Farewell…For Now

Mike Krieger saved TBP back in May of 2014. A denial of service attack had the site down for days when Mike emailed me and hooked me up with his IT guru TMWNN. I was hours away from pulling the plug on TBP. Within two days TMWNN had fought off the attack and has protected TBP ever since. I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Mike for helping out a fellow blogger.

We both started blogging around the same time (2009/2010) and both had the same goal – to warn as many people as possible about the dire financial consequences from the actions of the Fed, Wall Street and politicians. We both thought we could change enough minds to make a difference.

I agree with Mike. We failed. This ship is going down and nothing we say or do at this point will change our course. I know how he feels, because I feel the same way. I find it extremely difficult to write anymore. In the early days I would be putting out two or three articles a week.

Mike seems to have found solace in his family and gardens. I wish him well and anticipate his new website.

Guest Post by Mike Krieger

Remember: Matter. How tiny your share of it.
Time. How brief and fleeting your allotment of it.
Fate. How small a role you play in it.

– Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

For the past ten years, I’ve spent most of my waking hours learning how the systems we live under function and how wealth and power operate and consolidate in the U.S. as well as globally. I’ve learned a lot and I’ve shared a lot. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would.

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