Orwell would be proud.
“We are at war with Eastasia. We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.”  – 1984

The not so subtle art of russophobic propaganda

I am seriously getting the feeling that the western plutocracy has decided to trigger a war with Russia. What else could explain this type of coordinated “minute of hate” -kind of propaganda:

Thanks to Cu Chulainn who send me this one:

Translation: STOP PUTIN NOW!

Thanks to LeDahu who sent me this one: 

translation: Putin’s spies in France

Thanks to Anonymous who sent me this one:

Thanks to Anonymous who sent me this one: 

translation: Putin’s guilt

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July 29, 2014 3:55 pm

I’m betting there were quite a few aware Americans that saw the Japanese “invasion” for what it truly was.

And look at the good it did them.

I’m hoping that the aware today are strong enough to battle the lies and stop this before we end up destroying the earth for everyone.

Bill Gates and his Survival Seed Vault be damned.

July 29, 2014 4:10 pm

2,400 alleged killed by american drones and the order from one man.

He who is without sin may cast the first stone. Or don’t brown people matter? They only matter if the media tells us they matter.
I agree, looks like we are being pumped up for war with Russia. I am numb, I can not even imagine.

July 29, 2014 5:16 pm


I really think the U.S. wants a war with Russia, our handlers want consumption to rise as it did in WWII and a war with Russia will do the trick. This whole false flag event in the Ukraine is so orchestrated, I hope it fails and the world findly see what a peice of shit we are as a nation.

I can’t believe this is happening, can the U.S. be this stupid to start a war with a nuclear armed country because we can. I don’t think it will start on Barry’s watch, and he is not much of a war monger, but the next POTUS might be more inclined. If they start talking about drafting our boys,
I will really get worried.

I won’t be renewing my subscription to the Economist May 2015, as their sideways views has bee
really down on Russia and Putin.

Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
July 29, 2014 5:22 pm


July 29, 2014 5:33 pm

For the sake of argument … so what IF Putin was responsible!!

Head Nigger Oreo (as his predecessors) DESTROYS ENTIRE NATIONS. Libya? Iraq? Hundreds of thousands of innocents … DEAD.

Where were those hypocritical motherfuckers then?


Fuckit. Maybe a nuke war is just what’s needed to thin the herd known as humanity … but the same-old same-old cockroach humans would probably be the survivors. Sigh.

July 29, 2014 5:43 pm

It is extremely reminiscent of the demonization of Osama Bin Laden after 9/11 … found to be “guilty” in the press within hours.

We were told who did it and to question was to be unpatriotic.

I am glad to see less and less of that sort of mindless, unquestioning patriotism.

July 29, 2014 5:59 pm

People best not be pissing off T4C by hatin’ on her man! 🙂

Nick A
Nick A
July 29, 2014 6:02 pm

The reality is that the only completely “acceptable” long term outcome from the NATO (read USA)’s perspective is a Russian coup to overthrow Putin, and the installation of “son of Yeltsin” – preferably an entirely “Western Politically controlled” bumbling idiot, who will “welcome Western business ventures” with open arms.

I.e. sell out Russia to the West and ensure unfettered American access to Russian resources, and technology.

However with public opinion of Putin’s performance at an almost stellar level, this will not happen, and the Russians (being pretty smart cookies) all know what games the West plays.

So, Putin’s not going anytime soon. Attempted assassination will be detected and stopped (and the public release of such an event will certainly do no good to the US’s image on the Global stage).

On the “bright side”, the propaganda / entirely one sided reportage is very much alive and kicking in sunny Australia. No one (and I do mean literally NO-ONE) even thinks of questioning the “Putin Did It” rhetoric, an I work with (supposedly) intelligent people (people you may have to entrust your life to!). When the current Ukraine crisis started, I uploaded the Russian National Anthem as a ringtone. After “The Accident” I was asked (i.e. TOLD) by “Senior Admin” (translation – dumb bureaucracy) to change it, since “they” regarded it as “inappropriate”. I’ve changed it to the Daleks’ “Exterminate all Humans” – and seems no-one is concerned by me broadcasting messages of global genocide!

Can’t rock the boat, can we. And so we blithely sail on to global Nuclear War, ’cause that WILL be the outcome of ay WW3 scale conflict -by deign, or by accident.

