Declassified 1952 Footage of the U.S. Navy’s Plans for “Offensive Biological and Chemical Warfare” is Released

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

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Earlier this year, I published a post titled, Conspiracy Fact – How the Government Conducted 239 Secret Bioweapon Experiments on the American People. Here are a few excerpts:

It all began in late September of 1950, when over a few days, a Navy vessel used giant hoses to spray a fog of two kinds of bacteria, Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii — both believed at the time to be harmless — out into the fog, where they disappeared and spread over the city.

The unsuspecting residents of San Francisco certainly could not consent to the military’s germ warfare test, and there’s good evidence that it could have caused the death of at least one resident of the city, Edward Nevin, and hospitalized 10 others.

Over the next 20 years, the military would conduct 239 “germ warfare” tests over populated areas, according to news reports from the 1970s.

These tests included the large-scale releases of bacteria in the New York City subway system, on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and in National Airport just outside Washington, D.C.

So how seriously was the U.S. military planning for offensive biological and chemical warfare? Very seriously, as this recently declassified 1952 video demonstrates (h/t to Motherboard for highlighting this):

Surely I’m not the only one who noticed that 90% of the video is dedicated to “offensive” use of biological and chemical agents, with only a couple of minutes at the end briefly describing “defensive” capabilities.

Imagine the labels your neighbors would have called you in the 50’s if you had warned them that this was happening. 

For related articles, see:

Conspiracy Fact – How the Government Conducted 239 Secret Bioweapon Experiments on the American People

Documents Show the U.S. Military Sprayed Radioactive Zinc Cadmium Sulfide on Poor People in St. Louis

10 Chemical Weapons Attacks the U.S. Government Doesn’t Want You to Know About

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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October 13, 2015 7:10 am

Well what do you expect da goobermint to do when they get a new toy? They do the same thing YOU do when you get a new toy…… with it. Just because it could kill or injure people is no reason not to play with it especially when you are untouchable like da goobermint. Humans are just fucked up that way.

About 19 years ago I had a boss in the concrete business who just bought a brand new roller bug. It’s a tool that gently pushes the aggregate in concrete down slightly so that you get a nice, smooth trowel finish. That is the ONLY thing you’re supposed to use it for. That particular day we were pouring exposed aggregate patios in a new development and you DO NOT want the aggregate pushed down on that but this new toy was just killing the boss. He was dying to use it but he knew exactly what would happen if he did.

He kept talking himself into it then out of it. I told him what he already knew but he decided that “one pass” would be ok. So he ran the thing across the patio just before we doused it with RC Cola. A couple hours later as we started washing the portland off the top, the damage was immediately evident. He had to tear that patio out and re-pour it all on his dime. That new toy cost him $300 plus five yards of new concrete, a jack hammer rental, new rebar, dump fees and labor all so he could learn what he already knew. I got paid by the hour so I didn’t mind.

October 13, 2015 7:13 am

So the Navy is responsible for turning San Fran into a city of babbling homosexual moonbats…might have known.

October 13, 2015 7:48 am

To further illustrate my point……….Playboy will no longer be publishing nude photos of babes in their magazine.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You just can’t make up this kind of stupid. IMO, they’re lucky to still be in business considering what is available online but now they’re just gonna say “fuck it” and go full retard.

October 13, 2015 11:40 am

In the 1950’s chem and bio weapons were a newly increasing probability in a major war, as were nuclear weapons.

It makes perfect sense that the Navy and the rest of the military would be making plans around them, the same way they began making their plans on the use of aircraft after WWI. The other major and some minor powers were doing the same.

Fortunately we -the world- managed to avoid that scenario, at least so far.

October 13, 2015 1:23 pm

This is no different that what is happening right now….the entire West coast of the U.S. is being bathed in radioactivity from Fukushima. The Fed gov’s answer was to turn off the radiation monitors.

October 13, 2015 1:35 pm


Well, it worked didn’t it?

No reported radiation increases means no radiation problem so the solution was apparently effective.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 13, 2015 3:09 pm

“These tests included the large-scale releases of bacteria in the New York City subway system, on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and in National Airport just outside Washington, D.C.”

How many years was this kept secret? And some 9/11 deniers believe government can’t keep secrets? There goes that theory…

October 13, 2015 9:22 pm

Worked with a guy in the 1970 who said he was in spook work in the Army. He said they sprayed some agent in Washington D.C. They wanted to see how it spread. I didn’t believe him then . I do now. They will do whatever they have the technical capacity to do. Legal or not moral or not, fascists are to to bet trusted. Government is not to be trusted.

October 14, 2015 8:00 pm

As politicians, these scoundrels can not be trusted with forced vaccines.When the politicians exec. ordered I sense something terribly wrong with vaccines.First gov wants obedient,stupid sheep.To keep population down.Look at drugs that cause males to effeminate grow breasts.