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October 13, 2011 11:34 am

My wife says names aren’t coincidental. Dick, the owner of the park wrote a letter to the police commissioner – he wants the occupiers out of his park.

What a fucking joke. This country has been brought to its knees, people have had enough, they want to raise awareness to all that has been destroyed and Dick whines about his park.

That is Dick’s contribution to society?

Nice job Dick.

October 13, 2011 11:36 am

His email is [email protected] should you also want to email him as I did.

October 13, 2011 11:38 am

Outta my two acre concrete POS park, you damn hippies!

October 13, 2011 11:54 am

I’d be willing to bet someone either paid Dick off or threatened him.

October 13, 2011 12:17 pm
October 13, 2011 12:18 pm



Some bankster load of #$% that some other mother should have $wallowed not let into her evil egg.

October 13, 2011 12:42 pm

The yahoo news article Smokey linked to tries to concoct that Soros is behind OWS. The article fails on its own terms, if you want to waste a few minutes reading it. They might as well say Buffett is behind OWS, since he is famously quoted as saying that the wealthiest are making war on the masses and winning.

October 13, 2011 1:17 pm


The letter you linked clearly shows that Dave is concerned about his legal liability because of his property being abused by protestors.

Dave explains that the conditions in the park have deteriorated to unsanitary and unsafe. Dave may be held legally liable should accidents or death occur in his park .

Whether Dave agrees or not with the intent or ideology of the protestors is a moot point.

Private property rights are established in the constitution.

Tell you what.

I’ll contact Dave and get him to ask you for your advice on how to handle his private property issues. If you have any other advice on how to shit on his constitutional rights, I’m sure he’ll be all ears.

October 13, 2011 1:35 pm

Here’s a sign I made for Occupy Houston:

“Capitalism conquered Communism, now it’s got Democracy on the ropes too”

I have been unable to figure out who the quote is from, but why let that stop anyone from using it?!

October 13, 2011 1:37 pm

Wierd – the comment went up while I was typing.

Anyway – it’s a potent quote because it unmasks the lie that Capitalism IS Democracy. They are NOT the same thing and it is a damned important thing for us to realize. When we forget this truth, which one do you think ends up controlling the other?

October 13, 2011 1:51 pm

Capitalism at it’s best …… a REAL company
[imgcomment image[/img]

October 13, 2011 4:11 pm

Alan Greenspan said he could prove without a shadow of a doubt that the most viable option would have been to buy homes in foreclosure and burn them down.

He further said that of course that was not an option POLITICALLY.

I can only assume, as others have, that he had zero moral or ethical issues with burning down homes … just political concerns.

When the time comes, I, Stucky, will hunt him down and shit in his mouth.

October 13, 2011 4:11 pm

oops, here’s the fuckng link

Solution to Real Estate Mess: Burn Down Homes

October 13, 2011 4:47 pm


The letter you linked clearly shows that Dave is concerned about his legal liability because of his property being abused by protestors.

Dave explains that the conditions in the park have deteriorated to unsanitary and unsafe. Dave may be held legally liable should accidents or death occur in his park .

Whether Dave agrees or not with the intent or ideology of the protestors is a moot point.

Private property rights are established in the constitution.

Tell you what.

I’ll contact Dave and get him to ask you for your advice on how to handle his private property issues. If you have any other advice on how to shit on his constitutional rights, I’m sure he’ll be all ears.”


Either you can’t fucking read, (likely) or you need fucking glasses (likely) but the letter is from Richard B. Clark CEO of Brookfield not from “Dave”.

Another name for Richard is DICK.

Secondly, the only injuries I’ve read about are the ones the fucking cops caused, it’s been safe and they’re insured.

Thirdly, Stuck was there, you said his post was good, there’s nothing unsanitary he said.

Lastly: Contact whoever the fuck you want, I don’t think the guy will take my advice, which I emailed him, which basically called him by his real name, DICK, told him my views on how I thought the world would be a much better place if some mothers had used oral sex as a form of birth control as opposed to unprotected sex, and told him what I thought of his contribution to our country was. Basically I told him people have, quite frankly, had enough.

October 13, 2011 5:27 pm


Dave, Dick, like it makes a shit.

It doesn’t make a shit if the Cat In The Hat wrote the fucking letter. It remains a personal property issue.

(1) “Secondly, the only injuries I’ve read about are the ones the fucking cops caused, it’s been safe and they’re insured.”

Because YOU haven’t read about injuries doesn’t mean they haven’t occurred. And it goddamn sure doesn’t mean they WON’T occur.

Who underwrote the insurance ? Do you actually believe they will pay off claims resulting from this foolishness?

(2) “Thirdly, Stuck was there, you said his post was good, there’s nothing unsanitary he said.”

JFC, where do I start ?

What, you want the NY police commissioner to call Stuck for clearance on the sanitation issues?

