I thought Obamacare was all about helping the uninsured. That’s what Obama said. He also said you could keep your health plan, and could keep your doctor. But he lied, didn’t he?

Turns out, now you can’t buy health insurance, through the exchanges or in the private market. All the millions more people getting cancellation notices won’t even be able to pay double or triple for less coverage.

Obamacare, the disease that keeps on taking. It was passed by vengeful liberal progressive democrats (who didn’t bother to read it before they passed it). This article demonstrates the unholy damage that it will cause, once again.


Latest ObamaCare surprise: Most won’t be able to buy health insurance until end of year

By Jim Angle Published April 09, 2014

There is yet another ObamaCare surprise waiting for consumers: from now until the next open enrollment at the end of this year, most people will simply not be able to buy any health insurance at all, even outside the exchanges.

It’s all closed down. You cannot buy a policy that is a qualified policy for the purpose of the ACA (the Affordable Care Act) until next year on January 1,” says John DiVito, president of Flexbenefit which has 2,500 brokers.

John Goodman of the National Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas adds, “People are not going to be able to buy individual and family policies, and that’s part of ObamaCare. And what makes it so surprising is the whole point of ObamaCare was to encourage people to get insurance, and now the market has been completely closed down for the next seven months.”

That means that with few exceptions, tens of millions of people will be locked out of the health insurance market for the rest of this year.

Only about one in four subsidy-eligible people signed up for health insurance,” says Robert Laszewski of Health Policy Associates. “That means about 13 million subsidy-eligible people have not yet signed up for health insurance.”

Add to that millions more who waited, or thought the policies under ObamaCare were too expensive and decided just to pay the tax penalty.

Although those who failed to buy insurance during the enrollment period could face a government penalty, most will not have to pay that penalty until they do their taxes next year.

“In all likelihood,” says Laszewski, “we’ve only signed up somewhere between one in five and one in seven people who were uninsured prior to the start of ObamaCare.”

That means millions are left outside the health insurance market. There is short term insurance, but anyone with a pre-existing condition can be turned down.

The reason sales of health insurance were crammed into short enrollment periods was so insurance companies would have some certainty about who would be in the risk pool, allowing them to set their rates accordingly.

Goodman explains, “they fear that the only people who will try to buy are people who are sick, and they are going to be expensive. So it’s built into the screwy logic of the whole ObamaCare system.”

DiVito puts it this way: “So can you imagine that on July 1, an indvidual’s walking down the street, they get hit by a car, the ambulance comes and picks them up and inside that ambulance is an insurance salesman selling them a policy. That is exactly what the insurance industry was trying to avoid.”




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Hollow man
Hollow man
April 10, 2014 9:58 am

Making sure a lot of people die due to a lack of available health care. Is a strategy. Get rid of the older more conservative voters and over a short time cuts costs. and gets rid of a lot of us boomers.

April 10, 2014 10:09 am


Two New Studies Raise Red Flags on Obamacare

“The debate on the law is far from over. When the next round of premium increases hits over the summer, and the market for employer-provided health insurance undergoes the same kind of massive disruption as the individual market did over the last six months, the debate over the honesty and integrity of the Obama administration may hit new levels of intensity.”

April 10, 2014 10:24 am

If you turn over the production of wheat to the government, you will soon want for bread. Truer words were never spoken.

Hollow, it is a plan in perfection beyond that. Because for everyone that dies for lack of insurance/health care, there will be another that will be given millions of dollars in treatments and tortures for years. Directly kill off non-patients, then turn current patients into cash cows.

Either way we die!

I’ll take door #1 please. Less pain, less debt, quicker and fewer elite fucks getting richer off my dying ass.

I’m not sure which group truly has it worse. Are you?

Hollow man
Hollow man
April 10, 2014 10:58 am

It, Obama care, is just a small cog in the wheel of destruction that rolling toward every American. On the whole we have become so irresponsible the rest of the world has to do something to protect themselves from us. Sad but true. We were handed a fairly decent deck of cards. We screwed it up.

NIck A
NIck A
April 10, 2014 7:20 pm

” Despite comprising less than 1 percent of all U.S. prescriptions,” the report continues, “specialty medications now account for more than a quarter of the country’s total pharmacy spend.”

Seeing exactly the same pattern in Australia. A relative few customers on really high-cost medications, and long term treatments too. The Oncologists are having to take a really hard, long-term look at the consequences of cost escalation in pharmacotherapy, and we’re seeing a return to radiotherapy rather than chemotherapy, purely from an economic viewpoint.

Add in the hundreds of transplant recipients (on their raft of high-cost anti-rejection pharmacotherapy), and all the other “long-term, elevated cost” recipients, and the future cost implications start to become rather scary for all of us “remaining taxpayers”!

April 10, 2014 8:51 pm

What a stellar replacement AWD!

Ms Burwell comes to us from a degree in gubment from Harvard, then years and years as COOs/other executive positions at the charitable foundations of the Gates and Wally World.

What a grand background to tackle health care! Cripes, were no fry cooks available?

This is what is wrong with this country. I wonder if Ms. Sebelius will continue to have her free government Cadillac plan, along with most of her pay, for life now?

FUBAR, there is no fixing O Care, nor the USSA