I guess Obama, Pelosi, Kerry, Krugman, and Reid will blame the Tea Party extremists for the 2nd stock market crash in the last two weeks. Americans want sound bites. They want simple concepts because thinking makes their heads hurt. If you are an ignorant American, than you should stop reading now and go back to watching The View. The unravelling of the worldwide financial ponzi scheme has many tentacles and many interconnected pieces, but it all goes back to DEBT and the inability to service that debt with the cash flows being generated by governments, consumers and businesses. Here are the facts:

  • Nixon closed the gold window in 1971 and unleashed a never ending torrent of fiat paper into the world.
  • Politicians throughout the world, since the late 1960s, have made promises of social welfare benefits to voters in order to get elected. They didn’t worry about demographics or using complicated  mathematical concepts like multiplication and addition to figure out that the promises could never be fulfilled.
  • The Federal Reserve enabled politicians to create as much debt as they wanted by methodically devaluing the USD by 90% since 1971.


  • The Federal Reserve has created bubble after bubble (internet, housing, stocks) by purposely keeping interest rates below the true market rate. They have failed to regulate the banks and allowed them to leverage 30 or 40 to 1. Their own balance sheet is leveraged 55 to 1 today.
  • The most critical error in this whole impending disaster was the decision to listen to the Goldman Sachs Treasury Secretary Paulson and the Princeton Keynesian economics professor Bernanke and bailout Wall Street on the backs of Main Street. We were lied to by the monied interests. The economy went into the tank anyway. The banks were saved and have paid themselves $70 billion in bonuses since they were saved.
  • The Too Big To Fail Banks were not too big to fail. They should have been liquidated in an orderly manner. Their stockholders and bond holders should have been wiped out. The debt would have been written off. We would have had a one or two year deep recession.
  • Instead, most of the original bad debt still sits on the books of these banks. Trillions more sit on the books of the Federal Reserve. Trillions more were added to the taxpayers’ books. The trillions of Keynesian stimulus did nothing to revive the economy.
  • Shifting private debt to public debt solved nothing. Extending terms of the debt solved nothing. Taking on more debt to pay the existing debt solved nothing.
  • The world is coming to the realization that no one can pay off the debt. Consumers aren’t going to pay those mortgages or those credit cards. The Greeks, Spaniards, Italians, Portugese, and Irish are not going to pay back Germany. The US is not going to pay you the Social Security and Medicare they promised you. The European banks are not going to pay back the Wall Street banks. The Fderal Reserve is never going to pay off the $2.8 trillion of debt on its balance sheet.

A ponzi scheme unravels when people realize that it is a scam and demand their money back. Except there is no money to give back. We have reached that point. The entire worldwide economic system is nothing but a Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme times 100 trillion.

The Federal Reserve will pretend to ride to the rescue. Politicians will hold press conferences and announce agreements. The MSM will pronounce that all is well. Don’t believe it. We are entering the Greater Depression, which will make the 1st one look like a walk in the park.


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August 19, 2011 10:08 am

When all else fails take us to war!

It happened then it will happen again….and very soon.

If you have about 10 minutes I recommend this great speech from Charles Lindbergh

I particularly like what he has to say about those individuals who dissented against being dragged into WWII by the Roosevelt administration…they were targeted and labeled “anti-semetic, nazis, and traitors”….now it’s “anti american, terrorists, and anti semetic” some things never change….how sad.

August 19, 2011 10:19 am

and its one ,two,three what are we fighting for-don’t ask me i don’t give a damn next stop is…………..?

August 19, 2011 10:20 am

“When all else fails take us to war!”

Even that bullet has been spent, it’s also a fallacial economic argument called a “broken window”, kind of like a facial, but phiisophical.

Admin, at least Greenspan understood property rights at some point, unfortunately they were sacrificed at the alter of “pursuit of happiness”/

August 19, 2011 10:32 am

FYI: There’s something going on with this site’s javascript that slows my browser to a crawl when scrolling down the page. Blocking javascript has sped things up. Prior to blocking I looked at Chrome’s javascript console and found several errors were occurring. Anyway, thought you might want to know.

I always enjoy TBP.


August 19, 2011 11:09 am

I wish there was a reset button.

August 19, 2011 11:11 am

@ ron: There IS a reset button – no one has the balls to push it!

