Dr. Barbara Bellar Candidate for Illinois State Senate, District 18 sums up Obamacare in one sentence. Please go to my website and contribute to my campaign. I am running against the Chicago Machine and I could use your financial help! Go to electbellar.com or send your checks to Citizens to Elect Barbara Bellar – PO Box 557766, Chicago, IL 60655.

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September 11, 2012 1:18 pm

Obamacare in one word from a doctor:


two words:

“quit medicine”

September 11, 2012 1:40 pm

3 words:

“we are fucked”

Heh, I bet this doctor will find every single decision on a Medicare patient routed through the Death Panels (Independent Medicare Health Advisory Board) should Obamacare stand – and get a big Thumbs Down on every single one.

If this poor doctor doesn’t find her self in a “re-education” camp first!!!

September 11, 2012 1:54 pm

She has the gall to stand up behind a Romney banner and bash Obamacare.

I wouldn’t want to be a patient of this ditz.

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September 11, 2012 3:03 pm

@flash: Hey! Fuck you!

Romneycare is not Obamacare and if you bothered to read either one, you would know that.

Romneycare did not come with 5,931 pages of fucking FEDERAL regulations, regulations that will affect every American citizen, not just the ones in MA.

Romneycare was not passed with midnight votes, kickbacks/paybacks, feats of legislative legeremain and then forced down the throats of an unhappy citizenry.

Romneycare is still pretty popular in MA, unlike of Obamacare, so far. The citizens of MA can vote it out anytime they want. Big pieces of federal legislation are almost impossible to roll back.

Look, the states are designed to be laboratories of experimentation for solving problems. The fed.gov is NOT supposed to be able to impose nationwide programs administered by central planners. You would not want what is going on in California imposed on the rest of us, would you?

I am supporting Romney because he’s the only guy left in the race with a history of successfully turning around troubled entities. And if there is a more troubled entity than the US economy with more potential for catastrophic outcomes, I don’t know what it is. If he doesn’t get some turn around on the US economy, and soon, worrying about your healthcare will be the least of your problems.

I will become the biggest anti-Romney attack dog ever if he reneges on his promise to roll this back and/or issue some EOs granting statewide waivers, so I hope his team is reading my stuff.

Don’t worry about being my paient, flash. I only keep sane and rational people in my practice…….

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
September 11, 2012 3:14 pm

Fire it up Hope! Here’s a little cold water on your face. You didn’t have to wait long for the flip-flopper in chief and original author of Obamacare to…well…flop. Fuck Romney!


Mitt Romney says his pledge to repeal President Barack Obama’s health law doesn’t mean that young adults and those with medical conditions would no longer be guaranteed health care.

The Republican presidential nominee says he’ll replace the law with his own plan. He tells NBC’s “Meet the Press” that the plan he worked to pass while governor of Massachusetts deals with medical conditions and with young people.

Romney says he doesn’t plan to repeal of all of Obama’s signature health care plan. He says there are a number of initiatives he likes in the Affordable Care Act that he would keep in place if elected president.

Obama has been campaigning on the benefits in his plan for the uninsured, women and young adults.

September 11, 2012 3:21 pm

four words —– “You’re going to die”

five words —— “My degree is from India”

September 11, 2012 3:34 pm

Hope-@flash: Hey! Fuck you!

State mandated healthcare is forced fed healthcare and does no jive with the individual liberty any way you spin it.
If you think prog-tard , banksta puppet Romney will turn this economy around then you’re a bigger fool than I had you pegged for.
Romney is a flip flopping habitual liar and if you’re OK in supporting liars , then you fully deserve the ass reaming you’re going to get.
Embrace the doom my hairy ass.


Sorry, Liberals, RomneyCare Is Still Not Working
The Massachusetts health care overhaul continues to come up short.

But the other thing driving premiums down is that after RomneyCare busted the state budget in its first full year with cost overruns of 48 percent, Massachusetts started aggressively looking for cost-control measures. In 2009, Gov. Deval Patrick blessed an effort to nix coverage for 37,400 legal immigrants (and this from a liberal Democratic governor), but the courts outlawed the move as discriminatory last month. The courts also barred Patrick from imposing a uniform rate cap on insurers in 2010, although individual insurers still face price controls, since they need the state board’s blessing for any premium increases.

