Moonbats of Glory

Saw this on Zero Hedge:

Moonbat incompetence? Or sabotaged by a deplorable sound system worker?

:34 to :39 second mark:  Pelosi asks:  “Is the sound working?”

:40 second mark:  Pelosi wonders:  “Is someone going to deal with this?”

:42 – :44 second mark:  Pelosi says:  “Look at that MOON!  It’s a NEW moon!”

:58 – 1:03 second mark: A Woody Guthrie sing-along takes place.

1:11 second mark:  Pelosi says:  “Introduce the REAL people…. I’ll do the REAL people now.”

1:16 second mark:  Schumer asks:  “Where are they?”

So Trump Tweets  in response this morning:


Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a rally at the steps of The Supreme Court and mic did not work (a mess)-just like Dem party!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 31, 2017