Shockingly, she doesn’t work for Fox, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, ABC, or CBS. Their faux journalists are nothing but highly paid whores for the corporate fascist state. They are teleprompter reading robots. They have no journalistic integrity. They are entertainers and mouthpieces for their corporate entities. RT may be a tool of the state, but at least they allow their journalists to speak their mind.

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March 5, 2014 8:39 pm

Admin, that wasn’t Abby Martin; she is staying at RT. I don’t know who this principled bitch is, who although courageous, is also misinformed.

March 5, 2014 8:47 pm

One moar thing. In the intro to her show today, Martin said she had been offered to go to Crimea and report from there. She declined, but she still retains her show. Can you imagine that happening on Fox? She even acknowledged that the purpose of RT is to show the Russian side of news events.

Honesty in media. You can find it on RT and on PressTV, but it’s not for the American press. And people wonder why I am so pro-Iran. They don’t have any 1st Amendment; their young people are force-fed Islamic values from elementary school through college, yet they took to the streets in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, every day in 2009, battling with cops demanding their freedom…and they did it for three or four months. Every fucking day.

Can you imagine Americans doing that?

March 5, 2014 8:49 pm

Amazing. I guess Bill O”Reilly is next. Nah I think not. Honesty is so refreshing.

March 5, 2014 9:01 pm

This is Liz Wahl born at Subic Bay US Navy base in the Philippians and grew up in CT at the sub base. Probably a military brat. She was very attractive until she became a bottle blond. RT discontinued biographies a while back, A majority were Russian, highly educated and multilingual. Different from the US media with the emphasis on t&a and bottle blonds.

March 5, 2014 9:28 pm

Integrity and conscience or did she just ruin her career?

March 6, 2014 12:01 am

“I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government…”

Glad it only took her several years of employment at RT to figure out her moral conundrum. Wonder how she will be returning all of that blood money, cash or check?

Guess she has now paid her dues to claim an hour of CNN’s tumbleweed airspace, between Maria Bartiromo and the bowl of mush they find to take of Piers Morgan’s show.

March 6, 2014 6:52 am

RT exposes itself as the fraud I said they are last week!
First of all, these are not live broadcasts! this got aired

Second of all, why would a “Russian” network cut it’s own throat?

Third, and most important, RT stands for “ROTHCHILDS TODAY”.


March 6, 2014 7:32 am

dead on analysis of the geopolitical situation via crazy eyes…worth a read.

Numerous Points on Putin, Ukraine and Watching the Unthinkable Unfold

I admit to having a false hope that the Ukrainians would be able to get rid of Yanukovich and the oligarch tyranny they had been living under without Putin moving in on them. Then Obama got down on his knees and utterly capitulated to Putin (how can anyone be surprised by this?) and now it is clear that global dynamics have turned a truly ominous corner. Putin, and China for that matter, now know with utter and complete certainty that they can do ANYTHING and there will be zero response by the U.S. Ladies and gents, you may tell yourselves that the U.S. still has the strongest military in the world, but you are kidding yourselves. A military that will never, ever, under any circumstances deploy against anything other than mentally retarded goathumpers merely as a means of generating cash flow and revenue for oligarchs and other assorted looters of the Treasury, and even then will intentionally allow said mentally retarded goathumpers to BEAT THEM in order to perpetuate the looting – a military that everyone knows will never, ever deploy against a legitimate power like Russia or China, is NO MILITARY AT ALL. If you refuse to fight, if you refuse to win, then your EFFECTIVE arsenal is ZERO, regardless of how many trillions upon trillions it “costs”. And make no mistake, everyone now knows that the U.S. is basically a non-entity militarily vis-a-vis a Sino-Russian axis. Given this, why WOULDN’T a nut like Putin invade Ukraine and recapture it for his neo-Mongol empire? Capital outflows? Oh, it will be back. The markets, especially in these dark days, will ruthlessly gravitate toward a “winner”. There may be short-term chop, but the attraction to strength and power will attract capital in the medium-term.

