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harry p.
harry p.
May 22, 2014 7:56 am

these are the types of people you defend? good thing you and many others are sociopaths capable of justifying any behavior and twisted rationale.
pay attention and take notes for your future profession.

May 22, 2014 9:06 am

You guys know I can scratch up some serious outrage over the egregious shit cops do, but this? Ehhh..

A video that isn’t even 90 seconds long, and edited to boot? There’s loads of shit we don’t know. And frankly, using my Life Rule of “People Suck”, I wouldn’t put it past the whiney bitch to lie her ass off… I mean what the fuck is this place anyways, a massage parlor? Me sucky sucky fie dallah? Plus that bitch got a scream like a police whistle… imagine having to live with THAT nagging your ass all time..

I got no idea what Officer Safety was on about with that “they’ll kill you and your family” shit… there’s obviously some shit going on that we don’t know about. And for the record, we might not like it, but sometimes cops actually DO have to threaten people (“Drop the bag of money and the shotgun, or I will shoot you” comes to mind)…

There’s a bunch more going on here is all I’m saying, and I’m gonna reserve judgement.. for now.

May 22, 2014 9:09 am

And the little three-fingered prick that runs “Shitcaugo” could very well be hillary’s VP. We are truly fucked!

May 22, 2014 10:24 am

Hey, it’s heartening to finally see the police give a crap about illegal aliens!

Hollow man
Hollow man
May 22, 2014 10:36 am

Yep. The great leader got his start there. Reckon he took a few of his learned skills to the capital

May 22, 2014 10:54 am

“It’s easy being a humorist when you’ve got the whole government working for you.” — Will Rogers

I just noticed this quote, couldn’t help but think the things weren’t so nearly fucked up back then in Will’s days and he’s already acknowledging his displeasure. He’d be a reglular at TBP for sure.

May 22, 2014 11:10 am

Billy correctly observes that the video is too short and edited to know the fully story.

Nevertheless, there is waaay to much previous evidence regarding cop-fuckery to side with the copfuks. I side with the shrieking woman.

I imagine Billy would be upset if some copfuks yelled at his German wife — “You’re not a citizen!! We’ll send you back to Germany in a fucking UPS box!!”

The scariest gang in Chicago is not in the South Side of town … it’s the thugs wearing blue uniforms.

May 22, 2014 11:20 am

Harry , don’t you have something better to do with you life other then tryin to get people to hate the police? Some cop must have really beat your ass .Is this what happened ?You get hit up side your head ?I bet you are so nice and kind when you see a cop.Your just like a scared little kid and that really chaps your ass.RIGHT ?I think it’s funny.
Harry I have had cops take me home from the hospital. Stop on side of the road when my car broke down and offer to help. They have kept my house from being broken into twice and when I go to rifle range they are always polite. That’s been my experience with cops.

May 22, 2014 11:39 am

This is the nice cop who gave me a ride home.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Afterwards, I sucked his dick and it was very tasty.

May 22, 2014 12:14 pm

Stucky , is that you ? I heard about your wrestling match with food poisoning . I had that before and it sucks. Took me about 4 days to get over it.Glad your back and OK.

May 22, 2014 12:20 pm


I do not dopplegang. I abhor the practice.

May 22, 2014 1:15 pm

Stucky said:
“I do not dopplegang. I abhor the practice.”

Abhor it? Hell, you’ve elevated it to an art form!

May 22, 2014 1:26 pm

Hmmm, cops hassle and abuse innocent people, meanwhile black yuffs are murdering more people than in the war in Afghanistan. Makes sense…..going after black yuffs is raciss….

CHICAGOLAND: Principal Urges Students, Parents Not To Hang Outside School After 6 Shootings In 48 Hours…

The principal of Curie High School has put out a warning to students and parents to leave immediately after school and use a different route after six shootings in 48 hours in nearby neighborhoods.

The school is located at 49th and South Archer. The warning was enough to worry people headed inside the school Wednesday night for an evening workout.

“Pretty scary,” said Gabriela Perez. “You can’t be safe anywhere.”

The warning specifically points to the 79th and Pulaski area. About 2 miles from there, near 8400 South Kedzie, a 17-year-old walking in an alley was shot and killed around 5 p.m Monday, a case that’s reminding other teens who travel streets in the area about the potential for deadly violence.

“You have to walk these streets every day,” said student DeMario Falls. “I know my way around the neighborhood. And I know people and I don’t feel like they would do harm to me.”

Student Josh Tomaszewski said he doesn’t feel at risk.

