THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Congress enforces Prohibition – 1919


Prohibition: What is the 18th Amendment? - Video & Lesson Transcript |

Happy birthday to the 18th Amendment! | The National Constitution Center

How the U.S. Government Enforced Prohibition By Poisoning Americans

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How The Oil Oligarchy Corrupted The World

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Tennessee passes nation’s first prohibition law – 1838


The first Prohibition law in the history of the United States is passed in Tennessee, making it a misdemeanor to sell alcoholic beverages in taverns and stores. The bill stated that all persons convicted of retailing “spirituous liquors” would be fined at the “discretion of the court” and that the fines would be used in support of public schools.

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Vaccine Mandates are the New Prohibition

Guest Post by Emily Burns

Not all popular policies are good policies. Prohibition (1920-1933), one of the most visible public policy failures in modern history, was wildly popular. There are lessons here.

Like vaccines mandates, Prohibition was rooted in the desire to achieve a positive social end, one its proponents felt couldn’t be achieved without legal coercion. It was widely supported by “the science.” The goal of Prohibition was not to reduce drinking, per se. Its goal was to reduce problems deemed to be caused by drinking—crime, poverty, domestic violence, etc. It was here where Prohibition failed so spectacularly; it exacerbated many of the ills it had hoped, not just to mitigate, but to cure.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Congress enforces Prohibition – 1919


Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson’s veto. The Volstead Act provided for the enforcement of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, also known as the Prohibition Amendment.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Congress enforces Prohibition – 1919


Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson’s veto. The Volstead Act provided for the enforcement of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, also known as the Prohibition Amendment.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Congress enforces prohibition – 1919


Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson’s veto. The Volstead Act provided for the enforcement of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, also known as the Prohibition Amendment.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Congress enforces prohibition – 1919


Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson’s veto. The Volstead Act provided for the enforcement of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, also known as the Prohibition Amendment.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Prohibition takes effect – 1919


The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, prohibiting the “manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes,” is ratified on this day in 1919 and becomes the law of the land.

The movement for the prohibition of alcohol began in the early 19th century, when Americans concerned about the adverse effects of drinking began forming temperance societies. By the late 19th century, these groups had become a powerful political force, campaigning on the state level and calling for total national abstinence. In December 1917, the 18th Amendment, also known as the Prohibition Amendment, was passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification.

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