Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Guest Post by Margaret Anna Alice

#IStandWithSucharit: Voice Your Support for Sucharit Bhakdi Before His May 23, 2023, Trial

#IStandWithSucharit: Campaign to Support Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

“Where there’s no danger, there’s no courage.… Anyone can ‘endure’ security and well-being. The real challenges—the ones that force our endurance to grow from mere perseverance into true courage—arise in the face of hazard.

“So it is with moral courage, where danger is endured for the sake of an overarching commitment to conscience, principles, or core values.”

—Rushworth Kidder, Moral Courage (Kindle, paperback, hardcover)

Flanked by an entourage of stuffed animals that included a pig, puppy, monkey, and panda, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi expounded:

“There are three things that bring people together, and those are what we must try to strive for. Mettā karuṇā in Thai means compassion, being with each other. Muditā means being able to be happy for each other. If you are doing well, I am happy for you. Upekkhā means staying in the middle, never seeking the extremes. All these three things are lost.”

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Thai Princess coma mystery – world expert says it’s a COVID jab injury

Via The Daily Telegraph

Princess Bajrakitiyabha news

44 year old Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand collapsed while out walking her dogs on 14 December last year.

According to sources she had not felt well after receiving her 3rd booster. After her collapse she lost consciousness and remains in a coma. According to a report in The Independent, she is ‘on medical equipment supporting her heart, lungs and kidneys.’

Princess Bajrakitiyabha is the eldest child of current King Rama X. The law graduate is a senior diplomat in the Thai government.

The Thai palace confirmed she had suffered a ‘heart issue’. But the explanation given by the authorities and a local university that it was caused by a bacterial infection has been called ‘ridiculous’ by medical expert Professor Sucharit Bhakdi.

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