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November 22, 2015 10:18 am

The government is not unable to protect its citizens.

It is unwilling to protect them.

Because it considers them its enemy.

It particularly considers those who own guns to be its enemy, think about that as you fill out the government permission paperwork.

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November 22, 2015 10:48 am

The Uruk-hai, baring the White Hand of cultural Marxism, are ravaging the lands and people of Rohan. Saruman controls the King and Grima Wormtongue is his chief advisor. It is only rational that the Eomers and Eowyns of Rohan rise up to face the darkness or soon the sun will forever set on their lands.

November 22, 2015 11:11 am

You guys think this is impressive?

Over in Austria, gun sales have literally exploded.

You don’t need a Waffenbesitzkarte to own a shotgun – which means shotguns have sold out. In the entire country.

Classes to own a pistol were running once every 5 weeks. Now, they’re running weekly. And those classes are packed.

Weps has a good quote/translation of the original article in German…


Thomas Ortner, spokesman for the gun dealers of Upper Austria, states, “At this time, practically all shotguns are sold out, because for them one needs no Waffenbesitzkarte [Weapons Ownership License]. Normall, pistol permit courses take place every five weeks, but now every week.” With more than 157,000 weapons and almost 44,000 [licensed] Owners the state is in third place on the Austrian weapons Hit Parade.

The solitary leader in this ranking is Lower Austria, with almost 25,000 registered weapons, divided amongst more than 66,000 owners. Private weapons purchases are also exploding in the Tyrol and Salzburg. At the offices of the District Commissions, people are standing in long lines for the necessary papers.

Above all, women bought weapons

Original in German for us squareheads…


Check out the Oshi in the article… him bein’ all sporty with his Tyrolean hat and his stützen rifle…

Fuckin Haji’s spray the countryside with millions of rounds and accomplish fuck-all… an Oshi will drop his ass stone dead with one shot from that Steyr…

harry p.
harry p.
November 22, 2015 11:28 am

But wait, i thought they had this covered because they had flowers and didnt need guns…?

November 22, 2015 11:33 am


Some people find “Oshi” offensive … depending on context.

Kamerad Schnürschuh

November 22, 2015 11:38 am

“almost 25,000 registered weapons, divided amongst more than 66,000 owners” – ??

Some sort of bastardized “rehypothecation” in the Austrian firearms market?

November 22, 2015 11:47 am

Good guy without a gun goes after a bad guy with a really crappy gun:


November 22, 2015 3:47 pm

@ Anon,

The video offered following your gun one
is very good. Mike Maloney…episode of Secrets of Money series

November 22, 2015 4:54 pm

The juries in. Governments create more violence than they stop. The idea that governments can protect you is a myth. You are ultimately responsible for the protection of yourself and family.

Governments want the responsibility of protecting you and to remove the ability (right) to protect yourself, but the government doesn’t want the legal responsibility if it fails in its mandate to do so.
That’s a telling indictment of their lack of ability to do so.

Remember, when seconds count, the police are minutes away. …But don’t worry the government will clean up the mess and assign blame.

November 22, 2015 5:23 pm

Went to the new Bass Pro just east of Tampa. Place was slammed! I was shocked at the prices for a Glock. 6 to seven hundred FRNs. I thought they were around 350. And people were buying ’em. Our H1/2NIC has made gun control his final years goal. Good luck wif dat, my nigga!

November 22, 2015 5:39 pm

Pick a caliber for close in guns and another for long guns – and unless you have 10,000 rounds per caliber, you are already behind.

Reloading supplies and how to home reload is also a bonus.

One of the collapsible batons is on my Christmas wish list as most hospitals have a “no gun” policy.

Bad times are coming my friends.

November 22, 2015 5:42 pm

Typical ‘mercan response… the solution for violence, is moooaaarrrr violence.

Of course we never speak of the FACT that having a gun in the home INCREASES the probability of dying from gun fire… but hey cowboys… shoo ’em up!

November 22, 2015 7:05 pm


Why would you need that much ammo?

You in the habit of missing or something?

November 22, 2015 8:44 pm

“Of course we never speak of the FACT that having a gun in the home INCREASES the probability of dying from gun fire… but hey cowboys… shoo ’em up!:”

FACT??? Bullshit is what I say . . . .

November 22, 2015 9:08 pm

Good to see 30% of the country still have some brains.

November 22, 2015 9:12 pm

Anon: You make an interesting point BUT what is the alternative? Don’t get a gun, just wait until shit hits the fan or the goobermint comes calling? I’d rather die armed than like a sheep.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 22, 2015 11:17 pm


One of my favourite quotes is “There are lies, damned lies and there are statistics.”

The interesting thing about life is this – in spite of not being a statistical issue the statistical possibility of any of us eventually kicking the bucket is 100%.

Moreover – and just to prove my point that your stats don’t mean a thing – if I have a home invasion and I don’t have a gun to defend myself the statistical probability I will be a victim of a violent crime is roughly 100%. Conversely if I have a gun – and I’ll give the liberals the benefit of the doubt and say the odds of me having it used against me during the commission of the crime are roughly 70% that means that I have a 30% chance I’ll plaster the home invaders fucking brains all over my wall. Statistically speaking those are far better odds than the roughly 100% chance I will be attacked and either killed or maimed if I am not armed. Frankly – I think I’ll take those odds.

Coward’s like you who lack the ability to use reason and exercise any level of self control or responsibility make me sick. Now kindly fuck off and post over at Salon where pansie ass pieces of liberal fraidy cat state ass kissing dung beetles with no brains like you belong.

November 22, 2015 11:33 pm


“Of course we never speak of the FACT that having a gun in the home INCREASES the probability of dying from gun fire… but hey cowboys… shoo ’em up!”

So why did you leave out the FACT that that statement is counting suicides in order to make that claim. Because if you knew that and made that statement without pointing out that FACT then that shows you’re attempt to deceive. If you didn’t know that FACT then that shows you’re ignorance and the FACT that you regurgitate bull shit statements without knowing what you’re talking about.

Exclude suicides and that statement is totally false!!

November 23, 2015 6:01 am

I just read where they arrested 3 didn du nothins in the murder and rape of the pastors wife Amanda Blackburn . 3 niggers kill a white woman and very little published about it . Doesn’t fit the narrative?

Give me a fucking break .
Suzanna I agree with your premise that a war is going on , pardon me ,I cant remember which thread it was on.

The so called govt is NOT protecting the average person in this ussa .
I give kudos to those who step up to the plate and say their life is at LEAST as important as anyone else. And go and buy defensive /offensive weaponry .

With the current 4th turning going on ….. history doesn’t exactly repeat , but it sure as shittin rhymes .

Arm UP!! Be aware ! The dogs of war are at the very least sniffing around ((((

Give a fight hard enough to justify your existence in this most rare physical form we have .
All the pain , all the pleasure , all the set backs, all the triumphs …… is worth it I think .

If you cant protect you and yours , maybe you need to think about it a bit .
I’m sure MR. Blackburn is contemplating that every minute of every day .

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 23, 2015 9:05 pm

I want to see a survey of the people in that Paris concert: 1) I’m glad I was unarmed 2) I wish I’d had a handgun 3) I’m glad I live in a gun free zone country 4) I wish France had been more like Texas 5) I am a proud Liberal 6) I pulled my head out of my ass