“I mean—hell, I been surprised how sane you guys all are. As near as I can tell you’re not any crazier than the average asshole on the street.”R.P. McMurphy – One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

“Years ago, it meant something to be crazy. Now everyone’s crazy.”Charles Manson


“In America, the criminally insane rule and the rest of us, or the vast majority of the rest of us, either do not care, do not know, or are distracted and properly brainwashed into acquiescence.”Kurt Nimmo

I have to admit to being baffled by the aptitude of the Wall Street and K Street financial elite to keep their Ponzi scheme growing. I consider myself to be a rational, sane human being who understands math and bases his assessments upon facts and a sensible appraisal of the relevant information obtained from trustworthy sources. Of course, finding trustworthy sources is difficult when you live in a corrupt, crony-capitalist, fascist state, controlled by banking, corporate and military interests who retain absolute control over the mainstream media and governmental propaganda agencies. Those seeking truth must pursue it through the alternative media and seeking out unbiased critical thinkers who relentlessly abide by what the facts expose. This is no time for wishful thinking, delusions and fantasies. In the end, the facts are all that matter. As Heinlein noted decades ago, the future is uncertain so facts are essential in navigating a course that doesn’t lead you to ruin upon the shoals of ignorance.

“What are the facts? Again and again and again – what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore divine revelation, forget what “the stars foretell,” avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the un-guessable “verdict of history” – what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your single clue. Get the facts!” ― Robert A. Heinlein

Facts are treasonous and dangerous in an empire of lies, fraud and propaganda. It is maddening to watch the country spiral downward, driven to ruin by a psychotic predator class, while the plebs choose to remain willfully ignorant of reality and distracted by their lust for cheap Chinese crap and addicted to the cult of techno-narcissism. We are a country running on heaping doses of cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias, an irrational belief in our national exceptionalism, an absurd trust in the same banking class that destroyed the finances of the country, and a delusionary belief that with just another trillion dollars of debt we’ll be back on the exponential growth track. The American empire has been built on a foundation of cheap easily accessible oil, cheap easily accessible credit, the most powerful military machine in human history, and the purposeful transformation of citizens into consumers through the use of relentless media propaganda and a persistent decades long dumbing down of the masses through the government education system.

This national insanity is not a new phenomenon. Friedrich Nietzsche observed the same spectacle in the 19th century.

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”

The “solutions” imposed by the supposed brightest financial Ivy League educated minds and corrupt bought off political class upon people of the United States since the Wall Street created 2008 worldwide financial collapse are insane and designed to only further enrich the crony capitalists and their banker brethren. The maniacs are ruling the asylum. John Lennon saw the writing on the wall forty five years ago.

“Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives…. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends … and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.”John Lennon, Interview BBC-TV (June 22, 1968)

The world is most certainly ruled by a small group of extremely wealthy evil men who desire ever more treasure, supremacy and control, but the vast majority of Americans have stood idly by mesmerized by their iGadgets and believing buying shit they don’t need with money they don’t have is the path to happiness and prosperity, while their wealth, liberty and self-respect were stolen by the financial elite. Our idiot culture, that celebrates reality TV morons, low IQ millionaires playing children’s sports, egomaniacal Hollywood hacks, self-promoting Wall Street financers, and self-serving corrupt ideologue politicians, has been degenerating for decades.

“We are in the process of creating what deserves to be called the idiot culture. Not an idiot sub-culture, which every society has bubbling beneath the surface and which can provide harmless fun; but the culture itself. For the first time, the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our cultural norm, even our cultural ideal.” Carl Bernstein -1992

The examples of our national insanity are almost too vast to document, but any critical assessment of what we’ve done over the last one hundred years reveals the idiocracy that has engulfed our collapsing empire.

The Madness of Crowds

In reading The History of Nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities, their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.”Charles MacKay – Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

We have become a nation that seamlessly goes mad every five years in pursuit of some new delusionary fantasy sold to us by the ruling class, only to see those dreams shattered like a wooden ship on the reef of reality. You can never underestimate the power of human stupidity. Ben Bernanke and his Federal Reserve cronies have printed $2.6 trillion of new money out of thin air since September 2008 in order to prop up their Wall Street owners, who had engineered the largest control fraud (mortgage debt/housing bubble) in world history, recklessly gambled in their ravenous appetite for sordid profits, and drove their firms into insolvency. It took the Federal Reserve 95 years to accumulate a balance sheet of $900 billion of safe U.S. Treasuries.

fed balance sheet

They have insanely quadrupled their balance sheet in the last 5 years by accumulating toxic mortgage debt from Wall Street banks and purchasing the majority of new Treasury debt being issued to fund the Federal government’s insane trillion dollar annual deficits. Bernanke, the corporate media, government apparatchiks, and captured political class act as if this is normal, when it is clearly the act of a desperate ruling class in its final death throes. Bernanke has leveraged his balance sheet 60 to 1. Lehman and Bear Stearns were leveraged 30 to 1 when they collapsed. The 100 basis point move in rates over the space of two months has resulted in Bernanke losing $200 billion and effectively wiping out his $55 billion of capital.

fed 10 year

Of course, in a corrupt regime accounting fraud is encouraged and applauded by the status quo. Just as the spineless accountants on the FASB buckled to threats from Bernanke and Paulson in early 2009 and reversed the requirement that assets be marked to market so the felonious Wall Street banks could fraudulently hide their insolvency, the Federal Reserve has decided their losses don’t matter. The Federal Reserve classifies their losses as an asset. Don’t you wish you could classify your 401k losses and your home value losses as an asset? The tapering bullshit storyline is just another attempt to distract the masses from focusing on the fact that Bernanke will never stop expanding his balance sheet because if he stops the financial system will collapse in a catastrophic implosion. The Ponzi scheme will continue until loss of faith leads to a scramble away from the U.S. dollar.

fed balance sheet

Since the infamous creation of the Federal Reserve by a secretive cabal of bankers and politicians in 1913, the ultimate destination of the American empire was set. Every fiat currency in world history has collapsed. Our entire system has been based on infinite exponential growth. The fallacy of American exceptionalism has been built on an underpinning of pure stupid luck and the issuance of more and more debt. The American empire grew to epic proportions due to the discovery of cheap easily accessible oil in the late 19th century and the physical and economic destruction of Europe, Russia and Japan during World War II. The accumulation of debt was fairly moderate during the glory years after World War II, but began to accelerate after the fateful year of 1971 when U.S. oil production peaked and Tricky Dick Nixon removed the last vestiges of restraint from central bankers and politicians by closing the gold window. With the shackles removed from the wrists of corruptible knaves and shysters, America’s future depended upon the wisdom, honesty and financial acumen of Washington politicians and Wall Street financers. Once the citizens realized they could vote for more bread and circuses, our ultimate demise was set in motion. A nation that had produced real annual growth of 4% during the 1950’s and 1960’s has seen a steady decline for the last four decades.   

