By: Stephanie Shepard


Is it possible for the internet to over extend itself? Are there constraints to the internet? Is there such a thing as digital over expansion? Is there going to come a time where we will overload the internet with too information of our own peril? How much information and digital economy can the human brain comprehend?

We speak of collapse in the sense of economic and warfare. Have we ever truly considered if there is a breaking point pertaining to the internet? Most will testify to its unlimited information. But is there any real world value to the internet? People certainly are not getting smarter or more well informed. We have basically handed our lives over to people who can control us with our own personal information.

Since the rise of the internet we have become fools detached from the basic principle of value. Many will spend an exhausted amount of income to stay connected. Without any promise of returned real world value. Our disconnection to the earth, our family, our friends, and our income is becoming obvious. Is there a point when people give up on the internet?


Millennials Are Taking Over The Internet, Not The Economy


Millennials graduating high school and college are faced with a drastically different job market than their elders. There is no sending a simple resume to a company nor filling out a paper job application. Now it is an insane mental minefield of HR hurdles combined with social networking sites. Got a LinkedIn account? How many “connections” do you have? Got a Facebook account? How many “friends” do you have? Got a Twitter account? Who is “following” you? What online certifications do you have? Do you know C+++? What apps have do you have? Do you know how to type?

Then comes the potential employee questionaire. What would you do if your boss asked you to lie? What would you do if you witnessed two employees arguing? What would be the best way to resolve conflict between employees? Have you ever lied? Have you ever used drugs? Have you ever knowingly or unknowingly broke the law? Do you think drugs should legal? Are you a smoker? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you eat red meat? Do you know the pledge of allegiance? Have you ever been fired? Have you ever left the work force? What were your reasons for leaving the work force? Are you a fast learner? Can you code a website, fight ninjas, and cook a Filet Mignon in under 15 minutes? Who do think will get voted off American Idol this week?

The job market has swayed from “help wanted” and ” no positions available” to “Always taking applications”. Every business in America is always taking applications to pull off the facade of employment opportunities. The real truth is the pool of available work is shrinking. More businesses are closing or downsizing. Leaving only part-time low wage jobs that could be performed with less than a high school education. Even those jobs require an excessive amount of hoops to jump through and a call back time of a month.


We have distanced ourselves so far away from real production and profit we don’t realize there is no longer a productive or profitable economy. There is the illusion of a real world economy. Backed by the few on the top and Wall Street “gains” to testify to a functioning economy.  What is robbing our economy further is the distance between Millennials and real jobs. Now it is 4-5 years in college then wasted time to build up a network and work numerous internships.  The debt black hole of productive means keeps sucking away. Burying the Millennials further into the debtors wasteland. Right behind them are Baby Boomers and Generation Xers that have been sold the lie “You need more education”. If you are a young Boomer or older Gen X you have been sold this lie you need to go further into debt. You need more education to get out of the middle management rat race.


There is No Currency

We no longer have enough legal tender for everybody. This goes beyond what the Fathers deemed as legal tender. This is more extreme then gold or stock value. We have no currency at all. We have a digital representation of a currency backed by absolutely nothing. If deflation hits, we are absolutely screwed. Apparently Warren Buffet is worth billions. Apparently his company Berkshire Hathaway is worth billions. I say “Prove it”. There is not enough printed U.S. dollars in circulation to back up Warren’s billions. There is not enough printed currency to back up any value of Wall Street and Shareholders.  Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates are billionaire? Let them prove it to us. Let them show us their real wealth. It isn’t there.

Today’s modern billionaire and corporate monopoly elites are nothing more than equity hoarders. Equity does not equal cash. It does not equal gold. It does not represent value. It is just a word backed by nothing. The greatest offenders are equity groups. A collection of revolving digital representation of currency, circulating in a computer system, held by a group of equity hoarders. They spent their lives building equity. Trillions of numbers representing equity with no cash printed to back their claims.

