Hanging Tree

We went to the movies on Father’s Day to see Jurassic World, but it was sold out. We’ll be going later today to see …….. “Inside Out”, the newest Pixar release. I just LOVE animated movies. I really do. It’s getting 92% (audience) and 98% (critics) on rottentomatoes.   Also, a very nice write-up from a new (and, great) movie review website I recently found, http://screencrush.com/inside-out-review/


Jurassic World – while the specials effects seem/are fantastic – well, it seems the plot-line and dialogue are atrocious. Mere special effects no longer hold my interest. My brain has CGI-fatigue.

I mean, I’m supposed to believe;

— that they would open yet ANOTHER park after sooooo many people were killed in the previous parks?? Who the fuck would insure it? What government would allow it? What fuckin’ moron would go there?

— that scientists thought “Hey, what the fuck … let’s do some genetic modifications and make a bad-ass killing machine even more bad ass and nearly invincible!!” Really?

— that despite all the scientific genius required to re-constitute these dinosaurs, and develop a brand new one that never existed ….. that they can’t figure out how to build a fucking cage/lock to keep the motherfucker in? Really?

— oh yeah, and let’s train Raptors to think and follow commands …. because we can use them in the battlefield to replace humans. Uh huh. Sure.

— watching almost two hours of humans in the park doing jaw-droppingly stupid shit that leads directly to their deaths

— a gyrosphere ride where the amusement park gives riders ONE HUNDRED percent control over their ride … to go wherever and do whatever they want …. in a park with fuckin killer dinosaurs? WTF? The movie seems retarded to me. Just another tired reboot to bring $$$$$ to the studios without making even a half-assed attempt at telling a GOOD story.


ANYWAY, as I was looking around youtube at various trailers, I came across this, and it cracked me up, especially since I did enjoy the Hunger Games movies (except, the last one was kind of weak). Damned Millenials! Heh heh