Time for another TBP contest. There are 538 electoral votes up for grabs tonight. You need 270 to become President.

Please provide your guess for the final electoral count tonight.

As a tiebreaker, please provide your guess on the overall popular vote.

The winner of this contest will get an all expenses paid trip to Staten Island and be put up at a 2 star hotel without electricity or heat. As an added bonus, you will receive a FEMA tee shirt made in China that says:


Don’t forget – vote early and vote often.

In early results from Towamencin PA, Gary Johnson has racked up 1 vote.

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November 7, 2012 12:56 am

Fot we are about to enter a Hell of our own making.

A Hell not of firecand brimstone but a Hell of being slowly suffocated by the weight of increasing taxes ot bled to death by the cuts of a million laws and regulations.

Obama and his minions are now unleashed to destroy our energy industry, healthcare and leave us vulnerable to our enemies.

Elections have consequences and the destruction of our country is now inevitable.

Wel, it wasca great ride while it lasted. I will continue to prep but I doubt I will survive what is coming.

God bless and good night.

November 7, 2012 1:08 am

Eclip…get the FN 5.7…30 round mags are available right now….a great pistol in my opinion !

November 7, 2012 1:14 am

“Obama and his minions are now unleashed to destroy our energy industry, healthcare and leave us vulnerable to our enemies.”

Look on the bright side, Doc. Diversity survived and remains our future beacon of hope.

November 7, 2012 1:16 am

Eddie…Zeiss my friend..the best optics .

November 7, 2012 1:22 am

Hope-Bullshit-you will survive. You are better prepped than 99%+ of the folks, and in a better location than 95%+. And you are far, far smarter than 99%. I give you great odds surviving the impending doom. God bless & good night to you too.

November 7, 2012 1:31 am

I have begun to explore my options. I do not believe I am able to continue to absorb the onslaught. The country does not respect what I, as a business owner, do. In fact, it, and many of its people, despises me for it. After all of my despicable kind and I abandon ship, there will be no need to demand of me my fair share. I will live off my capital. Fuck it.

November 7, 2012 1:38 am

llpoh-I can appreciate your position. It must be frustrating to continually be kicked for doing the right thing. I wouldn’t blame you one bit if you take your whistle and go home (wherever you might decide that to be in the future). But please don’t be hasty. I know you are not, else you would have already pulled the plug.

November 7, 2012 1:52 am

If you are up, listen to a ‘white rapper’ circa 1966. Administrator ought to see if the 4th turning wasn’t predicted here.

November 7, 2012 1:53 am

Look at the bright side. John Bolton won’t be Secretary of State, and Sheldon Adelson wasted millions of his fortune on a couple of losers.

November 7, 2012 1:57 am

Well, it appears I was overly optimistic about Gary Johnson’s vote totals, but he still became the first Libertarian candidate to clear 1 million votes. 1,009,000 and counting. Something to build on if we somehow make it to another election in 4 years.

November 7, 2012 1:59 am

Slightly off topic:

You guys started talking guns, and one of you advised me to try out a Smith and Wesson M&P, but I’m having difficulty recalling exact model and caliber.

I was thinking this:

9mm, 17+1 clip

November 7, 2012 2:05 am

Also, any shotgun advice? Don’t want to shoot birds/clays, just a SHTF gun.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
November 7, 2012 2:17 am

“This is thevworst possible outcome. A bitterly divided nation going right off the fiscal cliff led by a psychopathic narcissist like Obama.

I predict a massive stock market crash, gold-silver to spike and further downgrades in our credit rating. It will be such a wonderful day when the dollar crashes.

Well, this is The End of America as a great place of liberty, freedom and opportunity. I weep for my children’s future, for what could have been but is lost forever. We had our chance to choose self reliance, personal responsibility and self empowerment but it seems the mass of the FSA was too great and the allure of a life of handouts and dependence too strong.

Forward to the abyss. Abandon all hope”-HZK

I beat you to Abandoning All Hope by 4 years EZ. 🙂

Of course though, Amerika has be been a Fascist State from the very beginning, and we have never had any chance as long as the Illuminati control the Military and the Monetary system.

On the Upside, I made a small fortune in Ammo taking bets from the Low Hanging Fruit at the the Gun Club where just about everyone was betting on Rmoney. 🙂 I’ll be taking Target Practice for Free for at least the next 4 years. I also put my Barret up against a Regressive Conservatard’s AR-15 converted to Full Auto and two cases of Ammo, [imgcomment image[/img]

A little Ray of Sunshine on an otherwise Gloomy Day. [IMGcomment image[/IMG] LOL.


November 7, 2012 2:19 am

TPC, this is ALL you need but they won’t let you buy it!

November 7, 2012 2:21 am

Haha I knew what it was before it even loaded. The AA12 is a sexy piece of hardware, but I’m a simple fellow, and a pump action would be sufficient for me!

