The Destruction of American Health Care

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In the US medical boards are in many respects agents of Big Pharma.  They serve to punish doctors who don’t abide by Big Pharma’s money-grubbing protocols.

The Ohio Medical Board is a good example. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny testified in June 2021 to the Ohio House of Representatives Health Committee about the dangers of the so-called “Covid vaccines.”  Her testimony was based on published studies in medical journals.  Her testimony was at a time when the full press was on to have the entire population injected with an experimental dose of no one knew what.  Big Pharma and American medicine that it controls didn’t want anyone  getting in the way of huge profits and whatever other agendas were at work.  Big Pharma orchestrated a number of complaints to be made about Dr. Tenpenny.  The Ohio Medical Board responded to its master’s call.

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Get ready for the brain drain from US healthcare

Guest Post by Simon Black

Between 1956 and 1960, 600 doctors annually emigrated from the UK to find employment in the US, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries.

At the time, the UK was graduating about 1,800 doctors annually— meaning about a third of new doctors were leaving the county.

A 1962 paper published in the British Medical Journal tried to explain this trend:

“A possible explanation of the phenomenon is that practice in the National Health Service is relatively unattractive to young doctors economically, professionally, and idealistically.”

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One family’s TWO YEAR nightmare of having their child taken by the state

Guest Post by Simon Black

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This one is really infuriating.

It started back in 2016… on April 6th to be specific. A Philadelphia-area mother walked into a clinic because her 7-month old baby was being excessively fussy.

The doctor performed a cursory examination, concluded the baby had an ear infection, and prescribed an antibiotic.

Later that day, the mother noticed what seemed like a bone popping in the baby’s side and thought this might be the source of the discomfort.

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Concerned, she went right back to the clinic to show the pediatrician.

The doctor claimed that he could not feel any popping and reassured the mother that the baby had an ear infection.

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