All Hell

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

That tractable beast, World Opinion, was apparently looking the other way when US video war-gamers blew up wedding parties and donkeys by remote control in Pakistan, Yemen, and Afghanistan, not to mention the now long ago shock-and-awe bombardment of poor innocent Iraq. It’s not paying much attention these days to the remorseless advance of ISIS (or ISL or the Islamic State) as it cuts a psychopathic swath through the Middle East marked by wholesale executions of civil servants, beheadings of “infidels,” and the occasional crucifixion of suspected enemies and traitors. UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon is so busy issuing condemnations of Israel that he has forgotten to ask Hamas the elementary question: What part of… quit firing rockets… don’t you understand?

Demonic forces are on the loose again now one hundred years after Europe blew itself apart for no good reason. (Why? Because some young Serbian nobody killed the heir to the Austrian throne on a back street in Sarajevo?) Maybe we are making a mistake to think that any sort of rationality applies now. Here in the depraved and disintegrating USA, we pretend that Afghanistan threatens our national interest from 7,000 miles away while denying that Russia has any business with its crumbling next-door neighbor (and former province), Ukraine — the crumbling of which was bought and paid for by the US Department of State and CIA.

The long sobering aftermath of World War Two is over now and World Opinion can once again assume the role of a rough beast slouching toward cataclysm. Starting from the premise that nothing is funnier than unhappiness, how funny is it that the US affects to manage the great demographic upheavals of the Middle East and Europe while it can’t even protect its own citizens from the still-florid looting and swindling operations of Wall Street — not to mention the wholesale renting of congressmen, cabinet secretaries, supreme court justices, and White House aides by US chartered corporations?

World Opinion is easily massaged by grandstanding around children who have been put in harm’s way deliberately by cynical adults. The UN was, shall we say, less than fastidious about Hamas stashing rockets and other war materials in their Gaza schools. In fact, they didn’t make a peep — for years — and now they dare squawk that these arsenals are being targeted, even as Hamas continues its rocket attacks? Did these UN morons ever grok the possibility that they were being played? And, of course, not to change the subject too harshly but note also how children are being used to play the suspension of US immigration laws by cynical US political party hacks. Despite the dishonest pleadings of undocumentarians, what part of… illegal immigrant… remains unclear,?

Here is what I think is going to happen now. Israel will withdraw from Gaza. Hamas’s war-making ability has been deeply degraded for a while, but any further rocket attacks will be answered in kind. Perhaps the citizens of Gaza will rethink who they want to have as leaders. The action will shift back to the ISIS swath across Syria and Iraq. ISIS has become a juggernaut, seizing enough money and valuable assets like oil and gas fields to greatly expand its vicious operations. You can say this about ISIS: they are very plain about their objective: to reestablish a fundamentalist caliphate — that is, to return to the eleventh century. Personally, I think the Middle East is primed for exactly that outcome, since its brief adventure as a wealthy, modernized oil-producing region is reaching its natural limits. The very specter of that fate is enough to destabilize the fragile political arrangements there, and may actually hasten the arrival of those natural limits as the activities of ISIS shuts in the necessarily rational operation of the companies that run the oil wells, pipelines, transport terminals. Watch what it does to capital markets, without which oil production founders anywhere.

Speaking of capital markets, keep your eyes on the US indexes. Never has so much fragility-in-motion come so close to an implacable wall of consequence. All hell seems to be breaking loose.

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August 5, 2014 8:07 am

All hell isn’t breaking loose. The oligarchs are firmly in control, and continue to squeeze the life blood out of every available resource they can get their hands on.

All hell will break loose when there aren’t any more available resources, and viability goes a long way.

I believe there is still blood in the turnip, and we have a ways to go.

Why would things collapse now? No one is ready to challenge the dominance of the USD? With what?

The worst thing that could happen is a hot war which no one wants. Now, a contagion which starts killing off large scales of whole populations, that might be desirable. Aw, hell, why not both?