November 7, 2012 2:21 am

The beauty of a double barrell shotgun is that the act of pointing it in a certain direction may relieve you of the neccesity of having to pull the trigger.

November 7, 2012 2:33 am


You are predictable and probably right but my guess is the GOP Congress will dig in its heels and make the Democrats operate under the debt ceiling. That means Obama has to submit a budget base upon current revenues and expenditures and decide where the cuts take place.

That is going to be positive for the dollar and thus gold is in trouble and believe me as an owner of gold and coal miners I’be hurting! a

November 7, 2012 2:53 am

Sangell-Zappa kicks ass. An intellectual hippie, who also rocks very hard. RIP.

November 7, 2012 2:56 am

RE-Does your betting success make you a profiteer? I.e., Pigman? Maybe you should redistribute your winnings. Just askin’.

Johnson's Johnson
Johnson's Johnson
November 7, 2012 4:30 am

For all you jerk-offs that voted for Johnson – good work. Enjoy 4 more years of a socialist Dear Leader.

November 7, 2012 5:55 am

JJ, fuck all of you who wasted your vote on Romney.

November 7, 2012 6:01 am

The Ron Paul revolution serves up a dish of cold crow revenge to the GOP.

The GOP is finished.. kaput. Put a boot in their phony conservative ass, they’ve shit all over US and need to be kicked it in the cold.

The rotten, shitty crack licking. mangy mongrels got exactly what they deserved .

Now, by God, those that seek the pursuit of liberty , life and property can feel free to exit the utterly useless and incorrigible Republican party and found a party for those that believe in the rule of law and the protection individual liberty at all cost.

Dedicated to Hope.You will survive.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
November 7, 2012 6:13 am

“RE-Does your betting success make you a profiteer? I.e., Pigman? Maybe you should redistribute your winnings. Just askin’.”-AKanon

As Colma often notes, I got Pigman Genes. 😉

I got no problem whatosever divesting Regressive Conservatards of their Hardware in a bet. 😀

You can’t Save Everyone AK, you can only Save As Many As You Can. Some folks really NEED a quick trip to the Great Beyond. I am just evening up the odds here for a few people in my neighborhood and redistributing the hardware some. Hell, I can’t shoot all the guns I own, I gotta hand them off to some other trigger fingers. Trick here is to divest the dummies of their guns and redistribute to some decent people. 🙂

I never said I would Duck. I said I would Pull a Gun when somebody else puls a Knife on me. Call it “Profiteering” if you like. I call it PAYBACK. 😀


November 7, 2012 6:28 am

I think it noteworthy that all the Yankee states swung for Obama.

LOL…and the Lincolnites call us hicks?

[imgcomment image[/img]

Damn FSA, cock choking, slut voting , bedwetting , booger eating Yankees.

How ya’ll like your Union now?

John A
John A
November 7, 2012 8:59 am

I voted for Romney last week because I felt it was my only option to remove the Soetoro from office. That said, I had made numerous campaign contributions to Ron Paul in 2012 hoping that he would be on the ballot in 2012 as a Republican. That did not happen. Gov Romney could have chosen Ron Paul as a VP running mate but he apparently followed the advice of several neocon cheesedicks and, of course, the sleazy Wall Street banksters that contributed so much to his campaign. Too bad, Mitt. You made a bad choice.

After I saw that the GOP lost last night, the only solace I took to bed with me was that those that voted for Team Soetoro/Biden (and made his re-election possible) will suffer just as much as I will during the next four years. Congratulations to the liberal “progressives” and FSA idiots out there that voted for the continuation of the communist state. You voted for “it”, and you will get “it” nice and hard just like the rest of us who were wise enough to vote otherwise.

I will never give up on my country. I will never abandon the U.S. Constitution. I will always support states’ rights. I will do everything in my power over the next four years to discredit and starve the socialist beast that sits in my front yard.

November 7, 2012 9:01 am

TPC, for what purpose do you want a handgun? what size are ur hands, are u left or right handed?
As far as shotguns, just get a Remington or Mossberg pump action in 12/20 gauge and you’re set. I also like Ithaca self defense shotgun.

November 7, 2012 10:09 am

Do the math in Florida, New Mexico, Ohio, anywhere you wish—-even if every single Gary Johnson vote would have gone to Romney, he didn’t cost Mitt the election.

Bottom line, if anyone wants to be mad about this result, be mad at the Republican party that turned away Paul and Johnson.

November 7, 2012 1:50 pm

Full disclosure.I didn’t waste my time on voting for either turd sandwich or douchebag .
That said, what this election proves is that the Republican party is absolutely worthless as a national political representative of conservative values and will be irrelevant in future national elections as well.

I did heat dough boy Newtie shooting off his pie hole this morning,saying that the Repthugs have got to attract the Hispanic , Black and Slut vote before it can ever been a national contender again.
Translation more free shit from the prog-tard figures.