The term pushing on a string describes the Quantitative Easing (literally money printing) and Keynesian debt financed pork spending efforts of our increasingly frantic owners. The insanity of what we’ve done since 1971 is almost too crazy to comprehend. In the first 182 years of our existence the leaders we elected to steward the nation accumulated $400 billion of national debt. By 1981, unleashed from any semblance of spending control, the politicians and bankers had added another $600 billion of debt, a 150% increase in 10 years. By 1991 our beloved leaders had added another $2.6 trillion of debt, another 160% increase in 10 years. By 2001 another $2.2 trillion had been accumulated, only a 60% increase due to the end of the Cold War and a one-time tax surge from the stock bubble. Bush’s worldwide War on Terror, expansion of the police state, tax rebate stimulus idiocy, and expansion of the welfare state (Medicare Part D) drove the national debt up by another $2.2 trillion in just eight years, a 40% increase.

The insane amassing of debt since 2008 has put a final nail in the coffin of the ridiculous Keynesian theory, as the Federal government has increased annual spending by 35% over the last five years and the economy is still moribund. Our fearless leaders have driven the national debt from $7.8 trillion to $16.7 trillion in less than five years, a 110% increase. The country continues to add $2 to $3 billion of debt per day. Consider how insane it is that we now accumulate more debt in half a year than we did cumulatively over the first 182 years of our existence as a country. And our elected, or should I say selected, leaders, cheer on the intellectually bankrupt academics like Bernanke whose only solution to every crisis is to print moar and then lie to the American people about his true purpose, act as if annually spending $1 trillion more than we collect while knowing there are over $200 trillion of unfunded promises to fulfill is a reasonable and realistic way to manage the national finances. Any sane person knows our current path will lead to ruin. When you need to issue new debt in order to honor old debt, the end is in sight.

The multitude of insane responses to a financial crisis created by a few greedy psychopathic bankers will be looked upon by historians with contempt and scorn. Future generations will wonder “What were they thinking?” Trillions in wealth were vaporized due to the actions of a small secretive league of highly educated, egocentric psychopaths whose warped sense of morality led them to pillage the wealth of the nation through fraudulent financial products, bribing regulatory agencies, stabbing clients and competitors in the back, and peddling lies, propaganda and misinformation to the public through their captured media mouthpieces. Not only haven’t any predator bankers been thrown in jail, but these villains have grown their parasitic entities to enormous proportions while paying themselves obscene billion dollar bonuses. Jon Corzine stole $1.2 billion directly from the accounts of his customers to cover his gambling losses and he remains free to laze about in one of his five gated mansions. The largest banks on earth have been caught red handed forging mortgage documents, rigging LIBOR, front running the muppets with non-public economic information, insider dealing, and using their HFT supercomputers to manipulate the markets at their whim. Government spy agencies regularly use the U.S. Constitution like toilet paper while accumulating electronic dossiers on every citizen in the country. The rule of law does not exist for the ruling class.

Only in a world gone insane would we be celebrating Wall Street generating all-time high profits through the use of accounting fraud and Bernanke filling their coffers with trillions of interest free money while bilking senior citizens out of $400 billion per year of interest income through his dastardly ZIRP “save a Wall Street banker” scheme. Bernanke has stolen close to $2 trillion from the bank accounts of little old ladies since 2008 and given it to Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfien and the rest of the Wall Street scumbags. While Wall Street and the crony capitalist mega-corporations report record profits, Main Street is left with 5 million less full-time jobs than they had in 2007 and a real unemployment rate exceeding 20%. While the government has insanely reported a recovering economy since mid-2009, the food stamp rolls have grown from 33 million to 47 million. The ruling class cheers the record highs in the stock market that overwhelmingly benefit the top .1% because they are the .1%. Meanwhile, the average schmuck out in the hinterlands is paying double the price they were paying for gas in 2009 and their everyday living costs are rising by greater than 5% annually. Luckily for the financial elite, the average American would rather watch Honey Boo Boo than try to understand the evilness of Federal Reserve created inflation. The economic recovery storyline is obliterated by the fact that real household income is still 9% below its 2008 peak and amazingly 8% below its 2000 level.

Since the 2009 low, the household net worth of the wealthiest 7% has grown by 28%, while the other 93% have seen their net worth decline by a further 4%. The profits accrue to those who run the show, buy the politicians, write the laws, command the media propaganda machine and control the currency. As a sane person in this insane world I’m flabbergasted that there is virtually no outrage at the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity. Americans have earned the moniker – ignorant masses. Bread and circuses have won the day in our declining empire. The oligarchs thank you.

The blame doesn’t rest solely on the shoulders of the evil men running the show. They have only done what we allowed them to do. From top to bottom our society has hopped on the crazy train. The lack of national morality, sense of civic duty, inter-generational responsibility, and willful ignorance regarding sensible financial policies has led us to a tipping point. Decades of feckless self-serving political leadership making entitlement promises they could never honor to win votes, combined with a parasitic financial class peddling debt to millions of witless, narcissistic, math challenged, materialistic morons, has left the country in debt up to its eyeballs with no escape other than cataclysmic default. Michael Lewis documents the bleeding out of our society in his recent book:

“The people who had the power in the society, and were charged with saving it from itself, had instead bled the society to death. The problem with police officers and firefighters isn’t a public sector problem; it isn’t a problem with government; it’s a problem with the entire society. It’s what happened on Wall Street in the run-up to the subprime crisis. It’s a problem of taking what they can, just because they can, without regard to the larger social consequences. It’s not just a coincidence that the debts of cities and states spun out of control at the same time as the debts of individual Americans. Alone in a dark room with a pile of money, Americans knew exactly what they wanted to do, from the top of the society to the bottom. They’d been conditioned to grab as much as they could, without thinking about the long-term consequences. Afterward, the people on Wall Street would privately bemoan the low morals of the American people who walked away from their subprime loans, and the American people would express outrage at the Wall Street people who paid themselves a fortune to design the bad loans.”Michael Lewis – Boomerang

The insanity of our debt accumulation in relation to our pathetic economic growth is clearly evident to even an Ivy League educated economist or a bubble headed CNBC anchorwoman. Since 1971 nominal GDP has grown by a factor of 14. Over this same time frame total credit market debt (household, corporate, government) has grown by a factor of 32. Real GDP (even using the fraudulent BLS manipulated CPI) has only expanded by a factor of 3.5 since 1971. The exponential growth model is clearly failing, with debt going hyperbolic, while GDP has stagnated.


