This is an email I received from a TBP reader. It is actually a feel good story of the day. Doing good deeds, without the government or a religious institution involved. How is that possible? Sounds very deistic to me.


As a long time reader of your site I thought you might appreciate a story of people who have turned their lives around given the opportunity through the vision of a caring person. As opposed to only being recipients of our hand out government.
This is a reply that I received from a friend who is a self employed business owner.

I am proud and glad to be a fan and supporter of Brandon, Jordan and Edwin’s.

I wish I had the capacity to do more.

It means nothing to consider yourself a conservative, as I do, if you fail to actively encourage and support those who strive to raise themselves up to become a part of productive society. It is so easy to demean, to belittle and demonize.

It is very hard to reach beyond class and socioeconomic differences to promote a fair and inclusive society. Harder because it’s a one step at a time process, as opposed to the ease of condemning with a broad brush.

I think the term “hero” fits these guys perfectly.

If you google ” CNN heroes” today, you get this article. I know we are not usually fans of CNN but sometimes the do get a story right.

If any one cares and wants to help out, you can see their site here ( and maybe a tax deductible contribution).

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March 18, 2016 4:34 pm

Is your watch missing?

March 18, 2016 5:44 pm

Well ant that warm and fuzzy. How about the Shriners ,the dododo gooders.Just working my way up to God .Right?Here is their oath.
If I willfully violated ( codes , rules , secrets of freemason ) I shall receive the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the center with a 3 edged blade , my feet flayed and I be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea until the flaming sun shall strike me with a livid plague and ( here’s where it gets interesting) MAY ALLAH , The God of Arabs , Moslems and Mohammedan ,THE GOD OF OUR FATHERS , support the entire fulfillment of the same…..From the oath of obligation, ANCIENT ARABIC ORDER OF NOBLES OF THE MYSTICAL SHRINERS… Well ant that some shit .These do goodie Shriners take an oath to Allah….

March 18, 2016 5:53 pm

When the Mason learns that the key is the proper application of the dynamics of living power , he has learned the mystery of his craft. The SEETHING ENERGIES OF SATAN ARE IN HIS HANDS.

Manley Hall .33 degree mason .

Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong . Essentially a seed of evil ,which can never produce any good…John Quincy Adams 1833.

March 18, 2016 6:06 pm

Here are a collection of 32 and 33 degree masons and the final result :*Shriners.
Andrew Jackson ( Lloph that’s your man ) Theodore Roosevelt , FDR ,Harry Truman , Lyndon Johnson ,Gerald Ford , Ronald Reagan , George Bush , Yassas Arafat , Benjamin Netanyahu , J Edgar Hoover., Napoleon Bonaparte , Joseph Stalin , Mussolini , Bill Clinton , Fidel Castro ,Ariel Sharon and on and on.

The who’s who in history and current leaders are mostly Freemasons.,Shriners who have taken a blood oath to Allah. The most amazing ones are the Jews in Israel and here in America.

I ask you all ..Why would Jewish elites take a blood oath to Allah thus Islam an enemy that hates them ?? Somebody not telling us something.

March 18, 2016 6:08 pm

Stucky , as Slim Pickens says…. What in the WIDE , WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS IS GOING ON HERE.

March 18, 2016 6:57 pm

Great program. I’ve read of hundreds of such programs throughout the U.S.

One thing they have in common: they are PRIVATE programs. Run by individuals, businesses, churches. All with the intent of providing an option to formerly-incarcerated individuals to get their act together and improve their lives — through meaningful work.

No government. No taxpayer money. Just good, honest solutions that work.

March 18, 2016 7:04 pm

Inspiring story. Click the links. On a more personal level ………..

My son owns a business which “makes stuff” here in Tucson. Employees include welders, carpenters, painters, machine operators, etc. Most of the employees, including the general manager, are ex-cons. They are paid well and get a nice Christmas bonus every year. Think they are loyal and dependable? You bet they are.

A few years ago, my son got really ticked about something, gathered all the employees at the end of the day, and told them everyone was fired. They looked at each other, mostly smiling (because they know my son has a temper), and went home. Next day, they all showed up at work. My son mumbled and grumbled, but never said another word.

Another story. About 15 years ago, the father of an ex-con employee, died. The ex-con couldn’t pay for his dad’s funeral. So my son paid for the funeral. The word gets around FAST when something like that happens.

My son’s biggest flaw is he loves to argue with his father. Snotty little brat, but he’s a special kid.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 19, 2016 11:12 am

If your voting for change, keep voting, it hasn’t paid off yet, so it’s due, right?

Like a piggy bank, change comes from within