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Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
March 11, 2014 12:33 pm

Always looks to me like his underwear is cinched up just a bit too tight.

March 11, 2014 12:50 pm

This is an insult to Dukakis. The corrupt little turtle is much worse than the bumbling idiot Greek.


The Republican Party is worthless and grows more insignificant each passing day. Sure, the Repubs may retake the Senate but that is only because of the deserved collapsing of the Democrats for blindly following Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi over the failed cliff of socialism. Good riddance to them. Take a lot of Republicans with you!

The Republicans will probably retake the Senate only by default and no actions of their own. They are currently viewed only somewhat less worse than the Democrats. And that is debatable.

Mitch McConnell, the worn-out, worthless, life-time appeaser to Democrats told the NY Times where he stands in fighting what he considers the enemy:

“I think we are going to crush them everywhere. I don’t think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country.”

Whoa! Are those fighting words directed at the Democrats from the testosterone-barren McConnell? Does he finally have the cojones to crush Harry Reid and the socialists on the other side of the aisle? Oh hell no! Those words are directed at the fiscally conservative Tea Party movement!

Think about it. The Tea Party movements number one raison d’etre (I think that’s French for “purpose” but am not sure because I don’t speak French and am not gay) is bringing fiscal sanity to government! That is, the government should not spend more money than it takes in revenue. I know! I know! What kind of fiscal insanity do those evil teabaggers believe in? Not borrow/print $4 billion each day to fund the federal leviathan? Preposterous!

McConnell and his entire band of corrupt, worthless bureaucrats show us daily the futility in believing the Republican Party can piss and hit the ground. AWD wrote last week one of the reasons I don’t attend CPAC is because they let wussypants RINOs like McConnell speak each year. How can a so-called conservative organization allow a tried-and-true enemy to conservative fiscal values like McConnell to contaminate their stage? To make this year’s speech even more insulting, the round-shouldered McConnell took the stage carrying a rifle. I have to laugh! In reality, guns probably scare him.

Remember this, Republicans have marched lockstep with the socialist Dims on TARP, government bailouts, Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, numerous Continuing Resolutions that bailed out Obama and Reid for not submitting budgets, and recently the trillion dollar Farm Bill that is loaded with Food Stamp money. Understand now why McConnell and his RINO ilk seek to destroy the Tea Party?

AWD knew the Tea Party movement had a long, long row to hoe in 2010 when it retired 63 big-spending House Democrats only to replace them with 63 big-spending Republicans who elected worthless cry-baby John Boehner as Speaker. As AWD has said, there is virtually no difference between the two parties in Washington. They answer to different masters but not their constituents. Dims are owned by unions while Repubs are owned by big corporations. Both are owned by banks.

Who is the wussypants RINO establishment pushing for President in 2016? Jeb Bush or Chris Christie. More of the same old shit! AWD is done with the Republicans. They are so transparent and insulting that they now tell the mainstream media the enemy is the Tea Party movement. They give speeches holding rifles or promising to “complete the dang wall” at election time but are Democrat-Lite once reelected.

Republicans have all the corrupt corporate money to buy elections. Texas RINO Senator John Cornyn outspent challenger Steve Stockman 15-1 in the recent primary. Incumbents win reelection at a rate over 99%. They have built a system where they can buy themselves into office and they never leave. Fortunately, as Texas showed in the recent primary, the Tea Party can reach out and strangle RINOs at the State and Local levels. And we did.

Ask yourself this. Do you really believe the Republicans will repeal ObamaCare if they control Congress? They won’t even try. Bet on it. Because when have the Republicans ever failed to disappoint us?

The problem is there are too few people who pay attention. Republican voters watch Fox News and Karl Rove and believe the Republicans are still the Party of small government and low taxes. No, the Republicans are the Party of Tip O’Neill. Nothing more. And Mitch McConnell leads them. And he despises the Tea Party movement. Tells you a lot, doesn’t it?

It also tells you why AWD is no longer a Republican. AWD long ago tired of wussypants RINOs peeing on my boots and telling me it’s raining. A conservative who still supports the Republican Party is just pissing in the wind. Sorry for all the urine comparisons but when discussing the Republican Party these days it seems totally appropriate.

For a lifetime of worthlessness, Mitch McConnell is AWD’s Libtard of the Week.


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March 11, 2014 1:25 pm

This guy has always struck me at being really odd… in, transgender. Put a wig on that – see it?

March 11, 2014 5:12 pm

Rand Paul is supporting this fuckwad in the primary. Matt Bevins is a Replug running against McConnell in the primary.

March 11, 2014 5:41 pm


Fixed the title for ya.

Also, the Decepticon party & the Dumbocrats are a disease that makes all rational thought fly out the windows, never to reappear.

March 11, 2014 5:49 pm

The more US politicians do anything, the better Vladimir Putin looks as a leader. He’ll probably win a Nobel Prize thanks to Obomber.

I don’t even like the guy, but geez, he seems smarter than any of these turds in DC.

He gets energy out of the ground, but he keeps the dough IN Russia.
He doesn’t send all of Russia’s jobs to China, he makes deals with them!
He buys gold with Russian surplus, DC idiots hate gold, & Fort Know is probably empty.
It appears he understands entry level math, spend less than U take in.

Having to say that, & mean it, means the US has 1 sad sack bunch of losers in office.

Putin in 2016 anyone? Lol.

March 13, 2014 7:32 am

Not too much that is new but basically he is closet queen who had a bj covered up in the reserves. Plus he is a despicable man who only is for his partisan interests.