A an excellent essay of the evils of the liberal progressive agenda.



It’s very popular in liberal circles (universities, mainstream media, unemployment lines) to blame every little bad thing in the world on white men. In the past few years, liberal minds (oxymoron alert) have moved from blaming white males for being racist because…well, because…to exposing our ‘white privilege’ that accounts for any success we enjoy and keeps the leftists down.

White males are also to blame any time an effeminate, drugged out leftist like Elliot Rodger goes on a shooting rampage after being raised on a steady diet of liberal, PC claptrap ideology. White males are blamed for the deaths in any shooting by a leftist because we support the 2nd Amendment. Note: When I say ‘white males,’ I refer to conservative white men. Liberal males identify more closely with liberal women and do not qualify for nor deserve the odious nomenclature of ‘white men.

In regard to guns, white males realize the some people are evil and will kill for stupid reasons like the effeminate Rodger kid in Santa Barbara who murdered because he couldn’t reel in the biscuit with any young lovelies. Evil white men call for training and arming good people to bring down the bad guy once the lead starts flying. Conversely, the liberal answer is to create “Gun Free Zones” which, as we have sadly seen time and time again, are not gun free zones.

Since Columbine, every mass shooter has been of the liberal ilk. Not a conservative NRA member among them. The parents of these murderous monsters were liberals, too. But in every instance, white males and guns have been blamed on the murders committed by liberals. The father of one of the Elliot Rodger victims in California immediately blamed the NRA for his daughter’s death! If the liberal idiots who run California would allow more honest, law-abiding people to carry guns, that man’s daughter may be alive today. But it’s much easier to blame the white male-run NRA as the reason his daughter was murdered. It’s not true but it’s easier for liberals for some reason. But when have liberals ever been interested in truth? They have an agenda.

Think about it. The NRA calls for more honest people to be armed to respond to armed bad guys. Liberals call for Gun Free Zones. A liberal whacked out kid goes nuts and murders innocents who have no way to protect themselves and the tragedy is the responsibility of the NRA. And/or white males. Right.

A liberal, feminist Washington Post critic blamed white male Hollywood for the recent California murders. Of course. She said:

“For generations, mass entertainment has been overwhelmingly controlled by white men, whose escapist fantasies so often revolve around vigilantism and sexual wish-fulfillment (often, if not always, featuring a steady through-line of casual misogyny).”

Would this be the same liberal-dominated Hollywood that casts every white male as either a wimp, homosexual, or idiot? It’s common in liberal-run pop culture to make the white male the butt of the jokes. Television shows and commercials are filled with stupid, bumbling white men who can provide a nice home but can’t light a gas grill without blowing it up. Smart wives and stupid, effeminate men, and liberals blame conservative white males when a politically correct, stupid, effeminate kid raised on stupid, liberal ideology goes on a murderous rampage.

Race baiters like Toure, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the entire cast of MSNBC have been running hard with the white privilege charge for a while now. This week, Toure (which sounds like a Buick model) even accused Jewish Holocaust victims as benefiting from white privilege. I’m sure all of the 6 million Jews murdered by the socialist Hitler would have gladly foregone their white privilege in the gas chambers.

The avoidance of personal responsibility knows no bounds among liberals. It is even more prevalent with the ‘professional black’ class. ‘Professional black people’ are those who make their living by being black either in academia and/or television propaganda news. These people gain their livelihoods by placing no responsibility on the poor decisions and violent actions of black people for whom they purport to speak. Every violent crime, every unwed teen mother, every flash mob, every instance of Knockout Game, etc is directly attributable to evil white males according to ‘professional black people. Again, right.

While sentient beings who utilize reason and logic find such politically correct pretzel logic laughable, nearly every liberal in America believes this line of thought or pretends to. Those that blame their failures on white privilege or white men are nothing more than dishonest moral and intellectual cowards.

