Motorcycles in the Saaaaaafety Crosshairs

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Motorcycles are the last vehicles still largely free from Uncle’s asphyxiating grasp. That is about to change.

The unelected regulatory apparat known as the National Highway Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which is a gaggle of federal bureaucrats who – somehow – became Car Czars, empowering themselves to dictate saaaaaaaaafey standards which all cars must comply with – is turning its unwanted attention to bikes.

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Motorcycles Can’t be Automated

Guest Post by Eric Peters

What happens to motorcycles in a world of automated – not autonomous – cars?

Don’t you hate that slippery shuck and jive? “Autonomy” means independent; free from external control. We are talking about cars that will be utterly controlled – and not by you.

They have to resort to dishonest language (other examples include the Department of Defense, which is concerned with aggressively offensive actions) in order to sell what otherwise reeks.

Continue reading “Motorcycles Can’t be Automated”


When these feral animals aren’t terrorizing malls, they are on major interstates acting like the low IQ gang bangers showing whitey who’s boss. Where are our beloved second responders? Only in Obama’s America would this be acceptable behavior. I’m sure the national news will be reporting on this incident. Too bad Obama is busy golfing in Hawaii or he could have had all these brothers who could be his sons over to the White House.