There’s more. Massachusetts has implemented something called “global budgeting,” a form of managed care under which providers are given a fixed sum per patient per year instead of being paid on a more traditional fee-for-service basis. Since providers keep any money left over in the patient’s budget, the hope is that they would offer more cost-effective care.

Although one in five Bay State residents are now on this “global budget,” the expected savings haven’t quite materialized: Powerful insurers and providers have simply negotiated a bigger per-patient budget. Hence, in 2010—when Bauer observed the biggest premium drop—the Bay State passed a law requiring insurers to offer cheaper, tiered-network plans that compel patients to get care from community hospitals and cheap providers unless they cough up more for better ones.

Shikha Dalmia | March 6, 2012

September 11, 2012 3:35 pm

I just HAD to write that sentence down. Gonna use it at by brain-dead Obummer luvin sister.

“So, let me get this straight. We’re going to be gifted with a health care plan we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people without adding a single new doctor, but which provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose Chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that didn’t read it, but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a President who smokes, being administered by a Treasury Chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect , by the government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke. So, what the blank can possibly go wrong?

September 11, 2012 3:49 pm

This neo-con dizzy MD forgot to add “and supported by incompetent parasitic doctors though-out the country.

Doctors have got to be the dumbest bunch of ideologue worshipping fucks this side of Kolob.

Doctors’ Groups Applaud Health Care Ruling

By CHARLES FENG, M.D., ABC News Medical Unit
June 29, 2012

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Thursday ruling that the Affordable Care Act, , with its individual mandate, is constitutional has elicited a wide range of opinions from across the medical community.

Most major national medical organizations — including the American Medical Association, the National Physicians Alliance, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Association of American Medical Colleges — hail the ruling as a victory. Many of these organizations have been strong supporters of the ACA since Congress passed it in 2010.

“The American Medical Association has long supported health insurance coverage for all, and we are pleased that this decision means millions of Americans can look forward to the coverage they need to get healthy and stay healthy,” said Dr. Jeremy Lazarus, president of the American Medical Association.

“At last, the country is moving in a healthy direction on health care,” said Dr. Valier Arkoosh, president of the National Physicians Alliance.

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September 11, 2012 4:05 pm

A flash-HZK smackdown!!! Juicy! Titillating!

Flash with some mighty ugly personal attacks …. knowing full well HZK is pounding the pavement helping very sick people …. while flash is merely pounding his bologna at the keyboard. Yummy!!

September 11, 2012 4:11 pm

Flash making his usual contribution

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Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
September 11, 2012 5:49 pm

Flash is up 4-0 by my count.

September 11, 2012 5:50 pm

@flash: Appreciate the cut-and-paste approach to the argument, since you MUST NOT HAVE AN ORIGINAL THOUGHT IN YOUR PEA BRAIN evidently and have to rely on the thoughts of others, typical.

Look, Romney has been in public life for 30 years, people change, their positions change. That is not flip flopping, which is changing what you said Tuesday from what your position was last week. Look in the dictionary under “Obama” for the legal definition of a flip flopper. Politicians say all kinds of shit, duh, it is what they actually do that matters. Get a clue.

As for the docs being for Obamacare, DO NOT MAKE ME LAUGH! Don’t tell me that you are buying the Potemkin Villiage Dog and Poney Show of those useful idiots dressed up in white jackets at the WH. Most of them were SHORT white coats which means they were probably MEDICAL STUDENTS who don’t know shit from shinola about the business side of medicine. I guess you missed the stats about 83% of docs thinking of leaving the profession should Obamacare be fully implemented or that <30% of docs even belong to the AMA.

As to the "expected" savings from Romneycare not materializing, well, shiver me timbers, providing healthcare is pretty damn expense. Do you think it will be any better under a NATIONAL program that has 153 new fed agencies in it enforced by the IRS?

There are some good parts to Obamacare – like the no pre-existing clause and keeping kids on longer, Romney supports that.

Look, flashy flash, you don't even know the differences between those two plans so say, thank you HZK for educating me , and kiss my ass.

@wyoming mike: Yes, I would have like to see Ron Paul, but he didn't make it and I gotta vote for the guy with some kind of turn around record.

I love Denninger but he is as crazy as Barnhardt these days.