The money in the bank does not exist. While the “bank runs” were happening in Cyprus many people freaked out they could not get their EU dollars, not even considering their money never existed in the first place. There was only so much money in those ATMs, with long lines around the block, of people withdrawing EU cash. The reason the banks shaved some off the top was to prop up their equity. Our bailouts of our banks served the same purpose. It was not to “save” these banks, it was to hide their non-functional purpose. Without cash there is no money. Without a house title there is no mortgage. Without proof of a loan there is no student debt crisis.

Without equity hoarders our system would have already stabilized and the dust of none value would have settled. We would have real value tied to home properties. We would have real value tied to wages. We would have real value of food, oil, and automobiles. We would not have a Trillion dollar mortgage on the Millennials futures because the money never existed in the first place. There would be no Trillion dollar credit card deb,t and those lending the debt would be out of business, as well as their products of debt.

The Baby Boomers Paid into the System

The Baby Boomer generation is taking the brunt of this manipulation. As they should be sittin’ on their front porches,  playin’ canasta, and sippin’ sweet tea; instead they are still debt slaves to billionaire hoarders. Their wealth will never be enough to retire. The finish line will be pushed further out of reach. Even if they are able to collect a Social Security check at the age of 65, their work and contributions would have been in vain. They paid into a system that no longer exists. They paid real cash, from real labor, into a system that turned on them.

Most of the wealth they made in their prime earning years of the late 1990’s and 2000’s never even touched their hands. If they were lucky they were able to work full time . Their wages were direct deposited into their bank accounts, 401ks, Roth IRAs, and taxes were automatically deducted. They were shown paper and computer spread sheets of these transfers. Proof of wealth existence. They then payed their mortgages, second mortgages, auto loans, and their credit card debts. What was left over could either be withdrawn from their accounts in cash or be used to purchase goods with a swipe of a card. They could automatically transfer anything else into a savings account attached to their checking account.

In the past 20 years very little cash has passed into earners hands. Yet, somehow there has been rampant inflation. This is because the billionaire and equity hoarders have shoved their fake currency into the stock market and commodities market. There is very little U.S. dollars backing these stock gains. There is very little U.S. dollars backing mortgages, auto loans, credit card debt, or student loans. The 1% has no clothes, how long before the 99% realizes it is not their fault.

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March 5, 2014 8:57 pm

Very nice article

March 5, 2014 9:15 pm

“Is there going to come a time where we will overload the internet with too information of our own peril?” (What’s “too information”?)

We have basically handed our lives over to people who can control us with our own personal information. (a statement with no references)

Without any promise of returned real world value. ( not a sentence)

We speak of collapse in the sense of economic and warfare. (economics and warfare with who?)

“Have you ever knowingly or unknowingly(?) broke the law?” How do you “know” you’ve unknowingly “broken a law”?

“Are you a smoker? Do you smoke cigarettes?” Redundant.

Leaving only part-time low wage jobs that could be performed with less than a high school education. Even those jobs require an excessive amount of hoops to jump through and a call back time of a month. (WTF? what’s a “call back time of the month)

“We no longer have enough legal tender for everybody.” Dear Calamity: Please do some study on what money (legal tender only by law) really is. You obviously do not have a remote clue of what you speak. Perhaps, read Henry Hazlitt’s “Economics in One Lesson”. Then talk about “legal tender).

I gave up after that because of the grammatical errors and errors in thought,

Keep trying though.. Just try to know what you are talking about before you post it..


March 5, 2014 9:27 pm

She better duck!

March 5, 2014 9:29 pm


March 5, 2014 9:30 pm

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March 5, 2014 9:31 pm

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March 5, 2014 9:33 pm

A Warning For Americans – Is Money The Root Of All Evil?

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you, you may know that your society is doomed.” – Ayn Rand

March 5, 2014 9:38 pm

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March 5, 2014 9:42 pm

Muck has his own issues, and likes to project them on others. Sometimes the silent generation isn’t so silent, but they’re always crabbie. It has something to do with bowel movements, so there you go.

It is a very nice article. There is an aspect of the labor force demographics that is overlooked, which I call the incredible shrinking workforce. This trend has been delayed by the Great Recession, but over the next couple of decades there will be far more workers leaving the work force than entering it.

