What’s up TBPers?  Just giving a shameless plug for my friend Raymond Banda who is running for the Hawaii State Senate District 18.  He was in my squad in 2nd Ranger Battalion back in the early 2000’s.  This is directly from his page:


“Restoring Power to The People”

The role of any national, or local, government is to protect the safety and well-being of its citizens and the sovereignty of the its borders.  In addition to this it is to act in accordance to the will of the people.  This is why I am running for Hawai’i State Senate, District 18.  I wish to change our politicians back to the public servants they were originally meant to be.  For far too long our elected officials have been deciding what is “best” for the people they are elected to represent.  With your vote I will make myself the servant of the Hawai’i residents in District 18, and not allow my own personal opinions to dictate how I act.  I hope that I can speak to every resident within our district personally, and have you all tell me what areas within our district, and state concern you the most.  This will be my platform.  This will be my goal.  This will be how I help restore power to the people.

Raymond Banda III, The Will of the People


If any of you are on the facebooks please hop on there and give him a “like”.

Since he doesn’t get the oligarch parties and their cronies backing him financially, any bit of promotion (or small donation) helps.  Thanks!


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August 13, 2014 11:34 pm

He doesn’t sound like a libertarian to me.

Celtic Tiger
Celtic Tiger
August 14, 2014 3:53 pm

I agree with Zara. Getting back to “servant of the people” and learning the concerns of constituents are good, but following their desires? The political climate in Hawaii is incredibly socialist. So will Banda propose and vote for even bigger government? Wow! I looked through his still skimpy website and saw nothing about individual freedom or limited government.