August 5, 2014 8:33 am

Regarding WWI, Kunstler says this …. and I emphasize what most people read as the primary point;

“(Why? Because some YOUNG SERBIAN NOBODY killed the heir to the Austrian throne on a back street in Sarajevo?) ”

Yeah, it’s always that the war started over a NOBODY (both the murderer AND the victim). But, the correct emphasis should be read as follows;

“(Why? Because some young Serbian nobody KILLED THE HEIR TO THE AUSTRIAN THRONE on a back street in Sarajevo?)”

In other words, if the USA! was a monarchy, it would be like killing Obama’s son. NOT a trivial matter.

Nevertheless, Lew Rockwell a couple days ago had a very good article titled —- “Who Was Responsible for WWI? The Most Tragic War in Modern History” ——– here;

Who Was Responsible for WWI?

He talks about a new book titled —- ““The Sleepwalkers – How Europe Went to War in 1914”. The article describes the book as follows; —– “ This brilliant book is the finest, most instructive, best balanced book ever written on the origins of the Great War.”

Quite an endorsement!
[imgcomment image[/img]

August 5, 2014 10:54 am

This article appeared a day or so ago in Israel and also a Long Island, NY newspaper.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Details here —-

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
August 5, 2014 11:32 am

Stucky – Re WWI origins: Tuchman’s “The Proud Tower” is also pretty good. BC-LR to all

August 5, 2014 12:49 pm

Democracies are highly overrated.

“what would be better to be ruled by one tyrant 3,000 miles away or to be ruled by 3,000 tyrants not even one mile away”? Boston Loyalist Clergyman Byles Mather following the British Evacuation of Boston in 1776.

Accurate American History

….the storm was gathering in ’59—but what astonishes me today is that all the wiseacres who discuss its origins and inevitability, never give a thought to where it really began, back in 1776, with their idiotic Declaration of Independence. If they’d had the wit to stay in the Empire then, instead of getting drunk on humbug about “freedom” and letting a pack of firebrands (who had a fine eye to their own advantage) drag ‘em into pointless rebellion, there would never have been an American Civil War, and that’s as sure as any “if” can be. How so? Well, Britain abolished the slave trade in 1807, and slavery in 1833, and the South would have been bound to go along with that, grumbling, to be sure, but helpless against the will of Britain and her northern American colonies. It would all have happened quietly, no doubt with compensation, and there’d have been nothing for North and South to fight about Q.E.D.

But try telling that to a smart New Yorker, or an Arkansas chawbacon, or a pot-bellied Virginia Senator; point out that Canada and Australia managed their way to peaceful independence without any tomfool Declarations or Bunker Hills or Shilohs or Gettysburgs, and are every bit as much “land of the free” as Kentucky or Oregon, and all you’ll get is a great harangue about “liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, damn your Limey impudence, from the first; a derisive haw-haw and a stream of tobacco juice across your boots from the second; and a deal of pious fustian about a new nation forged in blood and emerging into the sunlight under Freedom’s flag, from the third. You might as well be listening to an intoxicated Frog.

August 5, 2014 12:58 pm

Stucky’s getting worse than Z on being a Palestinian apologist. Israel is a sovereign state. Get over it.

Then again, so is the Ukraine. What are the US and Russia doing there?

August 5, 2014 3:07 pm

Where’s the proof Hamas stored weapons in UN schools? Aren’t you so quick to excuse the actions of the genocidal, fascist Israelis? And why the fuck are we giving them money & weapons? Seems the scorecard on this conflict is a bit lop-sided (P: 1700, I: 60)
Seems to me the Palestinians are getting the same treatment the white man gave the Plains Indians.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
August 5, 2014 6:51 pm

Westcoaster – Kunstler’s Jewish. QED. BC-LR to all

August 5, 2014 7:05 pm

WC, where’s the proof they didn’t? Occum’s razor, they did, and even if they didn’t, they would pretend they did. That’s how we ended up in Iraq. Dumb fucking Arabs.

