This is Part Three of a three part series trying to make sense of the Crisis period we entered in 2008. Click here to read: PART ONE or PART TWO

Seeking Regeneracy

“Soon after the catalyst, a national election will produce a sweeping political realignment, as one faction or coalition capitalizes on a new public demand for decisive action. Republicans, Democrats, or perhaps a new party will decisively win the long partisan tug of war. This new regime will enthrone itself for the duration of the Crisis. Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice. Regardless of its ideology, that new leadership will assert public authority and demand private sacrifice. Where leaders had once been inclined to alleviate societal pressures, they will now aggravate them to command the nation’s attention. The regeneracy will be solidly under way.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning





 The 2008 election happened in the midst of the catalyst events. A sweeping political realignment did not occur. In fact, the 2010 mid-term elections produced a result which has essentially gridlocked the political process in Washington D.C. The reunification and reenergizing of society has yet to occur. Neil Howe in his recent article pondered the question of regeneracy:

“We may like to imagine that there is a definable day and hour when America, faced by growing danger and adversity, explicitly decides to patch over its differences, band together, and build something new. But maybe what really happens is that everyone feels so numb that they let somebody in charge just go ahead and do whatever he’s got to do. I’m thinking of how America felt during the bleak years of FDR’s first term, or during Lincoln’s assumption of vast war powers after his repeated initial defeats on the battlefield.

The regeneracy cannot always be identified with a single news event. But it does have to mark the beginning of a growth in centralized authority and decisive leadership at a time of great peril and urgency. Typically, the catalyst itself doesn’t lead directly to a regeneracy. There has to be a second or third blow, something that seems a lot more perilous than just the election of third-party candidate (Civil War catalyst) or a very bad month in the stock market (Great Power catalyst). We are still due for such a moment. We have not yet reached our regeneracy. When it happens, I strongly suspect it will be in response to an adverse financial event. It may also happen in response to a geopolitical event. It may well happen over the next year or two.” Neil Howe – Dating the Fourth Turning

Regeneracy occurred within five years of the outset of the three previous Crisis periods in U.S. history. The historic year of 1776 saw the colonies come together and declare independence from Great Britain. Group solidarity and willingness to die for their cause launched an eight year war and ultimately the formation of a new republic. The Civil War regeneracy occurred after the Union debacle at Bull Run in 1861. The Washington aristocrats had treated the battle like a show, where they could bring a picnic lunch and be entertained by an entertaining skirmish between two armies. After the resounding bloody defeat Abraham Lincoln assumed dictatorial like powers over the North and ordered the immediate enlistment of a half a million soldiers. He assumed unprecedented powers of taxation, forced conscription, suspension of due process and showed a willingness to administer maximum destruction to his foes. This would be no picnic in the park, as 700,000 men died in the next three years. The regeneracy during the Great Depression/WWII Crisis occurred in 1933 with the election of Franklin Roosevelt. He immediately declared a bank holiday and confiscated all the gold in the country. In a flurry of executive orders and bills sent to Congress he rammed through his New Deal, assuming new and broader powers for the Federal government and Executive branch.

Based on these examples in American history it is clear we have not entered the regeneracy stage of this Crisis. Also based on history, it is likely to occur by the end of 2013. A second blow to our nation and our psyches is the only thing that could possibly bring together a deeply divided nation. The country was struck by a category 3 hurricane in 2008. We have been in the eye of the hurricane for the last two years and have grown complacent. The eye will pass over us in the next year and we will again be buffeted by hurricane force winds – except the hurricane has strengthened to a category 5 as the “solutions” to the storm will make part two far worse.  Those with a libertarian mindset are not likely to be happy with the Federal government and President taking on even greater powers in the coming years. The usurpation of more control over the citizens of this country in the last decade has been one of the major reasons for the ratcheting down of trust in our leaders. The upcoming presidential election will likely create the dynamic that propels the country into its regeneracy. If the next downward blow can be averted before the election, the country will end up with four more years of Obama. If the Crisis suddenly worsens before November, Romney assumes the mantle of Prophet Leader in January 2013.

I agree with Neil Howe that the country’s reaction to an adverse financial event will be the likely regeneracy moment. The explosive mixture of the five D’s will provide the spark for the next phase: Debt; Derivatives; Default; Devaluation; and ultimately Depression. There is no way to deny the $15.6 trillion of debt this country has accumulated, with $10 trillion of it added since 2000. The debt ceiling of $16.4 trillion will be breached in October 2012 at the current rate of extreme spending. This should set up an interesting dynamic just prior to the November elections. A replay of the August 2011 showdown could be disastrous for Obama if the stock market were to crater again.



We are accumulating debt at a rate of $3.7 billion per day, or $154 million per hour. No politician of either party, other than Ron Paul, has any plan to even moderate the spending, let alone make actual cuts. The CBO projections rolled out by these congressional weasels aren’t worth the paper they are printed on. The National Debt is on track to surpass $20 trillion in 2015 and $25 trillion by 2018. And this is before the Medicare and Social Security costs blast into orbit in 2020. Kicking the can down the road works until math catches up with you. It is insane to believe we can dig ourselves out of this debt induced mess with more debt, but empires tend to act insanely in their death throes.

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”Friedrich Nietzsche

Strauss & Howe made preparation recommendations back in 1997 that would have lessened the impact of this Crisis, but they fell on deaf ears. Their common sense suggestions included:

  •  Work to elevate moral and cultural standards. Toddlers with Tiaras and The Kardashians were not an elevation.
  • Shed and simplify the federal government by cutting back sharply on its size and scope.
  • All levels of government should prune legal, regulatory and professional thickets.
  • Politicians should define our challenges bluntly and stress duties over rights.
  • Require community teamwork to solve local problems without federal government intervention.
  • Treat children as the nation’s highest priority.
  • Tell future elders they will need to be more self-sufficient, save more, and expect fewer entitlements.
  • Shift government pension plans from defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans.
  • Begin to trim Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits.
  • Raise the national savings rate, reduce consumption and work towards federal budget surpluses.
  • Expect the worst, conserve our forces, and be prepared for an epic struggle down the road.