Since 2007 real GDP has gone up $500 billion while total credit market debt has gone up by $6 trillion. Only an insane society would allow itself to be convinced by the perpetrators of the financial crimes that collapsed our economic system that accelerating the level of debt in our system will resolve the dilemma of Too Big to Trust banker insolvency. Transferring the immense losses of greedy sham capitalist gambling addicts from their insolvent balance sheets onto the balance sheets of the taxpayer has allowed the criminals to retain and expand their wealth, while sovereign states shift the pain and suffering onto the backs of the sinking middle class. This is a worldwide phenomenon perpetuated by central bankers at the behest of their crony capitalist co-conspirators. They call it capitalism when the scams, dodges and swindles work and the profits accrue to the schemers. When the gamblers and extreme risk addicts roll craps they use their crony capitalist connections, bought with blood money, to socialize their losses. The game is rigged and your owners don’t care about your hopes and dreams or your children’s future. They care about their own wealth and lifestyles of luxury. When the richest 300 people in the world have a greater net worth than the poorest 3 billion people on earth, a sane person realizes a chaotic end of the existing social order beckons.

“All over the world people borrowed vast sums of money they could never repay. The honest toting up, and taking, of the losses is being delayed. There’s a reason for this. The bad debts are owed, largely, to big banks. The big banks (even bigger than they were at the start of this crisis) and the people who own them enjoy a wildly disproportionate amount of political influence. And so, even now, five years into this mess, we remain at the mercy of the failed financial institutions that sit at the center of our capitalism. Geithner & Bernanke, along with their European counterparts, are doing everything in their power to prevent banks from failing. But the effect of this new financial order is bizarre: capitalism for everyone but the capitalists. Ordinary workers remain fully exposed to the increasingly harsh collisions in the marketplace while the highest paid financial elites ride protected by a passenger airbag.” Michael Lewis – Boomerang

Clearly we’ve entered the final phase of our debt financed orgy of narcissistic materialism and self-absorbed avarice. The unsustainability of our course is a fact. Our society has gone mad en-masse but we are only recovering our sanity one by one. The global financial system is insolvent. A fractional reserve fiat money based system requires continuous growth or it collapses. The global banking system is overleveraged and real global growth is stagnant. Central bankers are not smart men. They have one response to every crisis – print!!! Bernanke and his fellow banker cronies are printing at hyper-speed in order to prop up the terminally ill mega-banks. Bernanke feigns confusion at the fact that his QE to infinity and ZIRP have only benefitted his banker puppet masters and the richest .1%, while further impoverishing senior citizen savers and the working middle class.

The anger at the true Wall Street malefactors manifested itself in the Tea Party movement and Occupy Wall Street movement, but both efforts were quickly hijacked by neo-con right wingers and socialist left wingers for their own ideological purposes. The existing social order continues to hold the reins of power, but their grip is growing precarious. The anger, dismay and resentment in the country simmer beneath the surface. The average person senses that all is not well, but most absurdly continue to believe the lies and propaganda spewed at them on a daily basis by the ruling class and their corporate media pawns. When the next shoe drops and billions of stock market and housing wealth are wiped out again, the national anger will sweep away the corrupt social order in a torrent of blood and retribution. Innocent and guilty alike will suffer the consequences. Michael Lewis is somewhat perplexed by the lack of outrage and violence so far.

“A lot has happened. And yet, given the provocation, it’s amazing how little has happened. No one on Wall Street has been shot, or even jailed – and the existing social order has not been seriously challenged. There’s a reason for this, too. The anger arising from the financial crisis finds no natural channel. In another era – an era before catastrophic experiments with radical socialism and nationalism – we would be watching market capitalism being displaced by something far uglier. But today there is no natural place for anger to flow, and so the anger flows haphazardly, like raindrops down a windowpane. The only political ideology that anger benefits these days is anarchy. From the point of view of those who enjoy political stability, it’s a stroke of luck that anarchists have no natural talent for organizing themselves. But how long will it take them to learn?”  Michael Lewis – Boomerang

Staying sane in a society gone mad is not easy. Millions of people believe themselves to be sane, but they have really just adapted to an insane society, so they appear sane within the warped paradigm of that insane society. The truly sane people appear to be insane in an insane society. It’s enough to drive a man crazy. The immense forces of normalcy bias and social inertia have led millions to refuse to understand the mathematical certainty of the coming collapse. The worldwide banking system is like a great white shark that needs to keep moving or it dies. Exponential growth and continuous credit expansion have been the essential ingredients to expanding the American empire, but the growth has stopped, while the debt keeps growing. Infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible. As natural resources deplete and become more expensive to obtain, while the planet’s population continues to grow, the fractional reserve banking system and the nation states who continue to pile up trillions in debt will suddenly suffer a catastrophic collapse. We are in the end stages of a confidence game. Your government will not give you warning. We need to come to our senses one by one, until there are enough sane people to tip the scales in our favor. I’ve concluded that I live in a dishonest, insane, intolerable world and consider it my duty to spread discontent among those I can reach. I’m a dangerous man in the eyes of our corporate fascist surveillance state. So be it.

“The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is apt to spread discontent among those who are.”H.L. Mencken

In Part 2 of this article I will attempt to figure out why mass insanity has gripped the world and ponder what might happen when sanity returns.

order non hybrid seeds

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July 22, 2013 10:10 pm

Thanks, Admin.

I think Detroit is the harbinger of things to coe. Cities, counties, states and the Fed are going to, sooner or later, realize that restting via bankruptcy is the only ansew. Debt holders, those on givt pensions, etc are on borrowed time.

Nice doom article. One of your greats.

July 22, 2013 10:13 pm

Sorry about the typos.

I think repudiating debt will be a better answer than destroying the currency via inflation, as that does not address all the inflation linked debts like pensions, etc.

July 22, 2013 10:13 pm

BTW – it was about fucking time!

July 22, 2013 10:18 pm

“I think repudiating debt will be a better answer than destroying the currency via inflation”-I’ve got to agree with that. Do like Iceland, take the pain, and move on. Waiting is only going to make it worse.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
July 22, 2013 11:35 pm

“The rule of law does not exist for the ruling class.”-JQ

It never has. The legal system is designed to keep Elite in power, not to protect J6P. It was like this when Woodrow Wilson admitted the country was ruled by a small group of Capitalist Industrialists. These folks have proceeded to steal the natural resource wealth of the continent and have been at the game at least since the Railroads began spreading their tentacles across the once pristine landscape in the 1820s-1830s. You will note about all those railroads went bust, the tycoons of the era walked away with the credit issued and the taxpayers were saddled with the debt, then as now. Capitalism began destroying the country in around 1830, and has more or less completed the job in slightly under 200 years.

The difference now is that globally there is insufficient stored energy that can be extracted at a cheap price, so these folks no longer can leverage up on it. They are quite finished here as it spins down.

I’ll cross post this probably on Wednesday.


July 23, 2013 12:35 am

the government determines whether I am sane or not. anti-pc is thought crime. the government is my friend. this is a government approved thought.

July 23, 2013 1:03 am

So you have described the problem quite well.

What do you suggest that — *I* — We The People do to fix things?

It is one thing to diagnose the problem and quite another thing to offer solutions. I’m open to suggestions. Ready, willing, and waiting to hear great ideas on how we can depose the current lunatic situation and replace it with something more sane.

