“Rapefugees Not Welcome”: Germany Erupts Into Chaos As “Mein Kampf” Reprint Flies Off Shelves

Tyler Durden's picture

Anger over a wave of sexual assaults that occurred across the EU on New Year’s Eve reached a boiling point in Germany on Saturday when some 1,700 people attended a rally organized by the anti-Muslim PEGIDA movement.

PEGIDA, which nearly fizzled early last year, gained in popularity as hundreds of thousands of Mid-East asylum seekers responded to Angela Merkel’s open-door refugee policy by flooding across Germany’s borders. Initially, many Germans met the the migrants with hugs and gifts, but as the months wore on, sentiment gradually soured and attendance at PEGIDA rallies once again spiked with as many as 20,000 people showing up for an October demonstration.

Seeking to capitalize off the assaults that were allegedly perpetrated by groups of marauding Arab refugees in Cologne, PEGIDA took to the streets this weekend and predictably, clashes with riot police ensued.

“Demonstrators, some of whom bore tattoos with far-right symbols such as a skull in a German soldier’s helmet, had chanted ‘Merkel must go’ and ‘this is the march of the national resistance’”, Reuters writes. Another banner read: “Rapefugees not welcome.”

Germany’s Refugee Crisis is Starting to Explode

Guest Post by

Cologne Rapes 1-1-2016

The Arab sexual assault in Cologne, Germany, occurred on New Year’s Eve when hundreds of male refugees robbed and carried out sexual assaults against over 100 girls. This illustrates one of the huge problems with allowing such a mass migration of a starkly different culture.


But what has become the BIG NEWS, is the cover-up by the major news in Germany who did not publish the story for three days. On January 6th, Denmark began “temporary” passport checks on the German-Danish border. The attempt to cover-up the Cologne attacks with one-third being sexual, has sent a shock-wave in Europe behind the headlines. The temporary passport checks in Denmark is a clear response to Germany’s unprecedented acceptance of refugees who a portion are not quite ready for Western living. The men involved were said to be Syrian.

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Germany: One Invader Rape Every Three Days

Via The New Observer

Nonwhite invaders raped German women once every three days in the month of August 2015, a substantial increase on the previous months, a survey of the attacks reported in the controlled media has found.

The shocking statistic is only a reflection of the incidents which the media dared report—and does not include unreported cases, or the sexual assault cases reported from within the invader camps in Germany.


Those cases which were reported for August 2015 are listed below. In all of these cases, the perpetrators have not, as of writing, been arrested, but the police are specifically looking for nonwhites, who they always describe as being of “Südlich” (southern, i.e., Arabic) appearance.

On August 3, a “North African” raped a seven-year-old girl in a park in Chemnitz.

On August 1, a male “southerner” attempted to rape a 27-year-old woman in downtown Stuttgart.

On August 8, a male “southerner” attempted to rape a 20-year-old woman in Siegen.

On August 10, five men of “Turkish origin” attempted to rape a girl in Mönchengladbach.

On August 10, a male “southerner” raped a 15-year-old girl in Rinteln.

On August 12, a male “southerner” exposed himself to a 31-year-old woman in Kassel. Police say a similar incident occurred in the same area on August 11.

On August 12, a male “southerner” attempted to rape a 17-year-old woman in Hannover.

Continue reading “Germany: One Invader Rape Every Three Days”