I would reckon we went 0 for 11 on the preparation front. We took the exact opposite course in most cases. Each generation has their own crosses to bear. No one will escape the bitter gale force winds of this Crisis. Strauss and Howe must have had a crystal ball looking fifteen years into the future when they made this supposition:

 “The Boomers’ old age will loom, exposing the thinness in private savings and the unsustainability of public promises. The 13ers will reach their make or break peak earning years, realizing at last that they can’t all be lucky exceptions to their stagnating average income. Millenials will come of age facing debts, tax burdens, and two tier wage structures that older generations will now declare intolerable.”

Thus far the older generations have refused to yield. They demand promises made be promises kept. The Boomers did not save enough to sustain themselves during their retirement. Many are entirely reliant upon Social Security and Medicare as their only savings and health insurance. Generation X is caught between aging parents and indebted jobless children. The Millenials are saddled with $1 trillion of student loan debt and few decent job opportunities. In prior Fourth Turnings the Prophet generation led and the Hero generation followed, doing the heavy lifting. This dynamic is yet to be realized during this Crisis. Maybe the regeneracy event will create this dynamic.

That event will likely be triggered by another debt crisis. Rogoff and Reinhart studied 44 countries over 200 years and concluded that once government debt exceeded 90% of GDP economic growth slowed and the likelihood of disaster rose dramatically.

“Those who remain unconvinced that rising debt levels pose a risk to growth should ask themselves why, historically, levels of debt of more than 90% of GDP are relatively rare and those exceeding 120% are extremely rare. Is it because generations of politicians failed to realize that they could have kept spending without risk? Or, more likely, is it because at some point, even advanced economies hit a ceiling where the pressure of rising borrowing costs forces policy makers to increase tax rates and cut government spending, sometimes precipitously, and sometimes in conjunction with inflation and financial repression (which is also a tax)? Historical experience and early examination of new data suggest the need to be cautious about surrendering to “this-time-is-different” syndrome and decreeing that surging government debt isn’t as significant a problem in the present as it was in the past.”


On this date the U.S. debt to GDP ratio is 102%. Our debt accumulation is on automatic pilot and the national GDP is incapable of growing above 3%. Anyone with the most basic math skills (this excludes Wall Street economists, CNBC bimbo anchors, and Bernanke) can determine the ratio will pass 120% in 2015. This doesn’t even include the Fannie, Freddie, and Student Loan debt that are guaranteed by the Federal government, along with trillions of unfunded social program liabilities and state and local debts. In reality the true debt obligations of this country exceed 500% of GDP, as no politician plans to willingly renege on Medicare and Social Security promises made to voters who would boot them if they voted to cut these entitlements.

The linear thinking deniers of reality (Krugman) will use Japan as their example of a country whose debt ratio is above 200%, without disastrous consequences. I guess a 22 year recession is not considered disastrous. Japan has been able to fund themselves internally because their citizens had a 15% savings rate in and they have run gigantic trade surpluses for decades. That game is over and they will hit the wall in the near future. The savings rate in the U.S. is 3.7% and we run $550 billion trade deficits, or 3.7% of GDP. The United States has no advantages other than the U.S. dollar currently being regarded as the worldwide reserve currency. We are hanging our hat on being the best looking horse in the glue factory.

trade deficit as gdp

The cracks in the façade are already painfully visible. The U.S. ran a $1.4 trillion deficit in 2009; $1.3 trillion in 2010; and $1.3 trillion in 2011. In the chart below you can see foreigners’ appetite for U.S. debt since 2007 has plunged. Maybe it has something to do with getting a negative real return by investing in U.S. Treasuries paying 2%. Maybe it has something to do with Ben Bernanke attempting to inflate away our debt burden. Maybe it has something to do with Congress and the President accelerating spending and creating massive deficits for as far as the eye can see. Maybe they are losing trust and confidence in the American Empire.

In the last three years we have run $4 trillion in deficits and foreigners have only funded $1.4 trillion of that debt. That means someone else had to buy $2.6 trillion of our long term Treasuries. Some of it was funded by little old ladies and pension funds that are setting themselves up for enormous losses. The vast swath was purchased by Ben Bernanke with his QE for eternity programs. As foreigners rationally reduce their Treasury holdings and we continue to run $1.3 trillion deficits, Bernanke must keep buying the debt. This cycle will continue until we reach our Minsky Moment, then Strauss & Howe’s forecast will be realized:

“This might result in a Great Devaluation, a severe drop in the market price of most financial and real assets. This devaluation could be a short but horrific panic, a free-falling price in a market with no buyers. Or it could be a series of downward ratchets linked to political events that sequentially knock the supports out from under the residual popular trust in the system. As assets devalue, trust will further disintegrate, which will cause assets to devalue further, and so on.” Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

Who will buy our debt in the coming months and years? Europe is saturated with debt and doesn’t have the means to purchase our debt. Japan is a train wreck waiting to happen. China’s customers aren’t buying their crap, so their economic miracle is about to go in reverse. The Federal Reserve cannot buy $1 trillion of Treasury bonds per year forever without creating more speculative bubbles and raging inflation in the things people need to live. The Minsky Moment will be the point when the U.S. Treasury begins having funding problems due to the spiraling debt incurred in financing perpetual government deficits. At this point no buyer will be found to bid at 2% to 3% yields for U.S. Treasuries; consequently, a major sell-off will ensue leading to a sudden and precipitous collapse in market clearing asset prices and a sharp drop in market liquidity. In layman terms that means – the shit will hit the fan. The Federal Reserve and Treasury will be caught in their own web of lies. The only way to attract buyers will be to dramatically increase interest rates. Doing this in a country up to its eyeballs in debt will be suicide. We will abruptly know how it feels to be Greek.

Linear thinkers like Krugman and most of the mainstream media opinion leaders can’t fathom the possibility of a complete collapse of our economic system. Most of their little models and economic data points don’t even go back to the last Fourth Turning period. They make projections about a housing recovery based on historical data that starts in 1962. Housing sales linger at historical lows with mortgage rates at 4%. The entire housing market would cave in if mortgage rates reached 6%, where they were in 2008. The forty year average mortgage rate has been 9%. Everything about our economic system is abnormal. Even reversion to the mean would be disastrous. The Minsky Moment headed our way will not be a single uncorrelated event. The entire financial world is hopelessly entangled by the $700 trillion of derivatives that ensure mass destruction if one of the dominoes falls. This is the reason an otherwise inconsequential country like Greece had to be “saved”.