August 19, 2011 11:25 am

I’m rereading The Fourth Turning again. Fucking scary. There is no escaping it. It will end bad, but the next Awakening will make this country better and stronger.

August 19, 2011 11:37 am

“A ponzi scheme unravels when people realize that it is a scam and demand their money back. Except there is no money to give back. We have reached that point.’

Unfortunately you are preaching to a choir of about 10,000. There isn’t a politician out there that will preach this to a choir of 310,000,000, because only 10,000 would believe it.

August 19, 2011 12:09 pm


less than 2 mins, subtitled. France`s De Gaule as president.

August 19, 2011 2:29 pm


And he will keep printing until one of the big players at the table stands up and cries foul and then the war begins.

August 19, 2011 2:40 pm

I find absolutely amazing how fast this is going down. I thought AU would be 1776 oz by the next presidental election. SOB, it might be over 3000oz by then. I took all my son’s money out of Vanguard that we have saved for him for twenty years, and bought physical gold and silver 45 days ago. I foot dragged for over a year about doing the transfer, but it was a good move.

August 19, 2011 2:52 pm

Great article, cuts through all the bullshit and tells it like it is.
Thanks Admin

August 19, 2011 3:23 pm

“I have a feeling there will be big things happening this weekend.”

I have that feeling, too. God help us.

August 19, 2011 3:30 pm

Damn, wish I hadn’t spoken too soon…

Al Jazeera is reporting Israel just launched an air strike near the Bureij refugee camp.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
August 19, 2011 4:35 pm

Administrator says:

Only a fool would go into this weekend long stocks. I have a feeling there will be big things happening this weekend.

there is another type of fool. he who would go into this weekend short.

(that would be me)

August 19, 2011 4:39 pm

Admin: “I have a feeling there will be big things happening this weekend.”

Such as?

August 19, 2011 5:28 pm

Howard: short is good. Only QE3 will turn this sinking ship around(no shipping pun intended).

August 19, 2011 7:09 pm

Welchman…. “Itook all my son’s money out of Vanguard that we have saved for him for twenty years, and bought physical gold and silver 45 days ago.’

What happens when the government makes it illegal to own gold/silver?

August 19, 2011 7:15 pm

platoplubius says:

“When all else fails take us to war!”

Thank you for that link. It was inspiring.

A speech from the past, that I have never heard.

Although I’m pretty sure I have listened to it before.

I say “inspiring” due to it causing a sparkflash in my brain.

Pre-WWII, that’s when this speech was given, and we ended up fighting anyway. Sounds alot like Ron Paul- and I have to say, I hope Ron Paul does not approach serious contention in the 2012 race. He is to valuable to the Union of our states to loose to an assassin .He is more of a teacher than a president.

Ike tried to tell us, in his boogie out the door speech.

Here’s to hearing more…
and a little bit more vodka/gatorade/wate/rice

Rice-a-roni ` the SanFranscico treat.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 19, 2011 7:16 pm

Dave: Then the government will have to deal with The Ben Boys…

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 19, 2011 7:40 pm

Ivan… vodka and gatorade. Is it your favorite by choice or necessity?

August 19, 2011 8:29 pm


No problem…I stumbled upon it last night and I had neither heard nor listened to it before. Isn’t it crazy how you can watch or hear something at some point in your life but never really “listen” to what it is really saying?

I find it even more interesting, all the cheers and boos coming after many of Lindberg’s statements…I can’t say that I have listened to a real Congressional speech in my lifetime where something like that has happened….other than the more recent “YOU LIE!”….Which was priceless….just shows how powerful the propaganda and peer pressure by the MSM and Hollywood has become….Something that Lindberg also warned against.

August 19, 2011 10:57 pm

Yes the simaltaneous booing and clapping/cheering was unsettling for me
A real crowd, not a stacked crowd. A lot of honesty in the whole event.

August 19, 2011 11:09 pm


Well, it is a matter of necessity.

It is also none of your business.

Like I tell everyone… concentate on my intentions, not so much on how shit-faced I am.

It helps with the whole comprehension thing.

August 20, 2011 1:05 am


You are talking like someone with a paper asshole, come and get the gold – Gee

August 20, 2011 9:02 am

Welshman…When the government makes it illegal to own gold, what do you do with it?

August 20, 2011 9:03 am

Colma…forgive my ignorance on this. What are the Ben Boys?