I told a friend in the late summer of ARSH 2008, just as it was becoming clear that the Obama usurpation and overthrow would be accomplished, that we wouldn’t escape an Obama regime without World War 3 breaking out and ultimately Chinese boots on the ground in North America. I remember clearly the sight of his face falling as he thought to himself that I was a loon. And now here we are. Everyone with a brain in their head now realizes that both items are well within the realm of possibility. The European landmass is at risk. Japan and South Korea are at risk. Australia and New Zealand couldn’t defend themselves against China. And there is no longer a United States of America to act as a bulwark of defense against any Sino-Russian aggression anywhere. Add onto that the de facto mercenary army of the New Caliphate that will happily ally itself with the strength and potency of Moscow-Beijing, and there you have it.

5. Finally, on a personal note, after I shut down my brokerage in November of ARSH 2011, I had multiple invitations from RT to do full sit-down interviews on MF Global and the markets in general. It was even theorized that I might be given a show of my own if I played my cards right. RT tends towards girls who can “talk good” whilst wearing 4 1/2 inch heels. I… fit the mold. I declined, knowing as I did at the time that RT was the English language propaganda arm of the Putin regime. I was widely criticized for turning down the “opportunity”. Well, apparently some of the RT on-air talent is now coming around to my position, spurred by the sickening agitprop RT has been pushing with regards to Ukraine and Crimea. CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO OF LIZ WAHL QUITTING ON-AIR.

March 6, 2014 8:14 am

flash – You can’t be seriously endorsing batshit Anne who so totally embraces what Ayn Rand called “mysticism”.

Hollow man
Hollow man
March 6, 2014 8:51 am

This was a scam. She will turn up on fox or MSNBC depending on who has the deepest pocket for her.

March 6, 2014 9:29 am

I admit that Anne’s rhetoric can be bombastic, but she’s absolute correct in her assertion that China nor Russian no longer have any fear of the US military and will push the envelope in Asia, Europe and Africa until the US is politically isolated, demoralized and possibly cut off from various world commodity markets.

The US government and military has put a public face to their incompetence in both foreign policy and battlefield awareness , not to mention extreme hypocrisy under pretense as a eader of the free world in their wanton involvement via invasion and support of insurgents in the destruction and destabilization of great swathes of MENA urban centers.

It would have been best if the Thugacracy had kept Russian and China guessing on the question of US competency , instead of proving it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Even Tawian has figured out that the US is no longer able to guarantee it’s sovereignty , hence the now discussion with the Red Threat itself.It won;t be long before Taiwan is absorbed…bet on it.

It’s been said, that it’s better to be feared than respected….but then, when the bluff is called , it’s either put up or …

March 6, 2014 9:34 am

Roy. I though this was an interesting article on as you call it mysticism…have a read if you will.

The only value of man is in the eyes of God.

Mark 8:36
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?

What Is the Value of the State?

From the standpoint of Judaism man as such has no intrinsic value. He is an “image of God,” and only as such does he possess special significance. That is why Judaism did not produce an ethical theory of its own, was never embodied in a moral system, and made no pretenses of representing a specific moral point of view. The Bible does not recognize the good and the right as such, only “the good and the right in the eyes of God” (Deut. 12:28). The systematic ethical theories found in the later Jewish sources (Maimonides; Bahya ibn Pakuda) were either adopted from non-Jewish sources or were guides to the systematic cultivation of the religious virtues, appeals to stricter adherence to the Torah and its commandments (Moshe Hayyim Luzzatto). Judaism is a specifically defined entity existing continuously over a period of three thousand years was not realized in philosophy, literature, art, or anything other than halakhic living. Hence whoever is able to achieve religiosity only through the channels of Judaism, or whoever is interested in the Jewish manifestations of religiosity, must, willy-nilly, come to grips with the religious praxis of Judaism, with the world of Halakhah.

Thus, being Jewish means to follow the laws, and only to follow the laws. Any other use of the adjective Jewish is in error. Furthermore, man in and of himself is nothing. Only as a servant to God does his life have meaning.

Those who would ground morality on the image of God in man may remember that Adolf Hitler and Adolf Eichmann were created in God’s image like you and me, and also every rapist and murderer, as well as the most righteous of men. The ultimate message of the Day of Atonement is that man, as such, has no intrinsic value; he acquires value insofar as he stands before God.