The economy expanding horizontally to employ the boomers, most of them without any training or education, but do you think they would pay it forward? Instead, the peace dividend was spent on exponentially increasing federal deficit spending and an out of control federal bureaucracy to the extent they don’t even know where the money is going. States have to balance their budgets by law, and at least they know where it’s being spent, and it ain’t pretty. Mostly salaries for a lot of highly paid bureaucrat who aren’t very effective, pensions and benefits for retirees, medicare, education and roads. In that order.

The dividend is gone along with the future of generations which haven’t even been born. There will be a fourth turning, and the sooner the better.

March 5, 2014 9:52 pm

Millenials think their future is somehow tied to the internet? They are taking over the internet? So what? to what end? That staring at their web-enabled phones all day is of some value? That social networking, Facebook updating every time you take a shit is important? That some day they are going to come up with an app for paying off the insurmountable debt the government has enslaved them with? That smart phones make you smart, just because they call them “smart phones”?

I’ll let you in on a little secret. The country doesn’t need you. The country shipped almost all our jobs overseas, especially computer programming, IT, systems, etc. All production, engineering, parts, suppliers, all that’s left if hucksters and dealers of foreign good. The remaining jobs are being done by robots. Pretty soon, they’ll have robots making salads, because they only have to pay for a robot once. But keep driving your Toyotas, keep using your iCrap, which is made in China. Keep buying as much stuff as you can, because that’s your only function in life. Face it, this country just doesn’t need you anymore.

Making memes doesn’t result in you getting paid. Anybody can build a website. The internet is owned and controlled by the government, the same big government millennials love so much. They allow Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple to stay in business, because they now control these companies. Wired magazine just did a wonderful issue on the topic, maybe you should read it. And don’t forget, millennials voted Obama the NSA fascist into office. And he’s done what for kids? For the internet you love?

It’s a bitter pill to swallow isn’t it? All the crap you buy is made someplace else, so they don’t need you. Our country is bankrupt, so they don’t need you. You have no money or any real skills, so they don’t need you. Your only value is voting more socialists and communists into office, hoping they’ll throw you a few crumbs, redistribute some money and jobs to you, take from productive people and give their stuff to you, because you deserve it, right? Keep living the dream, revel in your internet savy, for what it’s worth, which isn’t very much. Keep living the dream Obama sold you for “hope” and “change”, and maybe someday you’ll wake up and realize THEY DON’T NEED YOU.

March 5, 2014 10:47 pm

“There are not enough jobs.” Whine, bitch, moan.

Like “jobs” are some kind of divine right. Like folks magically can wish for there to be more “jobs”.

Well, here is an idea: what say you, and your millenarian brethren get out there and create some of those things called “jobs”? You know, start a business – a real, live business. Make or create something of value. You will of course have to take some “risk”. Oh, and you will of course have to save/raise/find capital. And of course, you will have to educate yourself on the myriad laws governing business. And you will have to spend less time on networking and social media. And you will need to actual “hire” folks, and take responsibility for the fuck-ups and bad attitudes. But it goes with creating these things called “jobs”.

If you wait to have these “jobs” thrust upon you, you will indeed have a very long wait indeed.

And, oh, by the way, badmouthing those of us that do create and provide “jobs” is really going to help your cause. Not. In fact, it will actually hurt your cause substantially, as many of us have had about enough of the joys that come with creating “jobs”.

More and more of us job creators are taking our bat and ball and going home. You whiny asses can create your own jobs and fund your own free shit.

March 5, 2014 10:51 pm

If that is your best editing, I would suggest you go back to waiting tables.

You can take over the internet. Keep it. In the meantime, the rest of us will work for a living. I suspect in the long run, the internet will be a neat thing that was around briefly before peak oil and economic decline killed it. When the bottom drops out of the electronic economy and the dollar is toilet paper, facebook savvy won’t put bread on the table. The internet is fun, but ultimately its just masturbation.

