.  

“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” – Ludwig von Mises


Observations From Dallas, Part Deaux. Or, Conversation With A Millennial

One of the things I did not mention in my recent post about our transition to Dallas is my current living arrangement. It was not germane to the topic last time, but now it becomes necessary for me to share with you the back story.

When I was 18 and living in rural Oklahoma, my dad and his then wife (Wife #2 for those keeping score at home) adopted a baby boy. They could not have children of their own and after many years of trying, were finally able to adopt a newborn infant. Interestingly, within a year of this milestone event, they were divorced. I probably did not have this thought as a conscious thought, but at some intuitive level I understood that my dad was not going to be there for this baby. I made it a point to stay involved in his life over these last 25 years. When I was in college, about 1 weekend per month, I’d drive to Tulsa and stay the weekend with him and do what I could with him, within my meager means. He still remembers the time we made a racetrack in the backyard for his RC Cars. After college, I got married and moved to Corpus Christi, TX. My wife and I would fly him in and we’d go to San Antonio to Six Flags or to Corpus and spend the weekend at the beach. Because of our love of roller coasters, he has mentioned that it was us who introduced him, and are responsible for, his love of the adrenaline rush.

The point is, he’s not a stranger off the street. Now, he’s a young man, with a successful career in the IT world. He’s making some pretty decent jack, and the company he works for sends him all over the world, doing IT stuff. I think his job is to make sure the flux capacitor is integrated with the ion modulator. Or something like that. He’s got a nice young lady friend he seems quite smitten with.

Now, on with the story: When I planned this move to Dallas, leaving wife and kids behind in El Paso to finish the school year, I did not want to rent a place. Frankly, this move is costing us, big time. We’re hemorrhaging money at every turn. In order to cut down on expenses, I called him up and said, “Hey, dude. I’m moving to Dallas, can I stay with you?” To which he responded, “All I’ve got is a couch, but you can use it for as long as you want.” Hell, I haven’t crashed out on somebody’s couch in 25 years, so I thought it’d be fun. And it is. We’ve joined a group called Makerspace, which is a community owned workshop, and he’s building a new desk. I’m the Transporter Of The Lumber, since I have a truck and he doesn’t. He’s building it, and it looks nice. He kicked me out on Valentine’s Day, which was cool, also. I remember being young & smitten with my wife. Nice. And we’ve drank a lot of beer. Dear God, have we drank some beers! He chastised me just last night for taking more than my fair share of the 12 pack in the fridge. To which I responded, “We’ll get more.”

Here’s a quick summary: Me: 42 years old. Married, 3 kids. Construction supervisor. In the midst of a move which is more than just a little stressful. Politics: Political atheist, with extreme libertarian tendencies, bordering on anarchism. My little brother: 25, single with a girlfriend. Making good money setting up computer networks. Politics unknown.

Last night, over burgers and beer (Twisted Root Burgers: Epic Win!) he let me have it, and how! He gave it to me with both barrels. I don’t even remember exactly how it got started. I don’t really like to talk politics, and I’m certainly no apologist for ANY political party. I’ve come to my views based on my own research. People can do their own research and listen to the same podcasts and watch the same videos I have. The information is out there. So, I assume he must have bought it up. Maybe it was the beer flowing, or maybe he’s just passionate about the topic. Actually, there’s no “maybe” to it. He’s passionate about the topic. And I don’t know that he speaks for an entire generation of millennial. He’s the only Minnie I know. To say he’s a left-leaning liberal is an understatement. He’s a statist. Plain and simple, he thinks Government is the solution to the world’s problems. So much of what he said rankled me so bad, I had to take deep breaths. I didn’t want to try and “convert” him to my way of thinking, so much as I wanted to try and understand his position. So, instead of countering his every point with a counter-point, I asked a lot of questions. Here’s a brief recap of some of his major points:

  • Everybody should be paid a living wage. Everybody. I mean every single solitary citizen of America should receive money to a certain level. To make sure I understood his point, I used hyperbole to make the extreme case. So, yes, even the gang-bangers in South Dallas should receive a living wage. The street artist should receive a subsidy to make up whatever difference his art sales should not generate. When asked where this money will come from, he responded, Higher taxes. A heavier, much heavier tax burden on the rest of us. Somehow, in this system, I will have a salary 3x higher than what I make now, so I should be more willing to pay more taxes. When asked again where this money will come, I was unclear how I was going to make more money and pay more taxes.
  • Also, in his utopian vision, somehow, this payment of a living wage to the gang-bangers eliminates the generational cycle of crime & poverty. I agree whole-heartedly with reducing this cycle, but I am unclear on how giving people money for doing nothing will do this. Don’t we have a system like that in place now?
  • He said that Obamacare was a step in the right direction, but Obama and the Democrats are too weak-willed to really accomplish anything substantive. A totally comprehensive Government health care system is the solution. Nobody should be able to make a profit when it comes to taking care of the health needs of the people. When the profit motive becomes involved in better health for humanity, then the whole process gets corrupted. He used the example of a study that demonstrated that a saline bag costs $0.39 to manufacture and it shows up on your hospital bill for $800 bucks.
  • He correlated the greatest growth period in America in the 50’s & 60’s, which also had the highest tax rates in history. So, apparently, high tax rates = high economic growth.
  • The Post Office could generate money hand over fist, if only they could make their own decisions. But, any time they make decisions for them, then they lose money. (Loosely, I think “they” is the post office people, and “they” on the other hand is Congress.) I had a hard time trying to explain that “They” are both the same people: Government Drones.
  • He set up as a model systems the various statist countries around the world: Spain, France, and course, the Scandinavian countries. I didn’t explain to him that most of Europe is in flames, and what isn’t burning now, will be aflame soon enough. I don’t have any idea how the statism of the Scandinavian countries.
  • The Republican Party is in place for the express purpose of serving the rich. When asked if the Democrats weren’t simply another side of the same coin, he agreed, and stated that the Democratic Party does not have the strength or will to pass really meaningful legislation. I thought of Nancy Pelosi’s remark about “passing a law to see what’s in it.” Seems pretty strong-willed to me.
  • He supports the 2nd Amendment. I told him the left wants to take away his guns, he agreed and said he disagrees with the Democrats on that issue. That’s all I’m going to say on that item.
  • He said that there should be a minimum wage of $20-$25 per hour. Even for burger flippers. When asked what that will do to the price of a burger, he said it will stay the same and the evil burger corporations (And I might agree that the giant burger corporations are, in fact, evil) will take that out of their profit margin. Because no one has the right to charge $6-7 bucks on a burger that costs them $.20 to make.
  • Apparently, in the IT world, a company will profit some 3x the amount they pay a worker and that’s not fair. I tried to explain that the reason the construction company I work for is profitable is because they make more money using me than they have to pay me. They agreed to pay me x. I agreed to work for x. If I wanted a different deal, then I should have not agreed to work for x. If I wanted to take the risk and put in the time and energy to run a construction company, I would have done that. I don’t want to do that, so I agree to work for someone who did want to do that. Presumably, it’s the same thing in the IT world. He said the same opportunities don’t exist today that existed then and it’s harder for people to start a business. I agreed that starting a business now is probably very much more difficult today then it was “then.” (Due to the Government!!) (Now, at this point, a little light bulb is starting to go off in my head.)
  • It’s the Boomers fault. The generation that had the greatest opportunity in the history of the world has taken that opportunity, turned it upside down, and fucked the upcoming generations. (DING, DING, DING! We have a winner!)

There’s more, but you get the general gist of it. It was basically a model of more statism for more solutions to the worlds problems and to take care of people. Look, he’s a smart guy. He’s a computer guy. He’s making good money, and he’s traveling the world. He’s studied, at least to some level, this information. Some of it sounded like sound bites he quoted from another source; Maybe something he heard and liked. He had facts & figures in his head and cited studies to prove-up his points. I can’t disprove the Scandinavian countries models work, because I’ve never been there. But I’ve never seen something that the Government didn’t touch that they didn’t fuck up.

