This is an exchange between Congressman Gregg Harper and a senior administration official for Medicare named Gary Cohen.

So Obamacare is live. Over 2 million people have supposedly enrolled. The entire system is based on various tax subsidies for poor people to get healthcare coverage. These subsidies will run into the billions. And these blithering idiots have absolutely no fucking idea who has paid their premiums. The functionality DOES NOT EXIST yet. If you think Obamacare has been a clusterfuck so far, wait until the massive tax fraud hits the taxpayer bottom line. How do they expect the IRS to verify tax credits if they have no idea who has paid? Obama doesn’t care. His voters will be getting free healthcare and defrauding the government. It’s a win win for him.

The free shit army criminals are salivating over the billions in fraudulent taxpayer money they will be reaping from Obamacare.

The silence is deafening from MSNBC and the rest of the liberal MSM.

Notify of
January 17, 2014 1:54 pm


January 17, 2014 2:16 pm

Conservative estimates are saying 50% haven’t paid, and therefore have no Obamacare health insurance. Nobody knows, and now these people are showing up at the doctor’s and hospitals claiming coverage. So now, people are spending HOURS on the phone trying to verify coverage, but 1/2 the people didn’t pay and have no coverage (but are acting like they do).

Doctors and hospitals will lose tens of billions of dollars when they find out these people didn’t have coverage, and cheated the system. But cheating the system and fraud are what America is all about, the more you can scam, the better, from Wall Street to the scumbag on the street with their supposed “Obamacare” insurance.

And all Obamacare really is is another entitlement program to redistribute money from people that work to people that don’t. People with jobs won’t be able to afford health insurance, will face fines, but will be paying for tens of millions more scumbags who don’t work and get free healthcare. And Obama has it set up so nobody will be able to figure anything out for years because there are so many glitches. Do you think the fucking government is going to reimburse doctors and hospitals for their losses on Obamacare patients? I don’t.

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Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
January 17, 2014 2:17 pm

These geniuses couldn’t run a hot dog stand, but they insist on running the health care of 315 million Americans. What could go wrong?

January 17, 2014 2:25 pm

The entire system is based on various tax subsidies for poor people to get healthcare coverage.

I don’t call a family of four (two parents and two children) which rakes in 92K a year “poor.” Yet they will get subsidies – otherwise known as money stolen from one family to give to another. Really?

January 17, 2014 3:26 pm

This was the plan all along, to push the US into social and political crisis so that they can race forward with the next ‘solution’ which will just further poison the US economy, further reduce our standard of living, and further enrich the sociopathic elites that rule over us serfs. The American middle class has been lulled to sleep by the daily lies the gov/media/wall street/health care/academic/hollywood complex pumps into it. We are rushing right into a revolutionary catastrophe. We are coming down to the last solution: ropes and lamp posts.

January 17, 2014 4:23 pm

Megan Kelly on Fox News is reporting on Obamacare and the fraud every night. Republicans must win back the Senate this fall and then there’s a chance to repeal this bullshit. Until then it’s just Forward

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 17, 2014 5:38 pm

The only thing that winning the Senate will accomplish in the short term is make it harder for Obama-nominated judges & justices to win confirmation. To repeal any existing law would take a majority in both houses AND a president to match those majorities. Obama would veto a repeal of Obamacare and there’s no way the GOP could get a 2/3 majority in both houses to override that veto. Winning the senate is just a first step.

January 17, 2014 5:43 pm

Let me repeat what I have already posted about 2 months ago:

The payment part of the website HASN’T EVEN BEEN WRITTEN YET. Therefore, unless the patient has actually called the insurance company and made a payment, the INSURANCE IS NOT IN FORCE.

If the provider provides care and gets paid initially, the insurance company will then claw it back when they figure out the policy was never paid for.

It is odd but the insurance companies do not know month to month whether a policy is in force or now, how fucking convenient.

I even called the Mark Levin show in early December to make this very point and was actually on the air, it was very cool.

So, the patient gets care (they do not care who pays for it as long as it isnt’ them), the insurance company stands behind its rules and regs and doesn’t end up paying, the doesn’t care as no one will come crying to them and they aren’t paying neither.