Anybody have practical useful solutions that can be implemented by We The People posthaste?

July 23, 2013 2:36 am


I think you have to wait for Part 2.

In the meantime, I would offer Tahrir Square as worth some consideration.

July 23, 2013 3:24 am

What is it going to take you ask? I propose that the Sheeple will keep grazing until they run out of food. Once they are out of food long enough they will line up to get on the buses to the FEMA camps where they will be promised unlimited food and shelter. I really don’t think that loosing all of their money, savings, pensions, etc. will do the trick. It should! But I still don’t know if it will or not. Of course all of this has been meticulously and brilliantly planned for decades and we’re seeing the culmination of this plan at this time.
I agree that there will be an overnight event that no one sees coming and then it’s Game Over for the masses. Life begins anew in whatever form it evolves to, most likely anarchy. It’s the most logical “default” system out there. All forms of govt. services will cease at some point and then we’re all on our own. Good luck folks.
Great article Jim! Looking forward to Part 2.

July 23, 2013 3:35 am

The writing on the wall has been there and now the day of reckoning is here. Im going to wait for part two but if what I suspect is happening the ride is going to get rough and this is about as cheery as i can get about it.

Another Rembrandt Admin! . Cant say Im surprised because this is what Ive come to expect out of you but VERY well done and Im anticipating part two!

July 23, 2013 5:12 am


How many years have we been at it? Your Mencken quote at the end describes you well and myself also only my skills are not on the level of highly honed articulation. I’ve gained damn few converts over the years and I am talking to a wide audience from working guys and gals to multi-multi millionaires. I never fail to send everything you write to a large number of people and have done so ever since your first piece which I contacted you about if you remember.

You are undoubtedly one of the strongest voices out “there” and I am saddened by the fact your light is “under a bushel” as your message is so antithetical to the MS press. However, your words will have a day in the sun even if you are not here to see it. Your work is a testament against the evil monsters who are sacrificing their posterity on the alter of greed, avarice and murder.

I sincerely appreciate your work and dedication, I love your courage and I certainly hope those who visit this site have some semblance of gratitude for the efforts you put forth and the sacrifice you make to inspire those who will come to know you at some later date. I therefore ask all who see these words to make every effort to spread Jim’s words as far and wide as possible. Send them to your friends and enemies as we will all find out sooner or later that we will have to forgo our differences in order to resist an enemy who will take all from everyone unless we stand together, ready to sacrifice all to defend the right and the lives of those unable to defend themselves.


July 23, 2013 6:18 am

BTW Admin,
You have a lot of what I call moxie aka courage, balls, honey badger attitude.

They always want to hurt the messenger so it can suck to have to be the adult in a room full of kids.

July 23, 2013 7:21 am

Well said JQ, but this subject has been rehashed infinitum here and at ZH, etc. The question is what are the “sane” people going to do about it? Of course you still deny (I guess from normalcy bias? or maybe because you were born of non Citizen parents and find it “unfair” that you would not be eligible for POTUS?) that the executor of the laws (POTUS) is an illegal entity– and thus there is no law, and it was done on purpose so that the Narcissists could say that no laws are being broken. Barack Hussein Obama is a British subject, born of a British subject father, and not a natural born Citizen of the US, and not eligible. It was done on purpose in order to void our sovereignty— both Hussein Obama AND McCain were not eligible (McCain was born in the PCZ— military bases are NOT US territory— See FAM 7). Cloward Piven strategy is what is being perpetrated on America, and it is being done on purpose. It is being overwhelmed from within—- ON PURPOSE. It is not an accident, or the actions of merely greedy men. It is the systematic disabling of America—- get it through your heads. There is a reason that other non eligible non natural born Citizens are waiting in the wings, i.e Rubio and Cruz— BOTH born of foreign fathers, and not natural born Citizens.

Yet the supposedly smart and “sane” JQ Admin. fails to see the significance of the illegal President and the effect of him on the Constitutional Republic (he thinks the US is a “Democracy”). He likes some parts of the Constitution but not others. In short he is just above “typical”, and is not really that “brave” as some posters have said above. If he really wanted to be “brave” and be a domestic enemy of the Criminals in Congress that have allowed the Usurpation, he would trumpet the fact that the Republic has been Usurped, but alas.

While he will say that I, the supposed 1 trick pony, should GF M, falling into the typical ad hominem of the clueless (or scared?), he will still fail to disprove anything I say— because it is the truth– and truth sets one free. He will say that Obama was “born in Hi.” and thus eligible and is a “citizen”. The FACT is that he hasn’t proven place of birth (a picture on the computer proves nothing), and even if “born in Hi” his NON US Citizen FATHER voids his eligibility as a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. In his cognitive dissonance he will not except the enormity of what has actually occurred. He will ignore the facts I present, and can never counter them, because one cannot counter absolute truth. He will fail to counter this:

“The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.” Minor v. Happersett, 88 US 162, 167 (1874).

THAT IS US SUPREME COURT precedent, and US LAW. Counter that.

NEXT—- what to do.

Old Buck
Old Buck
July 23, 2013 7:26 am

A great post worth the wait.

July 23, 2013 7:27 am

Trying to stay sane………

The hardest part is when you try to educate people who are convinced that those in power know what they are doing, and have our best interest in mind that the world is slowly unraveling before their very eyes and they fail to see.
Take Detroit, many on this site have been predicting its eventual bankruptcy for years, many on this site have been predicting the unfunded liabilities of all pensions, medicare, medicaid, SS, obamacare, national debt, GDP, trade deficit, the eventual loss of reserve status, and so on.

I bring up Detroit as a “I told you so” moment and they still think I am a fucking moron.

OK, fine, I don’t give a flying fuck about the brain-dead idiots anymore, thankfully this train wreck is pretty slow, gives more time to prepare the best we can.

Thanks for the time and unknown amount of effort you put into this site admin.

July 23, 2013 7:40 am

admin- Thanks for the excellent narrative of the current state of the insane asylum we defer to as nation.

Could Rozeff’s solution be the answer?

The U.S. Is a Failed State: Dissolve It

The US Is a Failed State

Don Levit
Don Levit
July 23, 2013 7:54 am

Tremendous article.
I read every word, and it gives me courage and hope to know that, generally, I am on the right track, although it appears to diverge from the norm.
I told my depressed son, who is seemingly unable to try to be happy, that “I do not like living in our society.”
While I try to be optimistic and friendly to all, I have limited my social engagements to my synagogue community, Chabad, which seems to take a similar view of our darkened world.
Our goal, as “chabadniks,” is to reveal the light that is concealed in this dark world.
That is my primary goal, to dig for the sunken remnants of truth and light, and help bring them to the surface.
Other than that, there is really nothing else worth living for or fighting for.
That is THE battle for which I was designed to fight and eventually, win, even if the victory comes long after I am deceased.
Don Levit

July 23, 2013 8:12 am

Home run article.