Here’s my takeaway from this. (Here’s where I’m going to go out on a limb. I don’t know Stephanie, and I don’t have anything against her or her writing. But from reading her work and talking to my little brother, I’m going to lump all millenials into a cohesive group, and use the word “they” from now on.)

They know something’s wrong. They see it, they feel it, they live it. Shit is fucked-up and bullshit. But, the see it and draw the wrong conclusion. It’s like they see half the equation correctly, and get the answer wrong. I had to agree with half of his premises. We’re waging unjust wars around the globe, and not taking very good care of our people here. Our current healthcare system sucks. Our education system sucks. (We talked about the student loan debt load, too.) America, once the freest country in the world, is no longer small-business friendly, while at the same time, favoring the large corporations. No one has been indicted in the scandals of the 2008 crash. Our elected officials are criminals, serving only those who donated enough money to get them elected and then seeking re-election. As human beings, we should take care of one another. We don’t do a very good job at that. All these points we were in agreement on.

It’s the solution where we disagree. As a libertarian/anarchist, I think it’s up to every human being to take care of him/her self. (I think men have a special role in this, but that’s a post for another day.) If someone wants to reach out and lend a hand up to someone who is down and out, that’s a beautiful thing, BUT I SHOULD NOT BE FORCED TO DO IT AT THE THREAT OF VIOLENCE! And the state IS violence. There can be no mistaking that.

For some reason, the minnies don’t get that. Is it the claptrap they teach them at school? Do they pick this up from their peer group? From the media? The internet?
How can anyone at this point, seeing how fucked up things really are in the world, think that Government is possibly the answer to ANY of our societal problems? I think that the overall trend is going to be MORE statism in the future, not less. LESS freedom, not more. I don’t think, at this point, that there will be any reversing this train until it runs off the rails, collapses, runs into a brick wall and explodes in flames. God help us all.

I love you, bro.


The Federal, State and local government leeches are in desperate need of more blood to fund their bloated bureaucracies, gold plated pensions, vote bribing entitlement schemes, and overall crony machinery. The State of PA is effectively insolvent if they used GAAP accounting . So is virtually every state and municipality in the country. The PA government pension liability alone will drive the state into bankruptcy. Rather than address the real problem with honesty and courage, the weasel politicians and bureaucrats solution is to defer, delay, tax and pretend. The weasels increase the gas tax, tolls, fees, and anything else they control to pay for their incompetence.

Earlier in the week, I heard another story about PA expanding gambling to fill their gaping budget hole. The Phila Inquirer described the situation:

As budget discussions unfold over the next few months, it is widely expected that the GOP-controlled House and Senate, along with the Corbett administration, will seriously consider a proposal to expand lottery gambling and, possibly, one to legalize online gambling. Both measures could mean hundreds of millions in annual tax revenue at a time when the state is in the red. The administration says Pennsylvania could be facing at least a $1.2 billion budget gap for the fiscal year that begins July 1.

These bozos already have a $1.2 billion budget shortage, COMPLETELY due to the mandatory government pension payments required to fund the retirements of government drones who retire at 50 years old. Instead of addressing that issue, they milk the cows for more revenue. The morons think they can generate another $200 million from keno and on-line gambling. Of course, all the other states have the same plan. You can’t get blood from a stone. The real people living in real houses across the state are making less real money than they did in 1989. But the clowns in Harrisburg think they can extract another $200 million per year from these people. None of these lowlife politicians mention the FACT that it is mostly senior citizens, the poor and the ignorant who are lonely, bored, and stupid enough to gamble. PA is taxing the poor and stupid to fund their pensions.

And now they are coming for your Superbowl pool. The Pennsylvania State Police are out to get you.

Two government drone politicians crafted Act 92 to, among other things, allow nonprofit clubs to run pools, as long as it is structured so any wager is an entry fee, not a bet on a specific outcome, with the house taking the other side. Wagers are capped at $20. But State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan said Act 92 specifically says it cannot conflict with federal law, and Noonan said placing any kind of wager on sports violates the federal Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act. State Police had its legal team review Act 92, and found the federal law doesn’t leave any wiggle room for Super Bowl or March Madness pools, Noonan said.