Everyone knows Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy are broke. One or more will eventually default on their debt. It is highly likely that a butterfly will flap its wings in Europe and cause a hurricane in the U.S. The default will spark a worldwide contagion as trust in a system of false promises disintegrates. China’s already crumbling real estate market will implode. As interest rates soar and stock markets plunge, global tensions will intensify. Continued oil supply constraints will be the cherry on top. Based on historical precedent, this is likely to strike before 2014 arrives. The wealth destruction and pain will be so intense a regeneracy will be at hand. Our very survival will feel at stake.

“Eventually, all of America’s lesser problems will combine into one giant problem. The very survival of the society will feel at stake, as leaders lead and people follow. The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers’ visions with a robust new pride. Or it may be something unspeakably worse. The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

And here is the rub for those who argue for less government intervention in our lives. Which leaders will lead and who will follow? The actual events do not matter as much as how the people react to the events. Fourth Turnings are always chaotic and tumultuous. In the frenzied period during the next leg down, people will demand order. They will call for the government to do something. Obama or Romney will use the fear and uncertainty to assume more power over our lives. Executive orders, new legislation, and another stripping of our liberties will be attempted. How the generational cohorts react to these deeds will determine what happens next. There are 97 million Millenials, 83 million Generation X and 73 million Boomers. The Boomers hold most of the positions of power, but their credibility as leaders has been damaged by their actions over the last two decades.

How the Millenials react to Boomer commands will determine the course of this Fourth Turning. The great devaluation will provide our leaders the opportunity to address the structural imbalances that haunt our nation. They could force Wall Street bankers, shareholders and bondholders assume their losses. They could rewrite the social contract with all generations, balancing the needs of elders with the futures of our youth. They could dramatically scale back the military industrial complex. They could completely scrap the ridiculous tax code and shift from taxing income to taxing consumption. They could revamp our political system and remove money from the political process. They could choose to balance budgets and reduce the size of government. They could ask for proportional sacrifice from everyone in order to keep this ship from sinking. If you believe this will happen, I have nice home near an Iranian nuclear power plant I’d like to sell you.

The regeneracy does not mean the actions taken by our leaders will be wise, well thought out, rational or beneficial to all people. Many believe the actions taken by Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt during the previous Fourth Turning Crisis periods were detrimental, foolish, and enhanced the power of the state at the expense of liberty for the people. The leader when the regeneracy events strike is more likely to respond with more government control as the solution. He will invoke executive orders giving government control over important industries and crucial institutions. The government politician leaders will pick the winners and losers, with their cronies and contributors winning again. Dissent will not be acceptable. The NDAA will be invoked to imprison those who disagree with the mandates handed down by those in power. Congress would pass SOPA and lock down the internet and shutdown any websites they consider dangerous to their central authority. Lastly, with the biggest and baddest military machine on earth, the leader will attempt to rally the masses and distract them from our dire economic situation by seeking an external threat to confront. It just so happens that China is also in the midst of their own Fourth Turning. History has shown that armed confrontation is likely around the climax of the Crisis:

“History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. This could be any kind of war – class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war. If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil – its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

No one knows the exact events that will mark this Crisis period in our history. But there is no turning back. We’ve entered the Winter season and the beautiful calm days of autumn are long past. Nothing but turmoil, bitterness and sacrifice lie ahead. We entered this Winter of our discontent unprepared like the grasshopper in the fable. This has insured this Crisis will be far worse than it needed to be. The grasshoppers want solutions and easy answers to problems created over decades of ignorance, sloth, greed and stupidity. It’s too late. There are no easy answers and the solutions are all painful and bitter. This is not some theoretical exercise. This is the reality of our situation. I have three teenage sons and their futures depend on the outcome of this Crisis. I will do whatever it takes to support them. I will not allow them to be cannon fodder in some war for oil in the Middle East. If their future requires me to oppose a tyrannical government, so be it. If their future requires me to give up my Social Security and Medicare security blanket, so be it. If I have to die so they may live, so be it. There are no guarantees in this life. We get about 80 years on this planet to make a difference. The choices we make in the next few years will matter. Are you ready? I am.


“The seasons of time offer no guarantees. For modern societies, no less than for all forms of life, transformative change is discontinuous. For what seems an eternity, history goes nowhere – and then it suddenly flings us forward across some vast chaos that defies any mortal effort to plan our way there. The Fourth Turning will try our souls – and the saecular rhythm tells us much will depend on how we face up to that trial. The saeculum does not reveal whether the story will have a happy ending, but it does tell us how and when our choices will make a difference.” Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

Click here to read: PART ONE or PART TWO


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April 6, 2012 6:11 pm

Stucky – When a Muslim makes an opinion, it should be based on Scripture. So when i say that Gold and Silver is money and should be money to sort out the mess we are in, i say this as it is advised by Gold in the Scipture. I say this not to convert anyone as we have no power to guide anyone to our faith. It is God who guides whom he wills and the stiff necked will not be guided.

Muslims have a duty to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. This does not mean that a Muslim is perfect. I can tell you that Jesus himself forbade Usury. So when the rest of the world deal in usury to buy a house, car etc, Muslims save and try to buy in cash if not then they should live within their means. If the whole of society did the same using gold and silver then we would not be in this mess. When you do this you are obeying the command of God in the Bible and in the Quran.

Jesus in the whole Bible does not claim himself to be God. On the contrary, he says “I of my ownself can do nothing, as I hear I judge, and my judgement is just for I seek not my will, but the will of the Father.” In other words, he has submitted his will to the will of God, one word for this in the Arabic laguage is MUSLIM.

Now you have 2 options, Step 1 – if you want to be stiff necked, then you can be abusive, dismissive and rude. But if you are sincere believer in God and believe that Jesus was a messenger of God, Step 2 is that I ask for you to sincerely pray that God guides you to the truth by researching the Bible and the Quran. But if you prefer step 1, then can we both pray that whoever out of us is wrong be cursed by God in this life and the hereafter. Is that fair?

April 6, 2012 9:12 pm


“When a Muslim makes an opinion, it should be based on Scripture.”