Mr. Happy
Mr. Happy
September 11, 2012 6:01 pm

Obamacare doctor calls his patient
Dr. Your test results are in.
Patient. Thanks Doc…how’d I do?
Dr. I’ve got some good news and some bad news….. which do you want?
Patient. Well how about the good news.
Dr. Good news is you’ve got 48 hours to live.
Patient. Fucking hell, that’s the good news…what’s the bad news
Dr. Bad news is I was supposed to tell you yesterday.

September 11, 2012 6:15 pm

HZK- You and the Asshole Weasel Dicklicker are both neo-con cock swizzling tools and have been since day the day. you came on TBP.
You incessantly blather on and on about Ron Paul/rule of law/constitutionality and individual liberty then like a the mindless garrotting POS underhanded snake-oil salesman you both are you spout your Romney will save US empty drivel like the fountain of shit spewing from the clogged fascist sewer that is the GOP party platform.

I hope you get your savior form Kolob , just so you’ll shut the fuck up with the cowardly blather about Obama being the ruination of this country.

The ruination of this republic has been easliy duped morons like yourself and Dr. Stinkyfinger buying into ever line of bullshit either party spews

Damn maroons.

September 11, 2012 6:18 pm

A worthless dick and Dopey Hopey about to get their comeuppance.
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September 11, 2012 6:20 pm

Unprincipled cowards flocking to Dr. Romney.

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September 11, 2012 6:20 pm

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September 11, 2012 6:24 pm

Hopey Ditz, please tell US more on these companies Romney supposedly turned around?

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September 11, 2012 6:33 pm

@flash: OOOhhh, did your head explode as you wrote that? Not the one one your shoulders, we know that is completely empty and full of shit. No, I am talking about that little wizened limp one incher hanging in front of your withered testicles.

Some great phrases there, you must be channelling your inner Smokey, good on yer! But sadly, you just can’t muster that ole Smokey fire and brimstone, must have something to do with your TOTAL LACK of moral clarity, intellectual integrity, and well, let it be said, CLASS.

But hey! You are trying to draw me into a defense of GOP and neocon ideology, no dice, but good try! I guess your analytic skills are as poor as your reading comprehension cuz I NEVER ADVOCATED SUPPORT FOR THE IRAQ/AFFIE was and you know it, so STFU.

I don’t know what a “neo con cock-swizzling tool” is, perhaps it is something you do in private with your little friends from the prison?

Also that “mindless garroting POS underhanded snake oil salesman”, I don’t know what that even means unless you are secretly tell us about your last homemade snuff film with snakes and pieces of shit in it. Which means you are into beastiality, murder and really really really dirty sex, but hey, whatever floats your little boat.

But hey flash, got nothing but love for ya’. I have a soft spot in my heart for the mentally challenged and terminally deluded.

September 11, 2012 6:38 pm

Hopey Stool ,

Paul Ryan was offended by TARP because it went against his principles , but he’s voted for it to preserve his principles.

You two share the same belief that your lack of principles is somehow made whole because you get something you want,regardless the damage to others.
Like some fucking spoiled narcissistic brat.

He looks like a damn wormy rat terrier begging in the middle of the night to be let out to take a shit.

Paul Ryan BEGS Congress to Pass TARP ( PATHETIC )


Paul Ryan on Bailouts and Government Stimuli:

-Voted YES on TARP
-Voted YES on Economic Stimulus HR 5140
-Voted YES on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler.
-Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending.

Paul Ryan on Entitlement Programs:

-Voted YES on limited prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients.
-Voted YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks.

Paul Ryan on Education:

-Voted YES on Head Start Act
-Voted YES on No Child Left Behind Act

Paul Ryan on Civil Liberties:

-Voted YES on federalizing rules for driver licenses to hinder terrorists.
-Voted YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent.
-Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant.

Paul Ryan on War and Intervention Abroad:

-Voted YES on authorizing military force in Iraq.
-Voted YES on emergency $78B for war in Iraq & Afghanistan.
-Voted YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date.
-Voted NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq starting in 90 days.

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Vote up!
Vote down!
TY MitchMitchMitch. The voting r

September 11, 2012 6:43 pm

Hopey, you mean you can’t defend the party you trying to get us all to swoon over?

but….just a few minute ago you were blathering on like some deranged crack whore needing a rock on how we the US need a corporate raided like your wetness Romney who has experience in turning companies around.
Example;es please?