There are no ways to faith, since faith is the supreme, if not the only, manifestation of man’s free choice.

Nothing he could experience would lead him to faith if faith did not spring from his own decision and resolve. Signs and wonders, “the mighty hand and the stretched-out arm,” God’s deliverance and even the revelation of the Shekhinah [divine presence of God]—none of these sufficed to inculcate faith in the generation that witnessed them….Conversely, long after them, scores of generations that saw no miracles and never in their lives beheld any testimony of divine governance, who witnessed neither reward of virtue nor punishment of sin and had not experienced deliverance, nevertheless conducted their lives in the fullness of faith.

Imagine the Jews who had passed through the Red Sea but did not believe in the Hebrew God but a golden calf. That is amazing.

Following this logic and to reiterate the essence of Judaism and the Jewish people he states:

The Jewish people, as it existed in history, is definable only by reference to its Judaism–a Judaism that was not a mere idea in the mind but the realization of a program of living set forth in the Torah and delineated by its Mitzvoth. This way of life constituted the specific national content of Jewishness or, in other words, the uniqueness of the Jewish people.

The logic of the understanding that the practice of the program is all leads to remarkable conclusions for this arch Zionist about the state of Israel. For example he writes that: “The state, as such, has no religious value. No state ever had. Political achievements, conquests, victories—none of these are religiously significant.” He criticized his countrymen for their ultimate regard of the state using the ultimate accusation for a Jew; “Regarding the state as an intrinsic value is the essence of fascism.” This is perhaps his most libertarian statement.

March 6, 2014 9:36 am

Good publicity move . Angling for a better paying job as a presstitute at Fox,MSNBC,CNN etc.etc.etc.

March 6, 2014 9:39 am

admin, I don’t see where where Anne desires the US to attack Russia.In fact she claims the US and Russia are much the same twin beast , therefore neither can be trusted and advices the Ukraine to stand alone…BTW, she is 100% accurate on here assessment of the current global; financial situation,

Numerous Points on Putin, Ukraine and Watching the Unthinkable Unfold

I guess the most accurate way to state the macro dynamic is thus: the Ukraininans are choosing between the Mongol paradigm and the Christian paradigm. Sadly, they have no idea how far gone contemporary Europe is. They don’t realize that the Mongol paradigm has fully infiltrated and overthrown Europe – and the former United States – in a stealth coup spearheaded by Communists. So yes, unless Ukraine attempts to stand alone, it will be out of the frying pan and into the fire.

I reckon that most of you have watched at least some of my Economics Presentation. For those of you who have, you realize how utterly dire the financial situation is. But how many people truly understand it? How many people have any idea of the enormity of what has been done by the bankster oligarchs in the former U.S. and Europe? The Ukrainian peasants and workers who are taking to the streets demanding that the rape of their country by Putin’s toadie oligarchs stop – do you think THOSE people have any clue as to the debt situation in the west? Hell, the people IN THE WEST have no idea whatsoever what is going on. Why would you think the Ukrainian underclass would understand it? All they know is that a handful of people have stolen nearly all of the wealth in their country, and they want it to stop. No more gold toilets. Sadly, they haven’t realized yet that the “Europe” and the “west” that once was, no longer exist, and are simply the same thing as the Russian oligarchy, except with a different cast of characters, many of whom are servile to Putin already. It is so terribly sad to watch.

March 6, 2014 9:41 am

Absolute spot on quote concerning the US military.

“Would the feminized and sodomized U.S. armed forces even be capable of conquering and securing the Crimea, were we so inclined?”

March 6, 2014 9:41 am

flash – You would be better off throwing away your bibles and reading Richard Dawkins “The GOD Delusion”.

March 6, 2014 9:56 am

Roy, you’d be better off waking up to the fact that God exists and Richard Dawking is a charlatan and and asshole.

The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, And Hitchens

You can read it free here:

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 6, 2014 10:02 am

Roy, try this link..

Dawkins…an intellectual midget when challenged .The nothing more boring than a blowhard atheist asserting the absolute certainty that there is no God. Who asked you?