That’s a damn shame, really, that you can’t think for yourself.

Personally, I think Mo was a murderer and pedophile, unless of course fucking pubescent girls is an accepted practice in Arabland. Hey, I hear Muslims get their tits in a wringer over cartoons, like this one.

[imgcomment image[/img]

So, just curious, what is your opinion of me now … based on scripture, of course.
“Muslims have a duty to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil.”

Duty. Funny word. It’s a great word when I think of a fireman. “It is my duty to lay my life on the line for people in a burning house.” Great word when I think of parents. “It is our duty to sacrifice for our children.” But when duty is used by a Muslim? Kinda scares the shit out of me. Like making unbelievers (anyone who disagrees with Mo) 2nd class citizens or, what the fuck, you might as well cut off their heads. Don’t bullshit me, it’s in your holy book, and it’s your duty.
“.. if you want to be stiff necked, then you can be abusive, dismissive and rude”

Hilarious. Who is dismissive and rude … but in an oh-such-a-nice-way? Of course, it is you. Calling someone “stiff necked” is in itself quite an insult in the Koran. You’re not fooling me. Besides, why don’t you cut the bullshit?? Call me what your holy book requires …. An Infidel!! All us Christians are infidels. At least be honest.
“ … whoever out of us is wrong be cursed by God in this life and the hereafter”

Ahhh. Cursing. God. Hereafter. Favorite Muslim themes. Lemme aks yew. If it’s OK for your God to curse us now and forever and ever hereafter … then wouldn’t it be fair if we cursed him also? Shouldn’t cursing be a 2-way street? It is here on TBP. Well, good sport, I think it should be allowed, so here goes;

Fuck Mohammed.
Fuck Allah.
Fuck You.

Happy Easter. The Lord is risen, indeed. (And Mohammed is still in the grave.)

April 6, 2012 9:43 pm

Kate, your avatar is tied to your email address. Unless the doppelganger knows it, the occurance is easily spotted.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 6, 2012 9:50 pm


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 6, 2012 9:57 pm

[IMGcomment image[/IMG]

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 6, 2012 9:59 pm

Fucking wordpress….[imgcomment image[/img]

April 6, 2012 11:31 pm


A sobering account of your FIL. Thanks for sharing.

April 7, 2012 9:28 am

Obama is EXACTLY the type of man that the framers were preventing from the office of President with the natural born Citizen requirement. His father is an “improper ascendant” (ancestor– see 1828 Webster’s Dictionary)) discussed in federalist #68,

The prescription for the prevention of an improper “ascendant” (ancestor) was to choose a “creature of our own” from among the citizenry, according to A. Hamilton in Federalist #68 (March 1788). Could a “creature of our own” (sic) possibly mean the scion of a foreign, Marxist, British subject? Of course not.

If the PURPOSE of the natural born Citizen requirement was the prevention of foreign influence, then how is it possible that one born a British subject is eligible? IT’S NOT. Obama has shown, by his actions, his lack of allegiance and attachment to this country— it’s obvious, uness your head is 2 ft deep in the sand. Throw him out of office for ineligibility, or prevent his appearance on the 2012 ballot, and one hand of the Criminal bankers will be cut off, and the Treason of this Congress and the judiciary exposed. Wake up.

“Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?”
—–FEDERALIST # 68, A. Hamilton, March 1788.

April 7, 2012 3:01 pm

Stucky – i dont’t think it’s worth telling you anything more from my part as you have insulted Allah whom we believe is the same God that Jews and Christians believe in. Reason – Jesus was a Jew. He spoke Hebrew. The Old testament is a Jewish Book. Hebrew and Arabic are sister languages. Hebrew as a language was dead for 2000 years. Whereas Arabic has not. Both languages sound similar i.e “salaam” in Arabic and “shaloam” in Hebrew means peace etc. Even though Jesus was a Jew the New Testament is in Greek??? Nevertheless, When he was on the cross, when he cries out to God, this in the New Testament is preserved in the actual Hebrew. He says “Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachtani” which when translated in the Bible says “My God, My God why has thou forsaken me.” My point is Stucky, Look at “Eli, Eli” At the most crucial junction of Jesus’ life, he is crying out to God by his name. If as you say God his Jesus’ father, then why does he not call him by “Abba, Abba” which is Hebrew for “father,father”, OR by “Jehovah,Jehova”. As I said both Hebrew and Arabic are sister languages, so Eli, Eli in Hebrew is Allah, Allah in Arabic. Say it a couple of times and see for yourself the similarity.

Jesus himself never claimed divinity, read the Bible and see for yourself. In fact he claimed the exact opposite, He said “I cast out devils by the finger of God,” and “I of my own self can do nothing, as i hear i judge and my judgement is just for i seek not my will but the will of the Father”. SEE – If HE claims HE can do NOTHING, why do YOU and others say he can.

If Jesus died on the cross, then why did he never show himself to the Jews who never accepted him? Why was he always hiding after the alledged cricifiction? Answer – he never experienced death, but escaped it by the skin of his teeth. We are made to believe that neither did he die or be crucified, but it was made to appear so. Pretty emphatic statement which really only God can make. But we believe no questions asked.

When Jesus appeared in the upper the upper room, the disciples had not seen the actual crucifiction. They “left him and fled at the most critical junction of His life” They heard from heresay that he had been crucified and dead and buried for 3 days. But when they saw him, they were “afrighted”. Would you not be happy to see your master after hearing what he had been through. They were scared thinking he was a “spirit”. But he answers them with, Behold my hands and my feet, it is I, Myself, handle me and see, for a Spirit has no flesh and bones as you see me have. So they handled him and saw. By handling him they felt the flesh and bones which a spirit does not have. If he died then why does he have flesh and bones? Are we not suppose to be “like the angels” But to further prove that he was not a spirit, he asked them for “broiled fish and honecombe and he ate.” TO PROVE WHAT? Did he eat for just the sake of eating, or was he proving a point? Do we NEED to eat once we have died and risen? NO, Who says so? YOUR BIBLE. Read the story about the woman with seven husbands. The Jews wanted to trick Jesus and asked who was going to have her on the other side. What did Jesus answer ? Neither will they die anymore, for they will be like unto the angels…..” Angels do not NEED food, sleep, shelter, sex. These are human requirements. Jesus needed to eat, he needed to hide from the Jews as he had not conqured death. Do you not see?

