Illegals Arrive in Bus and Shop at Walmart With EBT Cards

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A school bus of illegal immigrants reportedly pulled up at a Walmart in North Carolina and shopped with EBT cards. The woman in the video says the immigrants could not speak English and were reportedly staying in China Grove.

more on the incident:

Sylvia Locklear was on her lunch break Sunday afternoon around 1:30 p.m. when she noticed something strange happening in the parking lot of Walmart in Concord, NC – there was busloads of what appeared to be adult illegal immigrants being dropped off to shop for everything from food to pillows and blankets. Angered by her discovery, Sylvia decided she was going to investigate a little further, and what she found should outrage every American citizen.

In the video above, Sylvia can be heard talking to another person who presumably was curious about what was going on, so she explained to them that prior to taking the video she had tried to talk to the people on the bus. Not only could they barely speak English, but one of them had said they had just arrived in America.

We all know that this has been happening, however, the sheriff of her town had said that they weren’t allowing any illegals to be shipped in, so it would appear as if the Obama regime is once again placing undue burdens on the states and not even letting them know what’s going on. What’s worse is that in the comments under the video she posted to Facebook, Sylvia said that when she was in line behind them that they were using government-issued EBT cards to pay for their purchases.


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July 16, 2014 10:24 am

All part of the redistribution plan .Make everyone poor .The ruling elites would like this .

July 16, 2014 10:34 am

Lynn is one small city in Massachusetts. It gets most of the money to run the city from the state coffers because it is broke, it has very little tax base and most of its occupants are “immigrants”, of both the legal and illegal kind. The problem with dumping the “children” on these poor cities is that they are mandated to supply certain services by state law, even as the article states below they cannot prove that these “kids” are really minors as many are not. These cities do not fully cover the expenses, most, if not all has to be covered by the state, more taxes on the rest of us. Most of these freshly minted illegals have little or no reading, writing , or math skills even in their native language thus rendering the attempt to teach virtually useless.

Lynn officials: Illegal immigrant children are stressing city services

Posted: Jul 14, 2014 5:49 PM EST Updated: Jul 14, 2014 6:34 PM EST
(FOX25 / MyFoxBoston) Crystal Haynes

Local communities dealing with influx of illegal immigrants, many chldren

LYNN, Mass. ( — Lynn is a municipality on the brink. Key department officials say a recent influx of illegal immigrant children and families in the city is stressing almost every service from trash collection to healthcare.

“We have been aware of the unaccompanied children issue for quite a while, and we were able to absorb a lot of these children early on,” said Lynn Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy. “But now it’s gotten to the point where the school system is overwhelmed, our health department is overwhelmed, the city’s budget is being sustainably altered in order of accommodate all of these admissions in the school department.”

Flanagan Kennedy says the first contact for immigrant arrivals in the city is the school system.

The amount of new foreign born student admissions has nearly doubled in the last two years. This school year alone saw more than 600 new admissions. Among those students, 248 were from Guatemala. Flanagan Kennedy says of those 248 children, 126 were illegal, undocumented minors.

“They are not literate in any language, so they do need some skills. And I assume they are enrolling in school to receive those skills,” said Catherine Latham, Lynn’s superintendent of schools

Latham says me the increase in new students has created overcrowding, forced her to hire more staff, and has impacted state testing scores and drop-out numbers.

Latham says that because of the age of some students, reportedly between 16 and 20 years old, they were placed in the ninth grade. Twenty years old is the cut off for high school entrants.

But a report by the National Review Online claims at least two illegal immigrant students in Lynn who claimed to be minors are actually much older adults. That article names two people who were released to family members in Lynn by federal officials.

In a statement to FOX 25 about the article, the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) said, “To focus on a tiny minority of outliers in this group is to risk performing a grave disservice to these young people in need.”

“We have no proof that they are much older. So they will come to school. They came, I believe in April or May and enrolled usually in the system as ninth graders,” Latham said. “Many of them do two years in the ninth grade.”

Though it’s difficult, school administrators do attempt to verify a student’s age.

“But we are limited by the law,” Latham said.

The law states Lynn schools cannot deny enrollment to anybody solely on the basis of not having paperwork. The law also says students have to be vaccinated.

And if any student doesn’t have insurance, the city of Lynn picks up the tab for administering the injections.

Public Health Director MaryAnn O’Connor said she estimates the department has seen a 200 percent increase in vaccinations over the last couple years. O’Connor has also had to hire two additional part-time staff members and had to start a tuberculosis clinic for a huge spike in cases over the last two years.