Who gets fucked? Why the healthcare providers, of course.

Just one more bit of proof, as if anymore is needed, that Obongocare has NOTHING TO DO WITH HEALTHCARE AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH DESTROYING THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.

What comes “after the crash”, well, that is what the Obongonauts have REALLY been working on.

Book it.

January 17, 2014 5:48 pm

Iska Waran says: Winning the senate is just a first step

I agree, but it’s also very possible that a few Dimocrats running in 2016 will part with Obama and override a veto. Obamacare is a rolling disaster, the gift that keeps on giving.

January 17, 2014 5:59 pm

Hope I agree totally. Levin was fortunate to have you on sorry I missed that.

January 17, 2014 6:08 pm

Why would doctors accept insurance without cast-iron proof of insurance? Are they idiots? I would never do business that way.

January 17, 2014 7:34 pm

EMTALA law Llpoh
In an Emergency room Doc can’t turn you away for any reason, now in private practice they can and will.

January 17, 2014 8:27 pm

Sensetti – emergency rooms have not changed. I am talking about every other medico that has the option. I would want written guarantee from insurers before I would provide service.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 17, 2014 8:31 pm

….otherwise known as money stolen from one family to give to another. Really?

No, it goes to big insurance.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 17, 2014 8:36 pm

Obamacare is nothing more than a govt subsidized insurance policy.

The insurance companies wage that you will not die before a certain time, and those who do fall ill will not impinge on the eroi.

Make no mistake, obamacare is not socialism.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 17, 2014 8:43 pm

think there is a possibility of a 2/3 over ride of a veto in the Senate if Repulicans win. -Mark

i will take that bet.

It’s not gonna happen.

January 17, 2014 8:47 pm

” I would want written guarantee from insurers before I would provide service.”

Typical health insurance network provider contracts are among the longest, ugliest and most weaselly contracts you will ever see, even as a manufacturer. The provider is basically SOL most of the time. They can refuse service without full payment but will be giving up valid reimbursement some fraction of the time. Most will take the risk – some won’t have much choice if short on patients.

Both times I had a kid (only a couple years ago), the OB practice required both a large cash payment up front and a guarantee we would pay anything the insurer didn’t. This was with the most widely accepted insurance in my state, Blue Cross, and with two different, unrelated OB practices. Good business for them. Pissed me off, but didn’t have much choice. I can understand their caution, but knowing for a fact my insurance is valid and paid up, I get pissed off when asked to sign over guarantees on top of that. Just yet another instance where being the good guy who abides the law and plans ahead gets you absolutely no benefit, and basically a kick in the face.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 17, 2014 8:47 pm

But, to make this bet right, and to fulfill Marks belief, Republicans must carry congress to refute Obamacare.

So be it.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 17, 2014 8:53 pm

Just yet another instance where being the good guy who abides the law and plans ahead gets you absolutely no benefit, and basically a kick in the face. -PS

I would take a kick in the face before I would steal from another. Those who ride the wheel of fame and fortune are eventually crushed by it.

I pity them.

January 17, 2014 9:00 pm

I’m 51 years-old, healthy, not overweight, and exercise regularly. I eat right, don’t smoke, quit drinking 8 years ago, and have no health insurance. But when I clicked onto to see my ObamaCare options, the best I could find was a Bronze plan that cost $355 a month with a $5500 deductible.

Other than an irrational fear of a major medical event, there is no rational reason for me to waste my hard earned money on ObamaCare. Even though I’m uninsured, I still see my doctor when needed, pay for my prescriptions and get any recommended tests done. With that absurdly high deductible, Obamacare would save me nothing.

I refuse to be lied to, coerced, conned, hustled, and manipulated into doing anything, and I already decreased the withholding on my paycheck because there is no way in hell I’m paying that Obamacare tax / fine / penalty.

I would happily pay upwards of $200 a month for a high-deductible catastrophic plan, like the ones I was looking at before ObamaCare made them illegal. But what I won’t pay for is a catastrophic plan disguised as a comprehensive health insurance plan – which is what ObamaCare really is.

