London Spins Out Of Control As Met Police Abandon Streets

Authored by M.A.Richardson via,

“The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”

– Winston Churchill

Twenty-two police officers injured as Brixton party ends in violence

The US and Britain are at their most perilous point in one hundred years. Once stable democratic nation states made great through struggle and suffering to gain comparative freedom at huge sacrifice to their own population are throwing it all away.  The speed and ferocity of the attack is frightening, but this has been building for years, spreading from the 60s onwards through the university teaching  systems, unquestioned. It emerged into the public arena as political correctness as each generation of students became more radical. Then came the final push to silence opposition with wokism, virtue-signalling, identity politics, and now racial division, an aberration of democracy and freedom of speech.

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