September 11, 2012 6:44 pm

I, Stucky, a.k.a Da Judge, as bequethed unto me by Administrator do hereby declare Hope@ZeroKelvin as decisive winner.

You all know what “hell” will be like for flash? He has a computer with no “ctrl”,”C”, and “P” keys.

September 11, 2012 6:54 pm

Hopey, There’s a couple companies that Bain the shitstain lays claim to turning around , but most companies that Bain were involved with were looted and dumped on the bankruptcy courts.
First do no harm , right?

What makes you think he won’t finish looting the American economy and then board the mother ship to blast off back to planet Kolob?
You do know that Romney’s an illegal alien, right?

Bain in 1988 put $5 million down to buy Stage Stores, and in the mid-’90s took it public, collecting $100 million from stock offerings. Stage filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1992 bought American Pad & Paper (AMPAD), investing $5 million, and collected $100 million from dividends. The business filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

Bain in 1993 invested $60 million when buying GS Industries, and received $65 million from dividends. GS filed for bankruptcy in 2001.

Bain in 1997 invested $46 million when buying Details, and made $93 million from stock offerings. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2003.

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September 11, 2012 6:57 pm

Stuck , you forfeited you judgeship when you left the second time. Sorry O’ loquacious one , but you’re null and void.

September 11, 2012 7:01 pm

HZK- But hey flash, got nothing but love for ya’. I have a soft spot in my heart for the mentally challenged and terminally deluded.

sez’ the psycho sawbones who want to burn million of innocent people to death by nuking Iran.

Hey, was it the hypocritic oath your swore to uphold?

September 11, 2012 7:12 pm

@Flashing Assclown: I’m not voting for Ryan, I’m voting for Romney, you moron, that is the guy at the top of the ticket. Again, ANOTHER cut and paste. Flashy, free the “cut and paste” function from its bondage on your keyboard, that is, if you have the IQ to actually formulate some original thought.

By the way, I think you meant “Stoodge” not “Stool” – seems you are still hung up with the poopy issue, is it time to change your diaper?

So what about those votes? Ryan joined a hell of a lot of Dems and other Repubs in voting that way, so what is your point, exactly? These CONgress critters vote hundreds of times in their careers, big deal, I don’t agree with all of it but in a representative democracy that’s the way it goes.

Go do your own research on the companies Bain saved, like Dominos, Staples, Sealy, etc as well as Romney turning around the Olympics. What the fuck positive achievements has Obama accomplished in his term?? Name one.

No, I can’t vote for Ron Paul this time. 4 more years of Barack Obama and this country is done.

If you have ever READ and UNDERSTOOD anything I have written, I know, it is a hard leap from “Dick and Jane” to the TBP, you know that I have no real faith in the entire political process but for the sake of my kids, I gotta make an effort as I see fit.

YOU, OTOH, just want to stamp your little feet cuz in a narcissistic hissy fit cuz your guy didn’t make it and “withdraw” your vote, like you are soooo important. **cue eye ball rolling**

Oh, and that neocon smear you keep flinging at me? Good try, no dice. No where do I advocate nation building and all that crap. I do advocate recognizing the people screaming to gut me like a clam and taking definitive action to prevent that. If that offends your NYT reading latte sipping limp wristed metrosexual polyester wearing testosterone free sensibilities, too bad.

But hey! Flashy flash is gonna have to go run along to his Mommy’s skirts. He really needs to work on his picture posting.

Mebbe his fingers are too sticky from his poo flinging, heh heh heh.

September 11, 2012 7:17 pm

“You all know what “hell” will be like for flash? He has a computer with no “ctrl”,”C”, and “P” keys.”

Dammit Stuck, I snotted all over my keyboard with that one.

I haz teh flue 🙁

Also, job update: Still under fire, not sure if going to be canned. I have started sending my CV to businesses within 100 mile radius.

I could make 200k a year if I didn’t mind moving to Oz….

September 11, 2012 7:18 pm


Dude, I never said to nuke Iran. DING DING DING!!! Flash’s Idiot Meter just maxed out.

I do think that getting rid of I’m-a-dinner-jacket and the rest of the Insanians is a good idea, as will be halting Iran’s nuclear program. That does not require nukes.

