Our attorney general recently told state’s attorney generals they don’t have to enforce laws they don’t agree with. Sounds great to me, so I’m going to do whatever the hell I want, and when I’m arrested and jailed (if the cops don’t kill me first) I’ll make mention of our attorney general. Do you think it’ll work? Laws are for the for the little people, not liberal progressive party members. So sorry.



Attorney General Eric Holder recently told state Attorneys General that they are not required to enforce laws with which they don’t agree. Especially state laws prohibiting gay marriage. In Obama’s America, it’s hip to be queer. Not normal.

Holder and President Obama have made a mockery of their Oaths of Office when they swore to uphold the laws of the land and uphold the Constitution. They have enforced only laws that fit their leftist agenda while bypassing Congress and ignoring laws already on the books.

The revelation made by Holder to state Attorneys General that they are do not have to enforce laws in which they disagree begs a few questions:

1. Why have laws if one individual can single-handedly decide the laws validity or enforcement based on his or her personal ideology? Doesn’t this invalidate the entire system in a democratic republic where we elect leaders to vote the way their constituents would have them vote?

The same question could be expanded to federal judges who often override state laws or referendums against the will of the majority of the citizens. Again, a single individual deciding what laws will be enforced. Many judges are political appointees who agree with the ideology of the regime in power.

2. If an Attorney General can decide which laws will be enforced, shouldn’t the proletariat be allowed to decide what laws they want to keep? Aren’t there law-abiding citizens in blue states who believe they are guaranteed the right to firearm ownership by the Constitution? Shouldn’t these individuals be allowed to own or carry guns because they disagree with the laws created by their elected officials?

AWD has a concealed carry permit but cannot legally carry in a federal building. Are federal buildings immune to violence? Experience tells us no but AWD must walk unprotected into the post office every time I want to mail a package. Should I ignore the federal law that stupidly forces me to potentially be at the mercy of a madman who doesn’t follow federal gun law? I think I will!

I certainly support a strong defense in America and don’t mind my tax dollars going towards our military. But I have a huge problem with the dollars siphoned away each paycheck to support moochers on welfare, food stamps and other social programs. Some are victims of Obama’s economy but tens of millions are professional leeches too lazy, ignorant, and worthless to work. Why should I subsidize their existence with my hard-earned income? I would prefer to use that money for the benefit my own family. And smoking, drinking and running around with hot women! Woo hoo! Maybe I shouldn’t pay taxes! Except the IRS already seizes the money before I even see it!

AWD doesn’t like speed limits! Or long stop lights either! I’m a busy cat and have places to go and liberals to piss off. Stop signs? Ain’t nobody got time for dat! Don’t think I or anyone else should keep those laws anymore! And what Attorney General or other politician hasn’t had a DUI? Enough of those DUI laws too! Go catch a murderer instead of a guy who blows one-millionth of a percent above the limit!

2. What if an Attorney General decides he or she won’t enforce gun laws in their state? Or protect the citizens from federal law with which he or she doesn’t agree? Will Holder hold them accountable if the ignoring of that law doesn’t fit the leftist, PC will of Obama? Ask Arizona after they passed SB1070!

America used to be a country of laws and that’s what differentiated us from other countries. Everyone was equal under the law. Now we are a country of politically correct suggestions at the behest of statist thugs in power of the White House and Department of Justice who look the other way when it benefits them politically or ideologically. They see no reason to abide by the Constitution or the system that has worked remarkably well for over 230 years. Want more illegals who will vote Democrat forever? Don’t enforce federal immigration laws and sue states that dare pass immigration legislation that mirrors federal law. It’s so easy when you are a tyrannic thug with an agenda! It’s even easier when the Party of the loyal opposition is so corrupt and cowardly that they sit on the sidelines watching it all happen.

Watch for more and more executive orders from Obama and more laws that benefit everyone but American producers to be enforced by Holder. Also, watch as Holder continues to ignore the protection of civil rights for anyone who is not a minority.

Obama and Holder are not incompetent or dumb. They are evil.



Notify of
February 26, 2014 9:00 pm

It is over, there is no rule of law. Might makes right. Prepare yourselves and above all else be armed.

He is making a list and checking it twice, he knows who is naughty and nice Santa Claus is coming to town.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 26, 2014 9:23 pm

Nice post, AWD. This should kick the Fourth Turning into high gear. Sanctioned lawlessness.

The liberals I know have no problem at all with ignoring a law or two here and there. They’re bullshit laws, anyhow. The laws are morally wrong so it’s morally right to ignore them.

When I suggest that some other president might have different morals and might want to do the same with say… Heavy metals not being dumped into the water supply, (Oops, that’s fracking. Forget about that example. That’s OK) I mean, not being able to own an RPG or A10 Warthog. They think I’m being a smart ass.

And because this is TBP and even a compliment must be accompanied with a kick to the balls…
You said. “It’s so easy when you are a tyrannic thug with an agenda! It’s even easier when the Party of the loyal opposition is so corrupt and cowardly that they sit on the sidelines watching it all happen.”

