Here’s how they blacken your “BRAND” in a Madison Avenue minute……….

Via State of the Nation

…if you dare to use your high and
powerful public platform to tell
the unvarnished truth ABOUT
ANYTHING concerning the
New World Order agenda.

The Central Intelligence Agency established the highly effective practice of smearing any truth-teller with accusations of sexual assault, sexual abuse and any other type sex crime or sexual weirdness with the tabloid trashing of President John F. Kennedy.

JFK and the CIA:
Trash-talking a POTUS to destroy his truth-telling legacy

Let’s face it: in America’s traditionally conservative, Christian society, the best way to destroy anyone’s reputation — FAST — has always been to throw lurid sexual accusations in their direction, whether true or false.  Because once they’re thrown against the wall by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, there’s simply no undoing the resulting awesome damage to one’s name.

Welcome to Third Millennium and the never-ending cascade of mud-slinging against conservative VIPs, particularly those very rich and powerful, who dare to tell the truth about anything that really matters to the New World Order globalist cabal.

Continue reading “Here’s how they blacken your “BRAND” in a Madison Avenue minute……….”

The Russell Brand “Investigation”

Via Off-Guardian

The Russell Brand scandal is big news right now. And by “big news” I mean it is quite literally the front-page story in every major newspaper in the UK…

…that level of media coordination is weird in and of itself.

Continue reading “The Russell Brand “Investigation””


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