Further Proof from the Bible – When the Jews wanted a sign that he was the Messiah, he said “An evil and adultress generation seeketh after a sign, no sign shall it be given, except for the sign of Jonah, for as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.” He is saying that the miracle of Jonah will be his miracle. What was Jonah’s miracle. That when you expect a man to die, he is alive. When he was tossed into the raging sea, a normal man should have died, but he was ALIVE. When he was swallowed by the whale, a normal man should have died, but he was ALIVE. When he was in the belly of the whale for 3 days and 3 nights, a normal man should have died, he was ALIVE. This does not make him divine but rather a favour from God. Jonah’s miracle is when you expect him to die he is ALIVE. Jesus says his miracle/sign will be the sign/miracle of Jonah. So when YOU expect Jesus to die, he is in fact ALIVE.

We are told by Allah that Christians and Jews are People of the Book. It is an honourable name given to you. So call me what you want but please dont curse God almighty for he is the same God that you worship. Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmaeel. We are from the seed of Ismaeel and others are from the seed of Isaac. Abraham classed both of them as his sons. Both his sons worshipped Abrahams God. So why today do the followers of Isaac dispise the seed of Ismaeel, when Abraham had no problems with them.

By the way, you didnt comment on Usury, is that because you are a usurpur yourself?

April 7, 2012 7:56 pm

Dear Abul Oblingata

You have made many errors. I will point them out because you seem like a swell fellow. However, do not write to me again as I won’t be here. I am making my pilgrimage to Mecca for Mo’s sake. I’m also doing it for Larry and Curly.

1. Jesus was a Christian. They even named a religion after him, so stop being so dumb.

2. Jesus spoke English. Because he was God (PBUH) it only SEEMED unto the people that he spoke their language. But being all-knowing he knew Americuns would kick your asses in the future, so that’s what he spoke.

3. “salaam” in Arabic also sounds like “salami” in English. Your point is useless. However, the next time some A-rab says “salaam” to me, I’m gonna give him my salami sandwich.

4. Eli L. Sabachtani was a funeral director that Jesus knew. It’s in the Gospel of Judas.

5. You ask me why we need to eat once we are risen. I’ll answer that when you answer this; Why do mooslims have to fuck 70 virgins after they are dead and in heaven? While you’re at it, why are virgins only “black eyed”? This is the one thing keeping me from converting. If I’m gonna fuck for eternity I need someone with blue eyes.

6. I like your whale story. You also are a miracle. By all accounts you are brain-dead, yet you live. Hallelujah! Salami!

7.Yes, you are of the seed Ishmeel. Ishmeel comes from the word “cameel”, from which we get the word “camel”. Therefore, you are from the seed of a camel-fucker. Which explains Mohammed’s sexual fascination with them.

8) Lastly, I always like to close with something we can agree on. I’m talking about your reference to “the finger of God”. I prayed to Jesus to give you a sign, and lo, he led me to this picture to give to you and your mooslim buddies.

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Mustafa Habib Tscickin
Mustafa Habib Tscickin
April 7, 2012 8:25 pm

Hey, Abdul. EAT MORE PORK!!!!
[imgcomment image[/img]

April 8, 2012 4:36 am

Nice, Colma. After Stuck did the heavy lifting.

April 8, 2012 9:54 am

Stucky – Jesus never ate pork. He never bowed his head to an idol. He was circumcised He forbade usury. He prayed to God by falling on his face (see the incident in the garden of Gesthemene) In this Stucky we are the true followers of Christ. Whereas you and the St Paul gang have de-railed the religion of Abraham, Moses and Jesus and created a very different one. Did Jesus not say “the disciple is not greater than the Master”

Stucky – Let me ask you, when Jesus comes in his second coming and you and I are still around, who’s house will he feel more at home in. Yours with the pork, intoxicants, idols, usury purchased property OR ours which are free from all of the above. By the way, we even look like him and his predocessors i.e have beards. He might mistake you and some of your people as masculine women, no sarcasm intended.

Jesus said on his second coming – Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’
His answer will be, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’
Is it the Muslims, Jews or Hindus that call him Lord, Lord? NO, it is YOU. So why will he respond in such a way to you. It is simply because you are not following him as he should be followed, but rather obeying St Paul who is the real founder of Christianity.

Open your eyes and try to leave all that hatred out for a moment and see. Remove the blinkers and just follow Christ. No need for boxing gloves, if you differ than that’s fine, to you your way and to me mine.

Faith is what’s going to save some from the disaster ahead. The economic Tsunami is getting started, just depends if you know how to keep out of its way. Our answer is to refrain from all usury based transactions, stop using the fraudulent paper currency, start using minted gold and silver coins for all transactions. Stop the dependency on oil as this black gold is going to affect us big time in the coming months/years when the Middle Eastern war begins. If all this can not be achieved on a macro level, then we should strive to achieve this on a micro level i.e leave the towns and cities and relocate to the remote countrysides where we can achieve most of the above. Once out of the usury based world, then will we be truly free and have a chance to live without sackles.

April 8, 2012 10:15 am

“By the way, you didnt comment on Usury, is that because you are a usurpur yourself?” — Abdul

Here are my comments how Jews/Christians view usury (interest). I assume it is similar for Muslims, since the source material for the Koran frequently comes from the OT and NT. All Abrahamic faiths condemn interest. However, Among the Mesopotamians, Hittites, Phoenicians and ancient Egyptians, interest was legal and often fixed by the state.

1)- General Comment: There are clearly more verses against interest than for it. However, to say “all interest taking in any situation is always a sin” … well, that’s not true.

2)- Etymology: Fascinating …. “interest: comes from the Latin verb “intereo” meaning to be lost.

In the OT, sometimes the very same word used for “interest” is translated “a bite”. It is like the slow poison of a serpent


3A) — It is the POOR … AMONG THE ISRAELITES … who are to receive interest-free loans …. out of compassion and mercy. This is the most common theme regarding interest.

” If you lend money to MY PEOPLE, to the POOR among you, you are not to act as a creditor to him; you shall not charge him interest”. — Exodus 22:25

3B)- FOREIGNERS can be charged interest!