People can’t legally mass assemble at will on private property without permission. Period.

It is UTTERLY no different than a mass of loud-mouth rabble rousers gathering on your front lawn and pissing and shitting on your porch and in your flower bed. They may think their cause is righteous and their actions are legitimate. You may not agree.

October 13, 2011 5:33 pm

Smokey says: “People can’t legally mass assemble at will on private property without permission.”

Yes, this is the general rule. Two interesting aspects here:

1) This “park” although privately owned is open to the public, and NYC law apparently regulates what the owner can/can’t do with it, including requiring that it be kept open 24 hours a day. That’s what you get for owning property in a police city-state.

2) The protesters started out on public property on Wall Street, and got herded by the police over to Zuccotti Park. How interesting. Now Smokey is saying that these protesters, forced away from an area where they have a right to protest, are now SOL because that happens to be a privately owned piece of land. So solly.

October 13, 2011 5:46 pm

Dick is another name for Richard.

My wife says names aren’t coincidental.

So I’d say it matters.

Especially when I want to call someone a DICK!

Also nice when I can tell the DICK that they’re mother named them appropriately even if I think they were a load of $%* that their mother should have $wall#$#d instead of conceived.

You can defend all the douchebags you want to. This country has been fucked by morons and if the political crowd hears them say no mas and if the banksters here them say no mas then maybe we can get this shit corrected and move on without them getting violent.

Kicking them out of the park is going to be a huge spark.

October 13, 2011 5:47 pm

The authorities make ALL the rules.

You can protest here. But not there. You can do this. But, not that. You can have signs. But not bullhorns. You can protest but only by our rules and if you disobey our madeup rules we’ll beat the shit out of you.

What are we to make of that? Should we play by the rules ….. because it’s “the law!”? As if the rule of law has any meaning today! Ha!

No, you can not always play by the rules, especially when the rules are rigged for your defeat.

Face it. There are times when civil disobedience is the ONLY answer.

Please not that I did not advocate instigating violence. There is a big difference. Although violence is often the end result …. almost always by the ones making the rules beating the shit out of those who dare oppose them.

October 13, 2011 5:56 pm

Stucky — Persnickety —- you need to rub some of that common sense shit on the Smokesters. We’re back to:

The official residence or offices of an ambassador.
The staff working in such a building.the

Okay Smokey: This is an embassy: [imgcomment image[/img]

And this is a fucking carpet bomber, part of the military industrial complex. And your chances of getting struck by lightning are greater than being attacked by a “terrorist”.

Boo.[imgcomment image[/img]

October 13, 2011 5:56 pm


That is EXACTLY what I’m saying.

October 13, 2011 6:18 pm


I get it that people are angry that the richest members of society have abused the laws so that they could enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class. I get that.

This OWS movement will NOT evoke any kind of meaningful change. Simply not going to happen.

There is no specific agenda and no leadership. There are conservative protestors, liberal protestors and libertarian protestors. They are in agreement that they have been fucked, but their overall ideologies will remain in conflict.

How will they take the movement forward without leadership and with ideologies in conflict ?

They won’t. This thing will die on the vine.

October 13, 2011 6:37 pm


I once heard a sermon where the preacher compared our lives to a tapestry. The back of the tapestry — the part we see — is all jumbled and confusing. But the front — the part that God sees — is a thing of great beauty.

No one knows how this OWS thing will play out. Maybe it will seem like it failed …. but it actually initiated another, more powerful movement, or inspired a lowly protestor to become a great leader. We just don’t know because we never see the completed tapestry.

Fail or succeed, OWS is part of the tapestry. That can not be denied. I have faith that it will do great things either directly or indirectly. Hop on board! Be part of the scenery, instead of just an observer.

October 13, 2011 6:56 pm


In about 3 1/2 to 4 years the shit REALLY WILL hit the fan in this country. The dollar will be in its final stages and society will observe what a pissed off populace is genuinely capable of. People will get hurt and shit will get broken.

The leaders of those revolting at that time will look back with gratitude at the idiots of OWS today for showing them how NOT to carry out their movement.

October 13, 2011 7:05 pm


I get it that people are angry that the richest members of society have abused the laws so that they could enrich themselves at the expense of the middle class. I get that.

This OWS movement will NOT evoke any kind of meaningful change. Simply not going to happen.

There is no specific agenda and no leadership. There are conservative protestors, liberal protestors and libertarian protestors. They are in agreement that they have been fucked, but their overall ideologies will remain in conflict.

How will they take the movement forward without leadership and with ideologies in conflict ?

They won’t. This thing will die on the vine.”


Smokey, with all respect I disagree.

You may be right.

I may be right.

Neither of us may be right.

Time will tell.

I think it will promote change. I see a list of things that ran a muck. Stucky who probably never took one fucking journalism class wrote what I’d consider to be the most informative inside the camp/park/fort description. The tables said it all.

