Democrats Now Also Poking China The Covert Destruction Ahead

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

China has bluntly warned that it would take strong measures if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. They have warned that such a visit would severely impact Chinese-U.S. relations. There is a strategy here to undermine BOTH Russia and China. Their three obstacles were Trump, Putin, and Xi. Trump was removed and now they are turning to Russia and China. They need to conquer both to reach their goal of a New World Order which they have boldly put forth at the 2022 World Government Summit.

Let me make this VERY clear. The Western Keynesian Economic Model is collapsing. Schwab’s claim that “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy” is not a communist sales pitch. It is far more serious than that. Because the European Central Bank moved to negative interest rates back in 2014 and there has been NO stimulation ever achieved, they have kept European governments on life-support and wiped out all the pension funds that by law had to hold a portion of government bonds.

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