Red Queen response #1
A few days ago, I threw down a gauntlet at Richard Dawkins’s fan club. I gave them a week to respond to the seven impossible things believed by Richard Dawkins, despite his claim to only believe in things for which there are evidence. As they spent some 1,669 posts discussing The Irrational Atheist, declaring it to be “the work of an unequivocal idiot” and “a piece of shit”, they can hardly pretend to be unaware of it.

March 6, 2014 10:18 am

Why should this woman be praised? All she did was ………..QUIT HER JOB.

Other than this video, I don’t know her. But, I’ll tell you this; I do not like her.

As Serapis correctly noted ……… she worked at RT for YEARS, and now suddenly she can’t work for a network funded by the Russian government???

Are you fucking kidding me??!! Integrity my fat hairy ass. She’s got none. She’ll be whoring out her services to the next highest bidder.

Go RT!!

March 6, 2014 10:21 am

Keep posting those links, flash.

You are convincing nearly everyone.

March 6, 2014 10:36 am

Each day the puppet masters analyze the sheeple through word and phrase analysis,
the literally know what we’re thinking, and what will wil think .

They play on our hopes desires and emotions, and make adjustments to the ruse
each and every second via a.i. supercomputers.

To have any chance at countering total bullshit (like today’s RT blowjob), you need tools.

I’ve constructed a template that doesn’t require a one hour read and note taking from
TBP Snowden article… my method is much simpler than that..

P E R F S !

This acronym has served me well…

If it’s P-opular

if it provokes an immediate E-motional public response

if it R-equires no proof

if it F-eels good

and if it’s S-ensational,

you can safely reassign it to the recycle bin without prejudice.

This video is garbage ! and anyone who accepts it at face value is either a dolt, or
one of Snowden’s bulletin board shills.

Also note the subliminal message this alleged “fur slapper” slips in…

“sexual degenerates are moral too”… “partner”?? I seriously doubt this broad ever
dined at the “Y”.

WTFU people .

March 6, 2014 10:41 am

Only the less biblical astute think that God watches every person on earths actions every minute of everyday.

God gave man free reign to prosper or run amok as he sees fit.Sure,God keeps an eye out,but the road to riches or ruin is all our own doing.

If God was omniscient he wouldn’t have needed to send angels to Sodom twice in order to find out how wicked a ass-humping hole it had become.He would have already known.
CM is making the same mistake in confusing capacity with action that Richard Dawkins makes in The God Delusion and which we see with regularity from Team Calvin. The fact that God “could insert himself into any location and any time whenever he wishes” doesn’t make him “functionally omnipresent”, but rather “potentially omnipresent”. This is the same difference and distinction
that I draw between omniscience and voliscience, between God knowing everything at all times and God knowing whatever He decides He wants to know. As for the question, no, I don’t consider God to be a slave to the external force of time. For more thoughts on this, see the chapter on God as Game Designer in The Irrational Atheist.

As for prophecy, this is pretty simple. The fact that you don’t know everything doesn’t mean you don’t know something in advance, especially if you are the one who is arranging to make it happen. There is absolutely no need for omniscience to support the concept of accurate Divinely-inspired prophecy.

follow this link for more.

“First, it is important to note that the Christian God…makes no broad claims to omniscience. Although there are 87 references to the things God knows, only a single example could potentially be interpreted as a universal claim to complete knowledge.”

“Furthermore, there is no theological significance whatsoever to a reduced form of omniscience and omnipotence….one is still left with a God whose theoretical capabilities are sufficient to fulfill the the various claims about His knowledge and power made in His Word. Moreover, from the human perspective, this logically acceptable tantiscient (almost omniscient) God would be completely indistinguishable form the omniscient one.”

March 6, 2014 10:45 am

I believe man created God in his own image as a control device. I agree with Bertrand Russell that with all these different Bibles, religions and sects they can’t all be right but they can all be wrong. I believe what you call God I call Mother Nature.

The laws of nature are (1) survival and (2) propagation. The apparent violation of the First Law is due to people believing in a better afterlife based on prolonged religious indoctrination. How else do you explain suicide bombers, kamikaze pilots, Guiana, Heaven Gate, Jihad etc. ?