Here’s the deal. White males aren’t responsible for the bad actions or negative plight of anyone except themselves. We’re quite tired of being blamed for the poor decisions of others. White males didn’t invent the Bloods or Crips, Knockout Game, or any other bad or violent aspect we often see in the black community. We don’t raise our sons to believe they deserve a trophy when they finish dead last. We don’t teach our boys to be metrosexual wimps who kill people because they can’t get a date. Conservative white males raise our sons to be strong, responsible men who respect women and we raise our girls to be honorable and responsible women. We invented the computer, television, space travel, and fought world wars to conquer evil. Sure, some liberal white males invented destructive political programs such as welfare, Affirmative Action, food stamps, etc but they had political personal gain as their agenda. White men also ended slavery at great cost and bloodshed in America. Yet, we still see blacks in Africa who have no problem enslaving people of their own color. We should note that black slaveholders receive no consternation from white liberals or professional black people.

White men don’t have nor seek white privilege. But we don’t believe in black privilege either. We believe everyone should have an equal chance to succeed in America to the best of their ability. And that is a privilege in America enjoyed by all if they are willing to pay the price. We have spent trillions of dollars over the past 50 years to help others achieve, without much success. White males are not holding a collective gun to the heads of other racial groups or women. We would prefer to see others succeed by what we have found to be tried and true principles. Any so-called ‘privilege’ exists for the vast majority of us because of education, hard work, sacrifice, planning, self-responsibility, generosity, and decency. In short, our success in life is directly attributable to making good life decisions. We recommend it for everyone.

Think about how different the life of a young, unwed teen mother would be if she graduated high school, took advantage of the numerous college options available to her, received a college diploma in a marketable skill, and got a good job instead of having to raise a child by herself with an absentee father. With an unskilled and uneducated mother dependent on welfare and food stamps, what future will her child most likely have? We sadly see it every week in violent black teen attacks on innocents. Here’s only one example over Memorial Day in Florida. You needn’t read the story to know who was creating the havoc.

We also see terrible results in liberal households where parents either ignore their children or allow them to run wild with no discipline. Big government caused by liberal politics now requires that both parents work (if they choose to work anymore). One parent works to pay the bills, the other to pay the taxes. Who is home to oversee their children in the formative years? No one. Child care, video games and/or stupid television shows raise children in America these days with the poison of liberal ideology. And the results are disgusting! Sadly, every few months, another confused kid who had little structure or standards in their life gets a gun or knife and starts killing. Not to worry, white males who never advocated or supported any of this failed liberal ideology, get the blame.

We will never hear the end of this white male blame as long as there is money to be made or political gain from blaming white men for the world’s problems. But the truth is white men are not responsible for the failures of anyone except themselves. The law of consequences does not recognize race nor gender. It only recognizes stupid decisions and actions. I taught my children that stupid decisions generally result in bad results. I taught my boys to never find themselves saying to their friends “hey, watch this” before jumping off a roof into a swimming pool or riding a wheelie on a motorcycle at 90 mph down the highway. These lessons are common sense. But when did liberals ever utilize common sense? They have an agenda.

This is our message to you politically correct liberals. Conservative white men have no white privilege other than the privilege we create based on our actions. We also have no white guilt. We will lend a hand to anyone of any color who seeks to better themselves. We are sick of government handouts given at our expense. We are tired of being blamed for the consequences of your massively failed liberal ideology. It is an ideology of failure, greed, envy, and laziness. And it fails every time.

Want some of my white privilege? Then get your lazy ass out of bed and do your job the best you can, raise your kids to be responsible, law-abiding adults, and seek to leave this country better than you found it. Don’t blame your failures on others. Seek to better yourself and become a responsible, self-reliant adult. You’ll find success and happiness versus the slothful, bitter life of dependency. Cast off the shackles of political correct victim-hood, close your ears to race baiters and lying white liberals who seek to keep you under their control. You can do it if you only have the guts and make the effort! And we white men will welcome you as our friends.

