Risk of dying of COVID-19 in the USA, stratified by age (data from the CDC)

The chart below proves what a joke this entire scamdemic has been and continues to be. A total of 282 school age children have died “with” covid (most had a pre-existing condition) in the 17 months since January 2020. There are 62 million children in that age bracket. That makes their survival rate 99.99955%.

And the Biden administration, the idiots at the CDC and the fucking teacher’s union is going to force children to wear masks in school for 8 hours a day. This is not about health. It’s about control and creating a generation of obedient slaves.

Via Dr. Robert Malone

The table below is from the CDC website and shows risk of dying of COVID-19 in the USA, stratified by age (1).

Know your risks & take precautions, including getting a vaccine if you are in a vulnerable population.

Older age seems to be the highest risk factor but other risk factors include OBESITY, diabetes, heart disease, and more.

Around 400 children in the last 1.5 years have died from COVID-19. According to a recent Nature article, almost all, if not all of these deaths were in high risk individuals, who had underlying conditions. See the article below for more details (2).

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