The religions teach procreation sex to supply fodder to enforce their religion, yet recreational sex is far more dominate. This site has it’s own poster girl (assumed) for recreational sex vs. procreation sex. They could consider having children a hindrance to their survival.

Is calling anyone who disagrees with your beliefs an asshole the upper limit of your intellect?

March 6, 2014 11:34 am

Moar links!!

Moar C&P’s!!

Yeah!!!!!! Hip hip hooray!!!!

March 6, 2014 11:49 am

Stucky ,whether you’re convinced or not of anything pertaining to religion or God makes little or no difference to me.I’m was merely offering up a counter-balance to vapid know-it-all-ness.You can lead a moron to knowledge, but you can make ’em think…if you so wish to imbibe , please do , if not move along boobie -boy.

March 6, 2014 11:59 am


If you actually think I give a rats ass as to what makes a difference to you ….. you are sorely mistaken.

If you actually think I read you vapid know-it-all copy and pastes …… you are sorely mistaken.

If you actually think your C&Ps lead people to knowledge …… you are sorely mistaken.

The TBP Holy Trinity — you, bb, and Nonanonymous — actually believe that by overwhelming us with religious bullshit that we will all join your Crusade ………. here also, you are sorely mistaken.

March 6, 2014 11:59 am

Leave it to Flash and that insane super bitch Barnhardt to corrupt this thread with religion.

Yall can have your war if you want. I’m sitting this one out, as usual.

PS, Go Putin!, if nor no other reason that to drive the neocons to hysteria.

March 6, 2014 12:04 pm

I reiterate – RT is nothing but “an Alex Jones prison planet with legs and a hairdo”

March 6, 2014 12:09 pm

Roy –The apparent violation of the First Law is due to people believing in a better afterlife based on prolonged religious indoctrination. How else do you explain suicide bombers, kamikaze pilots, Guiana, Heaven Gate, Jihad etc. ?

Interpretations like assholes….that said God is not responsible for invalid interpretations leading to derived from incomplete text. Don’t blame the stupidity of the limited human intellect on God. Your capabilities of reason are your own.Next you’ll be blaming government on God , which by the way has more blood on it’s hand than any religion could ever claim..

“The trivial, but material difference concerning the reported price of sparrows is a reminder that the Bible is the Word of God as revealed through the flawed and imperfectly reliable mechanism of human transmission, and that attempting to read Scripture by means of detailed exegesis as if it were some sort of perfect divine code is not only doomed to failure, but will reliably produce misleading results that are contrary to the plain meaning of the passages examined.” Vox Day

March 6, 2014 12:16 pm

“I reiterate – RT is nothing but “an Alex Jones prison planet with legs and a hairdo” —- UCCNUT

You seem to be insecure. You seem to be in desperate need of affirmation. Soooo,

ALL RIGHT ALREADY !!!!!!!!!! WE GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DON’T LIKE RT !!!!!

Also, what the fuck is an “UCCNOT”??

March 6, 2014 12:18 pm

Moar links!! Moar voxday links!!!!

Moar C&P’s!!

Yeah!!!!!! Hip hip hooray!!!!

Preach it dickface!!!!

March 6, 2014 12:19 pm

Zara, you mewling half-bitch…neither I nor Barnhardt arecalling for war…read fro comprehension , you single issue booger eating moron.

March 6, 2014 12:20 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 6, 2014 12:22 pm

LOL…dick face sez’ the turd face.

March 6, 2014 12:25 pm

Only a man-boob bearing turd faced bed wetting Germanic reject would criticize any for doing what it does on every thread. Don’t you have a pud to pound ,cartoon boy?

March 6, 2014 12:28 pm

Flash, do you get the impression that people here have a serious objectivity problem?
I do…. follow the sandpipers or get out of the way.

March 6, 2014 12:28 pm

FWIW…nothing against Man-O-Boob

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 6, 2014 12:32 pm

TRUMAN UCCNOT – Flash, do you get the impression that people here have a serious objectivity problem?

Nah, they just like to fling shit ….it’s a flame fetish, if you will.

March 6, 2014 12:36 pm

Flash, I work. I don’t have time to read all of your bullshit. It would help if you confined your religious gibberish to a separate posting that is dedicated to it. Then I can just ignore it.