“You shall not charge interest to your countrymen: interest on money, food, or anything that may be loaned at interest. You may charge interest to a foreigner, but to your countryman you shall not charge interest, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you undertake in the land which you are about to enter to possess.” — Deuteronomy 23:19-21

3C)- The rich are almost always condemned

Another large group of verses condemning the greed of the rich, who oppress the poor by, among other things, exacting interest which the unfortunate are unable to pay. (Ezek. 18:13, 17, Jer. 15:10, Prov. 28:8)


4)- In at least one instance, Jesus seems to be OK with interest

“Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.” — Matt 25:27

5)- However, the more general principle taught by Jesus to give rather than lend.

” Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.” — Matthew 5:42

6) Jesus, Paul, and other NT writings overwhelmingly warn against going into debt – but they do NOT forbid it.

7)- The most basic requirement the Bible declares is for a borrower is to repay.

“Let no debt remain outstanding.” —– Romans 13:8

The best warning ever from Solomon —- “the borrower is servant to the lender.”


The taking of interest was forbidden to clerics from AD 314. It was strictly forbidden for laymen in 1179. The beginning of the end as far as the total ban on interest was concerned came in the sixteenth century. Martin Luther still condemned it utterly. But Calvin argued that interest-taking did not constitute usury ….. as long as it was not excessive.

In the late Middle Ages the problem of financing the and setting up capitalist institutions in the face of the Christian ban on interest was resolved by THE CHURCH allowing Jews to act as bankers. It was in this way that the Jewish community was able to accrue vast wealth and thereby to bring down on its head the loathing of the Christians. Jews were a necessary evil …. just as cow hide tanners are pariahs in Hindu society.


By playing games with words. Example:

Habib works with an Islamic finance company to buy his $300,000 condo. He has a $30,000 down payment and the finance company puts in the rest. Essentially, they buy it together. Instead of paying a mortgage, Habib will pay RENT …. until he eventually buys the company out of its share. The company charges a fee for Habib’s exclusive use of the house. BUT ….. they consider that PROFIT, not interest. It’ll end up costing virtually the same as a mortgage. This is hypocrisy at its finest. A rose is rose by any other name. But, hey, whatever works … Habib gots to live somewhere.

April 8, 2012 10:25 am

“Stucky – Jesus never ate pork” —– Abdul

1) You REALLY need to try to develop a sense of humor.

2) Try to understand irony and sarcasm.

3) Don’t take yourself so seriously

Lastly, STOP trying to fostor your belief on others, especially me. Stop giving me false hypothetical questions. They are as silly to me as mine would be to you … IF I asked them. That’s because we operate under totally different assumptions.

So, if you want to follow Allah, Mohammed, and Jesus well then go ahead and do so. Just stop asking me to do likewise. You live YOUR life according to your beliefs, and I’ll live MINE. I think that’s fair.

April 8, 2012 11:14 am

Islamic banks that are used to buy a house is just interest through the back door. It is not allowed, only people who are namesake muslims use this.

It is fair what you ended with, so i guess we will both only truly know who is correct at the latter moments of our life.

April 8, 2012 12:31 pm

” … St Paul who is the real founder of Christianity. ” —-

BTW, I agree with that comment.

And, your last paragraph also.

April 8, 2012 1:50 pm


Islam, the religion of peace, is getting ready to chop off some hands in a formerly independent state. It’s God’s will. Nice religion you got there.


Triumphant Tuareg rebels fall out over al-Qaeda’s jihad in Mali

As one group of rebels proudly proclaimed the independent state of Azawad in the “liberated” north of Mali last week, their allies were preparing for jihad by cutting off the hand of a “criminal” and forcing women to wear the veil.

The rebels, armed with weapons stolen from Muammar Gaddafi’s formidable arsenal, took over an area of the Sahara as big as France in an astonishing 72 hours, taking advantage of the chaotic aftermath of an army coup.

Few of the people they promised to free waited to find out what freedom would be like. Instead, an estimated 250,000 people left their homes, terrified families fleeing with their children and possessions. Many told tales of looting and rape by rebels who now control a vast area in the heart of Africa.

Foreign governments were left scrambling to find out exactly who the rebels were, amid fears that a base for al-Qaeda will now be set up in the Sahara similar to ones in lawless parts of Pakistan and Somalia.

“Our law is a legal war, a sacred war, in the name of Islam,” a bearded leader of the Ansar al Din militia called Omar Hamaha told his supporters in Timbuktu soon after they took control of the ancient caravan town. With its blue men, spectacular mudbrick mosques, and annual music festival under the desert stars, Timbuktu was a fashionable destination for the well-heeled tourist looking for an experience of the Sahara, until 2007 when kidnapping started.

Even more worrying than Ansar al Din were the supporters of al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM) who streamed into northern Mali with ambitions of setting up an Islamic state. They included men who have made millions of pounds of ransom money by kidnapping foreigners.

The rest of this hideous story here;

April 8, 2012 3:33 pm

In my opinion, Islam is a form of seventh century behaviorism masquerading as religion.

PS, Pork is delicious.

April 8, 2012 5:08 pm

Stucky – there are black sheep in every community, don’t judge the religion by some people, judge it by it’s scripture. What was Moussolini, and Hitler, they classed themselves as Christians.

April 8, 2012 5:28 pm

Abdul, your holy book mandates beating your wife if she disobeys you. Pork and menstruating women are eschewed but Allah is cool with slavery and sex with pre-pubescent girls. Nice religion you have there.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
April 8, 2012 7:19 pm

Read Leviticus some day. He had no problem with killing either,

April 11, 2012 1:38 pm

I have great respect for Mr. Quinn as a “modern day” commentator on The Fourth Turning, esp. after reading this series of three essays. I had hoped that readers of this website would be, generally speaking, on Mr. Quinn’s level of civilized and intelligent discourse.

However, I have had nothing but revulsion for those making Comments above which exhibit nothing so much as ignorance, rudeness, and verbal vulgarity. Their comments do not fit in with the high tone and intelligence in Mr. Quinn’s essays and the whole website in general.

With this continued willingness on the part of some people here to broadcast their brainwashed state of mind concerning Islam, the real worth of The Fourth Turning and the serious of the task ahead of us is diminished.

