Dystopian Societies Derive From Displaced Ethics and Values

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

On April Fool’s Day of this year, I posted an article on how Coronavirus® has hastened the “old collectivism”.  That piece discussed Saul Alinsky’s tactics and how the current COVID hysteria is being manipulated by the Political Left.  My last post discussed how COVID-mania was successfully translated into Marxist hysteria following the death of George Floyd.

Certainly, America is under attack and what we are witnessing today serves as the mere preview for the main attraction that will commence on November 3, 2020 – if not before. The ongoing warfare is, of course, between those upholding the last remaining shreds of the U.S. Constitution against those who desire to raise the rainbow flag of globalism above the New World Order.

Whether history rhymes or repeats, it does so in cycles.  And nothing is new under the sun. Mankind’s desire to unite the world is said by some to have begun six millennia ago on the plains of Shinar, starting at the Tower of Babel.

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Guest Post by Southern Sage

The blather spewing from the mouth of the so-called “Mad Dog”, retired Marine Corps general James Mattis, should reveal to the American public just how putrid our most esteemed institutions have become under the leadership of worthless men (and, worse, far worse, bull dyke women). Secretary of Defense Esper, Secretary of the Army McCarthy and some clown who runs the National Guard have also made fools of themselves, proven themselves disloyal, and betrayed their oaths with their bizarre statements criticizing Trump’s threat to use the U.S. armed forces to restore order in the country. If Trump had a hair on his ass all of them would have been frog-marched out of their offices by close of business.

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Liberal Mush from the Mad Dog

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Liberal Mush from the Mad Dog [Mattis]

It was not Trump who divided America in this racial crisis. The nation was united in revulsion at the criminal cruelty that led to George Floyd’s death… What divided America were the methods and means protesters began using in the first hours of the Minneapolis riot — the attacks on cops with bottles, bricks and Molotov cocktails.

In his statement to The Atlantic magazine, former Defense Secretary General James Mattis says of the events of the last 10 days that have shaken the nation as it has not been shaken since 1968:

“We must not be distracted by a small number of lawbreakers.”

Is “a small number of lawbreakers” an apt description of wilding mobs who have showered cops with bottles, bricks and rocks in 40 cities, looted stores in the hundreds, torched police cars, and injured dozens of Secret Service personnel defending the White House?

Is “a small number of lawbreakers” the way a patriot would describe anti-American anarchists who desecrated the Lincoln Memorial, the World War II Memorial on the Mall and the Korean War Memorial and tried to burn down the Church of the Presidents in Lafayette Square?

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Is The Trump Administration Already Over?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Hopes for the Trump administration are not burning brightly. Trump’s military chief, Gen. Mattis, is turning out to be true to his “mad dog” nickname. He has just declared that Iran “is the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.” https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702041050338034-mattis-iran-terrorism/

He has declared Russia to be the number one threat to the US.

He has threatened intervention in China’s territorial affairs.

I was wrong. I thought Gen. Mattis was a reasonable choice as he rejects the efficacy of torture, and, according to Trump, convinced Trump that “torture doesn’t work.” Apparently Mattis cannot reach beyond this realization to higher geo-political realizations. Trump needs to fire Mattis who has placed the Pentagon in the way of normal relations with Russia.

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