It’s created a percent increase in her budget.

“We have line items that we’re borrowing from in the health department’s budget in order to meet this immediate demand, but somewhere down the line, I’m going to have to deal with finding the money to replace that which has been taken out,” Mayor Flanagan Kennedy said.

The mayor also says the solution is to stem the flow of illegal unaccompanied minors coming into her city on a federal level, and provide federal assistance to ease budget constraints.

“The way this is going, Lynn looks like a microcosm of the United States, in that we have been filled to capacity and we can’t take anymore without having the people who are already here suffer,” she said.

July 16, 2014 10:52 am

My brother used to live in China Grove. It’s a poor, country shithole near Charlotte, NC. Just cornfields and woods and trailer parks. Of course they would hide a bunch of parasites out there. They’re trying to smuggle them into Virginia, too. I heard some scumbag Christian charity quietly moved a bunch of parasites into Northern VA’s PW County and the county gov had to file a FOIA request to get any info on it. There’s a massive nation-wide protest for Friday/Saturday this week. I saw it online at:
It’s funny THIS was the issue to even get FSAers out in anger.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 16, 2014 12:04 pm

Massachuaetts deserves everything it gets. The people of that state kept Teddy Kennedy and other vile creatures in power for many years; Kennedy was one of the movers behind the 1965 Immigration Law that has destroyed our country. I feel sorry for the many decent folks in Massachusetts but the state as a whole can piss up a rope.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 16, 2014 12:05 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 16, 2014 12:08 pm

“They are not literate in any language”. 65% of all illegals – of all ages – (according to Pew) haven’t graduated high school (or its equivalent) in their own country. “Bring us your tired, your poor, your fucking losers”.

July 16, 2014 1:12 pm


Agreed. Fuck Massholeachusettes… That fat fuck of a drunk murderer Ted Kennedy foisted the ’65 Immigration Bullshit on us, and Massholeachusettes foisted Kennedy on Congress.

Don’t give a fuck what happens to them. The more they cry, the happier I am.

When the last American leaves, please make sure to turn the lights off.


Gubmint Cheese
Gubmint Cheese
July 16, 2014 1:13 pm

The Walmart CEO and his Chinese suppliers should be pleased next quarter with the financial impact of these new EBT toting recruits of the FSA. Useless eaters gotta eat

July 16, 2014 2:54 pm

I had a conversation with a retired teacher that taught school in Tracy Calif. She told me that their single largest cost was devoted to illegal aliens because the schools were mandated by the state to bring these kids up the speed with the rest of the class and to spend “WHAT EVER IT TAKES”. That meant they had to provide special tutors, and at teacher/parent conferences there had to be a translator in addition to the teacher, and on and on.

Now look at the budget for the (BANKRUPT) state of Calif. and notice that the largest item on the budget is education. Also notice the next largest item is Health and Human Services. That would translate into health care for poor people. Guess who make up the largest group of poor in Calif. where the majority of births in the southern half of the state are to women that are illegal aliens.

And now Obama has opened the gate wide open. There can be no doubt any longer. This will destroy this country and it is intentional.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 16, 2014 3:50 pm

There is an update to this story stating that the people on the bus were temporary migrant workers. However, why would they get EBT cards if that is the case (unless the EBT part is also not true)?

July 16, 2014 4:07 pm

Southern Sage and Billy,
I do not disagree with you at all. Massachusetts has not always been like this, but as the liberal indoctrination took hold in the 50s and 60s Massachusetts went all in. People who thought they were doing the right thing such as my mother voting for the likes of Kennedy and Carter, had no realization of the consequences, both short term and long term. As the state morphed into a full blown bastion of liberal hypocrisy people have lived in a sort of normalcy bias, thinking that everyone is like them, a free willed, smart thinking liberal. They look down on anyone from the south as inbred, low information brutes, and think of the close minded liberal friends that they surround themselves with as the normal ones. To argue with most of them is a waste of time an energy, armed with even the most basic facts that refute their ideology only serves to stiffen their resolve. Such that it is. Ironically there are a fair number of like minded conservative/libertarian people in this state. Most of us born here. We chose not to be driven out by the loud/foul mouthed ideologues, but I fear most of will leave when we are taxed beyond our the level of patience that allows us to stay here.Until then I will enjoy the Cape Cod beaches, and my kids will receive a solid university education at a state school, the maybe Kentucky. I really like bourbon.

July 16, 2014 4:14 pm

Rise up,
That is what they are calling them. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it so. I am sure someone is busy sending out mixed signals too keep the water muddied.