The Four Pillars Of Self-Confidence

Submitted by: aka.attrition

Source: Quintus Curtius –


It seems to me that self-confidence rests on four pillars:  (1) one must accurately and honestly assess one’s value; (2) self-confidence should never veer into the territory of arrogance or insolence; (3) self-confidence must be buttressed by demonstrated experience; and (4) while all can improve in self-confidence, it is essentially a character trait that comes easier to some than to others.

It is not true that all men are of equal value in all things. Some men, by virtue of their training, experience, and inclinations, will perform more successfully in certain areas. But honest appraisals are often difficult, because pride and sensitivity are offended by blunt truths. Those who are able to step outside themselves and engage in critical self-examination will improve. Those who cannot, will never advance.

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