Putin the Christian vs. Obama the Antichrist

So, the head n$#%r in charge went to The Hague. I guess he’s there to beg the sad-sack Euro-pussies to agree with further sanctions against Russia. Maybe he’s there for other reasons. I don’t know, because he just rambled on and on and on incoherently. He takes 15 minutes to answer a question, and once he’s done no one remembers what the fuck the question was. It’s a brilliant tactic, I guess.

Once in a while I catch what he says, only to wish that I would have stuck an ice-pick in my ear. For example, he said that Russia is a “regional power that is threatening neighboring countries not from strength, but weakness”. Yeah,  weak regional power …. you fuckin’ heard me right. He also said the NSA doesn’t spy on individual citizens unless it’s related to terrorism …. yeah, you fucken heard me right.

That monkey is an EMBARRASSMENT to all Americans. By the way, when Mr. Diarrhea-of-the-mouth was done speaking, no one applauded.

Meanwhile, Monkey Oreo’s paid sycophants, CuNNt and Fux, continue to demonize Putin endlessly.  But, who is of the Devil, really?  Here are three entertaining short videos to help you decide.

1) Nice music. Lovely pics. Putin prays. Obama preys.



2) I’ll bet 95% of ‘Muricans think Russian people and politicians still hold the Marxian view that “religion is the opiate of the people”. I’ll bet that 99.999% don’t know that 20,000 new churches opened their doors since the fall of the Soviet Union.  Or, that Christianity is growing faster in Russia than the USA. Or, that Russians have MUCH MORE religious freedom than ‘Murican citizens.  Watch and weep.



3) My favorite anti-Zionist!  Putin’s Russia doesn’t have a single Joo in political authority. Joos control Obama. Why is this important?  Fact: the anti-Christ IS a Joo.  Oreo may not actually be the anti-Christ, but Oreo does his bidding, so there’s really no difference.



If there was an election today; Oreo vs Putin … wouldn’t you vote for Putin?  I would!!  Some of you will no doubt say that if I love Putin so much maybe I should move to Russia.  Blow me.  But, if I go I’ll save you a spot …. Russia may be the last best hope for White People and Christianity.



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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March 25, 2014 3:51 pm

Dunno Stuck, sounds like having to choose between cat shit sandwich or a dog shit sandich for lunch.

March 25, 2014 4:26 pm

I don’t want to live in Russia… nor Obamaland. Both suck. Putin is a capable politician doing well for his country. But his interests for Russia are not positive for the USA, whether that’s the current imperial FUSA for the FSA, or some hypothetical isolationist, freedom-loving USA.

I won’t vote for Putin, or for Obama. I will work to see my homeland free, independent, and not imperial. The real enemy of much of the US people is in Washington, New York, LA and San Francisco.

March 25, 2014 4:26 pm

Speaking to a friend today I mentioned to him I just might move to Russia and become a citizen. At least then I would live in a country with a true leader.

I can’t believe the day has come where you would actually even suggest living in Russia over the USA.

Oh Happy Days, maybe I will order more Russian ammo and boost their economy.

March 25, 2014 4:27 pm

@Stucky – Putin is a self-styled emperor.

He might be more manly, but I’d rather have Obama at the helm – because at least we only have 2 more years of dipshit, whereas Putin has been a controlling force in Russia for over a decade now.

Putin’s a scary motherfucker, he’s playing chess while our politicians are still trying to make it through the instructions to chutes and ladders.

March 25, 2014 4:27 pm

Oh, and Chicago.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 25, 2014 4:43 pm

I wish liberal Matt Taibbi would go after Obama’s speechifying the way he mocks the living shit out of Tom Friedman’s “writing”.

March 25, 2014 4:44 pm

Love the article Stuck, especially the title. Obama isn’t qualified to lead a country, that much is made painfully aware every day. He’s beyond embarrassing, and a disgrace is too kind a description. He’s a menace, a cancer, a fascist. He’s gotta go.

Putin is an actual leader, he makes leadership decisions, he leads his country forward. They aren’t bankrupt, they aren’t $17.5 trillion in debt. They don’t have 100 million on welfare and 12 million on disability. Obama is a free-shit redistributing socialist, a community organizer that’s never had a real job in his entire life, never run a business, never served his country in the military. Putin was in the KGB, and could kick Obama’s fairy ass in two seconds flat.

Does anybody even listen to Obama’s lies anymore? I was seeing patients at the shelter care facility today, and the TV was on, Obama droning on, reading teleprompters. I asked them to change the channel, and they did, because nobody listens to our idiot in chief. The USSA will never recover from Obama. He’s alienating Russian, while Russia is signing pacts and agreements with China. And Russia just signed an energy deal with India, the second most populous country in the world. While Obama lies and schemes, Putin is forging alliances with countries that are growing, and aren’t bankrupt welfare states like the UE and USSA.

