The People’s House

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Hat’s Off to Matt Gaetz

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Hat’s off to Matt Gaetz.  He has held the Republican Establishment accountable and removed their man from his position as Speaker of the House.  Whatever the downside of Gaetz’s achievement, Gaetz’s victory is a victory for us.

Forever it seems, the Republicans have talked the talk but haven’t walked the walk.  They align their talk with our concerns about what our children are taught and not taught, about the safety of our streets, about “affirmative action,” about the offshoring of our manufacturing jobs, about living standards, about government’s fiscal irresponsibility, about aggressive foreign policy, but they lack the courage to do anything. 

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Matt Gaetz Obliterates McCarthy-Cheerleader Maria Bartiromo as She Rants Senselessly

If you had any doubts that Maria Bartiromo is controlled opposition, watch this short video (3 min’s) with Rep Matt Gaetz.

As many of us have said in our comments multiple times, Congress is nothing but theater for the 1st level thinking plebes.

Gaetz points out that hearings are nothing without action but, is he just controlled opposition for the next level of thinkers?

All the veils must be pulled back to expose the truth.