Not only are these mega-corporations working with the NSA and spying on you. They will now ass rape you with higher and higher fees to get the same shitty service. Corporate fascism at its finest.

Goodbye Net Neutrality, Hello Gilded Age Internet from MarkFiore on Vimeo.

Did you hear about the recent federal appeals court ruling that shot down the terribly-named “net neutrality?” Most people probably didn’t notice the news and aren’t quite sure what net neutrality actually means anyway. Before the court ruling, Internet service providers had to treat all content going through their pipes equally, just like conversations are treated going through a phone line. That is “net neutrality.” A Mark Fiore political animation.

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February 6, 2014 2:08 pm

It isn’t just the ass-raping.

It is to silence ALL competition except for the biggest and most connected.

Net Neutrality (horrible name) was the only thing keeping the big guys from using up ALL bandwidth and killing any of their little, many home-based, competitors.

Which is the reason why I chuckle (to myself) when I hear people talking about “entrepreneurship” saving us.

Have to ask how? How can “entrepreneurship” save us when you can’t start a biz in your home due to zoning, and soon, you won’t be able to connect to customers elsewhere because your website isn’t paying enough money to the ISP to allow people to come and see you.

They have put in place the means to make it 100% legally impossible to earn a living, feed yourself, grow a garden, own a building or a business without having the implicit permission from the very people that want to either fine you to justify their own jobs, or shut you down to pay off their campaign contributors.

No more health information unless supplied by the government, no more options unless corrupted and in bed with the government.

They gave us the technology, now they will work to take it away – except, I bet, we will NEVER have problems accessing the blogs of Honey Boo Boo, the Robertsons, or the White House, CDC, or AMA.

Appearance of freedom by letting the 700 Club keep their ‘net presence, while behind the scenes taking away anything except the approved by the corporations and their politicians storylines.

And the anti-religious always fall back on the church shutting down progress, now it is the government and CAPTURED scientific communities that are doing it.

The PTB must actually believe we have too much access to education and information and in order to maintain power we must be stopped from learning anything outside their divine guidance.

As a thinking person I don’t see the difference. Both require blind faith in place of reasoning, reality and logic.

At this rate it won’t be long before we start thinking that the sun revolves around us. After all, all they have to do is state it as fact, create a few web pages “verifying” it, then block access to any webpage that contains competing “opinions.” All in the name of society and safety.

This world sucks more every single day.

February 6, 2014 3:16 pm

I agree Teresa, it’s all about power, control & money. And whatever happened to the Sherman Anti-trust act? Seems the government wants to encourage mega companies and kill small business. Doesn’t small business “create” 70% of all new jobs? No wonder unemployment is really 30%!

February 6, 2014 5:18 pm

The last sector doing well in the shitty US economy was tech. But, with the NSA spying scandal, foreigners do no trust American tech forms, knowing they roll over when the government says, “National security”. Well, now tech people I know are getting laid off because of this. Foreigners are going with mainly Asian competitors.

Thinking these idiots in DC couldn’t make it worse, they now kill net neutrality. The sound you hear is more tech jobs going overseas, to lands where the labor is cheaper and, many times, the internet is faster for a lower price.

Our intenret providers, with the movie & music industries, purposefully try to slow down our access to high speed internet. & Municipalities are even trying to stop rollout of Google Fiber (1GB up/download) because shitty Verizon & Comcast can’t match those speeds.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 6, 2014 6:50 pm

My sister uses one of those mobile ATT or Verizon hot spot devices. Twice she bought 3gb cards from Walmart and they stopped working at 1gb. She called ATT/Verizon, forget which, and they told her it was a ‘glitch’ with the Walmart card and that if she bought their card it wouldnt happen and it would be the same price.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 6, 2014 6:58 pm

Somewhere there are two barflies discussing how net neutrality will increase their bandwidth cost and how great Bernankes QE was for creating jobs.

[imcomment image[/img]

February 6, 2014 11:29 pm

I live in a third world country where we all pay for the speed we desire.

I currently pay for (cable internet service) 15Mb down/ 1.5 MB up. Rarely do I get less than this and usually get much more. I am very pleased with the speed and quality of the service. Total cost approx $ 23 per month.

If I wanted 10Mb / 1 Mb service it would cost me $ 20 per month.

If I wanted a lot more 50Mb / 5Mb it would cost me $91 per month.

February 7, 2014 1:58 pm

Net neutrality is an incredibly important issue for a culture dependent on the internet, so it’s really important to stay up to date on the issues. Here’s a great short mockumentary to bring you up to speed:‎