How many others are in the same boat? Family ObamaCare deductibles can be as high as $10,000 to $12,000 per year. By 2016 – just two years from now – the cheapest health insurance plan will cost a typical American family $20,000 a year according to the IRS.

Is it really responsible to bury myself in the cost of an insurance premium out of some alarmist fear that I might get cancer or be in a car accident? My everyday reality is that I can either foolishly gamble on ObamaCare or I can put that $5500 into a savings or retirement account.

By choosing to not let President Obama rip me off, I’ll probably work harder to keep myself healthy, as well, just to spite him and his stupid, fascist, dishonest, unAmerican law. The government can go straight to hell for putting me into this unreasonable position. Before ObamaCare , I could strike the perfect balance with a reasonably priced catastrophic plan and paying for my everyday health costs out of pocket. Government, has just made that logical and responsible choice illegal.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 17, 2014 9:08 pm

By choosing to not let President Obama rip me off, -Scott

Its Geico, Blue shield, etc that rips you off for they created the law. Yes, Obama helped. Large Egos are simple to manipulate.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 17, 2014 9:14 pm

Obamacare does not increase doctors profit margin. No insurance company has actual facilities to cure you.

Go ahead, approach some big health insurance company and demand health care.

You will be escorted away.

January 17, 2014 9:30 pm

Just when you think Obamacare can’t get any worse…..

Friday Horror: Forget “Bros” And Easy Women – Obamacare’s Latest Pitchman Is Richard Simmons

In order to appeal to their target demographics, the smart people in the marketing department at Obamacare central have provided us with such wonders as kegstanding “bros” and easy-women. However, the following clip – which almost defies description – shows just how desparate (or clueless) the administration has become, as a #GetCovered promo turns dirty-dancing-meets-twerking as Richard Simmons and an unknown male assailant begin to…well just watch…

January 17, 2014 9:35 pm

@Awd: I saw this on my phone while I spent 1.5 hours on I45 northbound becuz of a another fucking wreck at 242′ sigh. I laughed so had

January 17, 2014 9:42 pm

Had my mascara ran all down my face. The best part of this video is the obviously gender confused female narrating this whole thing.

Oh. My. God. My eyes!! My eyes!! My brain!!! My sanity!!!! It’s meellltiiing!!!

I am well on my way to drowning both in gallons of tequila, as you can see from my erratic posting, and I recommend you fo the same if you watch this video.

January 17, 2014 9:48 pm


Like I said, Obamacare is a socialist program to redistribute more money from people that work to people that don’t work. Nobody can afford the buy “insurance” thanks to Obamacare and pay the astronomical deductibles (like yourself). People that work will go without health insurance so people that don’t work can have free healthcare. Makes sense doesn’t it?

Llpoh doesn’t seem to understand how healthcare works, obviously. Every ER in the USSA is required, by LAW, to see every person that walks in the door, for whatever reason, and provide transfer and care, including referrals as needed. If somebody is so sick they need to be admitted to the hospital, it happens automatically, because otherwise the doctor and the hospital will be SUED for malpractice. There is no thought of insurance or payment, only providing healthcare under threat of lawsuits. And, doctors became doctors to help people and save lives.

People will be committing fraud under the banner of having Obamacare for years to come. Hospitals will go out of business, and doctors will become bankrupt. The HMO’s will make tens of billions in profit, and Obama will have destroyed the healthcare system to the point that the government will have to take it over, nationalize it. The last sticky wicket to be communized. Well, and education, that will have to be nationalized pretty soon as well.

January 17, 2014 9:50 pm

That video is beyond horror. It’s something you will never be able to get out of your mind. I recommend not watching it, you’ll be scared for life.

And you paid for it with your taxes

January 17, 2014 10:31 pm

And you paid for it with your taxes

The tip of a planet-sized iceberg, as you know.

January 17, 2014 10:58 pm

AWD – I understand ERs, I think. Hope, for instance, runs a private practice, by memory. Why would she take folks without valid insurance.

I do not believe doctors become doctors to help people by and large. I call bullshit. Maybe a secondary reason.

Every single one I know – and I have known any indeed – went into it primarily – wait for it – for the money. I have around thirty or forty frat bros that are doctors. Every one was in it for the money. No exceptions.