July 29, 2014 7:59 pm

C’mon… everyone here knows that the MIC entire strategy is to go from boogeyman to boogeyman.

July 29, 2014 8:13 pm

I love those that tout out American economic growth would occur if we enter yet another war, just like after WWII.

Driving through nearly every industrial park in America, leads me to believe that this is a myth and will be proven to be such pretty damned quickly.

Going to war with Russia is 100% contingent on China, or, at least, 100% on Chinese support if we hope to “win.”

The Chinese now own a piece of nearly ALL our industry and way of life. In many cases, and items, it is more than a small percentage, in some cases they are the only game in town.

Back before the banksters and realtors crashed in ’08, the previous six years saw a bleed out of American industry with the machinery being, in large part, sold for pennies on the dollar to Chinese bidders whom packed it all up and sent it home.

Yet we still think we could go into a war with the likes of Russia with, or without, the express consent of China.

Because China and Russia have been fast friends for a long time, and because they share a border and much more, one really needs to wonder how the PTB could be so fucking stupid?

Unless, of course, this is the actual plan. Enter a war we can’t win, destroy the country from the inside and without, then turn over the smoking remains to the globalists. This is what they want anyway, a lost war would just gift it to them that much faster.

USA! USA! USA! Please China Please! Don’t stop the shipments of “our” stuff! USA!

Whatever, The beginning of the end seems to have started long ago, this is yet the inevitable conclusion before life as we know it leaves. Maybe forever.

IraK on pliant Americans, Bad Vlad, and a war easily won,
IraK on pliant Americans, Bad Vlad, and a war easily won,
July 29, 2014 8:16 pm

In democracies the people need to be conditoned to hate an enemy. Having a galvanizing catastrophe occur helps the process. Once aroused people accept war as natural and necessary.
Putin, with his cold stare and dark glasses, is a good devil for our times. It’ll be a pleasure to wipe the sneer off his heartless and aggressive face

Fortunately in the United States the schools, media, churches, and other institutions train citizens to love the State and believe their leaders. Imagine what trouble it would be to lead the dumbkopfs if they were taught to think critically, reason matters out logically, spot propaganda, and always question authority. Then getting them to mark lockstep off to war would be like herding cats. Then their mothers might not be so willing to sacrifice their sons for our good.

I see our Russian adventure playing out well. Obviously Russia is weak. Why else would the Russians cower when we overturned the Ukranian government, killed Russians in eastern Ukraine, and have been upping the pressure. War ahead is likely but don’t worry. Our military thinks we have first strike nuclear capability against Russia. Also we’re protected by vast oceans. All battles will be fought in Europe. Remember too, as two-time Medal of Honor winner, General Smedley Butler, observed, “War is good for business and banks and war makes the State stronger.”

July 30, 2014 5:53 am

“Obviously Russia is weak.”

Yes they have enough work to do at home. Working with Russian companies (infrastructure) for over 20 years now, my impression is that western media is completely wrong.

Not in the daily lies, thats standard for more than 20 years now. I did not read it, stupid stuff. Food for brainwashed people. Mainstream who is not able or even interested to differentiate between fact and affect.

More in the way that wars arise when rulers start to believe her own lies.

Remember Georgia (the one with a capital called Tiflis)? Triggered by some ethnic cleansing in areas with Russian majority Moscow decide to Invade. After 3 days they conquer the whole country with only a few devisions. Then they leave the west alone with this country of “orange revolution”. They know why, same with Ukraine.

Visitor from Germany
Visitor from Germany
July 30, 2014 6:45 am

Today almost simultaneus another salvo of blatant lies in the german rags SZ and FAZ:

In the 70’s there was a very popular series in german tv, which was based on a UK production:

There, the leading character, Alfred Tetzlaff, says at one point (concerning then german chancellor Willy Brandt): “Yes, of course! If somebody is too dumb or too lazy to learn a real trade, THEN he becomes a journalist!”


Das Arscchloch
Das Arscchloch
July 30, 2014 6:58 am

At this point American nuclear weapons on German territory represent a grave danger to the German people. If Merkel had half a brain she would make sure to have them removed.

July 30, 2014 7:04 am

I finally got around to watching Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States. His version is certainly a lot different than what was fed to us.