Americans over 40 are half as likely to get hired — and it’s worse for workers over 50

Via Marketwatch

Tom Brady is a now free agent, but the NFL player doesn’t have the same worries as millions of Americans over 40.

Workers over 40 are only about half as likely, or less, to get a job offer than younger workers if employers know their age, according to research released this week conducted by economics professor David Neumark at the University of California, Irvine. The data was adjusted for differences in skills, fit and availability.

Key to the study was a major change that the company made to its hiring systems. Previously all applicants had filled out an initial application form in a face-to-face meeting with a restaurant manager. So their age was apparent from the get-go.

Under the new system, applications began first with a standardized, online, electronic screen. This included over 100 questions designed to find out a candidate’s skills, experience, employability and other attributes related to the job. But it contained no age screen.

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