Don’t you find it fascinating there are absolutely NO stories in the MSM about the January Effect this year. Trust me. If stocks were up as of the end of January there would be hundreds of screeds from these faux journalists spouting how stocks almost always finish the year higher when January finishes higher. They use these stories to lure more muppets into the Wall Street web of deception and lies.

Well, January is over and the Dow was down 4.5% and the S&P 500 was down 2.7%. So where are all the MSM stories about the January effect? NADA. Nothing. The silence from the pundits and talking heads is deafening. Do you need any more proof that the MSM is nothing but the cheer leading section for the ruling class and their only function is to spew slanted propaganda?

I’ll keep looking for a January Effect article in the MSM, but I guarantee you if I see one it will be written to discredit the January Effect and tell the muppets to buy, buy, buy.