April 11, 2012 1:50 pm

Mr. Quinn a real tour de force. You’re really brought Strauss and Howe up-to-date.

Since the comments appear to have been conflated into one series rather than kept separate to each of the three parts of this essay, it is difficult for me to comment specifically. In fact I have yet to wade thru all (at this time) 147 comments. Perhaps in these there are some discussion of the real differences between previous Crises and the present one.

Nonetheless, I would point out the following: In all previous Crises America was not ruled by an oligarchy of sociopaths who have managed to stage a coup d’etat not once but twice in the last 50 years; i.e. November 22, 1963 and September 11, 2001. That has never happened before in any Crisis.

There are many ramifications attendent to these two coup d’etats. One of the most dangerous is the take over of the voting process itself by the oligarchy. Even in the day of Lincoln and Roosevelt, the voting boothes were, essentially, honest. But since the advent of these electronic “voting” appratuses, with their proprietary computer source codes, Americans can no longer vote these puppets of the oligarchy out of office!

Some others are:
the use of chemtrails as a form of genocide against its own people,
a huge standing Army,
a massive technological computerized apparatus of control,
an intentional destruction of the nation’s economic structure,
the ascendence of GMOs,
the passing of anti-constitutional laws such as Patriot I and II, the NDAA, etc.
and so on.

I see no option in this Crisis for the People to be able to rise up and take back their country; that is for the previous solutions to be operative. For statesman-like Prophets to come forth, and the other types take on their roles. This does indeed seem like the End of All Things, like a ‘boot stomping on a face forever’.

Christopher Harrison
Christopher Harrison
April 12, 2012 9:29 am

Mr. Quinn, this was a quite excellent read. I admit that I haven’t yet read The Fourth Turning, but I have listened to several interviews with Neil Howe and read other synopses of it on the interwebs, so I feel I’m familiar with the basic plot of it, so to say.

One thing that I think that Mr. Howe misses, however (and this is based more on his interviews on Financial Sense than the writings) is the ways in which our culture has degenerated in the time since the previous turnings. I have a long daily commute to and from NYC every day (around 3 hours round-trip) and I pass the time listening to podcasts. Yesterday I was listening to an interview with former NYC and NYS Teacher of the Year, and current deschooling advocate John Taylor Gatto that I got through Gnostic Media. In it, Mr. Gatto was detailing the history of public education, how our system was based on the Prussian model, and the unstated goals of that system. Those goals included:
– Inculcation of obedience and deference to the state and authority figures
– Squelching individualism and creativity in the name of conformity
– Classification and segregation of people according to background and measured “ability”
– Training for work in a centralized economy (mostly lower-skill jobs)

This state-run, public education model is also contrasted with the classical liberal education reserved for the managerial class, and how it is kept away from the majority — because it encourages critical thinking and personal initiative, the very things that are dangerous to the status quo. One of the things that made Gatto such an effective teacher and also got him into constant trouble with administrators was that he taught this classical liberal model to poor urban kids who weren’t supposed to get it.

The problem with this model, however, is that in the managerial class’s desire to have unthinking, well-conditioned, obedient citizens, they actually end up cutting their own throat. The state-run system of the Prussians, for instance, eventually formed the basis for Nazi Germany (Gatto’s analysis, not mine) because the citizenry had lost the ability to think and create and do for themselves. Gatto proceeds down this path by contrasting the United States before widespread public schooling — a vat of bubbling creativity, with most inventions coming from individual, self-educated tinkerers as opposed to university-trained specialists. In the time since, the public schooling system has sapped this creative impulse by crushing self-sufficiency, setting up a system where everything we get — from our education to our food to our entertainment — is provided for us by “others”. Where in previous times of crisis we had a still-present instinct for self-sufficiency and self-initiative, today we have almost complete dependence upon those large institutions that passively and actively conspired to bring us under their control. For evidence of this, I would recommend looking at the works of Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann. Having done a short stint as a teacher during a career change, I think that Gatto’s assessment is pretty much on-the-mark.

On a personal level, as someone who has never been content with the answers given by authority figures on any level (because they’re usually wrong, misleading, or meant to control us), I’m preparing for this by becoming a certified permaculturalist and growing more of my own food, using my engineering license to build up my own independent small-scale business, developing greater energy self-sufficiency, becoming more involved in my community, and taking back my time from the centralized institutions I currently have to work for. However, in spite of my own hope that a better future will be borne out of this fourth turning, I’m not optimistic when I look at how dependent and entitled many of my fellow citizens are, and the way that our social fabric and culture have been torn apart by the industrial state’s goal of turning us into atomized, disconnected consumers who know just enough to perform the tasks before us, but not enough to actually think about the WHY behind those purchases and tasks. I’d appreciate any thoughts you have on this matter.

April 12, 2012 9:56 am

“The state-run system of the Prussians, for instance, eventually formed the basis for Nazi Germany (Gatto’s analysis, not mine) because the citizenry had lost the ability to think and create and do for themselves.” ————– Chistopher Harrison

Chris, I know that’s Gatto’s anlaysis, not yours, so I hope you’re not insulted ….. but that’s one of the most simplistic (and, fundamentally wrong) analysis ever on how the Nazi’s came to power. Don’t want to get involved in yet another tangent, so that’s all I have to say.

Rest of your commentary is spot on. Especially how the industrialized state atomized consumers who no longer think or even know the why behind what they do or buy. That was brilliantly stated.

Christopher Harrison
Christopher Harrison
April 12, 2012 10:53 am

Stucky – The only way you’re going to insult me is if you make a personal attack on me, my wife, my children, or my parents. I won’t get insulted by a critique of ideas.

As for Gatto’s analysis, I admit that I completely oversimplified it — probably to the point that it came across as much more simplistic and less nuanced than it was. A much more accurate translation of his analysis would be to say that by the time that several successive generations of German citizenry were inculcated by the state-run public education system, they had been progressively dumbed down to obedient tools of the industrial state the the point that it helped create conditions much more conducive to the Nazis coming to power. I also write this well aware that there were numerous admirers of the Nazis in 1930s America — most notably the plotters of the coup that tried to recruit Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler as a charismatic front man — and that during that period it was very feasible that we could have gone down that path. Perhaps the fact that our transformation to a centralized, industrial state was not yet complete helped stave that off….