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/05/hey-liberals-white-men-cause-problems/#x8CjL60uvPCyFsua.99


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May 28, 2014 11:45 am


Is that the Ebonic spelling of privilege?

May 28, 2014 11:48 am

Not to be persnickety, but you might want to use spell check in the future. It’s “privilege”, not “privledge.”

Now I shall retire to the privy on the ledge.

May 28, 2014 12:19 pm

I love my white privileged:
1. I love getting up at 5:30 every morning . No sleeping in until the urge to roll out of bed hits me.
2. I love packing my wife’s, kid’s an my own lunch. No free school lunches or EBT assistance.
3. I loved my 1hour 45 minute commute this morning in my 9 year old truck. Someone has to pay for the commute, no free bus passes or a ride in my buddies Escalade.
4. I love my 10 hour work day, eating lunch at my desk. Someone has to work.
5. I love my 1 to 2 hour commute home. Sorry no free rides and isn’t my time better spent commuting than sitting around smoking blunts and drinking 40 oz.
6. I love paying my fair share of taxes, about 50% of my income when all is said and done. Someone has to pay for this socialist utopia.
7. I love spending my “spare time” working on my home, this weekend replacing the fascias on the back. No free housing and all the perks that come with it like no maintenance or property taxes.
8. I love paying the full boat on tuition for college. No special discounts for being in a designated group.
9. I love that my kids have to have higher grades to get into the same college as other “special” groups because of their white privilege. If their damn parents could have come up with a little more melatonin maybe they would not have to work so hard.
10. I especially love it being thrown in my face on a daily basis because well you know it is a privilege. I mean someone has to take the blame, why not me.


May 28, 2014 1:07 pm

Looks like it’s speld correct to me.

May 28, 2014 1:27 pm


May 28, 2014 1:56 pm

@Bostonbob: well said. I share most of those attributes, and frankly I’m fed up, pissed off, and tired out. I have no idea why I work hard and take the risk and responsibility of my own business, when I could have nearly the same lifestyle by faking a disability and taking all the government handouts. Which lots and lots and lots and lots of people I am loosely acquainted with do.

May 28, 2014 2:01 pm

It’s hard to argue white people are not vicious slavers and killers. They’ve been doing it for hundreds of years, and likely will until there aren’t any more of them.

But the same applies to ALL “colors”. Whites have been “successful” the last five hundred years because their bloodthirstiness was the first to be industrialized, but the democratization of weapons tech has made us just another killer among killers.

Let go the ideologies of race. See humanity for what it really is, and understand the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world is just the latest entropy agent loosed on the planet. We’re probably better than asteroids and volcanism in terms of destruction (the great legacy of failing nuclear reactors will wipe the planet clean of life for millions of years), but we’re certainly not worth anything more than that.

May 28, 2014 2:47 pm

“an excellent essay ” ???


I must have missed that part

May 28, 2014 2:47 pm

Bostonbob…….Well said. The same applies for my wife and I.

A million dollar question is how many are like me/us and thinking why do it? The path of least resistance is obviously to work less. The next million dollar question is how long can the printing press support us.

May 28, 2014 2:53 pm


Is it a technicality to argue that “slavers” were those who captured, chained and sold said slaves? Like the blacks in Africa have been doing for eons?

May 28, 2014 3:43 pm

Bob, awesome.

May 28, 2014 4:20 pm

@Mars/troll……on one side of the med is civilization, on the other – a brutal, repressed, backward, retarded, muslim infested arid shithole with old men with no souls running the place. They hate – even their own, and live day-to-day with little or no regard to a future. Whatever you give, they destroy but not without hating you for it. They reject good and embrace bullshit. They don’t want democracy and prefer, for centuries, petty warlord’s and brutal dictators. Fuck your 500 years metric too by the way. At the end of the day there are simply some parts of the world with some very similar people who slaughter instead of raise/herd and consume, eat their seed corn, demand respect without showing it, and will fuck everything on two legs, knocking up as many women as possible & having as many children as possible on the blind hope that a couple will survive to care for them when/if they should need. Along the way they bring AIDS and more to their families and nobody gets to ever say ‘fuck this shit’ while worshiping a religion that allows AND promotes their women to be mutilated. You can judge a culture after a few centuries. And now here we are….any of the above sound eerily familiar to the USSA of today?

