V. Putin Ain’t No Corn Pop

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Putin Laughing GIF - Putin Laughing Serious GIFs

I wasn’t being a wise guy. I was alone with him in his office, that’s how it came about,” Biden continued. “It was when President Bush had said, ‘I’ve looked in his eyes and saw his soul.’ I said, ‘I looked in your eyes, and I don’t think you have a soul.’ He looked back and he said, ‘We understand each other.’ ”
— ABC News, Joe Biden with George Stephanopoulos on V. Putin of Russia

Somehow, I don’t think Joe Biden understood what he thought Vladimir Putin understood about what they mutually understood. If I had to guess, I’d say that Mr. Putin understood Joe Biden to be the most pathetic blustering schlemiel he’d ever encountered on the international scene. But that must have been before Mr. B was installed in the White House by powers and persons unseen because it’s evident now that his handlers do not allow him to talk to foreign leaders, not even on the phone. Ms. Harris does that.

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Putin Responds To Biden “Killer” Slur: “It Takes One To Know One”

Via ZeroHedge

Russian President Vladimir Putin has responded to Biden’s explosive Wednesday interview wherein he agreed with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that Putin is a “killer”. In his characteristic way of using his wry humor and wit to perhaps lighten the intensity of the situation and expose it as somewhat asinine, the Russian leader simply said that evaluating other countries “is like looking in a mirror”.

“I wish him good health” Putin quipped while noting the US president is likely just projecting,  according to Russian state sources. “I say that without irony or joking.” Here’s what Putin said in context:

“It takes one to know one,” Putin said in televised remarks, using a saying from his childhood.

“That’s not just a children’s saying and a joke. There’s a deep psychological meaning in this.

“We always see in another person our own qualities and think that he is the same as us.”

Putin added that he wished Biden, 78, good health. “I’m saying this without irony, not as a joke.”

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