If I thought about this all for another few days and exchanged ideas with others, you might get 4 or 5 different assessments — but that is where my head is on it right now.

April 12, 2012 11:10 am

Christopher Harrison

Thanks for the added detail.

I have read a lot of stuff on Nazi Germany, but not so much on that which focuses on their educational system … or the comparison to ours. Very interesting thesis. I was able to find Gatto’s website, but not the speech you referenced. Would you have a link to that? Thanks in advance, either way.

Christopher Harrison
Christopher Harrison
April 12, 2012 1:38 pm

Stucky — here’s the link to the interview with Gatto I mentioned:

It’s the first part of a 5 part series. I still have to listen to the other 4, but I read a lot of his stuff when I was aspiring to a career change into teaching. Needless to say, with a bias toward critical thinking and unschooling, that career change was less-than-successful.

Mussolini's Mistress
Mussolini's Mistress
April 13, 2012 4:46 pm

You have done a great service to your readers in providing this information. I sat down and read all three back to back. We are aware of the individual crises we face but when it is laid out assembled like this, the monstrosity of what has been done to us–we have done to ourselves–is nearly overwhelming.

The best we can do now is prepare individually so that we can be ready to promote the positive vision at the time needed. As a Boomer, I would urge all of us in that group to really rise to the challenge of including ALL ages in our care, not just our group. We had tremendous advantages afforded us that the younger ones will not enjoy, through no fault of their own. We OWE them the opportunity to succeed after this is past, and that won’t come by clinging to the last shred of pie for us as others starve.

I don’t think of myself as an optimist but in my 62 year-old bones I feel that we will overcome this as ONE people, and understand that I CANNOT AND MUST NOT insist on clinging to benefits that Americans yet unborn will have to pay for.

Time for reality. Time for compassion for those who deserve it. Time for us doing the right thing in each of our lives. Time to crush those who have been ruthless in their theft of our substance.

April 23, 2012 6:34 am

Jim, during the few years that you’ve been writing on TBP your grasp and vision of the situation has clearly sharpened. That clarity will serve your family well. Thanks for your insights. God Bless you.

June 16, 2012 2:46 pm

I greatly appreciate this series of “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” posts and agree with 99% of the points you make.

There is only one itsy-bitsy little thing I will dispute, and it’s really not so little. It’s actually very large.

That is that we should emphasize “duties over rights”.


The Duties over Rights principal is one of the cornerstones of Collectivism and it’s the Collectivist mentality that has brought us to the current pass to begin with.

The only “duties” any citizen has is to Earn His/Her Own Keep, pay for benefits received, maintain the civil interface that supports him or her, and respect other people’s rights.

The “duties before rights” mindset has given us the welfare state and all the “gimmes” for entitled constituencies, as well as military conscription. It has delivered millions of young men to their deaths or lasting injuries in immoral wars of aggression (your duty to your country), and millions of women to birth kids they can’t support or care for (your duty to the “species” or God), and justified destroying people financially to support anything that passes “for the common good”.

After 100 years of steady assaults on our individual rights to the point where we have none left, I consider the restoration of those rights to be absolutely imperative if we are to survive as a humane civilization and not revert to the barbarism of medieval times and before.

July 1, 2012 11:26 am

Those common sense suggestions of Strauss & Howe are almost exactly what the Young Republicans had printed in their flyer circa 1985.

July 3, 2012 11:40 am

So those Yong Republicans were onto sometime eh. The Eighties are a hair band haze to me.

how to get layed
how to get layed
November 9, 2012 4:57 pm

Something more important is that when you are evaluating a good on-line electronics store, look for web stores that are regularly
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Thanks for the crucial tips I have really learned from the blog.

John Delmonico
John Delmonico
December 18, 2012 11:27 pm

I have been learning about this topic for about a year. I am not sure of the reason I started my search for information. I have been to thousands of sites but when I started reading your words…I felt like I had come home. Like I was not alone. I am 50 years old with three young children. I am by no means a scholar. My last year of school was ninth grade but I sure understand what is going on. I get an idea in my head and go with it. Computers were it at one point. The first computer I put together was full of viruses. I started fighting them and loved it. I am very good with computers now because I liked to fight viruses and I am good at fighting those now. I started my research on government, politics and corporations. What kept my attention was the fact that no one…at all, would listen to anything about very important, at least to me, information I discovered. I could have had a confession signed by the president and notarized …and they would not acknowledge it. I could not understand it and I still can’t. It is almost like they are programmed to not listen. I study this topic all the time now…Sometimes I wish I didn’t. I would give my life to make this world right without a second thought. Someone said earlier that it would be hard to tell his children because they already think he is insane. Mine do as a sense, but they also know if I told them… that it is the truth. My problem is that I am too sane. Thank you for this place. I will visit again…
~ John

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
  John Delmonico
March 6, 2019 2:12 pm

“What kept my attention was the fact that no one…at all, would listen to anything about very important, at least to me, information I discovered. I could have had a confession signed by the president and notarized …and they would not acknowledge it. I could not understand it and I still can’t.”

Those discoveries we uncover and want to share with others are exciting, at least to us! To others…nada! Not so much. Tragically. And those blank stares. Silence. And then they just walk away. Most don’t want to hear…or they “hear” but don’t LISTEN! I get it!

People today seem to thrive on the minutiae, the trivial of life…..never the true and deep stuff that truly affects lives, empathy, compassion, health, finances, using their brains – critical thinking, and of course, there’s that old sage “Don’t confuse me with facts!” When the language and the family disintegrate – so goes a nation.

If we think things will get better that people will finally wake-up, truly listen and care and understand – there has to be a very drastic change. Especially in how and what we teach our children. And what we choose to accept for ourselves, as in setting righteous and just boundaries. True thinking – using our God given brains – is being purposefully eradicated…we think with our fingers. The old saying – “Use it or lose it!” We are fast losing it.

Kind of reminded me of this old song –

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
March 6, 2019 1:58 pm

No “Regeneracy” will begin until the very evil will be seen for what it is, until the public understands the great depth of evil, and the evil is purged from our society, and the world. And Satan never lets go easily!
Yes, VERY HIGH PLACES , indeed —

PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places