July 23, 2013 8:12 am

Thank you Admin, great read!

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July 23, 2013 8:14 am

What to do, what to do. The hand wringing continues…

The answer is directly before us. To take out the domestic enemy of the Republic (Usurper Obama) and remove him from office would be a HUGE symbolic victory for the Republic. It would cut off the head of the foreign virus that has infected the Republic, and depose the front man of the criminal Central Bankers, who find the sovereignty of US Citizens bothersome to their one world government plan (they have already voided the sovereignty of the European continent countries by imposition of the euro). China is already taken care of– its citizens will never cut their chains, as with the Russians. Africa was colonialized long ago. United States citizens are different because we are “sovereigns” (or were). We are not “subjects” (Obama is still a “subject” of Great Britain, and thus the front man of the Rothchilds due to the British Common Law concept of “perpetual allegiance”).

Of course JQ Admin. finds this “crazy talk”.
Really? removing the point man of the Central Bankers, and his sidekick Holder– the protection, is crazy?

The President can be “REMOVED” (see the 25th Amendment)— It does not have to be by impeachment (although he certainly has committed many “crimes and misdemeanors”).

“THE PERSON ACTING AS PRESIDENT” (as in acting as president although ineligible) can be removed due to “INABILITY” (SEE US Code 3 S. 19).

“INABILITY” can be defined as physical disability or CONSTITUTIONAL (legal) disability, and reflects the language of the 12th Amendment which was superseded in parts by the 25th and 20th Amendment. Originally the 12th amendment said:

“And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death OR OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL DISABILITY OF THE PRESIDENT”

The 20th and 25th Amendments provided the line of succession if a “president elect” or “president” shall have failed to qualify. It was not a self executing provision, and Congress enacted US Code 3 S. 19 to provide the legal mechanism for removing a “constitutionally disabled” President.

Imagine if We the People stood up and through the puppet out of office? It would be a huge victory for the sovereign citizens of the Republic! But to organize it and congeal public sentiment against the Usurper there would have to be large doses of education. Blogs like this and ZH would need to talk about it openly and widely until a critical mass is achieved. Remember, only about 15% of the early colonials were behind the American Revolution at first, but then critical mass was achieved, and an undermanned force of freedom seekers defeated the most powerful army in the world. Alas, it seems now we have been repatriated by the imposition of a British subject domestic enemy Usurper. Unless people like JQ Admin educate the public, rather than rehash the same grievances over and over we are doomed to be enslaved. The ONLY thing that will set us back on the path to reclaim the republic is the ouster of the frontman domestic enemy Usurper Obama. Anything else is just whining. Speak the truth JQ. Be a REAL Domestic enemy of the criminal Congress. Be a real patriot. Rehashing the same old stuff does nothing. I will be happy to write an extensive blog post detailing the fine legal aspects of the meaning and efficacy of “natural born Citizen”, and why Barack hussein Obama is the perfect example of why it was required— By the way A2S1C4 is a self executing Constitutional provision— i.e NO statute is necessary to enforce it— like the right to free speech, or to religion.

July 23, 2013 8:29 am

The American empire has been built on a foundation of cheap easily accessible oil, cheap easily accessible credit, the most powerful military machine in human history, and the purposeful transformation of citizens into consumers through the use of relentless media propaganda and a persistent decades long dumbing down of the masses through the government education system.

Another excellent essay – thank you.

I am surrounded by people with the intellect and capacity to understand this crisis but am astounded at their ability or desire to remain willfully ignorant – “idiot culture” indeed.

I continue to speak out, to make obvious to any within earshot the non-stop contradictions we are expected to accept, to challenge entrenched beliefs that give comfort but not awareness and yet I find my desire to even talk to these people is wearing thin. I retreat more and more to the comfort of the patio, a good book, a beverage or three and the opportunity to watch my chickens wander around the backyard. At least the chickens aren’t lying to me.

I read recently that the phrase “what can I do about any of this?” has replaced “that’s just conspiracy theory” as the rejoinder of the day – I have been told that a few times myself so perhaps there is progress of a sort.

I look forward to part II.

harry p.
harry p.
July 23, 2013 8:29 am

you are pretty good at being a stupid fuknut.
worrying about B. Hussein breaking the law by being elected POTUS as a (possible) non-citizen is probably the least illegal thing he has ever done. forget about eveyrthing else and focus on that, way to go. (Sigh)

here’s some free advise (again)
[imgcomment image[/img]

As for “what to do?”, the main solution is to simply think and teach others to think.
Use the lump that is 3ft above our asses. the best way to break the cycle is to enable each individual mind a chance to come to its own conclusions. minds can only be freed one at a time and only when they are ready.

keep up the great work admin, i’ll be cross posting this shortly and looking forward to part 2.

July 23, 2013 8:31 am

Mick, that sounds dangerously subversive, besides it isn’t going to be about who’s right. While you may well be, you can lose your freedom.

The one concern I have about a constitutional convention is what might come out of it.

Even if we were to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, payoff the national debt with fiat (printed) currency, pass a balanced budget amendment and eliminate income and property taxes, we would still have $222T in unfunded obligations, although it would go a long way ;D.

Nam Marine
Nam Marine
July 23, 2013 8:34 am

This evil Country deserves everything that is coming ! It’s NOT the America I grew up in !

July 23, 2013 8:51 am

you are pretty good at being a stupid fuknut.
worrying about B. Hussein breaking the law by being elected POTUS as a (possible) non-citizen is probably the least illegal thing he has ever done. forget about eveyrthing else and focus on that, way to go. (Sigh) ”

The requirement is “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN” not “Citizen”—- DUH. It all emanates from his illegality. If there is no legal POTUS then there is no law. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

July 23, 2013 8:55 am

SUBVERSIVE? Hell yes! How else are things going to get straightened out when what should be the solution (Congress enforcing the Constitution and instituting impeachment proceedings) is actually the root of the problem. Congress is complicit in all of this, so they are not the solution. There is no political solution to the problem at this point. Voting is useless in a corrupted system.
SUBVERSIVE? “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”. What part of this do you not understand???

July 23, 2013 9:32 am

Mick, it was 3% (see three percenters) of the original colonist that fought the against the mother country. But they had nothing to lose and much to gain to free themselves from oppressive taxation. TPTB are slowly figuring out that to keep the tax serfs on your side you give them so much free shit they won’t and can’t stand against the elite, and you always promise to raise taxes on the other guy.

A new majority has been created that cannot think for themselves or survive without some form of government assistance. Remove obama, sure, and who will the majority that depends on government help elect next? A Ron Paul or another obama?

One man tells us we need less government and let corporations and banks stand on their own, the other tells us we need to save the weak including corporations or America as we know it dies.

