Setting Up White Gentiles for Genocide

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Taki Points Out that the Jews in Hollywood Are Doing the Same Work on White People that the Nazi Filmmakers Did on Jews

“Hollywood is hard at work in maintaining the myth that everything that the West has achieved since the Greeks was due to the white man’s cruelty and ability to steal from the Dark Continent.”

Taki was ill in bed with nothing to do but to watch TV.  The program he watched “takes place out west and the cowboys are all bad, bullies, criminals, sadists, and worst of all, white. The few black cowhands are wise, introspective, and very perceptive with their advice. The victims are the red Indians, sorry, Native tribesmen. One pretty Indian girl teaches history class, and her opening remarks to a new class are what a major criminal Christopher Columbus was.

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It’s not just WHITE REPLACEMENT … it’s also a highly organized GENOCIDE of Christian Patriots across the USA.

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: Take heed, Patriots!  Not only are the millions of illegal aliens being deliberately ferried into the USA by the NWO globalist cabal coming to replace white Christians, the vast majority are fighting age men who are all future mercenaries who will eventually be under orders to wipe out all American Patriots.

Why do you think the vast majority of illegal aliens now
invading all of our borders are young fighting-
age men from countries with LOTs
of anti-American angst?

“After illegally crossing the border, these foreign mercenaries and soldiers of fortune, terrorists and extremists, anarchists and agitators, criminals and convicts, drug dealers and mules, rebels and revolutionaries, insurgents and insurrectionists are being transported to all of the sanctuary cities and states to create overwhelming chaos, confusion, and conflict via rampant and violent criminal activity.  But that is only the preliminary stage of this NWO-inspired revolution necessary to soften up and scare the local populations, just as the bankster-funded bolsheviks did in Russia prior to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.”
(Source: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: The Most Destructive and Naked Act of Treason in U.S. History….)

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Is White Genocide in Our Future?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

“The perception that mass shootings are a “white man’s problem” lingers around the country because white mass shooters tend to get more publicity. And, the twisted young male who goes on a public shooting spree fits a certain kind of media narrative. But when we actually study the mass shootings that took place in 2019, it’s clear that Patrick Crusius and Connor Betts are not the norm, but aberrations.

“Mass shooters have no particular ideology. Crusius and Betts were opposites ideologically. (Though both cared deeply about the environment.) Nor are mass shooters a white problem or a black problem. Over the same bloody weekend, William Patrick Williams, who is African-American, appeared in court after being arrested by the FBI for planning to shoot up a Texas hotel with an AK-47 rifle.

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Identity Politics = White Genocide

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The subversion of fact-based science and scholarship by the emotion-based ideology of Identity Politics is laying the groundwork for the genocide of white people. This sounds like an outlandish statement. However, it follows logically from the identification of white people with violence, oppression, and every evil in the world.

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Modern Genocide

Guest Post by The Zman

If you conquer a people and wish to eliminate them, the classic way is to kill all the men and marry to women off to your males or sell them off into slavery. This was the favorite way of solving tribal conflict in ancient times. Alternatively, you could just slaughter everyone you found, which was another way to eliminate problem populations in the ancient world. This was fine for small populations, but it usually included driving off a large portion of the defeated population, as mass murder is difficult to execute.

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“Kill the White Man” / or South Africa’s White Genocide

Guest Post by Justin O. Smith

The war is on right now against White South Africa, and the violence currently directed at whites by the black majority population and South Africa’s radical communist African National Congress (ANC) and Economic Freedom Fighters parties is at near genocide level. Open displays of racial hatred by South Africa’s leaders have fed a black and bloody tide of pent up rage, that has revoked Mandela’s pledge, if it was ever upheld; and, today in South Africa, white people are being ground into dust and forced to flee or prepare for civil war.

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Are Whites Being Setup For Genocide?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Identity Politics has responded with outrage against People Magazine’s choice of white male country singer Blake Shelton as “sexiest man in the world.” According to adherents of Identity Politics, the choice indicates that People Magazine is itself racist and part of the white supremacy movement to elevate white people above people of color. The choice is doubly outrageous because, according to a writer in Salon, it reinforces and celebrates toxic white male sexuality and elevates a white man to a position of popular acclaim.

Every white person needs to read this article — — to understand how they are being demonized and marginalized to the point of oblivion. By focusing primarily on white heterosexual males, Identity Politics tries to split white women off from white men by the use of the pejorative “misogynist”, but, as the article reports, white women, such as Taylor Swift, are also publicly demonized for their whiteness.

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Drexel University Professor’s Christmas Wish: ‘All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide’

They didn’t have assholes like this guy teaching when I went to Drexel in the 1980’s. I’m sure glad I never donated a dime to this institution since graduating if this is the slime they hire to teach. The article is wrong. It costs over $45,000 to go to Drexel. 

Via Breitbart


A professor at Philadelphia’s Drexel University has a heartwarming Christmas message: Associate Professor of Politics and Global Studies George Ciccariello-Maher is wishing for a “white genocide.”

Taking to his Twitter account on Christmas eve, Ciccariello-Maher, himself a white man, tweeted, “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide.” He later deleted the tweet.

The professor who describes himself as a “visiting researcher” at El Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales in Mexico also had praise for the “massacre of whites.”


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