And fuck it all if you and the rest of your libloving free shitters think people will look in the mirror and blame themselves for not joining the FSA with you and rest of your self loathing cock fucks, I’m too busy working actually. So when I see the descendants of the very same ilk running wild in the USSA, you might take another tone when posting on a site that just wants a level playing field with refs that aren’t bought and paid for. But go, sign up and attend all the restorative justice, white privilege, FSA goober-mint lib shit you can while you can. We’ll still be here doing what we do, getting it done. Just know there’s a specific date out there where you’re world ends and traditional time honored principles and values apply and thrive. In the meantime, please just fuck off.

May 28, 2014 5:26 pm

@Mars… The output of the white race is about 1 x 10**12 of the contribution of all the people on the African continent. Next time you eat top notch meat or grain, or drive on an interstate, or have clean water, or flush, or have a doctor save your life, or fly in a plane, or have security of your person – this was all done by white people with intellect and principles.

What has a bunch a savages ever done for you?

May 28, 2014 7:09 pm

@Tommy and Dutchman,

The sum of your argument seems to be: white people suck less than black (or brown or yellow or whatever) people, so we’re number one! That’s hardly an achievement, but I guess when the bar is set so low, you folks can parade around online forums like this one feeling righteous and superior.

Look at yourselves in the mirror, and see what worthless mounds of protoplasm you really are, and know the truth: you’re nothing more than a consumer, nothing more than a worthless eater, an entropy sink into which enough consciousness was poured to create ego but not wisdom, and there are BILLIONS like you everywhere. You’ve divvied up those who aren’t exactly like you as “races” to fear and war on, but “civilized” man–whatever color it wears–is functionally the same pestilence acting out god’s plan for a Sixth Extinction to cleanse this planet of life. Our sorry species has been practicing for this task since before your slope-browed pattern recognition (racism) had a name, and we’ll be doing it until we eat “the last bird from the tree”. This is a world of weeds we ALL created, an Easter Island from which there is no escape, and everything you know and see and love will be destroyed and forgotten and there’s nothing you can do about it.

The best part? This generation has a front seat view of the first steps down. Pass the popcorn!

May 28, 2014 7:14 pm

I wonder about the same thing every day. I have had three major back surgeries. I would not be surprised if I could easily go on SSDI. My wife and I agonized about putting our son into daycare almost 20 years ago since we both “had to work” to maintain a household. We had no cable, no new vehicles, put 20% down on our house. We did what we where taught what was right, but really what is right., to game the system so you don’t get screwed, or to work harder, pay more taxes, and carry the load that others laugh at you for doing. I am not bitter, I have two incredible children, one who will finish his Chem Eng degree next year and one who is going on to study Chinese. The problem as I have explained to my kids is that this will not continue as it has. I just want the best for them.

May 28, 2014 9:12 pm


lemme guess …… you’re a Neegrow?

Then again, you can actually spell. So, probably not.

Dothead? Liberal Joo? Taco muncher? Self-loathing cracka?

May 28, 2014 9:48 pm

Whatever Mars is, he’s probed new lows with his outlook on life. With this attitude of overwhelming gloom and hopelessness he no doubt stands in select company.

May 28, 2014 10:41 pm

@Mars…..well to begin with, its nice to see that either you and/or your handler/minder witnessed ‘Logic 101’ at your local psychology department, first hand it appears. ‘The fallacy to pre-suppose a specific answer to a prior question’ I believe is the fork in your fucked up little road……sorry shithead, you should’ve turned the other way. State more plainly for the lowly FSA mind is the true nature of your original question “Do you still beat your wife?”.