Everyone of those tables (except for the re-elect Obummer table) had what was wrong with our country. While the End the Fed is the biggest problem we face, all the other tables represent what is wrong or what also must be done to get out of this fucking mess.

Basically, the #OWS movement is actually a unified message to our assclowns in Congress who are to corrupt to change anything and think we are too passive to have to tell the corporations, banks and the Fed that enough is enough.

I suspect that tomorrow morning, or whenever the fucking asshole pigs launch an offensive that protesters will be killed and then all hell will break out. Celente is right, when people lose everything, the lose it.

Kids have 50% unemployment.

They have assinine student loans. My wife graduated after 12 fucking years (no school debt) and I sat in on a fucking court gesture joke of a graduation. Master degree in social services? Master degree in Homeland Security? Master degree ins social work. Come fucking on. Does some TSA idiot who has been arrested for child porn need a masters in Homeland Security? These kids are getting ass fucked with 100k of debt, which winds up being a payback of 300k after fines and late fees — and they’ve played the game until now.

There are no jobs. College loans and no jobs. This is Greece, Iceland, the UK.

We’ve fucked these kids with our debt, and now we’ve fucked them with a broken system.

October 13, 2011 7:11 pm

There were quite a few “tables” set up throughout the park. Sometimes the table would be just a cardboard box with flyers or other printed material the person would hand out. The majority of the tables were manned by just one person. A true Public Square event. Anybody with a soapbox and something to say was free to do so. From what I could surmise there was no censorship. Think of it as The Burning Platform in a park. Any asshole with an opinion about whatthefuckever was free to give it. As for me, I absolutely loved it. Never saw anything quite like that before.

1—The Commie Table

2) — The End The Wars table

3) — Grannies Against Wall Street table

4) — Nurses for 99% table

5) — Eradicate Student Debt table

6) — The Obama table

7) — The Constitution Reader

The Keep Post Offices Open table — the Energy Independence Table —- the One World Government table —- the Green Energy Table ……… the Restore Glass-Steagal table ……… the Sustainable Agriculture table ……… so many tables, so little time. I gotta go back next week.
9) The Union table

October 13, 2011 7:22 pm


College loans are voluntary, not compulsory.

Show me someone that graduates with 100k in school loans and I’ll show you someone who gets what’s coming to them.

Nobody puts a gun to their heads and forces them to borrow. If they can’t afford the tuition, they can go to a community college or they can work a few years and save the money to attend their choice of the colleges where they are accepted.

That’s another thing that sucks about the OWS movement. There are an enormous number of angry college kids with all those loans and a poor job market. Well guess what? Tough fucking shit.

Last time I checked, a high paying job was not a birthright nor was it a constitutional guarantee.

October 13, 2011 7:55 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Since Sallie Mae tuition has gone from

[imgcomment image[/img]

Smokey, the mantra today is this: “If I don’t have a degree I’ll have a shit job. If I don’t have a masters I won’t make anything and won’t even get hired.”

This shit has been drilled into them since kindergarten.

They get out of school and wrack up debt. A cheap state school is 20k a year. My daughter is in a state school. My wife went to a state school. My kid had to live on campus the first year. My wife was 1,000 a class, 1,500 with books, parking, gas and food. Average student takes 4 classes in the fall and 4 in the spring. 8 x 1,500.00=12,000 x 4 years = 48,000.00.

Live on campus? Borrow money for a car? Meal plans.

100k is nothing these days.

The loans are criminal, if they are late the resets eat them alive. I have friends who got out of flight school with 90k and say they’re paying back close to 300k because of a few setbacks life tossed them.

When one factors in debt payback verses what they’d make as a grease monkey there isn’t much if any of a FINANCIAL advantage – unless Mommy, Daddy or Grandaddy is paying.

October 13, 2011 8:15 pm

Smokey, read Thinker’s post from Stuckey’s article:

“Talked to a few of the kids. Most can’t find work despite doing all the right things. Many working part-time jobs. Feel sold out by their gov’t who focuses on business at the expense of Americans. Want change. But not sure what, just yet. Putting bankers in jail or investigating fraud would be a good start.”

October 13, 2011 8:43 pm


For ongoing protests to evoke change, they MUST reach critical mass. Critical mass will not be reached until there is sustained violence. Violence will not be reached and sustained until the country is in FAR worse shape than it is now.

When the dollar becomes confetti in 3-5 years and the government is seizing private property including gold and silver under the guise of “saving the system “, then violence will be widespread, critical mass will be reached and change will be at hand.

There are no doubt many fine reputable people participating in OWS. There are also many dangerously delusional head-cases.

Regardless, the parameters I listed above are vital in order for meaningful change to take place.

October 13, 2011 9:25 pm

We’ll see Smokey. I’m betting months, not years.

October 13, 2011 10:03 pm

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