January 17, 2014 11:12 pm

I worked at a med school, TA’d while in grad school mostly for pre-meds taking physiology class, and have called on docs as a sales rep for 16 years.

My view is that most become docs for the power. They all want to be BMOC.

The belly laugh is how most now are just clock-punching employees of hospital corporations, somebody’s subordinate just like me. Many sales reps make more money than docs, with the exception of surgeons. Those guys are still raking it in.

January 17, 2014 11:15 pm

People go into medicine to “be in charge.”

People go into “law enforcement” to “be in charge” and command obedience.

Frighteningly similar, no?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 18, 2014 12:22 am

Watching Richard Simmons pimp Obamacare made me think about Larry Sinclair, Obama’s erstwhile lover. Creepy with a capital “creep”.

January 18, 2014 1:23 am

“That video is beyond horror. It’s something you will never be able to get out of your mind. I recommend not watching it, you’ll be scared for life. ”

I thought the fact that Richard Simmons was in the video was warning enough to avoid watching it.

January 18, 2014 6:07 am

The “Get Covered” video is silly. Two old faggots dancing and rolling around on the carpet, one trips and falls off the stage. Goddammit, who comes up with this shit?

January 18, 2014 8:14 am

My State formed a second line Medicaid. We now have traditional Medicaid and Obamacare Medicaid. If at some point obamacaid is rolled back the State will not be on the hook, the newly insured will have to pony up the cash or be dropped.
Here’s what’s happening, the 70,000 they signed up are flooding into the Emergency Rooms with non emergent complaints. The poor bastards have no idea their new insurance will not pay for an Emergency Room visit that’s not an Emergency. They will be getting a bill in the mail and turned over to collections in short order. The dilemma is we don’t have enough Family physicians to handle this horde of Obamacaid participants. So they have an insurance card in hand but no relationship with a Family Doctor, however they will develop a close relationship with a gaggle of blood sucking collection agency’s.

So at the end of the day these people will feel like Obango betrayed them.

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January 18, 2014 11:42 am

HZK says:”The payment part of the website HASN’T EVEN BEEN WRITTEN YET. Therefore, unless the patient has actually called the insurance company and made a payment, the INSURANCE IS NOT IN FORCE. ”

Doesn’t matter. Go by any Walgreens or CVS here in the valley and see big signs. “We will cover prescriptions even if you don’t have your O’care card yet.” I’ll guarantee that the government has already told insurance companies to pay for everything and get reimbursed from US, until we get this all straightened out. I’ll bet all doctors and hospitals have been told that too. And I’m hearing that , in spite of a bill passed that requires the IRS to verify incomes for subsidies, that people are just giving estimates of their 2014 income, and getting reduced premiums. A MASSIVE FUCKING BAILOUT

January 18, 2014 12:02 pm

People go into medicine to “be in charge.”

What a stupid fucking comment. Comparing doctors to cops? Are you fucking retarded?

I’ll give you a tip. For the last three years, since Obamacare was passed, doctors have given up “private practice” where they owned their own offices, and sold out to hospitals and large management groups, becoming employees, also known as “providers” now. Doctors aren’t in charge of shit. We’re run by bureaucrats and administrators now. And the legion of bureaucrats and administrators in healthcare has grown exponentially. So, go fuck yourself asshole, you couldn’t be more wrong.

January 18, 2014 12:39 pm

AWD is more than correct. Doctors are rapidly losing all vestiges of autonomy and it’s very detrimental to patient care and positive outcomes.
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January 18, 2014 9:38 pm

AWD – I agree with you re they do not go into medicine to be in charge. As I said, the ones I know went in for the money. A lot ended up surgeons and specialists. A lot made a heap of moola. Don’t know how they are making out now under current conditions.

Student loans and current conditions are possibly killing financial incentive. Not to mention how long it takes to complete their training.

January 18, 2014 9:52 pm

Don’t you love those old pictures of Ronnie. Thanks for the debt, police state and fascism…all in the name of freedom, baby. The whole “shining city on a hill” thing. We’ve got it, baby! I think that hill is in Jerusalem, but who am I to be a party pooper.