Now, as for your delicate de-construction of our collective arguments….points of view as it were, where should we begin?

I, being able to only speak for myself and millions of other folks – but that’s another thread – can only respond to your immediate take on things. Useless eater as you state, such an eager turn of the phrase so early on in your ham fisted preamble only shows your hand, weak that it is, to be even less. To presume you’re one of them and not another sheep on the commons – one can only surmise you’re at best a nihilist and at worse, a $15.41/hour paid shill working multiple boards and screens, laughing with the rest of your soon to be FSA brethren – we mock what we don’t understand after all, correct comrade?

The ping pong to the religious bent was, and is really, a bit suspect…..surely after a thorough re-read you agree….no? The compression response so quickly, playing both sides and speaking out of both sides of your mouth – well, that’s a lot for even your quick little forked tonque now isn’t it?

I, and the rest of the us, know exactly who we are and what we aren’t – and see nothing in skin color than color. Its in the aggregate that differences emerge, the subtotals point, and the double underscored totals keep track, let the chips fall where they may.

Ahh, and there it is, I’m afraid in such a short post…..you moved your queen too early, too far…..racism. There lies the true intent of a troll, but I’m afraid you didn’t listen well enough in troll training, or community activism – per chance are you a Chicago native, strike that racist term – resident? Surely to know the evil you wish to propogate one must make the journey to the liberalist mecca? No, sadly racism isn’t the issue – its more than that really. The statistics don’t belie the fact that issues exist and they’re none to you and your ilk’s liking (sorry Reggie). Unless and until mathematics can be agreed upon by all to be racist (I speaking of statistics, the ones that don’t bode well for your take and the very same that others on this site can fart on command) your kind has a serious fucking problem. The kind not even an EBT can solve…..now hold the fuck on!, right?

Front row, fuck yeah – I wouldn’t have it any other way, except your a fucktard and don’t seem to realize that all four generational archetypes will face this shit, collectively, together. The fact that you seem to believe you’ll be spared and others – not like you…..I don’t know….smells a little racist to me!…….will be in the offing, well asshole – bring it. Hear me, bring it. Oh, and fuck off.

May 28, 2014 11:46 pm

I think Tommy just scalded mars. I know this as he told him to fuck off at the end. But damn, I need to be sober to fully appreciate the intellectual reaming Tommy gave him.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 29, 2014 12:45 am

Thank GOD you guys got someone else to pick on !!!!

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 29, 2014 1:01 am

Mars Please Attack.

I suppose that moniker of yours was derived from the movie “Mars Attacks”.

May 29, 2014 7:12 am

according to their own published employment demographics , Google is raciss ran corporation……who’da’ thunk it.



May 29, 2014 7:18 am

Whites are not a complete race of pimps , sluts and whoremongers yet, but we’re getting there

This is 2008 data for 16-17 year olds


The proportion of young people who have lived with both parents throughout their childhood varies dramatically across racial and ethnic groups.

• 62% of Asian-American teenagers live with both married parents.

• 54% of White youth, a slight majority, live with both parents.

• 41% of teenagers from multiracial family backgrounds live in intact families.

• 40% of Hispanic teenagers nationwide live with both parents.

• 24% of American Indian and Alaskan Native adolescents—less than one in four—have lived with both married parents throughout childhood.

• 17% of African-American youth—less than one in five—live with both married parents.

May 29, 2014 8:00 am

I suspect Vox is right…Blacks are becoming irrelevant ….expect a shiitstorm to ensue once people tire of being fleeced of the fruits of their labor to feed a extremely fast growing FSA.