March 5, 2014 11:07 pm

Check out Kunstler’s The Long Emergency. It may not be much longer before we’re all looking at this current era as one of unparalleled success and comfort, even those without jobs. Once we are no longer able to fund the parasites, moochers, tax eaters, and looters, I suspect we’re going to see a die-off among our less-productive citizenry. Peak Oil begets Peak Credit begets Peak Employment, Peak Agriculture, Peak Transportation, and Peak Economy. This leads to Peak People and Peak Order, Peak Government, and, probably, Peak Peace. The internet will be the last thing on your mind in a world like that. “Hold on while I update my facebook status to: Dead or Dying.”

March 5, 2014 11:24 pm

As a writer by trade, I don’t usually have the time for more than a comment, but I’m on a business trip this week and I’m an insomniac. I started a blog about a year ago, and linked it, but work schedule, kids, charity, work schedule, and lack of interest sent the project to the back burner. In any case, I don’t need to write for this site to spot poor writing.

March 5, 2014 11:31 pm

Gilberts – you do not need to have more than a second grade education to spot that clammy is semi-literate at best. But you are 100% accurate in what you say.

Good thing she ran it through grammar checkers, don’t you think?

March 5, 2014 11:41 pm

Sorry, but quantity does not always have a quantity all its own. Just look at Michael Bay. I just saw the trailer for his newest disaster, The Last Ship. He pissed all over a great book to make that steaming pile of crap. After hearing the man try to speak off the cuff, I can see why his movies are just a string of explosions and CGI effects occasionally interrupted by some dialogue.

March 5, 2014 11:59 pm

I can criticize anything I see or hear, thanks to my awesome brain. I’m not afraid to express my opinion when I think something is a pile of shit. And if you had read the book (BTW-reading is essential to being a better writer.) you would know what I meant in my last post. The Last Ship is going to suck! Give Bay Green Eggs And Ham to film and I think he would work a nuclear explosion or an asteroid into that, too.

EL ILegal
EL ILegal
March 6, 2014 12:07 am

Stephanie Shepard says:

“You are full of crap, I proof read it many times and ran it through grammar checkers.
Better luck next time. I am not buying the grammar nazi trash talk.”

Steph, Steph, do yourself a favor, when people catch one or more of your mistakes, just reply “blow me” and move on. Never admit that you ran your writing through a bunch of drug addicted friends.

Muckster’s effort was excellent, anyone else would have given up in disgust halfway through.

EL ILegal
EL ILegal
March 6, 2014 12:24 am

Stephanie Shepard says:

“Uh, excuse me, alcoholics.”

Alcoholics, huh? Reminds me of the guy who couldn’t out brag his buddies so he claimed, ‘you can’t get drunker than me’.

No one will believe this, only me, I got a little chummy with some homeless vets here and while we were talking they commented I was cool. Later when I removed myself, I noticed an uncomfortable presence of demons. Yep, alcoholic demons. I learned a big lesson that time, stay away from alkies.

I never talk of demons because as incredulous as the patronage is on this site, they would never believe that shit unless it was a TV show about walking dead and Wicca warlocks. then they go full bore even quoting episodes about the Pakleds and shit.

March 6, 2014 12:34 am

Coyote – do not worry – they were DTs, not demons. DTs are harmless. Unless you are an alcoholic, in which case they can be lethal.


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Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 6, 2014 12:39 am

You might be right about the internet over extending itself but not in the way you’re thinking. I’m not sure how much the entire internet structure costs to run, a quick search gives some wild figures. Vast amounts of money anyway. What if electricity costs skyrocket? And how much does it cost for the NSA to store everything digital? Or for all the companies who are? When the banking system implodes will there be enough cash flow to keep the ISPs up and running in the size and speeds we are accustomed to? Will the internet become more of a tech tool or business tool than a social tool? Maybe.

March 6, 2014 2:15 am

Stephanie, there write. This essay chock full of grammar errors. Sentence fragments and misplaced modifiers. Can you spot below?

“Since the rise of the internet we have become fools detached from the basic principle of value. Many will spend an exhausted amount of income to stay connected. Without any promise of returned real world value. Our disconnection to the earth, our family, our friends, and our income is becoming obvious. Is there a point when people give up on the internet?”