Guess what? Doomed…..

harry p.
harry p.
July 23, 2013 9:47 am

yes mick, i mistyped it and forgot “natural-born” in front of citizen. you got me there
[imgcomment image[/img]

once again, worrying about where his mother shat him out of her womb and or where his grandmother shat his dad out of her womb is a pointless endeavor at this point. If i give into your premise that he isn’t natural born then what difference does it make? when he admits to having “murder lists” that include US citizens nothng happens. that is like worrying about a hangnail after you have been shot center of mass by an rpg.

using that logic he would be “ok” if he was born here: no he is a shit-stain of a person: not because he wasn’t born in the USSA (per your premise) but because he is a statist elitist who thinks his purpose in life is to control others.

[imgcomment image[/img]

And who would attend another “Constitutional Convention”? It would be more politicians (or hopefuls) that would be subverting the system into a new setup so they, the new boss, could be just like the old boss and profit from it.
that idea would work if the majority of people were like Judge Napolitano and Ron Paul but that isn’t reality.
You are still working under the premise that a govt or state can own the people that live there. the only solution is individual sovereignty.

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 23, 2013 10:31 am

Marissa –

Lawrence Lessig’s probably quixotic “money bomb” idea is about the only way to break the oligarchy’s hold on our democracy: see

Fight Corruption at Its Roots

Of course higher marginal tax rates (~75%) on income over $1 million would do a lot to bring the oligarchs back to Earth among us common people. Their hormones are clearly out of balance. The USA’s highest growth rates occurred when marginal rates were at such levels, so I don’t buy the “supply side” crap (a huge con job that started our ramp up of federal debt). At one time we had a social contract and everyone thought we were all in this together (cf. “Fourth Turning”).


July 23, 2013 10:32 am

Also worth noting: Lessig has a plan for a super PAC to end all super PACs, an organization he calls the “money bomb.” Lessig is looking for about 50 billionaires who, in the name of American democracy, will be willing to give between$20 million and $40 million dollars each, which will then be spent raising awareness about ways to get money out of politics, like grassroots public funding of campaigns. His super PAC idea will be something to keep an eye on.

July 23, 2013 10:36 am

Admin- you have a far bigger family than you know! I know it has been a rough patch and our thoughts are with you at those times. And I hope it has levelled out a bit for you. My family and I have had a few seriously stressful events in the last year – far more than I have told, and one in particular was everyone’s worst nightmare. Life does not stop, or so I have found. Funny enough, I actually find solace in that somehow, and it counterbalances the grief. I was just reading that to be happy a person has to also experience sadness, or there is nothing to measure happiness against. Easy words but seriously hard to believe during the down times. If you need us, we are here in spirit. Not the same as real family, but it may help. Being able to vent a bit here sure helped me on occasion. .

But we need our dose of doom on a regular basis or we get downright cranky. Thanks again for everything.

But do not think I am going soft. You are sure to piss me off shortly, and then you better come with girded loins.

July 23, 2013 10:38 am


If you would reread the article you might figure out that its purpose is to examine a problem from various angles and not to propose solutions. In his usual capable fashion, JQ is describing the tsunami of pure evil that is washing over us and the various kinds of debris it carries.

To think there is any sort of meaningful legal recourse available to address our problems is part of the lore that continues to keep the masses compliant. Remove the president? You have got to be kidding. That would require a legislative body and a judicial system that weren’t bought off and actually had the health of the Republic as a priority. You can quote the constitution all you want; do you still harbor the illusion that TPTB give a rat’s ass what the constitution says? If so, you are still a victim of the great delusion.

We are allowed to continue living the tattered version of what once was only because it is still in the best interests of the men behind the curtain. There is still some exploitation to be done and there is still some control grid to put in place. I’m thinking it’s going to be harder and harder to stay sane as we ride the wave down. Live prudently, love your family, pray for strength.

July 23, 2013 11:33 am

If one repudiates government debt it naturally follows that all debt would have to be repudiated and all paper and electronic currency repudiated. Then all government spending that has nothing to do with diplomacy ,justice,defence, transport and communications the mint and revenue collection would have to be repudiated. It should be done within a few hours overnight when people are in bed and on a week end. The banks and the MSM should be padlocked and guarded by the military pending a decision reguarding the existance of such businesses and the coin of the nation shall be in accordance with the coinage act of 1792. If you want to buy or sell or pay your people just bring your gold, silver or copper to the mint and have it coined into the official currency. Monetary and financial crime must be stopped and this is how it could be done.

July 23, 2013 11:48 am

Admin, it’s hard to know how much influence these articles you write have on the gen pop of the US of A, but perhaps it’s far more than you think.

I personally appreciate your taking the time to put together these well-documented pieces that stick to the facts and avoid the hopium. Although I agree with you on almost everything, I lack the patience and dedication to lay it out the way you do, and it’s quite possible that I don’t care as much about what happens to other people as much as you do.

I’m looking forward to the 2nd part of this. I assume you will get to the solutions, which, of course, I have my own opinions about.. Your take is always welcome, however, because you’re one smart SOB, and I highly value your opinion and those of the regular commenters here. Thanks for all you do.

July 23, 2013 12:07 pm


The Dude Abides
The Dude Abides
July 23, 2013 12:21 pm

Admin, this was an excellent synopsis of where we currently stand — and in that regard it was not all that remarkable, only because it fits in with the high quality of your writing on this site. However, in reading it and perusing the comments that follow it, I’m left feeling that most people (especially Gen-X and older) don’t really understand what to do or where to go.

I see a lot of comments from people on this site talking about accumulating capital, buying gold and silver, etc. as a means of protecting themselves. I have to admit that I even fall into this line of thinking. But ultimately, it’s a trap — because not only the existing monetary system, but even the ability to hold on to significant holdings of precious metals are pretty much under the control of centralized powers.

Collapse is happening all around us. And not just in the sense of the US, but the entire Western industrial model and everything that goes with it. A large part of that is the monetary and financial system that we’ve all become accustomed to. The elites are positioning themselves to retain control after they hit a “reset” on this system. If you’re not an elite, then you’re going to be hurt by that reset. The idea is to insulate yourself as much as possible. Can this insulation take the form of liquid capital (money)? Maybe, but only to a limited extent (unless you’re an elite).

So, in the words of an old revolutionary I’m sure is reviled on this site, “What is to be done?” I think it’s all about embracing the process of collapse (and it is a LONG process, not an event) and just LETTING GO. Or, as Dmitry Orlov has said, “Collapse now and avoid the rush.” John Michael Greer has described this process as entering into voluntary poverty (in a material sense).

I’m not saying doing this is easy. Even as I write this, I am well aware that my “default” is to seek financial security. But ultimately I’m coming to the conclusion that there will be (and even can now be) things much more important than liquid capital. Deep personal relationships, skills that bridge your head and your hands, durable and low-energy shelter — these are all things that will not only help us to get through what is coming, but to actually help collapse the corrupt and unredeemable status quo a little faster. Rather than try to hold on to money, it might actually be advantageous to get rid of it in order to build up those relationships, skills and resiliency. You won’t be able to eat your dollars or gold, but if you know how to grow vegetables, raise livestock, build with natural materials, use and maintain basic human-powered tools, and perhaps most importantly work and get along with your neighbors, chances are you’ll find yourself to be a valuable person to those around you. All of that will have a value that goes way, way beyond financial/monetary wealth.