Just for you!

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September 11, 2012 7:25 pm

Flash the way I see it Obama is a failed President and doesn’t deserve a second term. If that statement is not true please tell me why and I may change my mind. But at this time it looks like we need to cut Obama loose. Will it be any better in four years after Romney, I really doubt it, so then he will get his ass run off in turn.

Obama needs to stay or go on his own merits, what he has done or what he has not done. Another factor is a second term President is much more dangerous than one having to face the voters again. That’s the way I see it.

I digress and will go back to posting pic

September 11, 2012 7:26 pm

Hopey, No I meant stool as in a steaming pile, but garrot was parrot before WP decide to change it.

But , please explain o’ convoluted how voting for Rummy is not supporting war on Iran, more Wall street bailout and exponential growth of the police state?
In other words how do you separate the neo-con from Romney.
Are you really so stupid that you thing Romney continuing the Bush/Obama foreign /domestic policy will make a dime worth of difference.
and BTW, Ryan is on the ticket and my point was that he’s an equal liar to Rummy.

I could care less who you vote for , but please stop pretending that Romney will stop the fiat printing /warmongering/ continuing destruction of this Republic and rule of law.

You’re just embarrassing yourself by trying to justify lies only a gullible fool would believe.

September 11, 2012 7:31 pm

Newsflash….The IRS will not enforce the mandate fine?

September 11, 2012 7:32 pm

You snot sucking ass licking twisted neo-con cunt.
You most certainly did advocate the nuking of Iran.
You don’t recall the thread where you wanted to crank up the B-52’s?

Probably not, your thoughts were likely occupied on dreaming of being mounted from the rear by a Kolobian Priest.

September 11, 2012 7:38 pm

sensetti says:

Flash the way I see it Obama is a failed President and doesn’t deserve a second term. If that statement is not true please tell me why and I may change my mind.

Now that’s different argument than snowflake Hope is making.
No , he doesn’t deserve another 4 years, but from Rummy’s liberal bent track record neither does he.

As long as the We the People keep blithely accepting the prog-tard garbage that TPTB keep shoving on US every 4 years then they’ll continue to do so .

Everyone is free to do as they please, but I will not vote for more politico garbage.

And grant you , in the unlikely event We the US are still hanging on in 4 more years, that election too will become the most important evah!

September 11, 2012 7:41 pm

“You snot sucking ass licking twisted neo-con cunt.” —- flash

You are so fuckin’ OUT OF LINE !!! Are you not ashamed? Apparently, not. Your pathos is showing, dude.

You lost. Stop posting. My ruling is final. And it does matter …. I was reinstated in a secret ceremony by Admin. Just ask him.

September 11, 2012 7:54 pm

Stuck, like I give a rat ass what you think.
HZK was first to decide to go nuclear in the comment section and I just evoked MADD.

She votes, she works, she puts on her big mans britches just like all US equals right..

The gloves are off.
Bring it one.

BTW, two time quitters forfeit all judgement rights.
I’m surprised admin lets you vote.

September 11, 2012 7:58 pm

twas I.

Hoping HZK, will bring her B-52 wide ass back out into the flak for another run at it.

September 11, 2012 8:03 pm

HZK blowing he neo-con spew.

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The only difference between Rummy and Obamey is one’s half balk.

Romney Vs Obama – Same Issues, Same Answers!

September 11, 2012 8:11 pm

I think flash deserves the prize.

flash at his acceptance speech:

September 11, 2012 8:14 pm


their are so many latent homosexual themes in your posts it’s scary. Everyone’s gaydar is should be on. You want some Romney tube steak up your poop-shoot while you’re bent over munching carpet don’t you?



September 11, 2012 8:16 pm

Jeezus, flash, you’ve got about a hundred thumbs down, which probably only motivates you more doesn’t it? HZK is correct, you’re a nubjob. You amuse yourself at least, like most nutjobs. Not even a giggle in the whole lot. Not funny. You’re a sick fuck, man.


September 11, 2012 8:16 pm

“Look, the states are designed to be laboratories of experimentation for solving problems. The fed.gov is NOT supposed to be able to impose nationwide programs administered by central planners. You would not want what is going on in California imposed on the rest of us, would you?”