August 20, 2011 10:13 am


The government won’t have to seize it, they will simply tax it to the point the citizenry won’t want to own it.
They are starting to do this through putting in place new taxes, royalties on mining companies to the tune of 20-30% on resources pulled from the ground on federal properties(non patented claims).
This new tax coming will put anybody owning Patented mines in a very nice position because their tax will only be 7% approx. on metals extracted. Patented mines are mines the federal gov. sold their rights to the resources.
Anyway, I think that is the way they will basically seize this asset…by taxing it heavily.

August 20, 2011 10:19 am


How will they tax physical gold in a home safe

August 20, 2011 10:23 am

You will have to sell it or buy it at one point. Remember they tried already to do the reporting of any transaction over 600 dollars.

August 20, 2011 10:41 am


Most of the gold mines in the U.S. have been “capped” because of environmental government agencies attacking them for years. The U.S. gov. has everything to lose if gold becomes mainstream since we are the reserve currency.
It’s simply trying to cut out the competition with selling the dollar.

Golden Tool
Golden Tool
August 20, 2011 10:45 am

@ admin

I like that sine wave chart and have to agree with where we are at on the emo scale/ rollercoaster. Do you really think TPB are afraid of gold or war. If big gov outlawed guns and gold my money is on less then 1% of those 115m households giving a damn. Roll over baby you know we don’t want to fight big gov look at all those tough looking police guys…

Weapons and gold making outlaws since time started ticking.

Do unto others.

August 20, 2011 11:06 am


If you look around the world the trend is to nationalize the gold and silver mines. Governments are starting to control these assets because they know what’s coming. They must convert paper to hard assets at one point of this ponzi.
China is going around gathering up as many of these assets as possible and are being turned away in some countries already by nationalization like Chavez has done. Other So. American countries have passed laws about selling these mining assets to other countries. Everybody is trying, it seems to not let other countries control the National Wealth. This in my opinion, as things progress, will get brutal like kicking companies out of country as in Hugo’s land.

August 20, 2011 11:34 am

The sheeple will be scared out of Gold and Silver because most people in the U.S. don’t understand the fundamentals of owning hard assets. They were thinking that their homes were hard assets. That’s what the government has been selling everybody on. Homes are something that can be built on borrowed money and their prices are subject to many different inputs, as in paper. Real hard assets are harder to control except in the short term.
In a company when you print and sell to many “fun tickets” as in stock certs. what happens? They do a reverse split and start the ponzi all over again. The question is how do you do this when the fun tickets are U.S. dollars….along with every other countries currencies in the world?

August 20, 2011 2:11 pm

Administrator says:

If the government outlaws gold there will be a civil war. There are 115 million households in the US. Do you really think the Feds are going to go door to door trying to find your gold?”

1. Refresh my mempry as to the civil war that started the last time the government made it illegal to own (most) gold.
2. Once again, what will anyone buy with the illegal gold they are hiding?
3. How many of you stand by or look the other way when a crime is being committed?

August 20, 2011 2:51 pm

OTOH, if the gov`t outlaws Au, the US will have to trade with cash only. Non US cash
because deficits are the norm. Hihiihi ….
May God lay His eye upon the meek….
Trading in thermo-nuclear currency, huh ?????

August 20, 2011 3:11 pm

I have very little gold I have put all my money and time into my farm. I have spent eight years preparing I can live without power, can grow my own food have 30 fruit trees, four multiple use horses, and all the good clean spring fed water I can use. I think I m better off than having spent my resources on gold, if it goes mad max which I think it will, in the short run anyway, I can survive it.
I believe if and when the snap cards are cut off there will be inner city war. Hell it’s already starting they will burn every major city to the ground, remember watts? I have some commodities I can and will trade for gold after the crash.

August 20, 2011 3:15 pm

Where’s he weakness in my plan ? I would love feed back so I can plug any holes,

August 20, 2011 3:32 pm

Maybe I will have some ammo and canned food left over I can sell LOL!

August 20, 2011 4:38 pm

Administrator says _ “… I have a feeling there will be big things happening this weekend.”

August 20, 2011 4:44 pm

Dave says:

“I’m rereading The Fourth Turning again. Fucking scary. There is no escaping it. It will end bad, but the next Awakening will make this country better and stronger.”

Especially, “…but the next Awakening will make this country better and stronger.”

Or maybe not. There are no guarantees; that chapter has yet to be written.