For all the TBP sports fans, let’s see who is most knowledgeable or lucky regarding an event that will get 300% more viewers than the Commander in Thief’s State of the Union Address.

  1. Who wins the coin flip?
  2. Who wins the game?
  3. Total score over or under 48 points?
  4. Peyton Manning total passing yards over or under 300?
  5. Number of times Manning shouts Omaha, over or under 27?
  6. Final score
  7. Bonus question: Will Erin Andrews interview Richard Sherman after the game?


Another heart warming story about our 2nd responders. I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday morning (the dreaded pre-colonoscopy appt because I turned 50). The doctor’s office is at the corner of Germantown Pike and Whitehall Road in West Norriton. It is a very busy intersection during morning rush hour. It has left turning signals and if there would be a problem with the lights would cause major gridlock for people trying to get to work.

As I’m waiting three or four cars back from the light, it is about to turn green for us. What happens? A caravan of eight police SUVs from multiple townships with lights flashing,  but sirens off, uses their handy dandy gizmos to keep the light green in their direction. They clearly were not rushing to the scene of a crime. They were going normal speed. My guess is they were accompanying some government drone politician to some re-election fund raising breakfast with some special interest group.

By creating a double green light for their direction, they caused a traffic jam in my direction. No biggie. I made it to my appointment on time. Of course, the drone at the front desk informed me that my referral had run out and I needed a new one. You would think they would have known that fact before I arrived and informed me, so I could get a renewed referral. Nope. I had to reschedule. So now I’m a little irritated, as I’ve wasted 90 minutes of my day.

I pull out of the lot and I’m the first car at the light to cross Germantown Pike. The light is about to turn green and guess what happens? The caravan of 2nd responders is returning from their drone mission and does the same exact thing. They use their gizmo and keep the light green in their direction once more. I may have muttered a few choice words under my breath, as these union government drones act like pricks and prima donnas by showing other drivers they can do anything they want, flaunting the very driving laws they enforce on the average person.

Now it gets really good. Evidently their electronic gizmo fucked up the light. It stopped turning green in the direction I was going. Even when it was red on the Germantown Pike side, it remained red on my side. The traffic behind me was extending for a quarter mile as we all waited for the light to turn green. I was cursing like a sailor now. No one else was making a move, so I just floored it through the red light and the obedient lemmings began to follow.

Those fucking prick cops, who are only supposed to use those gizmos in an emergency, fucked up traffic at a major intersection during rush hour because they don’t give a fuck about laws, regulations or the public. They are privileged thugs who think they can do anything they choose to do. Know your enemy.



According to the Army Times, Amy Herbst, who has performed at the Nashville Opera Company, filed suit against Fort Campbell’s Blanchfield Army Community Hospital earlier this month, claiming that the episiotomy she received during child birth last February caused her to lose control of her flatulence and, on occasion, bowel movements.

She is suing for $2.5 million. From her lawsuit: “As a result of her incontinence and excessive flatulence, Herbst has been unable to work as a professional opera singer.”

“She is suffering though a very embarrassing and very significant injury, and frankly, the prognosis of a fully successful repair is pretty low,” Herbst’s attorney, Charles Allen, told the Army Times.

I really think she should embrace her flatulence. Opera singers are a dime a dozen. But, think of the opportunities for a flatulent opera singer. She could fart the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. She could put out a fart CD of current hits. She could have her own show geared towards Boomers called Farting the Oldies. Her future is so bright she’s gotta wear an adult diaper. Sometimes when God closes a door, he opens a rectum.



Via Epic Fail



Via People of Wal-Mart


I’m sure our pals over at Mugshotrow.com will get a kick out of this lady that asked the police if she could just get one more fix in before she was booked for shoplifting at Wal-mart. Hey, say what you want about Wal-mart shoppers but at least you know they are honest. Check out the story below.

A 33-year-old Minnesota woman stopped for shoplifting Monday night at a West Side Walmart found herself in bigger trouble after she asked arresting police officers if she could do some heroin, police said.

Edith Hancock, of the 3000 block of Riverwood Drive in Hastings, Minn., was charged with felony possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor retail theft, police said.

Hancock, who told police she was three months pregnant, was seen going into a changing room at the Walmart at 4650 W. North Ave. with a pair of jeans, leggings, and a black shirt and then leave the changing area wearing those items, according to police.

After taking some cosmetics and placing them in her purse, she tried to leave the store without paying and was stopped by security, according to police. Chicago police were called and she was taken to the Grand Central District station where she was arrested at 7 p.m., according to police.

While she was being processed, she “continually asked” officers for “just one blow,” a street name for heroin, from her purse because she was “getting dopesick,” according to a police report.

Officers found multiple bags of heroin in her purse, and she continued saying that she “only wanted one” of the bags “because she had ten of them and she thought they might be more than a gram although a couple were very light because she had already used from a least a couple,” the report said.

Hancock was released on a signature bond during a hearing today before Judge Donald Panarese at the Leighton Criminal Court building. She is scheduled to appear in court next on Feb. 18.


Don’t you find it fascinating there are absolutely NO stories in the MSM about the January Effect this year. Trust me. If stocks were up as of the end of January there would be hundreds of screeds from these faux journalists spouting how stocks almost always finish the year higher when January finishes higher. They use these stories to lure more muppets into the Wall Street web of deception and lies.

Well, January is over and the Dow was down 4.5% and the S&P 500 was down 2.7%. So where are all the MSM stories about the January effect? NADA. Nothing. The silence from the pundits and talking heads is deafening. Do you need any more proof that the MSM is nothing but the cheer leading section for the ruling class and their only function is to spew slanted propaganda?

I’ll keep looking for a January Effect article in the MSM, but I guarantee you if I see one it will be written to discredit the January Effect and tell the muppets to buy, buy, buy.