August 5, 2014 8:11 pm

Westcoaster – don’t be a dumb-ass. Comparing what is happening in Palestine to what happened to the Indians is asinine.

When the Israelis take the Palestinians out of Gaza and force march them a thousand miles with no provisions,killing half of them on the way, then open your mouth.

Or when they ride in on tanks and kill every man, woman, and child they see, then open your mouth.

August 5, 2014 9:02 pm

Kunstler is just the latest example of a big percentage of US citizens who are Jews. They are Jews first, Americans second. You very seldom see this in any other section of the population. His being Jewish blinds him to the facts of Palestine being stolen part and parcel by the Zionists this past hundred years. Mr. Kunstler! The Zionists stole the land from the Palestinians. What do you not get about this? The Palestinians have the moral high ground. Their bravery in continuing to fight against amazing odds overshadows the Zionist cowards who fight from positions that rarely expose them to harm. Bombing schoolsand hospitals full of Palestinans is justified while killing one Israel is catastrophic. People are getting tired of this crap despite the incessant propaganda. Eventually the truth comes out. Arabs bad, Jews good. Give it a rest Kunstler.

Kunstler abandons his philosophical beliefs whenever they may apply negatively to Israel. It is so blatant in his writings it is almost shocking. Write this down JHK, at some point in time, the Israelis will not be the supreme power in the Middle. East. When that day comes, Israel will reap the Whirlwind while Jehovah does nothing.

August 6, 2014 11:26 am

@B, not arguing with much of what you said, just a couple (pertinent, imo) facts:

People of Jewish ancestry make up less than 3% of our population, It is estimated that it is between 1.7% and 2.7%. The ratio of those with Jewish ancestry making policy, running mega-corps, and bankrolling the politicians is, of course, MUCH higher. Totally out of whack and why don’t we hear any “diversity” crap about this?

Then you state, “… They are Jews first, Americans second. You very seldom see this in any other section of the population. …”

You obviously have not met many Hispanic Americans, or African Americans, nor spent much time in the cultural mecca’s of De’toilet or the south side of Chicago.

I have not met many, if any, in these two cultural groups that are not their culture first, American second.

This is the reason the diversity will kill our country. In every other country on earth, the immigrants face an assimilate or flounder/die scenario. They must learn the language to be given a driver’s license, they must take all oaths and vows and pledges in the native language, they must submit all tax forms and the like, again, in their own language.

I, personally, know of no other place on this earth where the citizens are forced to pay to convert gubment mandates, and tax forms, into other languages.

So, in short, there are MANY minority groups in this country that are more connected to their homeland, than their chosen living place. Jews are just one of them.

August 6, 2014 3:53 pm

While I agree in part, in nearly ever sitaution it seems to go away after a generation or two, at least it use to be that way. Due to thehuge influx of immigrants from the South these past decades things have definitely changed. If you can find a copy, reead “The Camp of the Saints” written by a Fenchman in the 50’s. The book is set in the future when the poor of the world start to emigrate to Europe and the U.S. to escape poverty. It is an interesting read.

August 6, 2014 4:27 pm


I think you are completely correct when you say that many other people of different ethnicites don’t identify themselves as Americans. I wonder to what extent it is because there has always been this pervasive, underlying tendency to identify “American” with being white. After all, we got rid of the Indians, they were not considered “American”. At least they didn’t seem to have the same rights. I wonder how many white people that run into a non-white person, without knowing anything else other than their appearance. Immediately categorize him or her based on that. I have seen that. That person may feel very American, may have served in the army, accepted anglo culture, etc. It may not matter. In that person’s eyes he/she isn’t really “American”. So, if that is the case, being “American” to some is just unattainable. We all need a sense of belonging to some extent. Just a thought.