Obama Tells Girl Raped In School Restroom To Stop Peddling Fake Outrage

Via The Babylon Bee

LOUDOUN COUNTY, VA—Former President Barack Obama, voice of the people, owner of mansions, scolded a young student who was raped in her high school bathroom, telling her to stop peddling fake outrage just to boost the ratings of right-wing media grifters.

“You should be ashamed of yourself young lady,” said the first black, foreign-born US President while winking at a fawning journalist. “Instead of stoking anger aimed at school boards and administrators, you should be making it easier for teachers and schools to give kids the world-class indoctrination they deserve.”

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Susan Rice Ordered “Detailed Spreadsheets Of Intercepted Phone Calls” With Trump Team

Tyler Durden's picture

After it was revealed over the weekend by Mike Cernovich that Susan Rice was the mysterious Obama official behind the “unmasking” of Trump associates, the details behind the extreme measures taken by the Obama administration, including what seems to be personal legal liability for Susan Rice and potentially others, continue to grow more and more disturbing.

This morning, the Daily Caller has provided new details, courtesy of former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova, suggesting that Rice specifically requested that the NSA provide her with “detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates.”

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