March 6, 2014 12:47 pm

Zara , as soon as you contain your die-Israel-die vitriol to the dark recesses of your demented mind, I’ll consider your request. but it’s highly likely that I’ll just ell you to piss off pal.

Here’s you a bone .booger eater….but scroll on if you’ retoo busy surfing Persian kiddie porn.

What Is the Value of the State?

Twenty years later in 1988 he wrote of the corruption that he had predicted that also can be applied to the United States virtually word-for-word.

That a subjugated people would fight for its freedom against the conquering ruler, with all the means at its disposal, without being squeamish about their legitimacy, was only to be expected. This has been true of wars of liberation of all peoples. We call the acts of the Palestinians ‘terrorism’ and their fighters ‘terrorists.’ But we are able to maintain our rule over the rebellious people only by actions regarded the world-over as criminal. We refer to this as ‘policy’ rather than ‘terror’ because it is conducted by a duly constituted government and its regular army. The ‘aberrant cases’ of necessity became the rule, since they are not incidental to a conquering regime buy essential to it.

We are creating–and have already created–a political atmosphere affecting the public as well as individual members, in which a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court legitimates the use of torture in the interrogation of Palestinian prisoners. The Israeli Define Force, armed with up-to-date weaponry, kills within a span of weeks a hundred people who did not carry firearms, amongst them women and children; breaks the bones of me, women, and children by order of the Minister of Defense; forces its way into homes and humiliates their residents. In this same atmosphere one hears of cases of soldiers attempting to bury Arab boys alive; the Attorney General distinguishes between torture and ‘reasonable’ torture; those in charge of the army distinguish ‘burial alive’ from the burying alive of bodies without interring the heads. Similar tendencies characterize our foreign and defense policies. The viscous folly of the Lebanese war was an outcome of the intention to maintain and assure the continued rule over the occupied territories and their people. That war, initiated by the Begin government, was undertaken with the consent of the Alignment of workers’ parties, which continues to this day to oppose negotiations with the PLO, the representatives of the Palestinian people, over the repartitioning of the land.

Only by putting an end to our rule over the other people can we be saved from the dire consequences of persisting in the present policy.

If the present situation continues (and here the emphasis must be on ‘if’), the growing savagery of Israeli society will be as inevitable as the severance of the state from the Jews of the world. The policy of a government of Sharon, Raful, and Druckman (or their counterparts), which in such circumstances also seems unavoidable, will begin with suppression of reliable information, elimination of free speech, the setting up of concentration camps for ‘traitors’ (like myself and perhaps you), and end in the mass expulsion and slaughter of the Arab population.

March 6, 2014 12:48 pm

I recently watchedn anti-sugar video called ” sugar 2.0″ by Dr. Luvig, everybody should watch it.

In the video he makesan interesting observation , he asks : ” when did aids become a an epidemic”? virtually everyone answers “1981” … WRONG he says!

it became an epidemic when it became “popular opinion approved it, when Magic Johnson got it!”

People are wondering around waiting for someone to tell them what to think! they think we’re in a “good vs, evil fight”… WRONG ! it’s eveil vs. more evil ! don’t be fooled into believing that RT is
the good guy! they’re like every other player out there, delivering just enough truth to retain credibility, then f&#king us on the big ticket items.

We have no friends in the media ! only some that are less evil than others… I don’t include RT in that
group…they’ve been caught lying to many times.

March 6, 2014 12:49 pm

Zara, is busy working , but not to busy to follow a thread he finds offensive.I’m glad I’m not paying your salary, dingle berry.

March 6, 2014 12:56 pm

I have to say, I stay away from the religious arguments, there seems to be
no constructive end to them… only childish name calling.

March 6, 2014 1:00 pm

Moar links!!

Moar C&P’s!!

Yeah!!!!!! Hip hip hooray!!!!

EL ILegal
EL ILegal
March 7, 2014 12:28 am


“I have to say, I stay away from the religious arguments, there seems to be
no constructive end to them… only childish name calling.”

Same thing with immigration arguments. I’m staying out of everything now. TBP is just not safe anymore. There’s donuts over on the Clammy thread.