One of the better statements ever on TBP. I agree 100%. It should be a pillar of strength of a constitutional republic, especially one with 50 states. Let them alone to try this and try that. If something totally bombs, the rest of the states will likely not try the same thing or something similar. If it works, more will jump on board. If only the feds would get the hell out of the way.

Enjoying the flamefest between Hope and flash. That woman’s got game. Soldier on, you two.

September 11, 2012 8:17 pm

Now, go fuck off flash. Everyone here is sick and tired of your bullshit.


September 11, 2012 8:18 pm

Flash, flash, flash. Your eyeballs run over the words but these seemingly do not penetrate that troglodyte thick skull of yours. Or perhaps it is because your brain is residing somewhere in your transverse colon and you haven’t installed a hearing aid on your umbilicus yet.

FYI B52s have tons of NON nuclear payload, dumb fuck.

You ASSume that Romney will be as big a war monger as Bush/Obama. Proof? Just because he is from the GOP? War is bad for business and the bottom line. We can’t afford it, period. The country is weary of war, so no, I sincerely doubt it.

And if you think I am going to pee my pants and run away cuz you used the totally classless “c” word, guess again. Actually, your insults are pretty lame, I hope you can hear me laughing from Texas as I scoff at your pitiful attempts to piss me off. Try harder.

I’m taking a walk with my kids on this beautiful fall afternoon here in East Texas, flash. I will seek to find some forgiveness in my heart for you, flash, cuz you are a very damaged human being.

Sheesh, to spend so much time and energy and bad karma on a freaking internet forum with someone that disagrees with you!

Flashy, get a life.

September 11, 2012 8:20 pm

Me trying to keep up with Flash’s thought processes:

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Flash – Hope has a lot of admires around these parts. No one agrees with everything she says, but she is a reasonable type. She says “kiss my ass” and “fuck you” (a term of endearment around here) you respond with calling her a cunt. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Occassionally you come up with some interesting stuff, and I do try to read what you post so long as it isn’t your cut and paste bullshit. But you are a cut and paste addict. You are generally incapable of linking thoughts in a coherent stream so that people can understand what you are talking about. And I suspect you do not know 1% as much about Obamacare and Romneycare as she does, yet you enter the fray as though you have a fucking clue.

Don’t be such a dick, why don’t you.

September 11, 2012 8:30 pm

Jesus H Krist.

It’s like 8:20 PM ….PM!!!! …. here in Noo Joisey ……………… while in East Texas it’s only “afternoon”. Fucken A bizarro world.

HZK — Regarding Romney and war; He will BE TOLD who to bomb, and not bomb. Seems to me Presidents now-a-days are nothing more than puppets obeying some higher master. Maybe the Illuminati. Or flasheemati. POTUS is a Figurehead.

September 11, 2012 8:32 pm

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Ding, ding, ding, HZK wins!

News flash:

September 11, 2012 9:36 pm

Dopplegang me baby.

Ooooooh yeah.

September 11, 2012 9:52 pm

“You lost. Stop posting. My ruling is final. And it does matter …. I was reinstated in a secret ceremony by Admin. Just ask him.”

Tell me about the panties stuck, Admin says yours were yellow with blue polkadots.

Were there angels there too?

September 12, 2012 6:24 am

AWD hiding behind the TPC ID, your just a wormy dickless ankle-biter that only piles on after the big dogs have had their run,so WTW ,just stay on the sidelines yapping before you get the big boot in your bloated self-loathing ass.

HZK, you should be the one down on bended knees asking forgiveness from higher power for your pathetic childlike rants.And you call yourself a professional?

Professional at what?
Neo-con mongering piss-ant diatribe?

The difference between you and I is you vote out of fear and I don’t buy the lesser evil shtick .

You like all sunshine patriots are fearless right up until the election day and then your fear overtakes you and you begin to campaign for the candidate you believe to be the lesser evil because by nature you’re a social rat and let it not be said that you didn’t have vermin in the game.

Loopy, stop with the bullshit lie. I cut and paste no more than the regualr 24/7 commenters here , especially the Ass Wipe Doctor who posts one C&P after another all day long.

When does this fuckwad work? From the amount of pro-Romney gibberish posted by He and the Hopeless, one would think they are actively working for the Rummy campaign?

As far anything I comment on goes ,the best way I can tell that you don’t read my posts is don’t comment on them,,,capisce .