July 23, 2013 12:32 pm

At the least, a social revolution is needed. At the worst? A violent one.

In either case the government’s antagonism towards its citizens will finally boil over and people will stop muttering their complaints and begin shouting them.

Then, as Strauss and Howe have explained, we will have our “prophet”. Essentially a person who is right place, right time and with the moxie to pull the crowds together into a cohesive force.

To me what will really determine the country’s fate is two-fold:

First, how long will the pot boil before it begins to vent pressure? The longer the country carries on like nothing is wrong, the worse the fall will be. If we (the people) start soon, we can accomplish a social revolution. If it goes on too long, the states themselves will tell the government to piss off, and if that happens this country will shake itself apart like a Model-T trying to run on rocket fuel.

Secondly, the nature of the “leader” that will rise to the challenge. If we end up with a combination George Washington+Thomas Jefferson all will be well. If we end up with another narcissistic sociopathic socialistic demagogue we are well and truly fucked.

Mary Malone
Mary Malone
July 23, 2013 12:46 pm

Admin, thank you for latest essay that captures our mood and puts it all in context.

Thomas Paine is alive and well and lives in Kulpsvile PA.

Mr. Malone and I often feel like we are the only people in NJ who see the truth and abhor the lies. The new normal is really really hard to take sometimes.

Someday, when I am free to talk, I will share the details of what we have been living through. When it appears to be too much for us to handle, I just remind Mr. Malone that God is perfecting our souls.

I believe God created each one of us and has a purpose for our lives. I think I have found my purpose, which is a tremendous gift.

You are a devoted Dad, husband and son, which may be your purpose. But perhaps God also is using you – as His David in the battle between David and Goliath to spread the word on freedom so that we do not forgot the way things should really be.

harry p.
harry p.
July 23, 2013 1:08 pm

well-said “dude abides”

the “monetary” capital is actually the easier to acquire, the human/ability capital is the difficult one. most of it isn’t something you can throw money at, it takes times to develop. having a years worth of dried food is only good for a year (or until a mob comes and takes it) but knowing how to grow your own is always with you.

-turning off the teevee and much of the passive entertainment (causes brain atrophy)
-reading books – philosophy, architecture, survival, engineering, etc
-investing in yourself i.e. physical health self-defense (proficiency with firearms are one thing but learning at least the basics of a martial art is essential) and that of your family
-developing relationships with a small group of like-minded and skilled people.
-living below your means, not to save money but to become acquainted with the upcoming reality of having less luxury and means.

but i could go on and on

it is probably time to re-read jhk’s “long emergency”

July 23, 2013 1:09 pm


July 23, 2013 1:23 pm

Sanity (collective or individual) is not an “Either/Or,” it’s a (dynamic) place on a spectrum.

Human societies are always dynamically placed on that spectrum. Only when conditions get into greater deviation from the mean do we begin to speak of “Extraordinary Popular Delusions, etc..”

This is why I subscribe to Prechter’s elucidation of Elliott’s Wave Principle. It offers a graphical means of identifying when we might forecast such a BIG deviation.

From his April 2013 speech in NYC to the Market Technicicans Association, titled: Mounting Risk of a Deflationary Crash, and published last Friday in his Elliott Wave Theorist newsletter:

“Back in April 1983, Elliott Wave Theorist made this prediction: ‘In wave V [the last, topping wave at ‘Cycle Degree, a rather big wave, and the end of the advance from the 1974 low], investor mass psychology should reach manic proportion, with elements of 1929, 1968, and 1973 all operating together and, in the end, to an even greater extreme.’ As radical as that statement was in 1983 [30 years ago, TBP’ers!], I didn’t anticipate that we would eventually see 1929 on steroids, then 1968 on steroids, and now 1973 on steroids. But that’s what we’ve seen in the past 13 years. The market tends to balance extremes. When the market finally hits bottom, it will be 1932 on steroids.”

Quinn’s article about an “insane world” reflects how far this mania (stocks and finance, yes, but also social, political, almost existential mania) drove the entire world away from the “median” of reason.

It was PREDICTABLE, if not in time, then certainly to some degree in amplitude.

History is not random. History is shaped by collective action of people, and that shape is both a product of laws governing human nature and (like a tree or a frog) it has a consistent form.

Trees always look like trees, frogs like frogs, and neither is likely to be mistaken for the other. Patterns of human nature are just as law-bound as tree-nature and frog-nature.

We’re on A Path. We must surf the environment with which we are presented, and NONE OF US IS AN OUTSIDE OBSERVER.

Rise to the top. Surf the tops of the waves, and try avoiding getting dragged under as each wave crashes ashore. Those at the bottom will be slammed into the coral reefs.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
July 23, 2013 1:24 pm

Flash says flush this gov’t baby with the wash water and start over; the French did that in their revolution but to many innocents lost their lives; but, the banksters and traitor politicians definitely need flushing. Reverse Engineer says we’re dead when the oil is gone. Marissa sees the s#@& and asks what we can do to avoid getting splattered when it hits the fan. Llpoh and Kad suggest telling the elite who printed the money and got filthy rich buying everything to take a haircut to the bone, eat s#@& and enjoy the flush. OK, millions are unemployed and millions get taxpayer food; take the Rothchild’s forests that we paid for and have a new frontier day like land lease to buy program. Put millions to work in coal (we have a thousand years worth) and let it compete with gas and nuclear; the enviro-commies are lairs because CO2 will help the plants and postpone the next Ice Age. Stop fighting Israels enemies for them. Flush the Dept of Ed and give parents vouchers like the other developed countries do. Repeal all the Cultural Communist perversions and burn the degenerate music and art. Bring back God and the Constitution. If it doesn’t work, I’ll publicly eat my cowboy hat.

July 23, 2013 1:30 pm

@ Admin, David loses the battle to Goliath, but the war….?

I’m with Lind on this one.

The Moral Level of War

July 23, 2013 1:40 pm

Well researched article JQ -nice work!

@Mick had some vaid points, but is missing the point. Not sure that I understand – why all the ad hominem attacks (and references to our “democracy”)?

Wake up people, and see the elephant in the living room: At one time, we HAD a constitutional republic. Learn and understand that the de jure (original) “Constitution for the united States” and its government were suspended for lack of the U.S. Congress to have a quorum, due to the many States that seceded, and the fact its session ended ‘sine die’ (without day to reconvene) on March 27, 1861 during traitorous war criminal Abe Lincoln’s watch?

Lincoln then declared martial rule which we are still under today, and as Commander in Chief kept the then unconstitutional government going by Executive Order, beginning with the Civil War. He ordered Congress to reconvene on July 4, 1861.