Obama and the democrats boo God, punish people that believe in God, and call people of religion terrorists. I believe he is the anti-christ, as do 25% of the population. They can’t all be wrong, and God’s wrath on this country won’t won’t be pleasant or fun. One can only hope he takes out the liberal progressives first.

March 25, 2014 5:20 pm

I didn’t know that Putin had removed Jews from positions of authority in Russia. Ya learn something new every day.

March 25, 2014 5:31 pm

Putin just doesn’t “get” Obama. Putin doesn’t like gays, and doesn’t believe gays should have special rights and entitlements. Obama’s queerer than a $3 bill, and has accomplished absolutely nothing in his life except using his skin color to advance. And I don’t think they have affirmative action, or quotas in Russia. In Russia, Obama would, based on his ability and intelligence, be handing out towns at a gay bath house in Moscow.

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March 25, 2014 5:52 pm

Somebody recently (maybe Buchanan), said recently that Putin is the last statesman. Perhaps that is true, although it seems that Rouhani has appeared on the world scene as a capable leader of his country, although his stature is restrained by his relative lack of authority and limited time (two four year terms, maximum). Past Iranian presidents tend to fade away (I wonder what the fuck Ahmedinejad is doing these days?).

March 25, 2014 6:02 pm

Putin is an asshole, a bully and has delusions of grandeur in that he wants to pull together a fresh, new, semi-capitalist Russian Empire.

He is a strong man with no morals, adequately intelligent and knows perfectly well that NATO and the USA will not go atomic after he finishes annexing Ukraine then moves on and sucks up Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Then he’ll go South and suck every “stan” country back into the bad old days.

Russian is mentally damaged (well wouldn’t you be after losing literally hundreds of millions of people to WWI and WWII, the tender care of Stalin and various stupid economic policies?

They feel that since, in only a few places, they have natural borders to defend (and they are always afraid someone will invade) that they absolutely must regain control of every pissant country that borders the Russia to act as a buffer so if someone does get pushy, they can fight a war in someone else’s country. Just like we do. We have the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico plus a tame neighbor to the North and a powerless neighbor to the South with which to secure our borders. We can always fight “over there”, be it North, South, East or West if we have to. (That’s one reason we maintain an overbuilt Navy – they are the first line of defense PLUS they allow us to broadcast our military power to remote parts of the world.)

The conclusion is that the USA ill never go nuclear against Russia as it annexes countries that slipped the leash during the collapse of the Soviet Union. Period.

The only nukes we need to fear will those developed by and belonging to the nutcases, Ayatollahs and others who wish to use nukes just to kill millions of infidels and advance Islamic law. The Mullahs are the real enemy – we’re just going to let Russia munch its’ way back to a slightly off center and much more capitalistic empire.

Bet on it.


March 25, 2014 6:04 pm

Admin, are you streaming audio ads with each post? Not a good idea..


March 25, 2014 6:51 pm

To Stucky: LOL! I was actually talking to our CEO about Russia not long ago. Of all the countries he’s visited, he hates it the most…says that everyone there is out to fuck you out of whatever they can get. Or maybe they just don’t like the French.

To Muck: I hope that conversion to NeoConism works out for ya.

PS, if Russia made any moves against the Baltic states, NATO would be required by treaty obligations to declare war on Russia.

PSS, Leave it to Putin to have a pussy sniffing dog.

March 25, 2014 7:04 pm

Obama at work

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Putin at work

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March 25, 2014 7:10 pm

Damn it forgot to sign my work. ‘Twas I above.

March 25, 2014 8:49 pm

Stuck, your spelling sucks. You misspelled n$##%r as n$#%r. Everyone knows it is spelled with 2 #s.

Nice thread!

Have a look at this pic. Putin obviously thinks Obama is a moron.

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March 25, 2014 8:51 pm

That has to be TBP record for largest pic ever. Wow. Sorry folks.

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March 26, 2014 4:53 pm

Franklin Graham: Obama Administration Officials Are ‘Anti-Christ’

March 25, 2014 By Michael W. Chapman

Franklin Graham: WH Officials Are ‘Anti-Christ in What They Say and in What They Do’

(CNSNews.com) – Some of the people working in the Obama administration and in the White House are trying to “completely secularize our military” and are “hostile to Christians,” to the point that they “are anti-Christ in what they say and in what they do,” said Christian evangelist Franklin Graham, the son of world-renowned preacher Rev. Billy Graham.

Franklin Graham made his comments during a Mar. 24 interview with Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, which published an updated report on religious persecution in the U.S. armed forces this month
– See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/michael-w-chapman/franklin-graham-some-administration-officials-are-anti-christ#sthash.4u5ziG1t.3nCJtggZ.dpuf