Hahahahah! That has got to be the most obvious examples of cognitive dissonance I have ever seen. Their corruption sent them to THE SIDELINES!? Are you kidding me? You can’t really be that blind.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2014 9:33 pm

I don’t understand why gays are the biggest platform of this administration? They are the smallest minority in the country. Who cares?

February 26, 2014 9:55 pm

@Stephanie: most supposed issues since 1990 or so have been carefully chosen as “culture war” items – issues of very little practical importance to the government or to most of the citizens, but enormous value for inflaming people and coercing them to vote one way or the other based on manipulation. Gun bans, abortion, flag burning, welfare queens, Bill Clinton’s wandering dick, prayer in schools, gay rights, and now gay marriage… no one with power really cares a bit about most of those issues (gun bans being the exception), but they all have outsized power to manipulate voters into forming two neat groups and reliably voting one way or the other based on their alignment. How do you think the Republicans so effectively control the south, with its huge block of blue collar or lower poor and somewhat oppressed white workers regularly voting for the Republicans that keep them poor and oppressed? Or the Democrats in the big shitties?

Gay marriage is of very little practical significance, and I guarantee you that in 20 years most gays will regret the whole thing (as most of us married heteros are now realizing that being never married would have given us government benefits that will never be available to us, as couples, once we have been legally married).

Anyway, gay marriage stuff is the basest, junkiest, crappiest litmus test dividing line they have now been able to come up with, putting most of the more educated / socially liberal white people on the “pro” side and therefore largely in the Democrats’ camp, not recognizing that those same people are being completely destroyed by Democrat policies. Blacks are largely against gay anything, but are so reliably anti-Republican that the Dems don’t have to lift a finger to get the black vote.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2014 10:15 pm

Persnickety- I have a really close gay friend that I affectionately nicknamed “The Redneck Homophobe”. Seriously, I have heard this dude go off on so many anti-gay rants that you would never be able to tell he had a boyfriend.

Anyway, I am so sick of the culture wars. I don’t care if gays marries, if trailer trash blow themselves up in their meth labs, I don’t care if black people want to call me racist, I don’t care if mexicans are crossing the border, I don’t care of teenagers are having sex, I don’t care if a 5 year old hears the word fuck, I don’t care if people open carry, I don’t care about any of these stupid issues.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2014 10:33 pm

What I DO care about is a properly functioning Salad Bar. Society will crumble if Salad Bars are neglected.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2014 10:44 pm

Stop that! Your’re not the real Stephanie Shepard!

February 26, 2014 10:50 pm

don’t understand why gays are the biggest platform of this administration? They are the smallest minority in the country. Who cares? -SS

Scanlon, lobbyist, wrote this, ” [Indian Clients] troglodytes” and “monkeys”, [Christian Conservatives were called gullible] “wackos”

“The wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio, mail, the internet and telephone trees … Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them.” -Michael Scanlon

Let legislation slide by them when they are concerned about some BS issue the media vomits on a daily basis.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2014 10:56 pm

I just care that my co-workers love and respect me. Nothing else matters.

February 26, 2014 10:57 pm

The democrats support lgbt, the repubs deny it while both want you foaming at the mouth while they make their backroom deals unnoticed.

So, someone tell me a really important legislation in the media lately that is coming up on the congressional calendar. No, just talking heads and spotlight fools mouthing shit at each other?

You think that is an accident?

February 26, 2014 11:02 pm

Jeebus in a field of cowpatties.

You expect to change things by debating what that deferment dweeb Ted said?

What giraffe neck Maddcow said?


February 26, 2014 11:04 pm

A new Congress begins at noon January 3 of each odd-numbered year following a general election, unless it designates a different day by law. A Congress lasts for two years, with each year constituting a separate session. A congressional calendar is an agenda or list of business awaiting possible action by the House or Senate.
View congressional floor schedules:

Bills to be Considered (House)
House Committee Hearing Schedule (House)
Senate Committee Hearing Schedule (Senate)
Senate Floor Schedule (Senate)
Senate Majority Schedule (Senate)
Senate Minority Schedule (Senate)

View legislative calendars:

Days-in-Session Calendars
Senate Executive Calendar (Senate)
Current and Previous House Calendars (GPO)
Current and Previous Senate Calendars (GPO)

February 26, 2014 11:11 pm

“In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
———————Judges 17:6

[imgcomment image[/img]

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 26, 2014 11:18 pm

Stop making fun of me! I Hate you, whoever you are!