March 6, 2014 6:43 am

wHolly gwakamoly clammy! u se u uzd a spill chucker an grahmer chequer on thiz peece? yOod be batter of triwing ebonix. Et leest than R*O*D*N*E*Y end Biggy T MOFO wood unzerstanz et!

u wawnting too beez a righter iz lyk bb wawnting two bez a number of Menza! gUt forking luk?

March 6, 2014 6:51 am

Seriously clammy, I’d bet dollars to donuts you could find free classes for adults to improve their spelling and grammar in your local community. Hell, stop by an old folks home and inquire whether there are any former teachers in residence. Offer to pay them a few bucks or take them out to lunch twice a week in return for some lessons. You’d be making them feel useful and gaining and education in the process.

It is truly shocking that you graduated high school/got a GED or gained entrance to any institution of higher learning! I’d demand my fucking money back in full because you got robbed! I’m no genius AND I’ve only got one eye and I can clearly see you got fucked!

March 6, 2014 7:10 am

Gawd damn you’re a fucking idiot clammy. You embarrass yourself! The really sad part is that you do not have education to recognize how stupid you look. You want to be a writer but have zero fucking skills in this area. It’s like a person wanting to be a surgeon but knowing nothing about anatomy or wanting to practice law but refusing to learn about law. You’re a full on retard! You take it to a whole new level of retard by publishing under your real name.

You use your mad skilz to write an atrocious article that essentially says the internet is being taken over by minnies and there is not enough currency to go around and there are not enough jobs. What’s your fucking point? What are your solutions? Exactly what information are you conferring on your target audience to help them out?

If your brains were gasoline you wouldn’t have enough to power a piss ants motorcycle halfway around a bb.

March 6, 2014 7:25 am

If the point of your article is for your target audience to go out and research a, b and c then fucking say that and save yourself and your audience some time. What is the point in writing about a bunch of shit you have a marginal grasp of without offering the reader something of value or interest for their trouble? Isn’t that the point of writing…… convey thoughts and ideas that others find valuable?

You had the gall to comment “WTF??” to the common core math post and then post an article which demonstrates equally appalling grammar skills from a college graduate? That is the height of hypocracy and you can’t even see it. WOW!

I give you a million gold stars for effort and enthusiasm but a big old pile of dog shit for execution. What you don’t know TRULY hurts you clammy. It really does. That’s not a criticism……..just a fact.

March 6, 2014 7:35 am

Imagine walking around town all morning with a big load of baby batter in your hair and dripping down your forehead because you just made your boyfriends morning but you have no idea it’s there as you shop at various stores, visit the post office and go to a doctors appointment.

That is what your grammar, spelling and writing skills “look” like and just like the baby batter……you have no idea! It’s not a terminal condition unless you let it be.

March 6, 2014 7:53 am

Thick as a brick clammy……thick as a brick. I never once in my life declared any intention or desire to be a writer or blogger. You on the other hand declared exactly that and you have your own blog but you have zero fucking skills. Again, that is like wanting to be a surgeon but not knowing a penis from a vagina you willfully ignorant bitch.

Lay off the alcohol/drugs. Get a real fucking job or two or three jobs. Quit bitching about every damn thing that comes down the pipe. You have been dealt your hand in life……….now play it! If you don’t you”l just be a stepping stone for some other minnie like TPC or Rose.

March 6, 2014 8:00 am

Well, ignorance is bliss.

It was a long, trying night/shift and I need sleep.

Keep swinging for the fences clammy! One day you might connect but don’t hold your breath.

March 6, 2014 8:02 am

Steph – It’s great you are doing all these things on the internet but don’t quit your day job.

March 6, 2014 8:07 am

Yes, he does. I_S can be incredibly insightful at times, so apparently he has a few brain cells.

AWD is an internet nazi, an MD who thinks everyone is made a little lower than himself. If his alter id is the Angry White Dude, he does his profession a disservice, and he should stop telling people he’s a doctor, unless it’s Doctor Troll.

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