The 1861 – 1871 decade was the “Season of Treason” during which Congress passed unratified Amendments, changed the meaning of words used in law, and sucked the people into admitting to being 14th Amendment citizens of the UNITED STATES, WHICH WE ARE NOT!

14th Amendment citizens of the UNITED STATES are not We The People who are born with una-lien-able rights! Rather, 14th Amendment citizens are akin to emancipated slaves who had no State Citizenship and so were offered UNITED STATES citizenship “subject to” the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES central (territorial) government who in essence have no rights. They must register to vote, and be licensed or given permission to do all the things that Citizens of the united States of America do by right.

In 1871 the unconstitutional U.S. Congress with its own counterfeit look-alike version of the “CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES” seated a foreign owned corporation as a municipal government under the District of Columbia Organic Act of February, 1871, named the “UNITED STATES (Inc.)”. Are you a citizen of this bogus, de facto, fraudulent and tyrannical UNITED STATES? NO! Unregister your vote! Unregister your guns. Manchurian Candidate Barry Soetoro *can* be president of THAT corporation, just like he can be president of Taco Bell or WalMart. All the congress critters are employees of this same foreign corporation.

“It is (our)right, it is (our) duty to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for (our) future security” as was done on July 4th, 1776 under the Declaration of Independence. READ IT. READ IT AGAIN. Every State needs to regain its sovereign status by act of its people, and to withdraw its support from the foreign corporation that is acting as our federal government, shut it down, downsize it, clean it up, and repopulate it under chains to the original Constitution for the united States with new non-electronic elections.

July 23, 2013 1:48 pm

veda, the constitution of 1787 was itself a coup-de-tat against the form of government established by the Revolution, the Articles of Confederation.

The ink wasn’t even dry on the Articles (nor were those who lost their lives in the war all that room temperature) before the Centralizers overthrew the existing order.

The Convention was to only fine tune a couple of areas of conflict that emerged under the Articles, not rewrite the entire relationship between the states. Those who attended the convention would have been hung as traitors had the full minutes of their “work” been made public at the time.

Then, like now, CRIME (with a capital C) is always committed under a cloak of “secrecy.”

Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
July 23, 2013 1:49 pm

Olga wrote:

” I retreat more and more to the comfort of the patio, a good book, a beverage or three and the opportunity to watch my chickens wander around the backyard. At least the chickens aren’t lying to me.”

Same here.

Except I no longer have any chickens 🙁 but a couple of the neighbors do and when they cackle their “egg song”, it takes me back…and makes me happy.

July 23, 2013 2:09 pm

Maddie’s Mom & Olga nail it in my opinion.

Zombieland rules apply:

Enjoy the little things.

July 23, 2013 2:12 pm

Great article. We’re too far gone now, too far in debt, too many promises made that cannot be kept. I especially liked the part about people grabbing as much free government cash as they could. Americans feel entitled to “something for nothing”. Today, almost 1/2 the population is getting money from a bankrupt government and think nothing of it, they’re entitled to it; farmers, businesses, banksters, Universities, 100 million people that don’t work for a living, anyone and everyone has their hand out, they don’t care if our economy collapses, they’re entitled to free cash. And therein lies the problem. How did this happen?

It all started for me in the late 60’s through the early 80’s, the maturing and reign of the baby boomers. Until the boomers came along, people had morals, ethics, values and there was a national spirituality. People supported themselves and didn’t look to the government for a handout. People were free and had liberty, because they had morals, values, and ethics that allowed that freedom and liberty to exist.

Then the boomers came along. The ultimate entitleists; Their selfishness permeated every aspect of American society. They violently did away with morals, ethics, values (especially family values). Anything goes and nothing matters started with boomers and continues today. You simply can’t have the type of selfish societal collapse we’ve had without the boomers. Most of the evils of today can be traced back to that time period:

Imperialism/warfare complex: (Viet Nam war)
War on drugs (Nixon creates DEA, drug use by boomers)
War on poverty (LBJ, civil rights movement, great society)
War on economy (Nixon off the gold standard)
Debt becomes socially acceptable (birth of credit cards, revolving debt)
Import society (foreign goods are best, 80’s materialism)
Lying, cheating and stealing to get ahead; if it feels good, do it!

Once values, morals and ethics are gone, anything goes. Greed rules, gluttony, sloth, wrath, lust, envy become advertising tools and common social values. Marriage and family values were replaced by divorce and family law. Unions use graft, bribery and connections to get massive unsupportable salaries and pensions for their members. Saving, thrift and hard work are thrown out the window, and society starts circling the drain. The rule of law is replaced by the rule of lawyers, 15 million lawsuits are filed each year by parasitic lawyers and greedy people.

Once morals, ethics and values are gone, it’s okay for criminal politicians to steal, lie, be bribed and captured; banksters can lie, cheat and steal; people feel entitled to sit on their asses all day, not work, and get free cash, housing, healthcare. Our society turn socialist/communist, and eventually runs out of other people’s money and collapses. Like you mention in the article, everyone is utterly amazed it hasn’t happened yet. But it will. The only way to replace the only thing that matters, morals, ethics and values, is to wipe clean the existing order and start over. Our only hope is that, and that it happens quickly and with as little pain as possible.

July 23, 2013 2:18 pm

dc.sunsets, the early history of our nation is certainly interesting, and the Federalist Papers and other published writing of our founding fathers are fascinating material.

I didn’t think I had a lot of room to include every historical detail about the Articles of Confederation, early constitutions the original 13th amendment, etc. – folks can research that for themselves if they are interested.

The takeaway that I wanted to communicate is that the City of London CORPORATION that is impersonating the de jure government of We the People is illegitamate, counterfeit, fraudulent, bogus, a facsimile. I was just trying to provide a little evidence, instead of making unsubstantiated claims.

This issue and most of the finacial and corruption problems described in this article have allegedly been corrected by the One People’s Public Trust, which has used the UCC to forclose on all the banks, goverments and corporations on Earth back in October 2012. Their (our) unrebutted claims now stand as law. We are free! All debts are forgiven! See

July 23, 2013 2:25 pm

AWD, some recent scholarship on feudal societies during the Middle Ages refers to the notion of “stewardship.”

Serfs may not have owned the land, but the Lord of the Manor was expected to administer his lands with “wise stewardship,” and the serf too was expected to use the land appropriately.

It was a shared sense of “right and wrong” that made this period the fertile springboard for the successes that followed in the Renaissance and Scottish Enlightenment.

We have no stewardship now.
Rulers (temporary caretakers, actually) strip mine their fiefdoms while corporate officers strip mine shareholder value and customers alike.

Our current, toxic society is defined by “high time preference,” “I want it and I want it NOW” behavior. This is the infantilization of society discussed by Hans Hermann Hoppe in his essays found in “Democracy, the God that Failed.”

Maybe after the folly of this period finds its predictable comeuppance there will be a rediscovery of shared values like “stewardship.”

That’s the path of hope, and the promise of a cyclical path to history.

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