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 27, 2014 12:01 am

Call me stupid, but I just don’t care about anything. OMG, maybe I should be attorney general.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 27, 2014 12:09 am

Obama & co aren’t necessarily pro-gay. They’re just anti anything that’s traditional and American. That’s how they can be pro-Muslim and pro-gay at the same time. Obama said it in one of his autobiographies, how he’d side with the Muslims. He’s pro-black and pro-brown and pro-yellow and pro-red because he’s anti-white. By the way, I’m about 93% convinced that he killed his white grandmother two days before the election in 2008. She’d been ill for months, he flies out to Hawaii for one last visit, goes into her hospital room alone and 1/2 hour later he comes out and she’s conveniently dead, leaving him plenty of time to get back to the Mainland for one last day of whistle-stop campaigning. He also made sure he got that last little oomph of sympathy and sentimentalism from voters because good ol’ granny went to her eternal reward right before the election. Maybe he used a pillow. Maybe he just dialed up the morphine drip. The line between palliative care and murder can be almost non-existent. Besides, being a murderer is a virtual precondition of being president and maybe having Donald Young snuffed wasn’t sufficiently murderous to attain the presidency.

February 27, 2014 12:19 am

If mankind were ruled by angels there would be no reason for government.

Yet only a few do know them.

February 27, 2014 12:22 am

iska, you get that, the many don’t.

February 27, 2014 12:25 am

Trollop Dopple

February 27, 2014 9:50 am

“it only proves the statistic doctors in the US make the most money, and work the least hours of any country in the world.” ——— Nonbrain

Not only are you fucking clueless regarding the Bible ….. never mind, you are clueless in EVERYTHING.

You have no fucking clue how hard doctors work, the emotional, physical, administrative, legal, and financial pressures they face. Sure, some make good money. Therefore, you conclude, they ALL do? You are the stupidest stupid fuckwad on this site.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 27, 2014 10:41 am

Here are the Tea Party members who voted to indefinitely detain and or assassinate you, more accurately, who gave the President the authority to do so. These “Freedom Fighters” represent maybe 75% of all the Tea Party affiliates who had a chance to vote on the NDAA-2012. That’s just an estimate, I wasn’t keeping count and I’m bad at math. An overwhelming majority, by any measure. As LLPOH is known to say, “Please, stop helping me”.

Robert Aderholt
Trent Franks
Jeff Denham
Gary Miller
Cory Gardner
Doug Lamborn
Gus Bilirakis
Ander Crenshaw
Rich Nugent
Dennis Ross
Steve Sutherland
Cliff Sterns
Alan West
Paul Broun
Phil Gingrey
Tom Price
Lynn Westmoreland
Randy Hultgren
Todd Young
Lynn Jenkins
Jerry Moran
Rodney Alexander
Bill Cassidy
John Fleming
Jeff Landry
Steve Sealise
David Vitter
Roscoe Bartlett
Steve Palazzo
Vicky Hartzler
Billy Long
Blain Luetkemeyer
Denny Rehberg
Adrian Smith
Virginia Foxx
James Lankford
Mike Kelly
Pat Toomey
Jim DeMint
Tim Scott
Joe Wilson
Diane Black
Steven Fincher
Joe Barton
Quico Canseco
John Carter
John Culberson
Blake Farenthold
Louie Gohmert
Ralph Hall
Kenny Marchant
Randy Neugebaur
Ted Poe
Lamar Smith
Rob Bishop
Eric Cantor
David Mckinley

Sitting on the sidelines? Think again.

February 27, 2014 11:59 am

******************** BREAKING NEWS **************************

Eric Holder hospitalized. Shortness of breath.

Christians, Joos, Mooslims, atheists and agnostics; please join me in prayer, thusly;

“Dear Lawd, Peace Be Upon Thee, please take thy servant Eric Holder home this very day. Peace. Shalom. Alahu Akbar.”

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
February 27, 2014 12:45 pm

Stuck – I’m an agnostic. Won’t be short enough until it stops permanently. BC-LR to all

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 27, 2014 6:09 pm

What’s that sound?

Crickets. Lots and lots of crickets.

February 27, 2014 6:26 pm

that done isnt mine

February 27, 2014 7:51 pm

Stucky says:

“Christians, Joos, Mooslims, atheists and agnostics; please join me in prayer, thusly;

“Dear Lawd, Peace Be Upon Thee, please take thy servant Eric Holder home this very day. Peace. Shalom. Alahu Akbar.”

Good thing Pastor Stuck is leading the prayer, Clamato lacks Stucky’s finesse.

February 27, 2014 8:00 pm

EL ILEGAL, Herr Stucky should have added, “Khoda hafez” Which means “God keep you…be with you, or whatever,” in Persian.

February 27, 2014 9:03 pm

Listening to that silver tongued devil praying for Holder makes you look forward to making the trip yourself while Clamato’s ham handed, DIE, DIE incantation as though she were dispatching her ex-boyfriend leaves much to be desired

February 28, 2014 9:27 pm

Progressivism as a weapon of mass destruction:

Progressivism is human vice incarnate, the indulgence and celebration of the erasure of the constraints that human experience and wisdom have devised to limit evil. The name has been changed to protect the guilty.

It’s always about control, and is always based on lies. When people stop believing the lies progressives tell to control their choices and behavior, and refuse to grant them power in the name of false benevolence and phony virtue, the spell will be broken. Of course, this simply cannot be allowed.