Following the law is now “morally questionable”

Guest Post by Simon Black

What I’m about to tell you is going to come as a major shock. In fact you might want to sit down if you have a heart condition… because this is just going to absolutely blow your mind.

OK. Ready?

Shakira. The pop star. Wait for it… has an offshore company.

Still there? Pass out yet?


Well, at least that’s what these ‘investigative journalists’ want you to think.

Continue reading “Following the law is now “morally questionable””

Obama Claims Power to Make Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Social Security, Disability

Aren’t we essentially a dictatorship at this point? The president can ignore the law, enforce whatever he chooses. break the law, wage undeclared wars, spy on you, and drone you. At least you have your iGadgets, the Kardashians and American Idol.
Guest Post by Terence P. Jeffrey

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Does the president of the United States have the power to unilaterally tell millions of individuals who are violating federal law that he will not enforce that law against them now, that they may continue to violate that law in the future and that he will take action that makes them eligible for federal benefit programs for which they are not currently eligible due to their unlawful status?

Through Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, President Barack Obama is telling the Supreme Court exactly this right now.

The solicitor general calls what Obama is doing “prosecutorial discretion.”

He argues that under this particular type of “prosecutorial discretion,” the executive can make millions of people in this country illegally eligible for Social Security, disability and Medicare.

On April 18, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case. Entitled United States v. Texas, it pits President Obama against not only the Lone Star State, but also a majority of the states, which have joined in the litigation against the administration.

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