The chaos flowers grow
A Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States 2012

There are now 40.7 million foreign-born residents living in the USA. This makes foreigners the most populous “state” in the country; the total population of California is only 38.3 million. The top ten source countries:

Mexico: 11,489,387
India: 1,974,305
Philippines: 1,861,996
China: 1,719,819
Vietnam: 1,264,188
El Salvador: 1,254,501
Cuba: 1,114,864
Korea: 1,105,653
Dominican Republic: 960,211
Guatamala: 880,869

Of course, this doesn’t even begin to account for the “American” citizens who are foreigners born in the United States. The actual number of full or partial Mexicans legally resident in the USA, for example, is 34 million. A few observations:

The idea of “integration” and a “melting pot” at this scale is laughable. None of the people from the top 10 countries have any political tradition that is even remotely compatible with the Common Law and the concept of limited government. Integration no longer exists as there is no longer a WASP-standard to which the foreigners can be integrated.
The tribal battles for the levers of resource distribution are going to heat up once the Chinese and Indian populations exceed 3 million. Both populations tend to be more intelligent than the average, they are just as self-confidently tribal as the Jews, and they are totally unsusceptible to the Holocaust card.
African-Americans are rapidly becoming irrelevant. The black-white lens through which all American politics has been viewed for the last 50 years is very nearly outdated. The Obama administration likely represents the high water mark for African-America.
The observed decline of the USA as the premier global economic and military power will speed up as the nation becomes increasingly fragmented and its average IQ declines.
Since deportation is no longer physical practical, the political entity will necessarily break apart. Some level of ethnic cleansing will likely take place. Civil war is unlikely, as the central government will be hard-pressed to maintain order in the Northeast corridor.

I understand it is impossible for most people to imagine change. Most people are linear thinkers who can only extrapolate the present into the future for infinity. But history is cyclical, and it should be obvious that we are already 25 years into a negative cycle in which political entities all over the world are either breaking up or are coming under intense tribal pressure to break apart. Forget the doomed EU, the old alliances of England and Scotland, and Aragon and Castile, both of which predate the existence of the USA, are in jeopardy.

The seeds of chaos were sown in 1965 with the Immigration Act of that year, the plants have sprouted and grown, and soon they will begin to bloom.

Labels: immigration, Vibrancy is our strength

May 29, 2014 9:12 am

Where’s that pussy Mars whatever, I’m done with him, her, or it. Still waiting for that beer by the way.

May 29, 2014 9:22 am

@Mars… “The sum of your argument seems to be: white people suck less than black (or brown or yellow or whatever) people, so we’re number one! That’s hardly an achievement, but I guess when the bar is set so low, you folks can parade around online forums like this one feeling righteous and superior.”

Where the fuck do you get that twisted interpretation??

I said the white race (and let’s include the Asian race) have been responsible for almost all achievements. We EXCELL – the contribution of the continent of Africa is nil.

May 31, 2014 10:52 am

Typical stupid,entitled,(likely fat,fugly) white boy b.s.See black kid,shoot him if he’s wearing a hoodie,see someone like me-I’m a good ol’ black Canadian lad,61-July 6-with boyish good looks,a muscular build-I’m 5’9′,205-210 lb.,181/2″ biceps,though like a lot of older chaps,and attempting to lose 25-30 lb.-who’s trying to become a Country music song-writer and said to resemble a handsome black cowboy stud IN AND OUT of my Wranglers jeans and other casual and/or Western duds,plus a 150-160 IQ-GENIUS LEVEL,FOLKS!!!!!!!!-and I’m uppity!!!!!THE H**L WITH YOU TROGLODYTE CRYPTO-FASCIST SCUM!!!!!!!

May 31, 2014 12:07 pm


So I take it you are not employed with that 160 IQ. Has the SNAP cutbacks impacted your KFC habit?

May 31, 2014 11:11 am


You forgot to mention how big your big black dick is.

June 2, 2014 2:02 pm

I always laugh at ‘conservative’ people when they demonize ‘liberals’. Your ignorance flourishes with generalizations. I’m willing to bet ‘nigger’ is acceptable in your vocabulary as well. It should be, because you are one.

June 2, 2014 2:31 pm


Are you a nigger?

Just curious ….