“There’s nothing that happens too much over here, it’s all good.”

Curie High School wants students to leave that campus immediately after school, no hanging out outside. It also reminds students to be more aware of their surroundings.

May 22, 2014 2:03 pm

I believe the term is “youts” as in:

Vinny: Is it possible that the two youts–
Judge Haller: Uh, the two what? Uh, uh, what was that word?
Vinny: Uh, what word?
Judge Haller: Two what?
Vinny: What?
Judge Haller: Did you say “yutes”?
Vinny: Yeah, two youts.
Judge Haller: What is a yute?
Vinny: Oh, excuse me, Your Honor, two youths. (My Cousin Vinny)

harry p.
harry p.
May 22, 2014 2:58 pm

you shitheel, i am posting things that show the truth about copfuks, i don’t care if i don’t change anyone else’s mind.
if you’ve got some positive stories that show their valor then create a post and submit to admin so he can post it. don’t bother with how some cop helped you and you repaid him by tossing his salad while giving a reach-a-round, leave that 50 shades of grey shit out of TBP.

i actually have never been personally beat down but I have seen it multiple times and witnessed their acts of aggression. many people I knew or meet that are cops show more sociopathic tendencies than any other group of professions I know. and it’s a large enough sample size to make generalizations. if they are older than 50 they more often than not seem like good people but under 50 they are usually assholes.
I have never met a group of people more likely to judge others prematurely, commit violent acts, mindlessly follow orders, be impervious to logic, possess a room temperature IQ, cheat on their gf’s/wives all while taking pleasure in doing many of those things and knowing they can/will get away with it. i visit my home town and the guys that were the dumb bullies ended up being cops. except now they aren’t stealing milk money, they are collecting fines, revenue, tickets etc.

i don’t hate copfuks specifically, i just hate judgemental, aggresively violent, self-righteous, self-important, mindless, douchenozzles that support statist agendas. It just so happens copfuks meet a lot of the criteria i outlined. it’s funny that those are apt when describing you as well.

May 22, 2014 3:09 pm

On the other side of the issue, here’s a great summary of what the Chicago popo’s have to deal with:

From, a website detailing that wonderful Chicago culture.

Here’s a little teaser…..

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and my personal fav…..

[imgcomment image[/img]

Enjoy all that decades of liberal progressivism have brought Chi-Iraq~!

May 22, 2014 3:11 pm

ooops let me try again or don’t be lazy and go to the website yourself

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 22, 2014 3:59 pm

Harry , I am glad you don’t hate cops and you are right about the older cops .The older ones are the cops I know and it’s the older ones that have helped me at times.
If I do become part of the state enforcement apparatus I’m going for a federal job.Then I’m going to arrest your ass.,put you in jail ,impound your house ,your car and put you down as a missing person.Then you’ll find yourself in a place where no one can hear you scream. Probably in a dark dungeon chained to a wall .(just kidding)That’s just the psychopath in me talking.

May 22, 2014 7:02 pm

At first, Ms Freud accepted everyone in her private practice. Now that it has grown she is can become more selective. She is considering eliminating the following, in order of preference;

1) Law enforcement — they don’t want ‘help’, they want validation. Most are psychopaths. The rest have psychopathic tendencies. ALL are ego driven power&control freaks. (She can’t stand them.)

2) Blacks — 75% either, a) don’t show up, or 2) don’t pay, not even their $10 co-pays. So solly, it’s true.

3) Children under 13 — it’s almost always the parents who are fucked up, and most refuse to admit it. Can’t help someone who even refuses the source of the problem.

May 22, 2014 7:24 pm

As I have said many times. i hate cops.

I know them, I have some in my family. Lovely folks to their family and friends. But the job twists them. Their job is to control and “police”the citizens of their community. They become bitter and twisted when on the job. How many drunks, drug addicts, wife beaters, bar room brawlers, petty criminals can a person encounter before they become affected by it? They are also used as revenue raisers, tax collectors, if you will, and that changes them, too. They are told to go out and seek generally innocent folk to shake down in order to raise money.

Cops cannot help but turn bad. Even if they start out with good intention, the job they do changes them.

Stay the hell away from them, is my advice. They are akin to pit bulls that are raised to fight. And the justice system grants them total immunity.

May 22, 2014 7:53 pm

“How many drunks, drug addicts, wife beaters, bar room brawlers, petty criminals can a person encounter before they become affected by it?” ———– llpoh

A typical day for Ms Freud. That’s why she keeps me. A day at the freak show …. and I’m looking pretty good!