We are seeing the heavy hand of government getting heavier by the day. Every State and municipality will be growing increasingly desperate as their un-payable entitlement promises come due. Everyone is seeing gas taxes, sales taxes, income taxes, real estate taxes, car registration fees, sewer fees, water fees, utility fees, cell phone fees, cable fees, and tolls increased. Government is bleeding us to death. The time is coming when we say we’ve had enough.

Reduce your footprint. Drive less. Cancel services that are taxed. Work for cash under the table. Barter. Buy less stuff. Don’t ever participate in state sanctioned gambling. Starve the beast until it collapses.




 (If you drive a car ), I’ll tax the street,
(If you try to sit ), I’ll tax your seat,
(If you get too cold ), I’ll tax the heat,
(If you take a walk ), I’ll tax your feet.

The Beatles

The desperate government drones are flailing about in their death throes, frantically trying to milk the taxpayer cow for every last drop before they die of thirst. These feckless politicians have wasted your money for decades on worthless programs and projects. The do gooders have pissed away your money on public education and the union government drones running the education system. The result has been millions of clueless dupes who can’t think for themselves.

Politicians have destroyed our major cities by taxing the citizens and businesses to the point that producers leave. They have made entitlement promises that can never be honored. Detroit was the 1st domino to fall. The idiots running the City of Philadelphia are too stupid to see they are on the exact same path as Detroit. The tax base is gone. They are left with hordes of free shit army privates. Rather than deal with reality and cut expenses, they try the same old solution – create new taxes, new regulations and new laws.

It seems the job of government drones is to crush entrepreneurial spirit, deter innovation, restrict freedom, and tax the shit out of anything the moves, breathes or helps others. Three young dudes, fresh out of college created an idea called Air Bed & Breakfast, now called Airbnb.com, in 2008. The idea was for individuals with spare rooms to be matched up with other individuals in need of a room. Two individual people coming to a mutually beneficial agreement and eliminating corporate hotels, ridiculous rules, regulations and taxes does not sit well with the oligarchs and politicians. They aren’t getting their slice of the pie. Of course, their slice would amount to nine-tenths of the pie.

These three entrepreneurs have grown their business to $2.5 billion in five years. It’s amazing what individuals with a great idea can accomplish without Obama subsidies, the government deciding winners and losers, and control freak do-gooders imposing rules, regulations and taxes to stop the business dead in its tracks.

Airbnb epitomizes the sharing economy, in which folks rent or swap all kinds of underused assets – spare rooms, cars, parking spots, lawnmowers, children’s clothes or their time.The new sector inspires almost messianic devotees who say it’s an engine of innovation that creates value out of thin air, conserves resources, empowers ordinary people to be entrepreneurs, and disrupts industries and corporations.

The slumlords, corporate hotel chains, and tax & spend politicians are outraged at this dreadful act of liberty and freedom by people across the country. And they are going to do something about it. Democratic councilman Bill Green of Philadelphia is going to stop these entrepreneurial terrorists before they make too many people satisfied. He is so impressed by their service he wants to tax and regulate the shit out of them.

“It’s a product that I use when I travel. And its something that’s clearly being used here, and we’re not enforcing the law. So we might as well figure out a way to create a registration process, and tax it, [so] that [it] works with our zoning code.” 

“Right now, it’s underground, so we have to figure out how to make the sharing economy, whether its ride sharing, car sharing, Airbnb or other things like that that work with Philadelphia’s zoning code.”

What would we possibly do without politicians protecting us from ourselves and creating taxes to crush new businesses? We truly need to starve the beast. We need to expand the underground economy and starve these bastards of their taxes. Barter with people. Conduct as many transactions in cash as possible. The laws and tax regulations were written by the corporate fascists to benefit the corporate fascists. Their kingdom built on a foundation of lies and false promises is crumbling. Let’s give it a push by starving them of their tax and fee revenues.